Youth Employment UK CIC e-Magazine March 2014

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employ e t a e - cr advise

in this edition: Apprentice Return On Investment Getting A Career In Marketing Outstanding Employability Award

y a w path s n o i t op Make the most of National Careers Week & Apprenticeship Week by exploring your options UK FREE / #14 MARCH 2014

levy c m a i v l sy Hi everyone, YEUK has had a very busy month! In January we launched a competition to rename the Youth Employment e-magazine, if you noticed the new name has already been adopted. The winning idea was created by Shane Bear who has been sent a HTC sensation thanks to our O2 youth partner and thanks to Shane! A.C.E. Advise, Create, Employ! Just some of the things we have started planning this month: • The campaign focus for YEUK during 2014, • Our very own Youth Friendly celebration event, • Plus we’ll be bringing you a brand new e-magazine feature: “Spotlight on a Sector” – a centre ‘pull-out’ dedicated to the range of careers in one of the UK’s growing sectors. This month Education Minister Michael Gove MP seemed to be collating more column inches than ever before, our YEUK Ambassador has taken a look at some of the education headlines. With news that sixth form college funding has been cut more this year than in the past years and a 4% uptake in university applications, YEUK is holding its breath and will be informing you of that impact over the next few months. Enjoy the read,





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contents //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

YEUK 04 08 12 15 27 30

Meet An Ambassador Education In The News This Month National Careers Week & Apprenticeship Week Why Women Leave Academia 16-24’s Can Join The Club Upcoming Events

Hints & Tips 06 13 23 26 32

YEUK’s Top Tips On A Career In Marketing Soft Skills – How To Improve Yours & Why Cleaning Up Your Online Presence Interview Tips Where To Find Careers Information

Personal Stories 09 18 29

To Whom It May Concern Poem - ‘When You’re Down’ Your Dream Factory

Interviews 10 21

Meet The Apprentice Interview With A Graduate

For Employers 05 11 16 24 31

ACCROSS College support YEUK Hereward College Achieve An Outstanding Employability Award Keeping It Equal How You Can Help Tackle Youth Unemployment? Apprenticeship Return On Investment

YouthEmploymentUK Youth Employment UK C.I.C Group @yeuk @YEUK2012

For Fun 14 20 28

How Not To Write A CV Brain Teasers Digital Bad Hair Days





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The word ‘employability’ is a word that has been making the rounds at university and in the job market. But what does this mean? I took it to mean ‘being able to demonstrate that I have the transferable skills that employers are looking for, hopefully securing me a job upon graduation’. I think these skills can be developed through volunteering opportunities so it was mission to find one that I wanted to do. This is where YEUK came in! So why did I choose YEUK? Well, primarily because I believe the cause is one worth helping. I am part of ‘the lost generation’ who’s employment prospects are not so good as our parents. This is due to the recession, higher competition and employers wanting more from their employees. Some of these issues can be resolved by increasing awareness of the issues so that employers and government are more accomodating. I thought that I could help as I have connections with employers and education institutions. I have developed these through work experience in careers departments and through my blog and writing articles for the Guardian. I choose to be an ambassador, focusing on social media, as I am able to use my blog to promote the charity and create cartoons using Powtoon. Being an ambassador is a two way process, YEUK gets to utilise my skills and I get to make connections with employers and receive perks through the ‘ambassador awards scheme’. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

e skills to help YEUK?

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Join the movement //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////





Accrington and Rossendale College are already committed to the employability and employment of their students, and have made a heavy investment into the employer relationships that they build and the services they provide to their community partners. Becoming an Education Ambassador for Youth Employment UK CIC fits well with their strategy. Tamsin Deasey, Director of Business and Partnerships at Accrington and Rossendale College, commented: “Youth unemployment is at an all-time high and Pennine Lancashire is one of the country’s worst hit areas. As a college that is career-focused, employability is at the heart of everything that we do and our aim is that every single one of our students leaves us ready for a career. We are thrilled to be supporting and working with Youth Employment UK and will tirelessly continue to play a key role in developing the career prospects of the region’s young people.” Education Ambassadors make a commitment to promoting the campaigning and member services of Youth Employment UK. We offer free membership to 16-24 year olds which comes with a range of benefits, but not least being able to have their say and contribute to national issues linked to youth unemployment. Youth unemployment is the issue of our young people but also our business community. To have a thriving economy and be a global leader we cannot allow youth unemployment and the skills gap to remain so high, it is an issue that affects everyone in the UK. “Part of our work includes the free National Youth Friendly Badge for employers; it is an award that celebrates those employers who in some way are supporting young people in their community. Accrington and Rossendale College has a great relationship with their employer partners and as an Education Ambassador will be assisting their employer community to receive this national recognition. It is a great return on investment that the College can champion to ensure both students and employers benefit from the partnership,” said Laura-Jane Rawlings, founder of Youth Employment UK CIC.





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Market research has shown that there is a shortage in skilled workers in this area, although the volume of applicants for every vacancy is high. What this tells us is that the qualifications are not enough in this sector – employers are looking for skilled and experienced applicants for their roles.

Firstly, there a couple of pathways into a marketing career. You may consider a degree in marketing itself or another linked subject such as English Literature, or you can look at the growing number of apprenticeships in the sector. Some of the apprenticeships specialise in things like social media and some are broader.

YEUK had a look at five areas you can focus on as you are gaining your qualifications to stand out from the crowd!

It is always advisable to talk to some employers and find out which routes they would recommend – the key thing is that you will need to market yourself and can transfer skills to the key roles within marketing.

The official definition of marketing as a profession is; “The management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitably” according to the Chartered Institute of Marketing.

Focusing on understanding these five tips could help set you on your way…


1 How good are your communication skills? These come into play every day – understanding the customer, good communication with your colleagues, representing yourself and the company well. Know your terminology and how to convey your point; if the consumer doesn’t like you, they will not like your product.

