is to nurture and amplify student managed project-oriented learning in school context, with a focus on replication of proven model sustainability solutions from environment to peace, gende, wildlife, health, food abundance etc - in direct colaboration with outstanding youth leaders and visionary changemakers from the global arena. The solutions, media, methods and support networks are in place. Our supportive community of "warriors, clans, tribes and heroes" is a learning program, youth leadership training, toolbox and adventure reality game all in one. Connected to this friendly network, young people and teachers in schools get free access to extraordinary media, ideas, monthly missions - evoking life changing impacts with the EINSTEINS AND GANDHIS OF TODAY. This is how a new generation can grow up with the skills, tools, knowledge and access to avantgarde innovation networks that qualify for a sustainable, peaceful, just and thriving civilisation. Again: the goal is student-managed activities in the shape of ecoclubs and youth groups. We do not need time and classroom activities. But ONE experience in class is precious!
a. for the live meeting experience (of genuine changemaker spirit and being *part of it*) b. for connecting as a group (change happens when people share passion for ideals) c. for reaching those not yet in eco- and action-clubs (because there is so much more that they can do) d. for on-going connectivity to the powerful changemaker spirit (and not falling asleep in the muck of an apathic environment)
Across age groups, cultures, regions and professions. people agree about YL videos, speakers and actions: "These are the most inspirational videos I have ever seen. I never knew that young people could do such things. It makes me feel I want to get up and do something, too. This should be in all schools!" We can do this, along with a full scale support network. What we have to do is the first step to reach youth. We can do so in many ways, but to reach them in school, in class, or as ecoclubs, is our favourite. Also, we favour the alliance with one, two, three teachers, who love to see youth led action, because it makes it easier to unfold the benefits to the entire school community, - through the hands of a few young people. We can access youth in school from several angles. poster at school flyer to teachers
social media word of mouth to rocking youth
articles in media
posters in class flyer to ecoclubs info to youth chapters
via school boards
newsletters of organizations
Once an active group is sparked, using poster sets, monthly missions, it evolves by itself. speak at schools
action as ecoclubs POSTER EXHIBITS
coop with teachers contribute in class speak at events
action as youth group
make headlines in media
put articles on newsletters
FOR ACTIVE GROUPS, we offer webcasts also afterschool, in evenings, on week-ends, across timezones. But participation in YL Webcasts on UN Days allows us to connect with local media, newsletters and organizations working on the topic of the current UN Days & everyday learning culture. JOIN IN!
Do you wish to learn how to create a world of peace, good times, opportunity, awesome and abundance for all? Well, this is what we are meeting for. To help you learn transform the world around you. This means, we are meeting for an active learning process. not for boring presentations, and giving you a short dose of edutainment. It is very simple and fun. quick prep
view videos, posters and stories. share the resources, then present your hero and solution to the group. this is a fun, collective process. then you'll know a lot before we meet.
basic prep
think about your favourite causes. which one do you wish to see become reality for more people? which speakers would you love to meet and ask questions, so you become actually able to do the same!?
full prep
take 3 missions. 2 in support of your favourite initiatives and a social experiment. Now, we can truly meet at eye-level. Now you become part of the story and experience. Now, everybody can learn from you as well, during our webcast. See? This is the real thing. We take you serious! This is how we all grow into heroes and evoke tremendous change. Now imagine doing this monthly. WE KNOW that this cannot be done by everyone and every group in our first encounter. So, prepare in YOUR way - for Quick, Basic or Full Participation.
THE WEBCAST SESSION We have a general layout for our webcasts, - but it can change depending on the day. So, expect to be surprised.
We have 3-hour sessions (180min) in mornings and afternoons. Each 3h-Session has three 1-hour segments. Our 3 hour Session on Peace With our Food, for example, has 3 segments, each focussing on one aspect: - clean, secure, abundant water - sustainable palm oil - GMO labelling Each of these segments has 1-3 heroes / speakers EACH SEGMENT begins with a 3-5 min video about the hero, followed by a brief presentation. After a casual dialogue about 'what's new', we open the floor to you, the audience, to hear from your discoveries, learning, actions and questions ... about the hero's journey, challenges + how you can make this happen. Do you see how your preparation (left page) makes all the difference?
CAN WE JOIN FOR JUST ONE OR TWO HOURS? Yes. In fact, it is a gliding process. In North America alone, we have three hours of time difference, ... this means our sessions cut through morning, lunch times, ... the only way we can handle this is that You Join As You Please. Also in the evening!
We aim at having all our heroes also present as speakers. This, however, depends on a few factors: friendly teachers, conference schedules, even internet access - since our heroes are at work! And at school. Bouh. So, we are doing all we can. We definitely have excellent YL people present, including our captain, Eric, who can tell you a bunch of things about all our heroes' missions and fascinating stories. EXTRA SESSIONS We also offer evening and week-end sessions. This way you have options to join as class, ecoclub, or yourself. OKAY?
reflect + select favourite causes
assign teams. join all sessions of the week. report
research present discuss enjoy
no lesson for preparation
in any case, try posting the exhibit
3 min video
Check the updated timetable for evening and week-end sessions.
Protecting Life Systems
TIMEZONE: INDIA. Wednesday. Check updated timetable for times
good water, air, climate, biodiversity, food
Nurturing healthy gender relations
Protecting Wildlife fixing our outdated worldview and lifestyle Check the updated timetable for evening and week-end sessions.
Creating Safe Public Space
Ending harassment, child marriage, bride trafficking, inherited hurtful ideas
Securing Abundant, Healthy Food Supply
Healing our Communities
Water, agriculture, model solutions, urban farming HELLO AUSTRALIA!
ending bullying, poverty, hunger, lack of access
Check updated timetable. Being the Change: Xiuhtezcatl, Resilience, lifeEarth Guardistyle, dreams, ans. leadership, abundance
WE DAY if a live broadcast is available at, you should make sure to watch. It's epic!
YL WARRIORS MEETING Hi5's, celebration and follow-up action
our frontpage
webcasts page. list of events UN DAY OF PEACE
For comprehensive infos, visit about our webcast offers for the UN Day of Peace (Week) series with speakers, resources, and registration We much recommend to browse The Handbook for Webcast Participants It unveils the rich contents, media, novel methods and opportunities that YL offers you. The webcast is only a brief "live" meeting to inspire, connect as a group, a global community, and answer your detail questions The real new Learning Culture and powerful changemaking adventure unfolds by - setting up the exhibit - managing it as a learning environment - joining monthly missions thereby - unfolding your inner hero to the fullest - support the spread of model solutions for change and inspire more and more young people around you, your media and local citizenry. It's really --- special.