April 2013 YEUK Newsletter

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April 2013

Youth EMPLOYMENT UK A youth employment magazine for everyone

5 Tips for Writing a Great CV

Paid v Unpaid

LinkedIn for the Unemployed

w w w. yeu k . org . u k

Expectation v Reality DRAG HERE→

CONTENTS Editor’s Note p3 CV Writing p4 Being a Graduate: Expectation v Realityp5 Graduates: Application &Inter view Process p6 - 7 Youth Enterprise: The Future of British Business p8 - 9 A View from the Youth Unemployed p10 LinkedIn for the Unemployed p11 So Where Next for the Great Apprenticeship Project? p12 - 13 InspireEducation p14 - 15 Youth Enterprise Nation 2013 p16 YEUK Youth Member Benefits p17 Internships Paid v Unpaid p18 - 19 Rockstar Youth Inter view p20 Letters p21 Apprenticeship Inter view p22 - 23 Aspirationsal Britain p24 - 25 Opening Doors p26 Events p27

Youth Membership p28 Just for Fun p29

In Our Next Issue p30 Contact and Disclamer p31 YEUK Member Logos p32




With the same message and aims, but a different layout, Youth Employment Magazine wishes to highlight the issues and hit out against the lack of information and negative stigma surrounding youth unemployment. I am really excited about my involvement in, what I consider to be, an incredibly important issue and potentially enlightening publication, Youth Employment Magazine. As an undergraduate I am acutely aware of youth unemployment and the difficulty that somebody in my position, and younger, face once they leave the safety that is education and enter the rat race for a paying job. I think this is a cause that requires as many people as possible to get involved and help send a powerful message to fight the problem, head on. Building on the success of last month’s edition, this monthly magazine aims to provide a much-needed platform, to offer useful advice and highlight some of the realities for 16-24 year olds. There should be something for everyone: whether you are an apprentice, graduate, in employment, or seeking work, Youth Employment Magazine aims to encourage a dialogue amongst these groups and fill the void between what we expect and what is required.

Enjoy, and do get in contact to help us send the message that this is a fight we do not intend to lose.

All the best,

Holly Motion




B y Si m on B as on a ca re er s sp ec ia li st , Si m on is a Yo ut h E m pl oy m en t U K be r an d In sp ir eE Mem du ca ti on Tr ai n er. Yo u ca n fi n d ou t m or e ab ou t Si m on s w or k at h tt p :/ /w w w.b ri gh tt ra ck . co.u k/

1.Research, Resear c h , Research The

m o re y o u k n o w a b o u t th e co m p a ny y o u a re ap p ly in g to a n d u n d er st a n d w h at y o u m ig h t b e d o in g if y o u th at jo b, th e e a si er got y o u w il l fi n d it to w ri te a re a ll y g o o C V d em o n st ra ti n d g y o u h av e th e ri g h t sk il ls fo r th e jo b.

2. Get the basics ri


B re a k y o u r C V u p in to se c ti o n s. E d u ca ti o n , Jo b s/ w o rk u la r a c ti v it ie s (l o n ex p er ie n ce , E x tr a g w o rd , b u t it m e a - C u rr ic n s a ll th e o th er th w it h at S ch o o l a n in g s y o u h av e b e en d C o ll eg e, A rt / D inv o lv e d ra m a , p ro je c ts , cl S p o rt , A rt s, Vo lu n u b s et c. ), In te re st te er in g , Yo u th g ro s in cl u d in g u p s su ch a s S co u ts su ch a s aw a rd s (D a n d fi n a ll y Ach ie v em u k e o f E d in b u rg h en ts is a g o o d o n e) , v h av e d o n e th at y o o lu n te er in g , a ny th u a re p ro u d o f. in g y o u

3. Make Connectio ns Read

4. Presentation is Ever ything

the job description and link what they looking for to your ex are perience. If they are looking for someone who is bright, tell them ab out your Make it look good on th exam results and su e page, not bjects you studied. If they with colours and fancy fon want a person who ts but by is able to work well with oth- making it clear, well laid ou er people highlight t and easy to experiences where re ad , re yo m u em have ber that it has to be worked with others read by such as part time w so m eone who does not ork or in know you.

5. Check it and the n Check it again It is very difficult to proof read

your own work, ask someone whose opin to read it through an ion you value (teach d ask them what they er/ boss) think, are you sellin will remind you of so g all of your skills? I mething you missed bet they out! – Good Luck 4

Being a Graduate Expectationsvs.Reality I didn’t want to go to university. I was 18, had the best friends and was sick of education. Why sign myself up for years of debt just to do some more studying miles away from my friends and family? Despite this, my mum talked me in to it, bundled me up a left me crying in a student flat in Lincoln surrounded by strangers. It took me about 24 hours to realise that I loved university. Fast forward three years, and I’m sitting at home searching hopelessly for jobs and wishing I could just go back. Everybody warned us that the year after university would be awful, so in that respect I can’t say that I wasn’t prepared for evenings of nostalgia and wistfulness. What I wasn’t prepared for was the endless rejection letters from jobs, the chronic ‘home’ sickness for my student house, and the hideous realisation that I am 22 and need to grow up. Within one month of leaving university I got a full time temp job in a healthcare company, so some would say that I am lucky to even be employed. The problem is, when I think about potential long term careers for myself, working in a healthcare company is pretty far away from ideal. I’m grateful for my job and I don’t hate it, it just isn’t where I saw myself being nearly a year after I graduated. I also wasn’t prepared for how difficult looking for jobs is, especially if you don’t know exactly what you want to do. A lot of employers ask for a few years experience in the industry, but how are we expected to get that experience if nobody employs us in the first place? As graduates go, I haven’t got it too badly; some of my friends have spent the last ten months unemployed. On the other hand, somebody I went to university with has a job on The One Show. For her, I suspect that her expectation of post-university life has been well and truly exceeded. As for me, I’ll keep searching for my dream job. By Kristen Hobden 5

What sort of graduate roles do you recruit for? What is your graduate scheme like?

