Youth-LeadeR (YL) is a resource platform and community for facilitating the emergence of a global, peaceful, just, thriving and sustainable civilization. We focus on the replication of model solutions by sparking and cultivating a changemaking climate among young people at school, globally. We publish in 19 languages. For vivid impressions and behind the scenes infos visit and THIS PAGE sums up the GAMING ASPECTS in YL. They are keys to our success. The YL Card Game features 44 outstanding youth leaders of CARD our time and their powerful model solutions for sustainability - replicable by teens in a million places. Cards show visuals, gameplay is simple, exciting and educational, with genuine changemaking ratings and special effects. Backsides provide their story and a QR link to their most inspirational video, making this also a BOOK and cinematic experience and educational resource! The GAMING aspect makes a big difference: a wow effect, fun, handy, sturdy. Gameplay means intense study, makes it memorable and part of worldview, a lifelong companion.
memorable. shapes worldview. access to grand changemakers, knowhow + ACTION
YOUTH & STUDENT CLUB action program in the shape of a REALITY ADVENTURE GAME
Inspired youth can follow their curiousity and discover much more online: They can meet the hero/ines via webcast and join their initiatives with the Change Generation Rising program, and unfold their own Inner Hero/ine! YL Warriors & Clans have access to the full range of YL media, methods and services, enabling them to spark inspiration, support and build community. Our methods enable year-round presence through exhibits, monthly UN Day webcasts and student clubs - thus transform learning culture in their schools with many precious benefits, and massive impact - like their amazing, successful peers have achieved.
Youth + Teachers can download, print and use our media FREE, in up to 19 languages for year-round presence in CLASSROOMS. YL Student Clubs manage public exhibits and learnspaces with fundraisers, campaigns, social experiments and projects for local adaptation of sustainability solutions. They also contribute their knowledge and services in class. YL HAS UNESCO STATUS, won UNOV Awards 2010 and 2012, founder Eric Schneider, is an Images and Voices of Hope IVOH Award 2012 laureate.
Change Generation Rising is a youth leadership self-learning program, student club curriculum and reality game all at the same time. Fit for use in- and outside schools.
Change Generation Rising is a year-round activity program for young people, be they youth, student clubs or homeschoolers. United via internet, these change-oriented youth groups of age 6-18 take selforganized action in support of 100 and more (outstanding!!) youth- and adult-led model solutions and campaigns. Spirit is sustained by webcasts, vibrant facebook streams documenting our achievements. YL Warriors gain credits for impact and headlines made, ascend levels for completed quests, with value for self-assessment, recognition at school, for CVs - and a sense of epic!
Team and Finance. YL unites the skills and resources of many changemakers and UN Online Volunteers. YL has been run on pure volunteer energy for 10 years, pioneering and evolving the approach in 70 countries. All resources are ready to go. Finance for two staff is generated from cardgame and book sales (unprecedented, actionoriented publications on the world’s most amazing young changemakers in many languages) and donations to the YL Flow Fund.