What if today’s kids grew up with stories of real-life teenage heroInes, instead of comedians and marketeers? What if they followed their example, and made changemaking their sport, evoking massive changes for people and planet?
NEW KIDS ON THE PLANET tells the stories of 55 young, high impact changemakers, changing lives, laws, industries and learning culture at record scale! Join today’s Gandhis and Griffindores for a fascinating journey into the formidable world of youth leadership. See their stories come alive in vivid imagery, videos, music, and latest news, feel your inner hero/ine awaken, discover your own superpowers, and how you can wield them in your community.
Appearing in a world in turmoil, this new species of youth reawakens us to humanity’s shared, unifying dream - a good world of peace, bliss and abundance for all - and show us how to make it real, also in your town!
What if an entire generation grows up with their stories? Let's find out!!