We recruit for a range of roles across our main service line

Our graduate programmes are structured to ensure that our new jo duction period introducing them to the firm, the service line they a them to pick up the basic skills for the role before they begin to lear which differs between service lines.

What are you really looking for from the new recruits? How many graduates typically apply?

We have close to 1200 graduate roles each year and we h

How do you sort through the applications you get? What makes you select/de-select at this stage? What is your interview process like? How should people prepare?

We look for applicants to show a ous goals, commercial awareness

We have a robust and fair selection p Deloitte. Our selection/de-selection i

Our interview process is split into 2 parts; online and office based. Initially ca If they pass the numerical test they will be invited to take our online e-tray w invited to take the written part if you pass the inbox exercise. If you pass these online stages a candidate would be invited into the office th also take a group exercise and on the spot case study at this stage. If candidate questions and a commercial awareness presentation. Candidates should prepare by doing as much research as possible into the fir www.deloitte.co.uk/graduates. Candidates can also sign up for a buddy online

What are you looking for from the interviewees?

What would be your top 5 tips to someone thinking of applying to work at Deloitte?

We are looking for candidates who are strong against area in advance of their interviews. As well as this can discuss these motivations with their interviewer – if yo

•Ensure you do your research and ensure you have motivation for the rol •Make use of practice online numerical tests and the resources available •If you can, in advance of the interview, try to speak/meet with Deloitte p •Prepare in advance of any interviews, prepare examples for each compet •Prepare some questions for our interviewers – it’s a 2 way process. We n answered.

We hope that’s given you an insight into the expectations of a well-respected business which should help to

Graduates: Application & Inter

One of Youth Employment UK’s main aims is to create positive relationships between em to know what employers are looking for in the recruitment process so each issue we are improve their chances at interviews and set themselves apart from the average recruit. Th 6

es allowing new joiners to start careers in Audit, Tax, Consulting, Risk Consulting and Corporate Finance.

oiners get the best possible start to the firm. All new joiners, regardless of service line, start with an inare joining and the peers they are joining with. They then have a period of service line training to enable rn via on the job experience. They will be doing this alongside studying for a professional qualification

good level of competence in the following areas: communication, achievement of previs, career motivation, planning and organising, adaptability and problem solving.

have around 17,000 applications for these roles each year.

process which allows us to filter our applications and recruit the right people for is based on a candidate’s achievement against the tested competencies at each stage.

andidates need to submit an application online and if successful take part in our online numerical testing. which comprises of two parts – a simulated inbox exercise and a written exercise. Please note you only get

hey have applied to for a competency based first round interview. Candidates applying to consulting will es pass the first round they will be invited back in for a partner interview which includes both competency

rm and the service line they have applied for – there is a wealth of information available on our website – e who can help with any questions they have or arrange to attend a Deloitte Discovery day via our website.

the competency areas detailed above. To enable this, candidates should prepare up to 2 examples for each ndidates need to ensure they have a good motivation for the area they are applying for and feel confident to ou are applying for an area for which you have no motivation/understanding it will quickly be discovered.

le before you apply; online for e-tray; people via our buddy scheme, at a Deloitte event on campus or in one of our offices; tency area; need to be right for you as a firm and ensure you think of any questions that are important for you to have

o prepare you for future interviews. Look out for perspectives from other top employers in the next issue.

rview Process with

mployers and young people, and ultimately increase youth employment. It can be difficult giving a top employer an opportunity to give their perspective on how young people can This month it’s Deloitte, one of the UK’s top consultancy and corporate finance businesses. 7

Yout h Ente r pr is e : T he Fu

Youth Enterprise has been a hot topic in the press recently after 17 year old Nick D summary mobile app; Summly, to Yahoo! in a multi-million deal. Nick’s story m high level status but he is not alone in his endeavours. Entrepreneurship is ga young people who are opting to develop their own business ventures rather than

The Government has highlighted the need to boost British business to compete in the global innovation through entrepreneurship is key to this success. But what exactly is youth enter and what support is available?

What is youth enterprise?

Young entrepreneurs are 18-30 year olds from any background and education level who set from the conception of the initial idea to the everyday running of the business. It may be an ture and while many business concepts are original, others may be an expansion or modific or product. The belief is if you have an idea then there are ways of turning it into reality.

Enterprise in Reality

There are plenty of organisations promoting entrepreneurship to young people, but how succe Youth Enterprise Live was the first event to bring businesses and youth organisations together advice to young people. The event at Earls Court was a success with 60 organisations taking up loan applications completed; the first step towards 16-30 year olds building their own bu tracks the number of start-up businesses and there have been over 133,000 in the UK this proportion of these run by young people.

