YL CLANS & TRIBES Manual. Book 2

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Here's what's inside MAGIC WANDS tools. loads of awesome tools! SERVICES webcasts & jams yl academy teaching tools games METHOD MAGIC exhibits & wall displays Your Base Camp ISLEs & Hubs building alliances conquering media SECRETS UNVEILED solutions role models youth leadership our new highly gifted STUDENT-POWERED LEARNING CULTURE informal learning informal sustainability learning environments ISLEs education for sustainable development ESD youth-leadeR and ESD & BONUS: why this is the game changer & BONUS: a message to youth a message to teachers a message to everyone + For the Curious Cat



... provide a constant stream of inspiration and knowledge from the hearts of the global changemaking movements. Why People Love them

YL stories, campaigns, reports and videos help - surfing the tidal wave of change - discovering facts, surprising, shocking, important - joining relevant petitions and campaigns - connecting to newsletters of top level institutes - interacting with youth and heroes, globally Play them to the fullest

- subscribe to all sorts of mailing lists - join facebook groups - like to show young people's support for innovation - share to more and more awaken your community + contribute to yl streams with rocking links

www.youth-leader.org www.global1.youth-leader.org www.ourpriorities.youth-leader.org www.facebook www.twitter.com

Then, there's our ON-SITE MEDIA Yes, there's a world. And it's outside the internet. THAT's where CHANGE HAPPENS. Superficial browsing by individuals with mere seconds of impression on a flat screen ain't it. MEMORABLE Impressions and IMPULSE for Action happen, when - over prolongued time - in uplifting ambience - a lot of people perceive this information, and in a casual MIX of spontaneous and organized dialogue come up with their own inspiration and ideas and decisions for getting involved in action. That's how to nurture a Changemaking Climate, reaching far beyond the core group. Very far! That's HOW Change Happens.

In 10 Languages + Videos + Articles + Teaching Tips Topics: Children & Youth, Girls & Women, PeaceMakers; Upcoming: India, Biodiversity, Soil, Food & Farming, Paradise City, Indigenous People,... WHY PEOPLE LOVE THEM - the first poster sets featuring real heroes and solutions - 30+ posters make a powerful impact - highly inspirational. surprising people-driven solutions - attractive format. story in a nutshell - print in bw / col, on home, office or pro printers - print, post, enjoy. reach large audiences, long-term, easily - qr codes for instant video viewing on smartphones - beauty. works with many settings and audiences - add videos for multimedia exhibit - add take-action opportunities for support of initiatives - support their initiatives, colaborate, replicate the solutions = usable in many contexts, with exciting options Play them to the fullest - use as teaching tool in class; easy, uplifting - use language editions in foreign language teaching - create exhibits at school, cafes, companies, markets - use at workshops, events, conference venues - add videos for a multimedia exhibit - add fundraiser in support of selected initiatives - add YL cardgames, for kids to take home and play - put in folder for coffee tables, waiting rooms - use for nighttime projections - add notes for support - donate sets to public libraries and schools


The most Precious Clips in the World Solutions, initiatives, heroes, interviews, documentaries, animations, fun stuff... by leaders in positive innovation.

MAGICAL POWERS - highly inspirational - timeless value - teaching action - feels like being right there - genuine changemaker spirit - created by the changemakers themselves Play them to the fullest - use as super authentic education resources in class - organize change cinema sessions - use for inspiring your local community - combine with action / fundraisers for featured heroes - use video installations at school - use as living wallpaper projections at events - post repeatedly in social media and on your websites - study, get a feel for creating awesome media - join our team for subtitling them


