www.youth-leader.org | kontakt@youth-leader.org | 0152 186 307 60 Official Project of the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development ESD. UNESCO
We nurture realistic worldview of Planet Earth, and speak for those that have no voice.
We help those who have no parents, and provide education to those without schools.
We organize free, fresh food for people in poverty, bring the fun into fundraising, and build a generation of generosity.
We evoke policy changes, and mobilize through music and musicals, on festival stages around the world.
We collect still good books by the tens of thousands, mobilize sponsors, and ship them to schools in need.
We lead the grand demonstrations of our time, our songs are the soundtrack of the Change Generation.
We ban pesticides, stop fracking, make water a human right, protect indigenous people, citizens and kids.
We demand transparency, independent long-term studies, protect ecosystems, and promote clean, smart energy.
THE STARTER SET 49 YOUNG HERO/INES FROM AROUND THE GLOBE with model solutions for peace, energy, food, environment, education etc., in multilingual digital, print and online formats Stories Card game Poster Sets Videos Action Packs + Social Media + Teaching and Action Tips STARTER SET: $29,90 + shipping
Fit for use in various subjects, incl arts, music and foreign languages "Motivation has never been this high!" Aktivities: Research, comic design, video production, music performance, theatre projects, art installations,, nature excursions, contribution to expert platforms, social experiments, lifestyle challenges, fundraisers, Adopt-A-Hero programs for long-term collaboration, exchange visits, school gardens and edible landscapes, policy-changing initiatives, replication of model solutions at local level etc.
THE SCHOOL PACKAGE contains the Starter Set and ... + 9 Card Games + 3 Poster Sets on global issues + Battlefield Love Memorial Package + Music CD: Earth Guardians + Musical CD: Journey Into Nature $149,90â‚Ź + shipping
CITY PACKAGE. Connect us with local investors in youth and education, for distributing 100 Starter Sets to 100 Classrooms at 5-20 schools, and more.
Order and contact
Every school is different!
email: contact@youth-leader.org phone: 0049 152-18 630 760 web: www.youth-leader.org
Do you have questions? Ideas? We love to help!
More offers Speakers, 'Live-on-Skype', presentations, workshops, action days, school programs and tailored collaboration on demand.
Eric Schneider Youth-LeadeR Direktor Images & Voices of Hope IVOH Award National Round Table for the Implementation of the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development. UNESCO