The Prince’s Trust and RBS have created the A-Z of Young Businesses to prove that thro Prince’s Trust Enterprise Programme, young people can create successful businesses, no mat or financial situation.

Rich Simmons set up ‘Art is the Cure’ after securing a Prince’s Trust Grant which offers art th and school talks. The business has gained global recognition and five years on, hundreds of pe the workshops and Rich’s artwork has been sold in top London galleries.

Another success story is ratemyplacement.co. uk, set up by university friends, Oliver Sidwe Wickson to offer young people a chance to gain paid internships and review their experien million visitors a year and with an annual turnover of over £1 million, this young business 8idea supported by essential funding from Sophrosyne Ventures .

utu re of Br it ish Bus i ness

D’Aliosio sold his news may be unusual with its aining popularity with n seek employment in

l market and encouraging rprise, who does it affect

t up their own businesses n individual or team vencation of a current service

essful are these incentives? r to provide expertise and g part and over 300 startusinesses. StartUp Britain s year, with an increasing

ough schemes such as the tter what their experience

herapy through workshops eople have benefited from

ell, Ali Lindsay and Chris nces. The site attracts 1.5 s is an example of a great

Are you intereste d in setting up your ow n business? Perhaps, you already have? Have you benefitte d from a start-up scheme or do you run your own for young people? Email us at info@yeuk.org.uk or twe et us @YEUK2012.

Overcoming barriers

No matter how great an idea or how enthusiastic the team behind it, there are still some barriers to success in business. According to the Disrupt Inc. project, money is cited as the most significant obstacle with costs including branding, marketing and equipment. Fortunately, organisations have identified this as an important factor in the ability to set up a business and there are many start up loans and grants available for young people who need some additional support. Here are some of the most successful schemes: •Rockstar Youth- An incubator programme for 18-30 year olds who want to develop their business ideas and gain support in how to progress the business further. •The Prince’s Trust- The Enterprise Programme provides mentoring support and financial help to unemployed 1830 year olds and allows people to test their business ideas before investing in them. •RBS Inspiring Enterprise- Aims to improve knowledge about enterprise in young people and help develop skills and provide financial help for start-up businesses. • Young Enterprise- An educational scheme which teaches 4-25 year olds about the business world and prepares them with skills to engage in enterprise themselves. •StartUp Britain- A Government funded scheme ‘run by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs’ which offers support and advice for anyone with an interest in setting up their own business.


“Have you got a job yet?” “ No? Any news of a job?”

This is a question family members and friends ask daily. A view from the youth unemployed, by Jess Starns

I went to university be-cause I didn’t feel I was ready to leave education. Having dyslexia, dyspraxia and dyscalculia, I was still struggling with reading, writing, maths, social skills and coordination. Whilst at University my reading, writing and social skills improved loads. I also learnt how to research more in depth and to ask the right questions. I also found out what I wanted to do as a career, in my second year I did an extension studies course in museum studies. I wasn’t ready for work till I was twenty, since then I have been applying for jobs. Whilst at college on my days off I did child minding but when I got to University I couldn’t do studying and working, I spent most my time reading and writing. Now I feel I left it too late to find paid work. I have lost count how many interviews I have had, but on average I have an interview once a week. I have lost count how many applications I have filled in, it seems a never-ending process. You cannot stop after each knock back you get, you have just got to get on with it again and think of new ways to improve. It’s depressing. The best thing about looking for work is that sometimes you get to see some amazing places that you wouldn’t normally have the opportunity to do so and you get to meet some interesting people. Some of who have helped me to find work and opportunities after I wasn’t successful. I never get negative feedback but I know I struggle to make sentences and think quickly for answers but these are problems I have out of the interview environment. I’ve also been told because I look 12 people think I am still young. I never get negative feedback but I know I struggle to make sentences and think quickly for answers but these are problems I have out of the interview environment. I’ve also been told because I look 12 people think I am still young.


and look for opportunities. I am on the work choice programme with Shaw Trust. They say I am the a skillin museums or archives and sometimes think that most motivated person they have ever met on the pro gramme. I wish I had done an apprenticeship to learn maybe going to University wasn’t the brightest thing I have done because by now I might have a full time job. I don’t think I had any careers support when I was at school apart from our two weeks work experience in year ten, (which I found myself) I went to a photographic library in London. I remember we had a Connexions office but I don’t think I knew what they were there for. I went once to talk about what I was going to do after school but because I already had a place at college that was it. I didn’t have any expectations at school apart from I was worried about leaving education and not finding work I could do without help. In November I completed the Princes Trust Team course. I cannot rate this course highly enough. The team course has given me more confidence, I made new friends in the same situation and I found out I was interested in young people’s personal development. I found out I was good at helping others and helping them find opportunities, being organised, planning, ideas and research. I realised I was more employable and capable than I thought I was. Having the support from family and friends is really important. Through being unemployed I have learnt that you need to be good at research, need to be motivated and to look and ask the right questions yourself. I now believe it’s just down to luck. Since writing this I am now underemployed, I have been given a job working three and a half hours a week so I am still looking for fulltime employment. Since writing this article, Jess has found employment Jess is a volunteer Youth Ambassador for Youth Employment UK CIC and Laura-Jane says this about her;

“Jess is a really gifted and brilliant young person, she demonstrates an excellent range of employability skills, and she is hard working and very bright. The fact that she has committed to so many volunteering opportunities makes her a stand out candidate in my mind and yet there are still barriers for her. Her story is all too common and I grow more concerned for this generation”

for the Unemployed

How and why you should be using LinkedIn What is LinkedIn?