Grow up playing with Heroes! Identify with them contribute to their missions see your heroes for real in videos even take action, to raise card ratings! WHY EVERYBODY WANTS TO PLAY IT - the first ever cardgame with real heroes! - young children play by collecting colour codes - older children use ratings + (yu-gi-oh style) special effects - many variations and surprises through special effects - real changemaking aspects in ratings & special effects - true story in a nutshell on backside, explains ratings - qr code and links to inspirational videos - action opportunity, taking action can upgrade ratings >> a great entryway to the world of changemaking >> repeated playing memorizes heroes and solutions = this shapes a worldview of 'Yes We Can' Youth Leadership Play them to the fullest - use as teaching tool at elementary school; same thing as posters, but more handy to hand out, use smartphones to view qr coded videos. Excitement! - donate to schools, kindergartens, youth clubs, kid doctor waiting rooms and public libraries - present at your YL stand at children events, connect action in support of a featured hero - contact philanthropic clubs to sponsor one hundred games for all your city's schools, kindergartens... NO.1 IS CHILDREN & YOUTH. MORE TOPICS FOLLOW (SAME AS POSTER COLLECTIONS)


... tell the Inspirational Stories of Youth Leaders for children age 3 to 10 at home, school and public libraries linking with cardgames and posters WHY PEOPLE LOVE THEM - available for download in 10 languages - print on home, office or digital printers - beautiful style - drawn by young volunteer artists around the globe - the key moments of youth leaders' path to success - as children grow up, they can follow up links to video, interview, action pack - possible to print and post as posters in school corridor; exchange for a new story every two weeks >> As children read them repeatedly, youth leadership spirit becomes part of their worldview. Play them to the fullest - use as teaching tool on global issues - use in early foreign language teaching - print and donate to schools, kindergartens, public libraries - invite philanthropic clubs to sponsor fifty copies for all schools, kindergartens and libraries of your city Are you a great speaker and narrator? Join us to turn them into cartoons, as narrated slideshows


Anchor the Spirit of Change in the General Public in teachers staff rooms in company offices in homes WHY PEOPLE LOVE THEM - unusual artwork - nutshell story - links to videos and articles - visual focus on art, ambience and spirit - uniquely inspirational Play them to the fullest students, parents, colleagues: - donate a copy to your teaching staff - donate a copy to youth clubs and public libraries - invite local companies to sponsor one hundred calendars for your city's schools, kindergartens, youth clubs, youth and civil society organizations, neighbourhood centres, and public libraries (talk to us to integrate their logo) ** In our online shop, YOU can set the months of your calendar, for example May to April. ** Calendar No.1 features Children & Youth Leaders Other topics will follow: Girls & Women, The Grand Changemakers, India ... for different user groups


Wear the Spirit of Change to bring youth leadership to everyone's awareness at all time

WHY WE LOVE IT - it connects us to our global family - great inspirational slogans - our own YL designs - and people say 'wow, this has power inside' + special designs for warriors as they climb levels + we promote shirts from friendly tribes, allies and heroes Play them to the fullest - wear them :-) - send us inspirational slogans in your language - send us stunning and special cultural symbols


OKAY. This has been a lot of media tools. * But media tools are not everything. They don't work by themselves. Especially, if you are just all by yourself. * We also connect you with YOUR GLOBAL TRIBE of passionate changemakers through events, people, guidance through action and learning platforms, that you can weave into your world and work. Check it out...

Personified Inspiration! Youth Leaders present youth-driven solutions at webcasts, schools and events inspiring, empowering, equipping youth + media, teaching tips, take-action packs + opportunity for joining their initiative + support for replicating their solution WHY PEOPLE LOVE THEM - wonderful people, super nice - passionate, highly inspirational - genuine spirit, 100% for the cause - great storytellers, huge knowledge - currently scaling their initiatives, internationally - ready to consult youth eager to replicate the solutions - excellent model of what skills young people evolve from walking the path of passion; no worries about 'jobs'. Make the very best of your event - Invite these young heroes to add to their cause; do not ab-use them to entertain your audience as clowns - Ask them how you can best support their cause - inform guests about opportunity to support their initiative - arrange for time and space for them, such as a stand for sharing infos and building relations for follow up action YL Clans: talk to us for maximizing potentials and impacts - check for Heroes in your region, to join your YL Jams, Sessions and Picnics at events, festivals, demonstrations