2 How good are your core subjects? English and maths play important roles while building projects and presentations. Whether it is written or spoken, good English is always important crossing T’s and dotting I’s correctly will always support your point. Fail here and you will have limited foundations. Same with maths – analytics, costs, profit, losses will be things you will need to understand and communicate out to others.

3 Work Experience Your big challenge when you come straight out of education will be lack of experience, so you need to consider how you can build up the necessary experience whilst in education. If you are at university, think about joining the students union and taking on a marketing role, or you may want to volunteer for a charity and let them know that marketing is your ambition, so that



they assign you to tasks most relevant. During the holidays apply to marketing firms for some work experience; think about the local paper, radio and businesses that employ marketing staff to give you a broad range of experience.

4 Contacts Like with most sectors, who you know can really help you get onto the career ladder. Lots of marketing people can be found on LinkedIn, they are also usually the people behind company Twitter accounts, Facebook pages and Pinterest boards. So connect with companies through social media, see how it is being done, ask questions, join some marketing LinkedIn groups and get involved in the conversations to develop your networking skills and address book.

5 Your brand Before you even begin to look for employment – clean your own marketing brand up! Any employer is going to research applicants, but for marketing jobs this will be even more important. The image you have put out into the world via your social media profile will be judged. Do you present yourself well, professionally and knowledgeable? If you don’t take care of your own brand, how will you take care of anyone else’s?


Record numbers of applicants for university places were reported this month with an increase of over 4%, an overall of 58,000 applicants. With a decrease in the gap between young people from disadvantages backgrounds and young people from more affluent homes. This came as a surprise since universities can now charge up to ÂŁ9,000 per academic year. YEUK is interested to know what subjects will be oversubscribed at universities as it appears that many students are studying subjects where related career opportunities are virtually non-existent. It is becoming apparent that students may benefit more from apprenticeship and on the job training opportunities as opposed to investing 30k on a degree course that may never help them achieve their dream job.



These statistics appear to be a part of a long term trend and counteracts the initial claims that young people will be put off going into higher education with the increase in tuition fees. Whether this means that there will be a greater demand for higher education is unknown at this point as students are still able to apply for higher education courses until June 2014. It will also be interesting to find out whether there will be an increase in university drop-outs in 2014. Many scholars, academics and government officials have put forward their opinions on what might be the reasons behind the increase and it appears that there are a few popular ideas. Due to the heightened media attention young people have become more aware of the financial reality and importance of investing in a degree for their future. Students from disadvantaged

backgrounds now have greater access to funding and bursary systems and will now pay lower loan repayments once they are in well-paid jobs. Another issue of particular concern for YEUK is the increasing gender gap within higher education. Over a third of the applicants seeking university places were female yet it is reported that despite girls gaining a better quality of education men are still overtaking women in the work place. It’s is often found that men are higher paid when in the same positions as female and men are more likely to be in senior management positions. ////////////////////////////////////////////// Did YOU apply to university this year? Have your say! Get in touch via


To whom it m ay concern, After two year s of unemplo yment follow an apprentice ing university at a charity I I got a job as have dyslexia, Even though dyspraxia an I felt I could d dyscalculia do the job ad ////////////////////////////////////////////// functional sk . equately, I did ills in maths n’t pass my or English. I o five months. n ly worked as Once I failed an apprentice the test, my college and th for employer trie ey failed to re d to contact ply. the Access to Wo rk fund failed me, as I didn was too late. ’t know they I needed sup existed until port but I did they offered it n ’t know if the would work equipment because I had only gave m n ever used it b e a short per iod of time to efore and they probation per prove it wou iod was up. ld work. Then my I found being on an appren ticeship just an apprentice as hard as Un I did not get iversity. As learning sup functional sk p ort to prepar ills test. The d e me for the ictionary defi for ‘person le nition of an ap arning a trad prentice stan e; novice’. ds I am concern ed that I will be unemploye reach 25 and d for another get even less two years th support to fin what the per en d centage is of employment. young people I don’t know are unemplo w yed but it mu ith learning d st be quite h ifficulties wh igh. o I am more w orried for oth ers who have hitting brick less support walls and this than I do as is damaging I keep to confidence and ambition Yours sincere . ly, Jessica Starn s YEUK Youth Ambassador YEUK say s: “Sadly this isn’t written b made up y Jess wh ; this lette o is one o r was ambassa f our very dors. Jes b ri ll s ia is n smart, bri t youth and creati ght, enth ve, she is usiastic, re great wit long years liable h people of lookin and yet a g for her ft is still hitti e r two first emp ng brick w loyment alls. Jess b re she wante ak she wrote this d to ask g letter bec overnme for young a use nt what th people ju ey were d st like he enough p o ing r. We kno rovision, w there is support o n people w o t r understa ith SEN a nding for cross the young employm g o vernmen ent secto t, training rs and m and ore must be done!”





NCC yed by lo p m e to be er of rentice y for a numb NCC. p p a r e a first ev paved the w ortunity with as the s w a pp h y o ll d n a a n S get 09, a o 0 t 2 s g her e n i pandin her rentic back x p e p a o t l sfu roach ment succes her app s that compli n rewarded in e iv t e ac bee nu een pro pursuing ave lace. This has and now b s a h orkp Sally NCC s and in the w ontract with the team. sibilitie c f respon development t o n ember rmane al person eceiving a pe ly valuable m h hr throug arded as a hig g e r g bein

What is your background, how did you get on at school, what made you decide to go into an apprenticeship, what were/are your career ambitions? I wasn’t overly keen on school. I enjoyed certain subjects; however I do prefer to be on the job working, so I chose the apprenticeship route. Did you enjoy your role as an apprentice? I loved my apprenticeship role; it gave me the chance to see different sides of the business and work with the whole team. I gained a lot of knowledge and also enjoyed creating my portfolio in order to receive my certificates and qualifications. How did you find your apprenticeship, what was the process like, did you have to have certain qualifications or experience, was there an interview? I did have an interview for my apprenticeship; it was like applying for an actual full time



job! Once in my interview I was made to feel very comfortable and already part of the team!

more exciting! My apprenticeship consisted of jobs with every team in the company which was very fun!