LinkedIn is a business orientated social networking site – “Facebook for grownups” is a commonly used description.

Who uses LinkedIn?

LinkedIn launched in 2003 and in January 2013 it exceeded the 20 million member mark. Millions of professional people use LinkedIn, from all over the world; there are over 11 million users in the UK alone.

What do they use LinkedIn for?

People use LinkedIn to keep in touch with their professional contacts, broaden their network, join in with discussions, debates and news about things happening in their industry or areas of interest, look for work and raise their profile and the profile of their business.

Why should a young person use LinkedIn? Firstly you must be 18 plus to create a LinkedIn profile. So for anyone 18 or over here are our top reasons to join and use LinkedIn: 1 - Networking is an essential part of job hunting and career progression, SMART young people will be cultivating their existing network of contacts and be keen to make new contacts, LinkedIn is a great way to keep in touch with the people you meet professionally and expand your network (“it’s not what you know but who you know” it’s not always fair but it’s usually true). 2 - Once you have joined LinkedIn you can then join Groups, these are great places to see what people in your industry/area of interest are talking about. For example you could join the Youth Employment UK CIC group where you will find over 700 professionals discussing youth employment topics, sharing news stories and exchanging views. By joining in these discussions you raise your profile and can show your expertise in the area of discussion, building up your reputation. There are over 1.3 million groups on LinkedIn so whatever area of interest you have you will be able to find a group or 10 to match. 3 - Register for Job Alerts – Hundreds of thousands of organisations are using LinkedIn to advertise their jobs, be the first in line to receive alerts tailored to your areas of interest. 4 - Follow Companies, you can follow any one of the million plus companies using LinkedIn to market their business. By following a company you can make sure that you are up to date on their latest news, product launches, development, acquisitions etc. great for that ever important research before interviews. 5 - Get Endorsed - Once you have a profile you can be endorsed by people you have worked with and worked for, this means that other professionals can see your testimonials and references, very handy when they are recruiting.

How do I start?

Go to www.linkedin.com and follow the registration process. You then get to complete a LinkedIn profile, it is really important to spend the time to make sure your profile is a quality one. You don’t want potential employers reading it and then discarding you because you have not pitched yourself well or accurately. Do – Create a good, honest, succinct profile Don’t – Waffle, list your paper round from 15 years ago, make stuff up, it will come back to bite you Do – Put up a good professional photo Don’t – Put up a picture of your cat/you on a night out, it will come back to bite you Do – Take part in debates, discussions and sharing news Don’t – Be abusive, insensitive, unprofessional or incorrect with the things you post, it will come back to bite you Do – Keep up to date and keep connecting with people Don’t – Create a profile and forget about it, if you do and a recruiter looks you up they may be disappointed that you have let it become out of date , it will come back to bite you There are hundreds of blog posts on creating a good LinkedIn Profile and making the best from LinkedIn if you are looking for employment, wanting to market your business or develop your professional reputation as an expert. Whatever you need to use LinkedIn for be SMART and do it right, the payoff will make it all worthwhile. Want to share your LinkedIn tips or even success stories, have you got work or developed an opportunity through using LinkedIn? Email us at info@yeuk.org.uk and we will share it. This was brought to you by InspireEducation – A careers and employability specialist training company. www. i2e-education.co.uk


So Wh Ap

and call very goo who real

There ar I believe ployers t skilled jo in a care just as q to have p The end of National Apprenticeship Week (NAW) is always a good time to reflect on the current status of the scheme – the successes that can be built on and the issues that need to be addressed. This year is a particular important one because the government chose NAW to launch its long-awaited response to the Richard Report on the future of Apprenticeships. So first the good news. Apprenticeships are clearly continuing to gain in popularity Applications are up by over 40% year-on-year and over 13,000 new Apprenticeships were announced by employers during NAW. However, there is still clearly a lot of work to be done if Apprenticeships are going to gain widespread acceptance as a genuine alternative to University. A recent survey by the CIPD amongst parents showed that only 20% viewed Apprenticeships as being on a par with a University degree. Similarly, over 80% of respondents felt that schools were not doing enough to promote the Apprenticeship route. These are statistics which we urgently need to turn around. There is clearly now insufficient careers advice in schools and that to some extent must be driving parent perception. If parents still see University as being the pinnacle to aim for and Apprenticeships as a route for those without the qualifications (or money!) to get into University, then we will be constantly fighting an uphill battle. There is no doubt as well that the Apprenticeship “brand” has been tarnished over the last few years by a number of large training providers who whilst not doing anything illegal, have stretched the funding rules to the limits and provided “Apprenticeships” which in effect were little more than validation of existing skills and training, to thousands of current employees in supermarkets 12

Secondly lish and thereby and Eng address tradition tional Sk

Our exp and it w reach th qualifica methods provider portant t er is “Le

So there that if th to grow clearly r

Roger Fr formed b the comp

here Next for the Great pprenticeship Project?

centres. The government have made it clear that this practice will end and this has to be od news because it means that funding and Apprenticeship places can be allocated to people lly need them.