Webcasts on United Nations Theme Days with real heroes for schools & youth groups + rich multi-media packs + meaningful Q&A sessions + option: 3 missions on the Day's Theme & support for featured initiatives & credits and awards for active teams WHY PEOPLE LOVE THEM - unique new offer for schools and youth groups! - full power inspiration and knowledge - real projects - solutions of global relevance - degrees of participation (only viewing or joining missions) - a group of passionate students can represent the class + great amount of materials of long-term value + huge potential for sparking activity in one's community + option for active involvement before and after the event + option to join the global community of YL Clans = fantastic entryway to youth leadership & changemaking * a world-premiere * Play them to the fullest - promote through local media - enjoy. be your awesome self - promote to schools and youth organizations using their newsletters, YL Posters, faceboook, twitter; all of them! - take missions in public. you are warriors, the pro's! - party! celebrate achievements & new 'aspiring' warriors


Meet the Visionaries Learn the New Ways of Thinking of a Sustainable Civilisation - excellent videos and documentaries - connect with posters, action packs, UN Day webcasts, teaching tools + 'live' webcast Q&A's WHY PEOPLE LOVE IT - the most advanced thinkers of humanity - holistic ways of perceiving the living universe around us - profound understanding of the inherited ills causing our societies to be hurtful and un-sustainable - practical solution-oriented approaches for fixing problems - amazing documentaries about global issues - free books, slideshows, videos - by experts: for you - easy to understand for young people - many media are fit for use in high school classes - access to humanity's most progressive institutes Play them to the fullest - take a 'holiday trip' to these amazing lands of knowledge; take your time; there's an amazing lot out there, and it's all awesome and necessary to build functional societies. You'll recognize how dumb, flat, short, and ego today's academics, politicians, business and media people are. They have no clue of this. If you do, you'll be able to invite the proper experts for making decisions, and be able to distinguish Merlins from Sarumans. Important! - join mailing lists of experts, institute's and magazines - attend events. Will you report as a YL journalist?


Tools for YL Missions & Quests for making Really Big Changes - Excellent action tips and tools - Take massive solutions to scale - Developed in colaboration with experienced changemakers WHY PEOPLE LOVE THEM - genius and proven solutions with massive impacts - driven by passionate changemakers - young people can promote, support and realize them - lively articles and videos conveying a real-life feeling - deep interviews unveiling special tricks for success - concrete step-by-step approaches for replication - quality media for mobilizing the public - personal access to the heroes Play them to the fullest - study them well; get to know your tools, allies and argumentation; that's your magical spells - make presentations - use the media at school and in public + use poster exhibits, with focus on your Action - to spark supportive community - observe our tips for public presence, add your ideas - apply YL Methods for maximum media presence - check dates of YL UN Webcasts, to scale your audience THESE SOLUTIONS CAN MAKE HISTORY WHO - IF - NOT - YOU - WILL - REALIZE - THEM ?


Global Expert Resources for Use in Education - authentic media from leaders in the field - their websites as online learning environments - connect with yl stories, posters, videos, action WHY PEOPLE LOVE THEM - they add human, lively elements and solutions to dialogue about global and social issues (which often cause concern, but leave a feeling of depression, for lack of solutions - as authentic, as current, as top quality as it gets - linking today's Einsteins into school. that's historic! - multimedia resources - you can use them in many ways: add to your media, or use only these collections; use formally or informally, applying our tips: letting students explore, discover, put together their findings, share and draw conclusions + tools to take their new found knowledge to the public, through exhibits and opening conversations for action - inspired youth can follow up in class or by themselves Play them to the fullest - join mailing lists to tune into the topics & experts' world - these heroes are also in Posters, at Webcasts. Use them! YL CLans: - study these well; learn how to weave action into school - Students Can Hand these to Teachers - Students, YOU, can offer to manage these learning activities at school! In class, ecoclubs & projects! Go For It!