Did your lifestyle or priorities change in any way once you got an apprenticeship? Having an apprenticeship matured me; I was working with a variety of age groups and personalities. It gave me a different view on lifestyles after spending years siting in a classroom with the same group of friends.

How did you find managing studies alongside working commitments? The company was extremely helpful giving me free time to work on my studies and time away from the office to complete any exams.

How hard was it to get a job in your chosen field? How many did you apply for before finding the right one? I applied for six, before I left school, a lot of these were not suitable for travel arrangements but I wanted to gain the experience of interviews. How does your permanent role differ from your apprenticeship? I have a lot more responsibility in my permanent role than I did in my apprenticeship; it’s a lot

What tips or advice would you give to anybody thinking of getting an apprenticeship? I would definitely recommend an apprenticeship! I do think it’s a real achievement to leave school and go straight in to a working environment but this is also exciting!


We are delighted to announce that Hereward College have been achieved an outstanding InspireEducation Employability Award! Hereward College is motivated to ensure its students have a great curriculum experience but that they are also supported to develop the key skills needed for a successful transition into work. The college recognised that it had a lot of excellent practice in place but used the InspireEducation Employability Audit as a tool to identify what areas could be improved on. The InspireEducation Employability Audit and Award assesses: • Management and coordination of careers education • Careers, impartial advice and guidance delivery • Work related learning • Enterprise • Employability • Student voice InspireEducation conducted a first audit in June 2013, after which a report was given to the college detailing recommendations and suggestions for improvement. The college then manage any changes and adjustments before inviting InspireEducation to complete a final assessment.

The result of which was that the college was given the highest award of Outstanding due to their excellent programme. Nathalie Neill (Tilly) said “The process provided direction and advice, recognising what was working, what areas could be improved on and providing ideas and help on how to do that. It was a really supportive process. We had an Ofsted Inspection before the final audit and I believe the process of working with the InspireEducation Employability Audit helped me not only to prepare but also to feel confident that we were delivering the best service to students” Laura-Jane of InspireEducation said “Hereward College are deeply committed to their student success, they already had a good programme in place, it was a pleasure to help them take that to an outstanding programme knowing that all students will have this great careers and employability experience at Hereward is very rewarding.” ////////////////////////////////////////////// For more information on the InspireEducaton Employability Audit, Careers Education Programmes or CPD please visit




k e e w s r ree a c k? l e a e n w o i p t i a n cesh i t n e r p & ap rch a m h t 3rd – 7 olved #GetInv National Careers Week (NCW) is a celebration of careers guidance and free resources in education across the UK. The aim is to provide a focus for careers guidance activity at an important stage in the academic calendar to help support young people leaving education.

careers events and activities. During National Careers Week it is up to every school, academy and college to offer careers advice and guidance to their students. We are here to help and can provide free resources, information on current career opportunities and advice on activities and exercises to run.

Careers Week encourages education providers to bring together students, local employers and advisers through

Last year services provided to students during National Careers Week included daily drop-in workshops; careers fairs;

National Apprenticeship Week is co-ordinated by the National Apprenticeship Service and is designed to celebrate apprenticeships and the positive impact they have on individuals, businesses and the wider economy.

• Celebrate apprenticeship talent, skills, achievements and successes. • Promote all apprenticeship levels and progression routes, including traineeships.

The objectives of National Apprenticeship Week 2014 are to: • Increase awareness, understanding and demand for apprenticeships.



The overarching theme for National Apprenticeship Week 2014 is: Great Apprenticeships ‘Great Businesses’ are made by apprentices and apprenticeships lead to ‘Great Prospects.’

employer visits; focus on subject relevant careers in lessons and showing careers films. At a time of high youth unemployment, there has never been a bigger need for careers guidance to be promoted and celebrated in education. National Careers Week is your platform to advise and inspire our next generation as they enter the world of work. #NCW2014

It is about demonstrating that apprenticeships are great for businesses, personal careers and creating opportunities for both employers and apprentices. ////////////////////////////////////////////// uk/awards/apprenticeshipweek-2014/what-is-nationalapprenticeship-week.aspx #NAW2014


hy w & s r you e v o r p im how to ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Did you know that stepping out of your comfort zone and putting yourself forward for a new experience improves your soft skills? Soft skills is the name for the skills we need in life and work that take you a step further out of the playground and slowly progress’s you to the world of adult behaviours. Try something new The best way to develop your soft skills is to try something new… Join a new group such as the Air or Army Cadets or join a Duke of Edinburgh scheme, even if your friends aren’t interested, do it for you. A great place to start is to a look at what’s on in your area that interests you – there is always a lot going on from arts and crafts to drama and performance; there is something for everyone! Why is it good for you? • Being part of something that interests you makes you interesting

• It helps you build the confidence to learn something new • It build self-esteem • It helps to develop a whole range of soft skills Wondering what this has to do with employability? Become employable Today’s employers have high expectations of soft skills; being able to get yourself to work each day and when you’re there manage your own workload, being reliable and a part of the team are all high on their lists. You can show an employer you have these skills by attending a local club or group, where you will have had to plan how to get there, manage when you go, make sure you are reliable, talk to others. These skills in employers speak are: time management, planning, reliability and communication! Plus having a hobby beyond reading, socialising and going to the cinema is brilliant for your CV and will help make you a standout candidate!