re two other commitments in the Richard Review response which I fully support and which e will help to raise the status of Apprenticeships. Firstly, the government clearly wants emto be the beating heart of the programme. But Apprenticeships will now be targeted at a ob which involves substantial new training and most importantly is seen as the first step eer and a genuine opportunity to progress. Once people see that Apprentices can progress uickly as graduates into more senior roles within an organisation, then we really will start parity between the two career routes.

y the government is committed to making progression to Level 2 Functional Skills in EngMaths, a compulsory component of all Apprenticeship programmes from August 2014, guaranteeing that all new Apprentices have the equivalent of GCSE A- C Grades in maths glish. Whilst I welcome this development and believe it is the only way we can seriously the current skills crisis in the UK, there is no doubt that it will run into opposition from nal training providers many of whom are still struggling to deliver successful Level 1 Funckills programmes.

perience suggests that the gap between Level 1 and Level 2 Functional Skills is significant will require dedicated support from fully trained practitioners to enable many learners to is level. Whilst we have already been successfully delivering significant numbers of Level 2 ations, we are not resting on our laurels and we are continuing to develop both our delivery s and the skills of our people to ensure that we are ready for August 2014. Many training rs left it far too late to prepare for the introduction of Functional Skills and it is vitally imthat any organisation with a large Apprenticeship programme checks whether their providevel 2 Ready� now rather than in 12 months time.

e will be some significant challenges ahead in the next 12 months, but I am very confident he Richard Review proposals are fully implemented, then Apprenticeships will continue in quality and standing and finally be seen as the important career alternative which they epresent.

rancis is a Director with Creative Learning Partners Ltd, a new vocational training company by the senior managers and staff of MindLeaders Learning Services following the acquisition of pany by Skillsoft in 2012 and focusing on the delivery of Functional Skills. 13




Youth Employment UK CIC is a not for profit organisation working hard to fight youth unemployment and underemployment in the UK. We are the only campaigning and membership organisation in the UK that works with Employers, Educators, Providers and Young People bringing a “joined up approach” to creating a Youth Friendly UK

Benefits to joining Youth Employment UK CIC • Support a national organisation working to fight youth unemployment & underemployment • Access to online forums & best practice documents • Editorial space in the Youth Employment NEWS magazine • Free promotion of events, opportunities and training activities (*) • Inclusion in the members directory • Member rates at events • Use of Youth Employment UK logo, a growing brand recognised by young people & employers • Contribute to national lobbying voice on youth employment issues All of our members must agree to signing the Positive Youth Charter before membership is accepted. Membership rates start at just £75.00 per year. For more information on Youth Employment UK CIC, our members and projects so www.yeuk.org.uk far please visit www.yeuk.org.uk To make membership or sponsorship enquiries please email info@yeuk.org.uk (*) this is subject to limitations and advertisements meeting the YEUK criteria




Internships are an a in many 16-25 year old’s p petition has become fierce in secu scheme. In a job market with a significant internships have become the accepted route to Employers now expect applicants to display a chosen profession and for many sectors, the intern But, how worthwhile are these schemes in reality? Do young pe perience with companies profiting from individuals without any promise

Holly Motion and Fran Daly weigh in on this debate, and they are pulling no punches. Wil

For- In the red corner: Daly siness a new job sector or bu ce en ri pe ex to ce an hey give you a ch nternships have become a pre-requisite for graduates looking to access their future profession, if I can’t get onto an internship then what happens to me? are of responsibility and nt ou am e m sa e th e hey do not requir her commitments ot ur yo nd ou ar fit to e generally more flexibl




Are all employtheriss?anAsdsoinm- e-


terns aware of t least with ‘paid w ork expericted, ra nt co t no is ho w e ence’ your costs ar on e still covered rced to if the week has bee you should NOT be fo n unhelpful is illegal. an work 9:00- 5:00, this d has failed to aid you in your career path.

Provide you with new skills and let you he

lp out with lots of differe at once. You are doing th nt pr e work for free so you sh ou ld have a say in what want to achieve and ensu re you are getting what yo u want out of the expe

Give you access to contacts who may be useful in future employment and access to internal vacancies w not be applied for without experience


Have you seen or taken part in an



almost inevitable element path to employment, and comuring a position on a coveted internship t imbalance in the vacancies to applicants ratio, the elusive ‘dream job’ many young people aspire to. high level of experience and knowledge in their nship is the only option to achieve these expectations. eople really acquire invaluable insights, or is it repackaged work exof travel expenses, let alone a full-time position at the end of the placement?

ll it be a knockout, or is the internship issue going to continue for a few more rounds?

Against – In the blue corner: Motion Access: yes, but thousands of interns surely means no real

connections are made?

rnsupport than paid inte e or m e iv ce re ay m ou ving you good incengi be ld ou sh ey th as ships lack of wage tives to stay despite a


You may be expected to take on

someone else’s entire workload or, w orse still, ignored en tirely.

es are Paid internships are very competitive but unpaid schemreally suc-

more accessible and can get you experience with some cessful businesses ow easy is it really to get onto unpaid internships? Thou for these places; th sands now compet us, making them as e competitive as the paid positions. f the internship isn't working out, you can leave or move onto a differrojects ent scheme more easily e? to provide a referenc t you s” er oy pl m “e e es th e ow willing ar ”, how can this intern ce erience en ri pe ex e bl ua al Other than the “inv ospects? ship aid your career pr which can-




n unpaid internship yourself? If so, tell us at: http://www.yeuk.org.uk/get-in-touch/


We spoke to one of their founders to explain who they are and how they can support YOU.