There's Great Games Games that can Change the World Online Games - on global issues, for various age groups Genius Games - build community having crazy fun - rediscover your city as a playground - discover how dumb you are & get smart the fun way WHY WE LOVE THEM - we always knew that playing games is good for us; and now the expert tell us! Strike! - there are cool game ideas here, that's fun - and there's a lot to improve; it's fun to be an expert - games can predict the future - games help us understand and fix a 'broken reality' - games can help us fight depression, feel 'Super-Better' - we can learn to be a more successful changemaker - We can experience Epic Wins... also for real! Play them to the fullest - use in education, Phys. Ed., at YL Jams and Workshops send us 'your review', how you like them, how to improve - send us photo-reports of your Avantgame experiences -Why learnPeople from Jane Gonigal how Myth and Heroism in Love Mc them Gaming helptools us turn into real heroes; see 'Secrets' - Reality good educational - because they are super fun, developed by magicians YOU'LL SEE THAT WE BUILD ON ALL THIS FOR CLANS & TRIBES AND THE LIBERATION OF PARADISE


WOW. That's been a bunch of useful stuff. Events. People. How-To-Materials. Tools specially designed for use in class & workshops. * So... We've got the tools. The people. The passion. The Network. One more thing remains. How can we best make all this happen in our Schools, every day, and grow to awesome? Find out in a whiffy!


VIBRANT & PERMANENT PRESENCE OF YOUTH LEADERSHIP IN OUR SCHOOLS Our aim as changemakers is to spread the spirit of change, to the point of permanent presence in everyday life, and connect the people to pleasant changemaking action. This is how we nurture the healthy spirit of cooperative community, encompassing positive vision, concrete aims and tangible solutions. We know that the major factor in shaping human behaviour are role models (80%), and that their influence is subconcious. We also know that what inspires us so incredibly in YL videos are the people, and the energy radiating from their ... faces, eyes and voices. This is an important revelation, and we play it to the fullest. We explain more about this Magical Power of Role Models in 'Secrets'.

As a consequence, the Foundation of our Clans Work is to - set up permanent presence at school - with many dynamic elements that ... inspire and involve a large variety of people ... make real impacts on real lives abroad and at home ... contribute to learning culture at our schools - develop fruitful cooperation with teachers - anchor 'changemaking' in schools through image change of passionate students, student-led activities like ecoclubs even curricula like the YL Warrior, good media presence. This is how we nurture a Changemaking Climate and a 21st Century Learning Culture for millions of students. Anything else is poop. THIS SECTION EXPLAINS HOW TO ACHIEVE IT.

Poster Exhibits & Wall Displays create public energy spaces for presence, dialogue & communitybuilding towards action THE ULTIMATE TOOL are Poster Exhibits. They raise your entire community's attention, and offer many opportunities for sparking interaction. HOW IT WORKS Setting up Exhibits is simple. Download, print, post. The magic thrives with bigger sizes, better places, pleasant lighting, multimedia, music, video screens with headsets, projections... and a table with passionate heroes sharing infos, inspiring, involving and equipping people with instant opportunities for action, and tools; like online campaigns, petitions, social experiments, missions, information for teachers etc. Now, it's a full scale Wall Display. Your BASE CAMP! USE THIS SPACE for opening local conversations about "What inspires, surprises you most? What changes would you like to see in the world, in your life?" THE BIG FAT MAGIC TRICK (a) is to set up an Exhibit - for example on a UN Theme Day, incl. presentations in class, webcast and missions, then to (b) collect positive feedback from your community, showing the value of your presence, offers and activities, finally to (c) follow up with new exhibits and activities the next month >> there is your permanent energy space at school! Next (d) tune cooperation with teachers for contributions in class, with ecoclubs and local organizations, founding a Clan, and (e) awesome monthly actions: webcasts, missions, social experiments

HUBs, ISLEs and Informal Sustainability Learning Environments We'd like to give you knowledge of MODEL SOLUTIONS for Base Camps. And we take it from the most evolved grown-up changemaker networks. We say that young people can and should learn the same way as the most awesome changemakers in the world. How else could we play our Base Camps to the fullest? Let's look at avantgarde learning environments of changemakers. First of all, there's events. Those are crucial! for tasting the inspirational power of real heroes on stage, and the dynamic vibes of the changemaking community. Once experienced, one can relate to the community. Just like one good 'live' music concert tells it all. And then, they surf on a constant wave of inspiration, knowledge and networking using Online Media, mailing lists, newsletters, fb, twitter and webcasts. Just like we listen to all sorts of music :) The real daily work then, 'jamming with other musicians', happens preferably in dynamic environments of 'people with good ideas for the world'. There's a name for this kind of co-working environments: "hubs" are the fastest growing co-working environment of social entrepreneurs. http://the-hub.net. The approach is great. An Art of Hosting makes life and interaction pleasant. There's a lot of creative aspects, reading room, a kitchen and turntables at the heart of it, and a constant stream of creative folks passing through. It offers infrastructure for presentations, seminars and parties. Good stuff! That's precisely the vibrant, communicative, idea-, community- and project-generating environment your Base Camp should be like.