u do o y l l i w hat w – s l r ee? r gi g e d r u with yo It surprised us to read, that after completing a degree so few graduates consider a career in academia. We thought that being a ‘perpetual’ student would appeal to much more people. What’s more we also learnt that only 12% of third year female PhD students would even consider a career in academia. According to www.prospcets. the work of an academic typically combines research, teaching, administrative and leadership responsibilities. Most academic posts include duties such as making applications for funding, attending conferences, building collaborations with other institutions and taking part in knowledge transfer activities with business and industry. Searching and applying for funding for research projects is also high up the list. Salaries whilst depending on the role and the institute will range from anything between £27,000 to £55,000 per year. We didn’t think that was a bad earner; however the posts are higher than the number of applicants. The research showing that it is far from the top of the list of choices of graduates raises even more concerns that females actually find it difficult to work in this area. Apparently females see academic careers as all-consuming, solitary and as unnecessarily competitive. Adding to that, female are also more likely to be told that they

will encounter problems within the sector simply because they are female! Andrew Millar MP said that it is “astonishing that woman are still under-represented in academia” and that “universities should pull their socks up.” President at a Boston College, Helen Drinan said on the matter that, “I believe to this day that standing up against this behaviour” that continuing to working very hard, helped her to ascend into leadership positions. “In the end, clear goals education, experience and confidence will move the ranks of talented and motivated female to great heights.” It is a fact that there are fewer females than males in the world of academia, with the recent report stating that only 12% of PhD female students pursuing a career compared to 21% of male. Looking ahead this shows how the academic world is being put at risk, as its survival is limited to the quality and diversity of the recruitment pool. So, good news for those of you with a passion for education, your subject and a drive to succeed; academic careers offer real possibility. ////////////////////////////////////////////// Are you female and work in academia? Get in touch and share your career story!




ber m e m UK E Y a y b

Finding the right career path can be tough. There are so many options available and often we face conflicting advice from friends, family and teachers about whether to stay in school, get a job, try an apprenticeship or go to university. National Careers Week is an annual awareness-raising week held across the UK to help young people find the right path for them. Full Circle Education Solutions, a South Wales-based social enterprise, will be celebrating this special week by encouraging young women aged 11-25 to ‘Keep It Equal’ at an event to promote non-stereotypical careers and industries to girls. Statistically girls perform better at school than boys, and women are more likely to go to university than men. However, men are more likely to gain employment after they graduate and sadly women will earn on average 14.9% less than men. Girls and boys should have equal access to the same jobs, courses and degrees, but for many young women their gender is perceived as a barrier to success in profitable industries such as IT, business and engineering. Gender stereotypes about what is a ‘man’s job’ and a ‘woman’s



and interests as diverse as DJing, engineering, construction, football, the Armed Forces and emergency services.

job’ still persist, resulting in women failing to enter many professions. Girls are far more likely to be encouraged into vocational training in hairdressing and beauty, than a course in plumbing, construction or web coding, for example. For many girls a career in science or as a fire fighter is an unlikely option because of their lack of knowledge and experience of the industry. It is likely that many girls will have never met a female fire fighter, or had a handson experience of the different careers in science. Removing some of the ingrained messages and stereotypes about what boys and girls can and cannot do must start at a young age. Full Circle’s ‘Keeping It Equal’ event aims to challenge girls to step out of their comfort zone and to try something new. The event is being held in partnership with the British Army, and will provide a hands-on opportunity for young women to try careers

Girls will have the opportunity to hear a range of presentations from inspiring women, try their hands at non-stereotypical activities, receive information about careers and issues affecting them, and take part in a role model “speed-dating” style session with adult women role models. Over 300 young women from across South Wales will attend ‘Keeping It Equal’ in Cardiff on Friday March 7th, in celebration of both National Careers Week and International Women’s Day. With women accounting for 64% of the lowest paid workers in the UK it is crucial we begin to break down gender stereotypes and encourage girls to shed the idea of ‘feminine’ and ‘unfeminine’ roles, to not only help young people today, but future generations of girls. ////////////////////////////////////////////// Nikki Giant is the Director of social enterprise Full Circle Education Solutions. Their Keeping It Equal event will be held on March 7th in Cardiff; learn more at www.myfullcircle. org/events


dor a s s a b am m o r f m poe When I came to the UK to pursue higher education, the economy wasn’t doing that well. Even though I had a job at that time, people around me did not; even those with MBA’s were not getting work. My friends who did their higher education within the UK could not find jobs in the UK or even in my country for almost a year. This is a poem is for those people around me who are going through tough times… //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

when you’re down! When you’re down! When the world around you seems merry when everything you want, seems to be on an uphill clearly When you’re down, nothing seems to work out, when the end of the tunnel seems too far along, When the crossroads lead you to one dead-end, when the keys seem to only lock the door and when rains

don’t stop to pour,

The clock winds without repair, and the world goes round without a care, when happiness you’re unable to trace, life only seems to be of despair! When the slightest fall looks like a big push, and nothing seems to work for the good, When you’re down and the miles seem to grow, when you’re burned out and the solution seems to be the problem, With every stair that you climb and no floor insight, with every page you turn the story seldom unfurls! When you’re down and out and believe is something you’d rather not, a glimmer of hope that once tinkered now

completely lost in its direction towards you,

When the music fades into noise and when things don’t seem to look up, “this too shall pass” is what they say,

but they fail to wear your shoes and with each passing moment hope you lose!

And when the dawn breaks and with it new hope awakes is when you’re up and about and the adventure begins again!

By Shewtel




Raising Your Profile

We are reaching out to thousands of young people across the UK through our e-magazine, social media and membership. All of our members are promoted to our young supporters:

We are committed to supporting our members and ensuring they are a big part of our work. Our members get to:

. All young members can access our employer members database. . You can promote your recruitment pages through our members database and social media channels. . You can promote your events to our young supporters . You can attend our events and will be offered opportunities to present to our network of education ambassadors* . Expert support for your recruitment strategy and youth engagement programmes*

. Contribute editorial and case studies for our e-magazine. . Have your logo on our website and in our e-magazine. . Be seen on our members database. . Receive support through our social media channels. . Get involved in our events, competitions and lobbying work. . Work with a dedicated account manager * (*corporate members only)

(*corporate members only)



All of our members get unlimited access to our online platform and information services:

As a not-for-profit we reinvest 100% of our membership income to developing the services and support for young people across the UK.

. Good Practice Documents . E-Bulletins . E-Magazine . Online Forum . Networking . Resources & Guides . Discounts for YEUK events

. You will be supporting our lobbying and campaigning work. . Sign up for the free national Youth Friendly badge and show your business supports our young generation. . All members have to sign the Positive Youth Charter which shows a deep commitment to youth engagement. . Simply with your support you are investing in a unique and progressive youth organisation.