YEUK have built a strong relationship with Rockstar Youth, the UK’s top mentoring and funding organisation for young entrepreneurs. The organisation supports thousands of young people in setting up their own businesses and believes that investing in people at the start of their career will help strengthen British business in the future.

For those of our readers who don’t already know, could you give a brief history of Rockstar Youth and how you work?

Rockstar Youth was established 2 years ago as a platform to support young entrepreneurs get onto the business ladder with business incubators, funding and mentoring. In 2012 Rockstar Youth was appointed a National Delivery Partner of the government's Start Up Loan Programme and offers up to £10,000 funding to launch and scale a business and provide unrivaled mentoring by Rockstar Mentors. The programme is straightforward, simply apply online and answer 4 questions, attend a business incubator where you work on refining your business and learn key tips in succeeding with a start up business. Get a decision on your application and once approved you draw-down your funds and start your mentoring. Could you tell us some of your successes since your creation, please?

Aside from securing a major government contract, we have helped over 500 businesses start up and lent in excess of £2.5m; some of our young cohorts have gone national and are already developing six figure deals. What is it about YEUK that first, attracted your interest, and second, made you want to support the organisation? I actually sit on the Advisory Board for Youth Employment UK. Whilst Rockstar Youth focuses on developing the next wave of entrepreneurs we are also conscious that part of the success of these businesses is the employees. Youth Employment UK has a charter to support the recruitment of young people and a mandate for young people to commit to their own personal development. These values sit perfectly with Rockstar Youth and we feel that we can really contribute to the campaign that YEUK is running.


For more information, visit www.rockstaryouth.co.uk

Letters Page After realising that my CV was looking a little bare, I decided that I needed to get some more experience and more importantly, a bit of money to keep me afloat. Armed with a stack of CVs, I distributed them to every business I could think of from cafes to shops, offices to farm shops. Living in a small town without a car and access to limited public transport became considerably restrictive and the phrase ‘Sorry we don’t have any vacancies’ became a familiar one. The cost to commute elsewhere, especially to London, is beyond my means so the job search continues….

When I finished school, I wanted to earn money straight away and didn’t fancy spending thousands a year for a university course for the sake of it. However, with businesses reluctant to employ new workers, and a string of unsuccessful applications, I decided to take a job in a supermarket and save up to go travelling. I had a great time and it was the best choice I could have made as I secured a place as an apprentice electrician when I returned and am finally on my way to being fully trained and earning a decent wage.

Whilst I would love to say that I could credit my employment during my breaks in education to the strength of my CV and ability to submit it to every vacancy I have seen. I must admit that nepotism is the reason that I have been able to work 9-5 during vacations. I am one of the fortunate ones, but am well aware that, in the post-uni search I will struggle to be as lucky.

Want to share your thoughts and experiences of youth employment? Whether you are are a young person, employer or educator we would love to hear from you, email us at info@yeuk.org.uk



Higher education isn't for everyone; for young people who would prefer to g for university, apprenticeships may be the answer. Apprenticeships do not re ences as other schemes so can be ideal for people who have talent and skills background. We asked Denis Sampson, who has recently completed an appr some advice for anyone who feels they could benefit from a similar scheme. What is your background, how did you get on at school, did you go to College, what where/ are your career ambitions?

In my younger years, I loved going to school for both in practical-based subjects such as Physical education with nine GCSEs, which surprised my family and teach College was a good social experience for me, as the ap school. This really tested my ability to organise my wo from the college, which affected my relationship with ies. I then went on to study a national diploma in bu two distinctions and one merit. I have never had a so bolises how far as a person I have come.

Why did you choose an apprenticeship?

After deciding to drop out university to realise my job didn’t fulfil me men my skills freely and creatively, a job t Livity Advantage was my wake up call

How did you find your apprenticeship, what was the process like, did you have to have certain qualification, experience, was there an interview? Do you get much support from your employer, training provider?

Do you enjoy being an apprentice?

I was informed about the cou just to see how far the cours ate status the applicant had courses, which highlights ho encourage ‘digital natives’ to

I have received overwhelming suppor exceed their expectations and repay th by an ingenious organisation like Liv invested in me. I am proud to say tha

In comparison to before I started, I can gen reignited my motivation to develop myself to pursue and allowed me to set myself per

What are your plans for when your appren- I aim to start an entry-level r oping my knowledge and prac ticeship is complete?

an incredible amount about m

What advice would you give to someone thinking about starting an apprenticeship?