This makes it a fabulous LEARNING ENVIRONMENT, right? That's your phenomenal point of argumentation with teachers and principals. It is also a challenge to You: to grow beyond an ordinary student hang-out. Far beyond! This is (1) for unfolding maximum impacts, (2) for advancing learning culture for coming student generations By evolving your Art of Hosting & Hub Culture, you learn to casually mix fun, spirit, meaning and professionalism for your 50 years of (3) introducing this to lame environments in business, civil society and politics. This is much needed. Practice it now. There is growing demand for this. Your evolving YL skills may earn you a living, especially because most process facilitators today only know a few approaches, and are boring people, not heroes. (4) You can use it at big events that you will attend as YL Warriors.

Question: What is an Informal Learning Environment? Imagine Physical Education. Sports. Your gym hall is a learning environment. Depending on the arrangement of tools, it serves different purpose: gymnastics, volleyball, muscle training... In general, Phys. Ed. classes (and sports club training) is FORMAL. This means the coach tells your precisely what to do. Now think about a basketball court, out there, in the park. There's guys going wild in street basketball. And this is where legends have unfolded their skills. Especially black guys from poor neighbourhoods. They haven't learned their awesome skills, and especially their intuition! in class!! They have learned it INFORMALLY, in self-organized play, even with specially agreed rules. After all, they don't play 5 vs 5 on a huge court. Often, they have only one basket on a concrete court! Still, they learned to be awesome. Many African and Brazilian soccer stars learned playing barefoot, in the sand. In fact, this required special skills of ball handling. And you see how they serve them to fool players who grew up in formal environments. Wow! And then, in clubs, their skills were tuned to formal settings. Same thing: beaches. Beach volleyball. Or simply: hills and tree trunks ... where kids evolve "athletic skills of running, jumping, health, social skills". With fun - and lifelong joy; different from many negative effects of formal instruction and its turn-offs.


Question: ISLE = Informal Sustainability Learning Environment? An ISLE is where we learn to co-create a Sustainable Society. That's where we do the same thing as awesome changemakers. That's why we use their tools and setting, practice their activities: HUBs, media, heroes, model solutions and taking action.


Your Clan's Base Camp make it your home make it awesome. make it fun = 'the no.1 hang-out' for warriors You now set out to create the most advanced Learning Environment for a hundred miles and more. Make sure you make it awesome. We cannot emphasise this enough, since you may tend to compromise and make it boring. Why? Because you are at school, and usually, you are not allowed to do something cool, or don't dare doing something hot, because of dumb student bullies. Well, now, you're on a mission, you have to be awesome. Here's why you can: By now, you know, that everything YL is great for learning. And so are you, as a role model. You know from the videos and successful youth initiatives that the main reason for their success is - their positive spirit, determination and zero doubt. Therefore if you copy or compromise to any boring, stiff behaviour of academics, teachers, administration or business, you are a fail. You'll be a boring bureaucrat, but not a changemaker, not part of positive change, not a hero. To unfold your high end genuine impact - be yourself. Be your most awesome self. Be passionate and free. If you are a silent elf, ok, be silent. If you are a wise owl observer, ok, be it. But BE YOU. Also, be aware: an awesome world has beauty. So... don't create a trashy environment of neglect. Create one you are proud about - that can have high guests - elves and wizards. And the best youth around you. In brief: Create the ISLE as a functional Environment that You Enjoy! The perfect space would be like an open lounge, in a central space well visible to people. It should have natural light. It could be like a lounge. It can have art, space for changing galleries, for fun, for the senses, for people to leave 'their good idea for the world'. And of course, it should be possible to host classes, for learning!