Visit us online at: Call: 08444 143 101 Email:

YouthEmploymentUK Youth Employment UK C.I.C Group @yeuk @YEUK2012


Work out th

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A: Stinted B: Resign ed C: Rideto



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Ever won dered can pay? how much these Have a g jobs uess!

G: Air Tra ffic H: Electric Controller a I: Pharma l Engineer cy Manag er

Answers: A: Dentist, B: Designer, C: Editor, D: Porter at mental hospital, E: Worked in a slaughter house, F: Mopped floors, G: £51,690, H: £42,392 I: £41,828. (All figures are approx.)




Name: Becki Raper Age: 24 Degree studied at university: Geography (BA Hons) ////////////////////////////////////////////// What was your experience like searching for employment pre, and post, university? I have had a part time job since I was in secondary school, but after I finished my A-levels there was no support or guidance at going straight into a full time job – university was really the only path highlighted to us. Post university, I went back to live with my parents in York and got part time work whilst looking for my ‘dream job’. I narrowed my search to jobs that requested graduates, as I didn’t want my time at university and debt I was in to be all for nothing. Applying for jobs, only having family in York meant that I wasn’t in the best place for job opportunities. I sent off applications for quite a few jobs. Some I would hear back from, others were completely silent with replies. I quickly learned that sometimes the roles just weren’t suitable, either too short a contract or not paying enough for me to be able to move to another city. Everything also always seemed

to be about experience, which having been in education, I didn’t have. I ended up taking a very short three week volunteering role for an environmental type charity in London. I would not have been able to afford to stay longer with the money loss I was facing. However, through making contacts with other people with environmental degrees I then, six months later, got work through hearing about a role for a sustainability assistant with a construction contractor working on the Olympics project. It was a two month contract, which was extended to four and then I was recommended for a position so I am here permanently! Did you apply for any graduate schemes? I maybe took a few online tests (numerical, verbal reasoning), but the whole process of spending days filling in application forms and then failing a 10 minute test, I thought, was just not worth it. I didn’t want to be considered a number that is only judged by a timed assessment. I don’t think I would be able to cope with rejection after having attended several centres and fail at the last hurdle. Hats off to those that apply to these scary graduate schemes! How many schemes did you apply to? About five maybe, but that is because I lost the will after the traumas faced when trying to apply for them. I had friends who applied to hundreds. Of those you applied to, how many did you a) hear back from b) were successful at applying to? I would say I applied to over 50 jobs and roughly, heard back from about 50%, it was a generic email sent to all those unsuccessful.

How ‘youth friendly’ was your experience when searching/ applying for employment post university? There was basically too many people applying for the same job, and there was nothing you could really do without experience to set yourself apart from all the rest. By not even making interviews, it doesn’t give you chance to shine in person to the employer. How long were you out of employment for before securing this employment? I was at home with my parents for a total of 10 months, continuously getting bogged down in job applications. I never thought it would be so hard to start my career and I continuously felt lost in what I wanted to do. I kept questioning what I should be doing and felt like I was a disappointment to my parents for not doing them ‘proud’. It was hard work, but it definitely pays to put yourself out there and meet as many people as possible. What advice would you give to graduates/young people as they seek employment and struggle to hear back from applications? I would advise them to keep trying. It will all be worthwhile when you get that break. I definitely think networking is good, so if you can find events where people in the field you want to work in are, that is a good start. The most important thing is not to be too selective. You never know without doing a job if it is for you, so don’t be afraid to give other types of work/ experiences a go. ////////////////////////////////////////////// For more interviews and youth employment news please visit



Inspire2Exceed InspireEducation – Raising Aspirations & Employability Skills

Careers Education Programmes InspireEducation has developed 6 programmes that aim to motivate students about the world of work and teach them the skills they need to manage their own careers independently. All of our programmes are mapped to the principles of Statutory Impartial Advice and Guidance and the recommendations of the Matrix Standard. Furthermore of all our trainers are CRB checked and undergo regular CPD to support their development and expertise.

Why Choose InspireEducation? Our programmes have proven to meet these objectives:

Workshops Charged At

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• To achieve academic excellence. • Motivating C/D students to achieve C+ results. • To reduce the number of NEET. • Inspire students to independently manage their futures. • Deliver excellent quality Impartial Advice and Guidance. We can work in support of your existing IAG provision or support your organisation in the absence of one.

Range Of Careers Education InspireEducation has an expertise in all things work related learning. We can offer bespoke programmes to suit the needs of individual education organisations. We can offer the following types of events and ensure that their cost and learning outcomes meet your personalised needs: • Careers Fairs • Work Related Learning Events • Impartial Advice and Guidance Programmes • Enterprise Days All of our programmes meet the highest standards that you will come to expect when working with InspireEducation. Inspirational Careers and Employability Specialists Careers Workshops – Next Steps, Employable Me, CV Writing, Interview Preparation Personal Development Programmes – Goal Setting, Motivation and Aspiration, Employability Skills Enterprise Events . Work Related Learning Days . FREE Careers Resources for Schools CE/IAG CPD Events . Employability Award for Schools

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Inspire Education 28 Buttercup Close, Oakley Vale, Corby, Northamptonshire NN18 8LB


e part on

Since the World Wide Web began, more and more of our daily lives have turned digital. When I started my first job I was not aware of LinkedIn, or Twitter, hardly any of my friends were hanging out on Google Hangouts and there were definitely no companies or universities on there.

The problem starts when what you post works against you. It is no secret that employers are as snoopy as Sherlock Holmes when it comes to possible candidates and many of them will research you on Google, Facebook and LinkedIn. I guess your Fridaynight-out pictures are not what you want them to see.

Let’s be honest, the majority of people now live on the internet, everything about our day and our lifes is in some way involved – from our ID’s and National Insurance numbers. Everything we share online is leaving a trail of clues to who we are and what are our interests are.