Don't procrastinate and create excuses for comfort zone. If full time education does and practical work an apprenticeship brin foundation for the future you desire.

hip interview

gain direct experience with a business than apply equire the same level of qualifications or experito offer a company regardless of their academic renticeship, to reveal his experiences and provide

h the social and educational elements. I always excelled n and music, as I found them both engaging. I left school hers as they felt I was not focused enough.

pproach to learning was completely different to that in ork and time effectively. But in the first year I was expelled h my Mother as she believed I was doing well with my studusiness studies at another institution, where I achieved olid career path, so to now have a sense of direction sym-

y, the only option I felt was available for me was to find a full time job. Day by day I began ntally, and I needed a fresh, exciting challenge. I wanted a job that allowed me to express that empowered me and a job that would allow me to progress professionally. I would say l, as well as that bit of luck I had always hoped for.

urse by my partner, who was part of last year's cohort. I immediately decided to apply, mainly se would take me. One key feature of the course that stood out for me was the non-graduto meet to be eligible. This completely smashed the traditional barriers to access for most ow unique this course is. Experience was not compulsory as the advantage course aimed to o apply. This I believe made all applicants feel equal.

rt and guidance from both my employer and training provider, which has motivated me to heir faith in me. To be part of such a innovative and life-changing experience, put together vity, makes me extremely appreciative for the time, energy and resources which they have at I not only represent myself and my family, but I also represent Livity and The Guardian.

nuinely say that I thoroughly enjoy being an apprentice. This life-changing experience has both personally and professionally. The apprentice role has also outlined the path I wish rsonal goals/targets I aim to meet and exceed.

role at a start-up company in the digital marketing industry, as I wish to continue develctical experience.I believe the pace of work at a start-up makes it a fantastic place to learn my craft, as well as offering big opportunities for advancement and growth.

r not applying, as in the near future you will surely regret not taking that step out of your not compliment and bring out your skills naturally, I believe the combination of theory ngs will motivate you to express and develop your creative traits. It’s all about building a 23

“Once upon a time the goal was having a job and living independently.”


Pop stars, footballers, entrepreneur tions of our young people today. But

A report carried out by the U.K. Commission for E teenagers are interested in just 10 occupations. Th sports, and professions such as teaching, law, medi bour market is not predicting the n

When we talk about raising aspirations how high do w meeting with a range of manufacturing companies; we lack of qualified technical staff through to a lack of appl are not alo

It got me to question why it is that people don’t want to “just” w tential for career progression. Once upon a time the goal was havin were happy that their job was in

Last year I was at a youth unemployment debate, Justin King the CEO of Sain was turned down by Sainsbury’s for a job ”just shelf stacking” and she had a degree, wha each and every one of his staff is essential to the suc

When we talk about raising aspirations another factor to consider is research conducted by F that was disconnected to the aspiration were at a high risk of becoming NEET (not in educat mine any job that is no

I am not squashing ambition and high aspiration, what I am suggesting is that we need ba straight from school was working in a curtain shop, I knew that working in a curtain shop w independently; I worked hard, learnt the job inside out and made sure I added value. After This is exactly what happened and what I continued to do. I have had a great career doing lo I love, that utilises all of the skills and experience I h

Ask most people what their first job was and I doubt you will find many that started out in th ties, successes and failures and that’s the fun part. We can all reach for the stars but better if people who choose to “just” shelf stack, work in our facto


nal Britain

rs, doctors, journalists, the aspirat is this good for Britain or for them?

Employment and Skills showed that over a third of hese included roles such as acting and professional icine and psychology. Worrying still is that the lanumber of jobs or growth in these.

we want the bar set, and at what cost? I was at a recent were discussing the recruitment issues they have from a licants for their production/operation roles, we know they one in this.

“reach for the stars but better if we do so with an understanding of reality”

work in a factory despite good pay, on the job training and the pong a job and living independently. People took pride in working, and n some way important to society.

nsbury’s was on the panel. A young member of the audience told him that she t chance did other people have? Justin King replied curtly it is not “just” shelf stacking, ccess of the organisation and every job is important.

Flouri et al, suggesting that children with high aspirations and a socio-economic environment ion, employment or training) post education. By promoting such high aspirations we underot seen as “aspirational”.

alance, better information and a society that values every job and every person.My first job was not my life’s ambition; I did not know what I wanted to do. But I wanted to work and live a period of time I was ready to move on and find a job on the next rung of my career ladder. ots of interesting things, some I enjoyed more than others and now I am doing something that have built up and I hope is also making a difference.

heir perfect career straight from education. A career is a journey, a series of jobs, opportunif we do so with an understanding of reality and a plan b, and we certainly should not devalue ories, care homes or cafes, just imagine life without them.


for Young People and Employers

Opening Doors was created 5 years ago by the MD of Silver Skills (Training and Events company), Dayna Silverman. Now, Dayna may indeed be a small person but this was a very BIG idea. Whilst speaking to young people, she realised that many either didn’t know what careers were available to them or they believed that they could walk into a job of their desire straight after education, and to make it worse, they thought they would be earning 30k plus. She knew that she had to do something to help and so, seeing as she was all out of magic wands, she created the Opening Doors Event.

The Opening Doors events are designed to showcase a wide variety of career opportunities and direct routes into work; giving young people between the ages of 15-25 the chance to speak to businesses within a relaxed environment. Whether it’s finding out exactly what employers look for on a CV, a company’s many career paths or just The simply how to stand out from the crowd. next Opening Doors event promises to be even better when it arrives at Salford Stadium in Manchester on July 3rd. For more information please go to www.opening-doors.org or email the team info@opening-doors.org Opening Doors are an active and supportive member of Youth Employment UK CIC.

The first event introduced 500 students to 20 businesses and just 3 years later 2000 students spoke to over 50 businesses... Who needs a wand?


Upcoming Events Running an event that aims to support youth unemployment? Let us know and we will share it here.