Thank you, Hermine. This is THE big fat magic spell. Gosh, apprentice reader, stop staring! It makes you look stupid. You can read it from the scroll, for now.

Your Wall Display Elements Okay, you know what makes a rocking Base Camp, and you'll come up with loads of ideas as you go along. The universal challenge for youth and grown-up organizations in the past has been to provide a constant stream of media, inspiration and activities. It was impossible. From our perspective, because they acted alone, focussed only on their narrow topic, and their nation. Well, now there's YL. With loads, from around the globe - and this is very much needed! Because we get inspired from people abroad. Because we care and interact with people abroad. And because All our countries are way behind in ideas for change. By ourselves, each contry is provincial. We need the global community. That's how YL unfolds its superpowers :) and it's all in your hands, you champ.

Our media and services provide a lot of value. There's - posters - online campaigns and petitions - videos - monthly missions - fun social experiments - updates from clans and tribes around the globe and - webcasts - status and support This provides you with a solid feed of materials, offers and activities throughout the entire month, and school year. This means, your basics are covered. No doubt, you will find all sorts of exciting things to add, such as: Add - info on local activities, campaigns and organizations - dates of summer camps and workshops Organize - Philanthro-Parties - Change Cinema sessions - Jam Sessions asking people about their interest for action Offer - to contribute to class activities - to speak at schools - to speak at events

Building Alliances Now, you know everything about your Base Camp, the Heart of your venture... Next, is the time to build your connections with allies. Your allies are - teachers interested in positive change, sustainability - organizations supportive of positive change & all passionate youth in your city Inform them - about your missions - about the tools and media + that they can join you, Clans & Tribes + special opportunities, like 'live' YL Webcast meetings But there's more. One good journalist - who's been waiting for you to appear, as heroes, for placing 'taking action' in the media. Find him/her/them There's conscientious doctors - who love to inspire their clients in waiting rooms There's philanthropist business people - who enjoy seeing young social entrepreneurs thrive There's a public library - with the mission to provide civic education Say hi to them, offer them selected media, and invite them to support your ventures. Know your misions well, to propose specific investments tailored to their priorities.

There's a lot of potential allies in your city. On many levels. Some as partners. Some as audience. Some as supporters. But since you are bringing in rocking innovation, you may soon enough find yourself in a position of setting impulses and others reacting - joining the game. Don't be shy.And don't hurry, either. Patience. Simply Take your Missions. As you climb levels, you will naturally get in touch with more and more people on different levels, and be able to join, colaborate and contribute on the required level. Keeping track of your Partner Network is very precious. These are the places to reach loads of people whenever - putting up posters advertizing (your) upcoming (YL) actions - sending messages via their newsletters. Your Network Map should have all schools, youth clubs, and all sorts of organizations. Also administration, church groups, and!!! distribution places for YL media, like cafes, companies, doctors...

Acting in Public Space What is the big thing about Good & Beautiful Actions in Public? They make great media images. They reach a lot of people, which generates - demand for speaking at schools - interest from passionate youth to join - support from organizations and donors News media are usually boring. And negative. By being your awesome self "Giving all that we are, on behalf of everything we love," you have a good chance to enrich the public sphere, so people are happy to see you, to get inspired, involved and support your causes Our "Take Action" Tips under articles, in mission packs etc offer a lot of good ideas. Often, they have elements of spontaneous walk act theatre, some little costume or action. They are very simple. Just like Free Hugs are simple, and legend! www.youtube.com/watch?v=vr3x_RRJdd4 Lulu & her LemonAID Warrior Tribe is great inspiration for fun public action. How about a Hub at the local farmer market? You have tons of content and methods. Just put on your cobold grin and make the city is your playground. Enjoy! ALWAYS THINK: WHAT CAN MAKE GREAT IMAGES TODAY? + IN EVERY ARTICLE, TELL PEOPLE WHO TO JOIN, HOW TO SUPPORT AND WHAT OFFERS YOU HAVE FOR THEM. = YOU ARE ACTION & INSPIRATION