Jobvite survey carried out in 2012 claims that 90% of employers use social networks for recruitment1. Other research carried out between 300 employers a total of 61% had rejected applicants on basis of their social media screening2. Impressive?

The internet and social networks provide a great space for sharing of thoughts; ideas, pictures, videos, comunicating and staying in touch across the globe. It also creates a space for creativity and brilliance, but at the same time the dangers are there, it can be a great threat to your future career and current employment!

Do a little experiment; Google your own name, see what you can find out through couple of clicks. Is there anything on there that possibly could affect your chances of getting a job you could be great at? Think like an employer... You could change your privacy settings, but the introduction of history from Facebook now

means that it is there and cannot be removed. So from here on think of the content you’re about to share and filter it, think twice before you post or re-posting anything share or re tweet, think like an employer. Read next month’s edition to find out YEUK’s step by step how to clear up your online presence... ////////////////////////////////////////////// YEUK says: We hear so many horror stories, you only have to read our regular Digital Bad Hair Days to get some shocking examples. It should be a no brainer. If you wanted a job in social media, make sure your own Twitter account is proffesional, tweets spelt correctly, nothing aggresive or rude. It may feel like sensorship but you would stand in the middle of a room and share your private or deep thoughts, dont do it on social media!




We know there are many reasons for high levels of youth unemployment, here we have taken two of the most common barriers to youth employment and offered a solution that you can be part of. Problem 1 Not enough employers offer support to young people, according to the UKCES only 1

in 4 do! How can young people develop an understanding of the world of work, or begin to develop employability skills without being given an opportunity by an employer?

employers) if you type in “Careers Advice for Students” into Google there are 133,000,000 results.

Problem 2 There are lots of organisations working to support young people (colleges, training providers, youth organisations and 1 in 4

We think this is quite simply where YEUK comes in, of course we do!

Solution 1 We created the national free Youth Friendly bad ge, an award available to every UK em ployer of an y size who commits to at least two ‘youth friend activities a ye ly’ ar. It might b e that you support a lo cal school b y volu to conduct m ock interview nteering s, or talk to students abo ut your care er, you migh offer work e t xperience or recruitment opportunitie s. Size does not matter – every UK e mployer cou ld be doing something Yo uth Friendly . It really makes a diff erence! Spending a short-time w ith an employer he lps young pe ople develop the languag e skills of wo rk, it helps them unders tand how to behave and act in a profe ssional enviro nment; it might even help them ch oose or rule out a career choice. So e ven the smal things coun l t and it cost s nothing! What’s more when you b ecome Youth Friendly you will inspire an d encourage


Let’s tell you why...

other busine sses to the sa me, you can even go as fa r as we have and insist that our sup pliers are do in g should all do it too. We it! Through ou r website an d the youth friendly app lication you ca n get help from us on h ow you can b e come a more youth friendly busi ness. Take a look at www Solution 2 We have cre ated an amaz ing platform for young pe ople, packed with impartial care ers advice, ti ps, forums, opinion polls etc.

What this pla tform also d oes is link young peop le to all of th e companie who hold th s e Youth Frie ndly badge, so a young p erson can p ut in their postcode or the sector th ey are interested in and find the employers, colleges, trai ning compan ies and events on th eir doorstep who are committed to supporting yo uth.

. . . . . . YEUK – CONNECTING THE DOTS . . . . . . 24

How is anyone supposed to navigate this? What is the solution?

Youth Employment UK CIC Youth Friendly Badge (CC) The Youth Friendly Badge (CC) celebrates and recognises your commitment to young people in the UK. It is a public demonstration of your pledge to be a “Youth Friendly” business. In the UK nearly 1 in 5 young people are unemployed; youth unemployment is a growing social, economic and moral problem with a cost to every member of society, but above all, to a young person, somewhere near you. Already thousands of businesses in the UK support young people by attending careers fairs, providing work experience opportunities and taking on young people through apprenticeships, internships, graduate or entry level roles. We know that there is still more to be done and so we want all UK employers to apply for the free Youth Friendly Badge (CC), demonstrating to their communities, to young people, to future employees and to their customers that they are invested in supporting youth employment. There are just 3 simple steps to receiving the Youth Friendly Badge (CC). There is no charge and no financial obligation. You just need to be prepared to invest in supporting young people. Not only will you benefit from the recognition the badge brings to you, but your organisation will also benefit by its investment in its future workforce and future customers.

What are the Steps? 1. The Positive Youth Charter is

Step 1

• Sign the Positive Youth Charter

• Commit to at least 2 activities from the "Youth Friendly" Menu Step 2

an agreement signed by employers, young people & training providers. It creates a common language and commitment by all of those working to fight youth unemployment.

• Self-Assess "Youth Friendly" behaviour

2. The Youth Friendly Menu lists all the great activities that employers can support young people and schools with. Talks, Site Visits, Work Experience, Mentoring, the list is endless and we can also help connect you with organisations that support employers to do these things.

Step 3

3. Finally to receive the certificate you must check your current business behaviours against our 8 Youth Friendly ones to see how your organisation supports young people within its operation. Meet 6+ of the criteria and you will receive a certificate for your organisation.

For more information please visit Youth Employment UK CIC is a not for profit campaigning and membership organisation dedicated to fighting youth unemployment. We are wholly committed to making the UK the most “Youth Friendly” place to work. The Youth Friendly Badge (CC) is created under a Creative Commons license, for more details visit