16th April

Youth Enterprise Nation 2013 Tour -Glasgow

16-30 year olds

19th April

23rd April

23rd April

8th – 9th May 10th May

13th – 14th May 15th May

23rd May

5th June 5th June


Reg for free tickets – www. youthenterprisenation. co.uk Youth Enterprise Nation 2013 Tour 16-30 year Reg for free tickets – www. -Newcastle olds youthenterprisenation. co.uk Youth Enterprise Nation 2013 Tour -Liv- 16-30 year Reg for free tickets – www. erpool olds youthenterprisenation. co.uk Youth Employment UK - Employability Schools, Busiinfo@yeuk.org.uk Excellence Workshop nesses and Providers Youth Employment Convention Businesses http://www.cesi.org.uk/ events/youth-employment-convention Youth Enterprise Nation 2013 Tour 16-30 year Reg for free tickets – www. -Leeds olds youthenterprisenation. co.uk UK Youth – Network Conference Amble- Youth Orhttp://routingforyouth. side Conference focus is on Youth Emganisations eventbrite.co.uk/ ployment Islington Community Fair – Meet em16-24 year Just turn up between 11am ployers, apprenticeship providers, careers olds – 3:30pm or tweet @Islingadvisers tonCEA Youth Enterprise Nation 2013 Tour 16-30 year Reg for free tickets – www. -Coventry olds youthenterprisenation. co.uk National Vocational Qualifications Day Pathways to Employment

Youth orhttp://www.employmentganisations & pathways.org.uk/ Employers 27

•Are you 16-24? •Does youth unemployment or underemployment worry or affect you? •Are you unsure about your next step and how to make sense of all of the choices and information available? •Do you feel like your voice is not being heard? Then join Youth Employment UK CIC, get involved and support a national campaigning organisation working hard to fight youth unemployment in the UK Joining is free to 16-24 year old and membership includes: One place where you can keep up to date with youth employment news A clear impartial signposting service (there are over 729,000,000 resources on google for careers information), at YEUK young people can get the basic what, how, when, why and where and then be signposted back out to the websites and organisations most relevant to them Sign Up to our charter Contribute to national campaigns and ensure your voice is heard Enter Youth Employment UK Competitions Access to the O2 Think Big Programme Subscription to the monthly Youth Employment NEWS e-magazine

*COMING SOON* Database of “Youth Friendly” Employers Join the Regional Youth Committees Forum Videos Case Studies

Youth Unemployment is an issue for every young person in the UK and through our growing campaign you can get involved and help us make the UK more “Youth Friendly” If we can get thousands of young people to Step Up and sign the Positive Youth Charter we can show the UK that young people are invested in this issue and inspire employers and youth organisations to do the same. Join us at www.yeuk.org.uk


Just for fun Celebrity’s first jobs

Even some of our greatest A Lister’s had to start somewhere less than Hollywood glamorous: Tom Jones – Worked in a glove factory Leona Lewis – A secretary Justin King – Paper round David Cameron – Was a researcher Sir David Attenborough – National Service

Weird Job Anagram

Normal Tie is an anagram for which unusual job? Clue – A cast member from the 2012 film Hairspray can boast that this was his “before he was famous job” Strange but true These are some real jobs that people actually make a living from (thanks to www.jobprofiles.org): •Odour Tester •Hair boiler •Citrus Fruit Dryer •Fortune Cookie Writer •Professional Whistler


In our next issue •Are you “Youth Friendly”? – The launch of the Youth Friendly badge •Digital “Bad Hair” Days •Starting a Franchise business •Traineeships •Nuskoolfathers •Girls V’s Boys how relevant is the gender gap? •Where are the jobs? Ask the experts Before our next edition you can ask our panel of experts questions on: Entrepreneurship – From starting a business to selling one our expert Ketan Mekwana will be answering any entrepreneur/business related questions Careers – Not sure what career or how to break into a career? Then ask your careers question to our InspireEducation Careers Expert Simon Bason Employability – How do you stand out, find a job, and make sure you have what employers are looking for? Ask our Employability Coach David Schindler Email us your question before the 14th of May and we will post as many as we can with the answers from our expert in our next Youth Employment NEWS


To contact Youth Employment UK CIC Business & School membership: ljr@yeuk.org.uk Volunteer Youth Ambassadors: info@yeuk.org.uk To ask for an advertising rate card or to speak about magazine content: info@yeuk.org.uk Visit: www.yeuk.org.uk

Or Call: 08444 143101

The information contained in this e-Magazine is for general information purposes only. The information is provided by Youth Employment UK CIC and guest editors/blog producers and while we endeavour to keep the information up to date and correct, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability with respect to the e-Magazine or the information, products, services, or related graphics contained in the magazine for any purpose. Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk. Any views expressed here are not necessarily endorsed by Youth Employment UK CIC, Youth Employment News, Inspire2Exceed, Advertisers, Webmaster or any individuals or organisations. Links outside of Youth Employment UK (external links) are provided for user convenience and do not constitute or imply endorsement, recommendation, or favouring by Youth Employment UK. All articles on our site are copyrighted material by the authors to include any graphics that are included with them. Photographs are also copyrighted. If you, the reader, have any grievances with any material that is posted on this site, you are responsible for contacting the author in question. This disclaimer is subject to change without notice.



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