Youth-Leader Coop with Nikolaus Eberstaller

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Youth-LeadeR presents and supports the stories and initiatives of outstanding young and adult changemakers through media, "live" services and events. These media include card games, poster sets, teaching tools, online profiles and more. Our services include "live" skype meetings, campaigns, student club community and more. With the goal of bringing these shining human examples, model solutions and support networks, we promote them to partners in the field of education, media, civil society and the arts. One of them is renowned Austrian artist NIkolaus Eberstaller and his upcoming art projects. # Battlefield Love Memorial BLM 2015-17 250 pink special concrete soldiers and tanks, arranged in the letters "LOVE", installed for 12 months in major cities, painted and planted by the public, eroding and finally being hammered to pieces. Only love remains. The installation is framed by examples of youth leaders creating inner and outer peace and abundance, thereby overcoming and healing reasons of conflict, and finally making war obsolete. These contents also inspire the audience, local and international schools to interact with the message, the featured changemakers and support and replicate their initiatives. The local installation serves as a space of conversation and collaboration, organized by the host city's young people. # Battlefield Love LIVE 2015-17 interprets the static installation's message in movement, the soldiers are embodied by children and youth. This highly participative performance invites schools to get involved and groups internationally to create their own interpretation and submit their achievements to the project's social media platforms. # HONEYS Homemade Money - the 7 Cardinal Virtues Wisdom / Knowledge + Justice + Moderation + Fortitude + Faith + Hope +Love Eberstaller made waves in media with public performances around his bogus currency featuring the seven vices, highlighting the power of money to create good or harmful effects. The second edition, released and used as playful interaction with the public visiting BLM, features the 7 Cardinal Virtues as our "inner capital for creating a good world of peace, love and abundance for all". The bills honor 7 youth leaders embodying these virtues through their acts. The public and schools interacting with our educational media are encouraged to living their inborn virtues, take action on causes they are passionate about - starting with the initiatives of the featured 7 youth leaders.

The project comes with a rich, multilingual digital educational media pack with poster sets, music, videos, teaching tools, action packs, interviews, online profiles with latest news and more. It focusses on the project, the values and the 7 featured youth leaders, but opens access to the full range of YL media on hundreds changemakers and model solutions for global causes, with cardgames, books, musical and more, as well as methods for making youthleadership part of learning culture, and even a year-round non-formal curriculum powered by students.

ACTIVE INVOLVEMENT OF SCHOOLS & INSTITUTIONS Student clubs, schools, museums and citizen groups are encouraged to set up an "Outpost" of the project. An "Outpost" has all the elements of the installation: self-designed pink cardboard soldiers, which can be from different cultures and eras, and poster exhibits of the 7 Youth Leaders and the 7 HONEYS. This space attracts attention and focus as an Informal Learning Environment at school. A small group of student ambassadors manages interactions like bake sales, fundraisers, book drives, lifestyle challenges and even live skype meetings in support of the 7 youth leaders' initiatives.

THE KICK-OFF FOR YOUTH LEADERSHIP AT SCHOOL This attractive, vivid and visible kick-off activity and installation is a perfect start for introducing many more youth leaders, causes and activities with YL media. Teachers benefit for upgrading units on a wide range of global issues, from science to music, history, arts and life skill classes. Inspired students can join the global network of changemaker student clubs and literally grow up taking monthly action with the hero/ines of our time, aligned with United Nations theme days of the month.

PRESENCE OF THE FEATURED 7 YOUTH LEADERS The 7 youth leaders are in the focus of attention at Battlefield Love Memorials Battlefield Love LIVE BLM Media Package for Press BLM Educational Media Pack Their books, cds, t-shirts onsite and in the online store Via Skype, on-site and at events

PARTNERSHIPS The project's creative approach at transforming the heavy topic of war into holistic understanding of inner and outer, ecological and international peace, as well as scarcety as a source of conflict, the power of young role models wielding model solutions for creating peace and abundance and the many practical opportunities for life-changing activities for schools, youth and citizens, its aspects of diplomacy, art, ethics and strong visual imagery make this venture very popular with educators, institutional, political partners, business and philanthropic investors in youth, peace, vibrant citizenry and a thriving society. | (Director: Eric Schneider)

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