Working well with the Media You are Heroes You do heroic things that people love That's the media's best contents Let's produce rich imagery and powerful articles Once again: inspirational video clips live from: - genuine changemaker spirit - shining faces - in action Conventional journalists and apprentices are - not skilled or trained in it (they lack hero passion) - don't have the space to create such lush pieces, so... We need to help them and SHAPE our media: - be awesome, authentic, passionate and inspirational - speak your heart = strong quotes for them to write - shine into the camera + provide them *your own* great photos in high resolution + always link 'for more' to your website & facebook streams We can make headlines in national media, create our own youtube clips, our own interviews, go live on radio and television, and make Public Service Announcements in movie theatres. It's all happening. In Canada, the US, throughout South America, Europe, Australia, Africa and Asia. We've even been to Antarctica.

THE PERFECT FACEBOOK STREAM Emma and Julia spend a lot of heart and time on their actions - from early morning, before school until late, when their awesome (she is!) Mum tells them to go to bed. They get days off from school, they invest their own money, spend practically every week-end volunteering, from shore clean-ups to elderly homes and homeless shelters. And on top of all this, they spend a lot of heart and time on their facebook stream, telling the world and their friends - which includes dozens of schools, communities, their supporters, donors, partner companies, airways and media how great their impacts are, how beautiful the people and how grateful themselves. Their spirit shows.

We can create our own music videos, and speak at international United Nations summits.

We can show ultimate determination in standing up for peace and the people we love, and show our true gentle beauty, as well.

We can even challenge the Mouth of Sauron, score live debates on television - and inspire a national audience for what matters.

That's Youth Warrior Power in the Media and we have only started...

We look at article writing LIKE at the composition of the awesome 2-7 min clips and documentary films of your Video Collection. Those make us 'literally' feel like being there, with the heroes, and they uplift us towards "It makes me feel I want to get up and do something, too." We can convey this spirit through writing and still images - if we know ... the tricks. But, we emphasise once more, conventional journalists and communications people do not know how to do it. The ones who do are genuine changemakers themselves. This means you as a passionate YL Warriors may have the spirit to do it, and can definitely unfold your impact manifold by learning the skills. We have trained hundreds of young people around the globe in these skills. This topic will cross your path in our media, and action kits. Curious Cats can find out more in 'Secrets'.

That's been magic wands, spells and strategies galore. Already, you have received glimpses of a magic behind this. Are you ready to study the mastery of magic for healing society? In 'Secrets', you learn about solutions, role models, the power of myth and gaming, education for sustainable development, pathways for the curious cat, and you will at last meet mysterious Jane - in person.

Unveiling: YL Clans & Tribes Booklet no.3

YL Clans & Tribes Booklet no.2 Magical weapons, wands, spells and strategies galore. ENJOY!

5 tales in Times of Monarchy they really had nothing to teach for a democratic civilisation. And any advice and role model would have messed the democrats up. And especially their children, who have a natural tendency to trust that what adults do makes perfect sense for a good life. They might have believed that sick shit and destroyed their own future lives. And those of others.

L Clans & Tribes


5 tales In Times of Slavery they really had nothing to teach for a just, and humane civilisation. And any advice and role model taken from Romans or slave holders would have messed the freedom lovers up. And especially their children, who have a natural tendency to trust that what adults do makes perfect sense for a good life. They might have believed that sick shit and destroyed their own future lives. And those of others.

5 tales In Times of Absolutist Religion they really had nothing to teach for a just, and humane civilisation. The Popes, jay-sayers, the Inquisition and so called nobles did not comprehend any thing from what the ... said And any advice from those old would have messed the ... up. Especially their children, who have a natural tendency to trust that what adults do makes perfect sense for a good life. They might have believed that sick shit and destroyed their own future lives. And those of others.

5 tales In Times of Totalitarianist Fascism they really had nothing to teach for a just, libertarian , thriving and joyful civilisation. did not comprehend any thing from what the ... said And any advice from those old would have messed the ... up. Especially their children, who have a natural tendency to trust that what adults do makes perfect sense for a good life. They might have believed that sick shit and destroyed their own future lives. And those of others.

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