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here’s tivity. T s of a g e n tail n by ugly de ed dow be pull o divulge the h a former ut dt no nee role or badmo esponses rr st l your la ead, keep you focusing on only , sit stil ’t ll n a is t t w d l, s tervie dy • Stan boss. In d professiona siasm for ssful in your bo n u a h t t a n e e A succe at you say – b up and too. s s h h t e g w m n t e r abou ks volu r seat, your st ge spea uffling in you ur . le o r langua h o s e th ing y and ld g fo in p d ir an Slum ints tt your ha able po an avan e he par k t a s s twirling lose you valu d a word. m e r o • D re rview an ching t arms c u’ve even utte t. Run ou’re it tatement, inte fact, y If c yo it. In tyle s s perfe s before garde s he time to do ress sense e make iew question is t c a t r d p t v ’t r in te But day isn ses admit tha en similar ome in ith a friend or e s h g s u o w o s b t rw be e ho thr some the ecider – eithe – and tame t d e e m h ou’re in ge t o y h e r s b o s at r . n le y ir a n d c big da f the m s. So u tting-e front o ics before the summon ndidate a role at a cu a c y it la p t , h s st to reat g for e h b b it in p n nervou ’s w e n it e u , m r attire ss ke a d w the busine usiness b n e t il io r Then ta belief and wo h a m at s s m fa for s nuine lf s for th . Plump r trendier tog your se andshake, ge t. fe a s gh ac e you a stron y of eye cont and sav ight out. t n bn and ple new-jo k r o mew is king u through our ho o an interview dence fi n s yo o t • Do y C in • alk CV get oor, but n the w g o r n e li p v k u r e a d d N l ea A sp w room er. Successfu ared. R dealing with, they ie p v e r r e p t n h in c u e n e w ’r li d h o u t c n h o a ny y a is the dence do and y you compa charism s exude confi minutes h at they h w w e t g la e at learnin o articu nd how recious m other candid a e able t three p e m s e t fro o h t h t r do it. B e use es apar eir career rk fo ienc r lv o e e w s p x o m t e e th h want ty and n show to set t s. They know d sell rsonali fit. The e t n n a a t c u li your pe ve a perfect o tiv do d app pro side an an expert. So nd initia a in e y r g o d would t le lf e is d e k h w e s li o r s m n for rk gth you well-in off you ir stren akes to build t the our e a w y h s t fe g s e a in g sin r it t runn e ’s v it e t r by askin about the bu a e e or wh eth ns e – wh e tongu c h . t n g a ff r in questio o u t s e ll as ro the me til they suit. end of lines un our sharpest y g wearin e he positiv ckling t • Stay hen you’re ta stions, never Even w interview que st toughe





16-24’ ion on ve an opin a h u o y Do ent? employm youth un ent

vernm think go u o y o D ? enough is doing

Perhaps yo u think bu siness should do more or ev en young peo ple?

Do you think young people need to be listened to?

be able to Do you want to t brilliant access simple ye ion? careers informat Would you like to talk to other young pe ople, sharing their youth empl oyment experiences, tips and ideas? to enter Would you like d be in with competitions an cool prizes? a chance to win Would you like to know which employer s in the UK are Youth Fr iendly?

Then it’s time for you to join the free YEUK club and be part of the only organisation dedicated to stamping out youth unemployment with you and for you! Sign up today and access our great youth platform, get involved and get being part of the solution! Schools, colleges, youth organisations: this is a great tool to signpost your young people to, it will ensure they have access to impartial advice and are supported along their journey into employment!




ine l n o t u go n i d n a t 8–s One of the things I advise young people to develop is their own opinion on issues that are relevant to the company or job for which they have a genuine interest. Got a view on what makes great customer service? Let people know with a story from your experience. If you want to stand out from other jobseekers, it helps if your personality shines through.

You are more likely to show your enthusiasm when talking about something you believe strongly and with conviction. Taking this online can be productive and help to build your professional identity. For example, expressing your beliefs in LinkedIn forums helps to influence potential employers and recruiters. Writing a regular blog helps to shape your own

thinking and engage others in conversation. You want to stand out for the right reasons and that means giving your opinion with skill. Moderators of forums will often provide guidelines for acceptable behaviour and I’ve known people to be banned for losing it in response to comments they didn’t like from other contributors.


Sounding off about what you don’t like can rebound badly as Anton Casey, a British businessman in Singapore, recently found out to his cost. The ex-pat, who had lived in the country for 12 years, had to use the train to get to work one day rather than his drive his Porsche. Despite being married to a Singaporean, the culture shock was too much for him and he was caught ranting on his Facebook wall about “washing the stench of public transport off me” and referring to a taxi driver as a “retard”. Nice guy. It went viral following uproar on social media sites, forcing him to flee the country with his family following death threats and he was promptly sacked by his employer! Here he is on YouTube showing the world how to stand out for all the wrong reasons.




ming a e r d from nd running! to up a

Start-up, entrepreneur, and enterprise are words that are tossed around today in almost every business story and if you have the get up and go to start your new enterprise it is easier than ever before! Why this sudden rise in starting-up? With the down-turn in the economy and high levels of unemployment, starting a business becomes a popular option for individuals and the government. Our education system is also jumping onto enterprise with many universities offering electives, core modules or fully dedicated courses in enterprise. All around us there are subliminal suggestions that to the trained ear of an entrepreneur could be developed into a business, such as the claim that women wear higher heels when there’s recession and ditch them for pumps when the economy is stable (IBM) queue more companies coming into the market with killer heel products. It has become a great time for those with the intonation and willing, to go into to a start-up better prepared. For those who are curious in getting first-hand experience it is now also easier to get support from a range of startup experts. It once took around 20 years within a corporation to

work up the managerial ladder now you can start at the top if you start your own business.


Getting Financial and Business Support • Venture capitalists and enterprise organisations provide financial leverage for start-ups, • There are also crowd funding platforms such as Kick-starter or Indiegogo helping young people raise funds for their idea. • Check out government initiatives such as Enterprise Maintenance allowance through the local Jobcentre Plus (JCP) and other assistance and funding. • Plus organisations such as Go Global or 3Day Start-up (for university students) which is organised through a 3 day event at university and is based from campus this gives the chance to raise funds and float a company from that event. Here are a few real life case studies of young entrepreneurs using different resources and starting up. What are you waiting for? Go make that dream come true! ////////////////////////////////////////////// YEUK says: If you are 16-24 register for the YEUK Club and you can access a whole section on starting up your own




Running an event that aims to support youth employment? Let us know and we will share it here. All events are free.






National Careers & National Apprenticeship Week

All over the UK

3rd-7th March


National Union of Students – Student and work summit


3rd March

Graduates studying STEM Subjects aspx?EventID=1472188

Voice of Apprenticeship Conference


4th & 5th March


UK Student Challenge for STEM Students

All over UK

5th March

STEM Students the-UK-STEM-student-challenge.html

Full Circle – Inspiring young women


7th March


Building Information Modelling (BIM) – Free 12 week training course.

Taking bookings for Newcastle & Leeds campuses

Book now for February-April

19-24 apprenticeship-week-2014.aspx

Capita Traineeship Conference


28th March

Organisations full-conference/article/traineeships. html?code=MKNWS

Bright Futures National Conference – How to get hired event


26th April

Everyone national-conferences/how-to-gethired-live-event-apr-2014.html

STEMtech Conference


29th April


Events in orange are where you get to meet members of the YEUK team, come say hi and let us introduce ourselves!

To have your event listed for free in the e-magazine it needs to be free for 16-24 year olds to attend and aimed at helping them to gain new skills for work or to find work opportunities themselves. If you want to advertise your Open Days, have a larger event listing or advertise your organisation in general please see our advertising rate card.



Please send your event details (including date, a brief description, location, target audience and how you may be contacted for further information to Please note: we accept no responsibility for the reliability or quality of the events listed and cannot publish any notices of cancellations or change of details.


New research underlines value of vocational training, which could be key to reducing young jobless numbers. The results of a two year project to prove the value of apprentices in the automotive sector have provided definitive proof that vocational training does not have to be a cost burden to business and, therefore, can play a vital role in reducing young jobless numbers. Conducted by the Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI) and co-funded by the UK Commission for Employment and Skills, the research is the result of a two year IMI project to ascertain the level of return on investment of, and make the economic case for apprenticeships. Breaking the myth that apprenticeships cost firms money, the research shows that, by the end of their third year, a wellrecruited apprentice can generate between 150% and 300% return on investment, based on a £50 hourly charge out rate. This means that for every £1 invested, the business nets between £1.50 and £3.00. Furthermore, apprentices who start with no experience typically generate profit within 18-24 months – much earlier than was previously assumed. “The results from our recent study show, overwhelmingly, that there is a clear financial return to a business investing in an

apprentice programme” explained Steve Nash, CEO, the IMI. “With the motor sector playing a crucial role in the economic recovery – as illustrated through the sustained growth in new car sales – we believe it is vital that motor dealers and garages invest now so that they have the right skills for when the new cars sold in the last 12 months or so start to come in for servicing and repairs. As such, we believe this is a fantastic opportunity to tackle the continuing young jobless numbers.”

people and invest in the future if our industry is to continue to succeed as a whole”, added Steve Nash. “With the right attitude and support of the employer, giving a young person suitable opportunities to apply their skills, a positive return on investment can be achieved much earlier than commonly perceived. We are sure this principle can be applied in other sectors too, just as effectively.” //////////////////////////////////////////////

“Our research proves that businesses must overcome their doubts about employing young

Visit to find out more about the IMI’s research




ollege? c , y t i s r e nt, univ t know, e m y o l p ips, em nd if you do no h s e c i t a appren or you? f t x e n r help? o f o what is g ////////////////////////////////////// u n yo a c e r e wh CAREERS INFORMATION & SUPPORT The National Careers Service is the government’s portal for all things careers and advice – you can connect with them online or talk to an advisor over the phone. You can browse over 750 different career profiles, check your skills, build a CV and much more. 0800 100 900 contact4.aspx

Youth Employment UK – you can of course join our social media pages Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest where we promote latest news, views, advice and opportunities. Be sure to also register to be a Youth Member or Youth Ambassador – you will then get access to a load more resources and information.

We have some BRILLIANT member organisations who offer support to young people, so along with the main government sites we are happy to encourage you to look at these too!; Employability Hub

Colour Your Success Career Mentor

Bright Track

Persona HR

We also like Careers Box – a website packed with videos showing you the range of careers and opportunities on offer, and Careers Advice for Parents and Young People which covers all the bases in simple bite-sized articles.

Accross College


APPRENTICESHIPS The obvious starting point is the National Apprenticeship Service you can find out more about apprenticeships, funding and search for vacancies and training providers near you.

Also, there our members websites; The Apprenticeship Guide

Baltic Training



Joint Learning

NCC Resources

Or our friends; Rock Star Youth

Young Britain

EMPLOYMENT There are job search websites that also advertise vacancies from apprenticeships to internships and graduate employment. Try; Universal Jobmatch

Or our friends; Future Talent

Rate my Apprenticeship

Care Training

EDUCATION You can search for thousands of college or universities through the UCAS and Unistats websites.


Also our education members; Petroc College


Tresham College

Take a look at Princes Trust.

Aspira Consulting

Our list is not exhaustive and there are a lot of resources, guides and services for young people. If you have not been able to get help from this list, let us know and we will put you in contact with a specific organisation. Or if you have been helped by an organisation not listed, let us know and we will signpost to them too!



d) e u n i t n (co




ent m y o l p em h t u o y . A.C.E zine a g a m news e • Published monthly • Distributed nationwide • Subscribers/readers >25,207 (January 2014)

The A.C.E. e-magazine is a free online publication that is subscribed to by a wide audience including: universities, FE colleges, schools, UK employers, training providers, Job Centre Plus and young people.


display advertising ARTWORK SPECIFICATION ACCEPTED: InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop files. High resolution PDF, PNG and TIF files with all fonts embedded. (Artwork in Microsoft Word NOT ACCEPTED). All images must be to scale, at minimum 300dpi in EPS or TIF format. All fonts must be supplied. Copy deadlines: • 12th March • 11th April • 12th May • 11th June

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SPECIAL sector pull-out advertising Starting in April, each ACE e-mag will have a six page pull-out dedicated to careers in one sector. The careers information will also be published on the YEUK youth members platform.

April – Construction May – Engineering June – IT July – Health & Social Care August – Financial September – Power, Energy & Renewables October – Hospitality & Catering November – Manufacturing December – Sales & Customer Service January – Retail

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