2 minute read
Building hope here and now
However skilled or talented you are, you still need hope for a sense of wellbeing. Dr Kitty Wu, clinical psychologist and member of HKFYG’s Council, describes a theory about hope and how it can help to maintain wellbeing and increase the chance of achieving your goals.
Hope makes goals achievable. It involves goaldirected thinking, strategies and pathways, as well as the motivation to use them. Dr Kitty Wu explains the ways in which Charles Snyder’s Theory of Hope can be applied when planning youth wellness services. various sets of strategies youth need confidence and strength here and now. “Hope provide “…the underlying driving force that helps people drawing up contingency plans but it involves envisaging largely negative or apocalyptic scenarios. Dr. Wu highlighted that “When we are anxious and stressed, our minds easily become clouded with worries, doubts and fears.” A realistic appraisal of the scenario is pivotal,” she emphasizes, “for
“Hope doesn’t depend on magic or miracles. It comes “Contingency planning is like drawing a flow chart which with the will and the different ways to reach your goals.” includes not just a Plan A, but also Plan B and C etcetera. In Put another way, a person all of these, a big goal can be who has hope not only has broken down into smaller goals but also the willpower and determination to achieve them as well as Hope is not just for the future. Itinvolves living in the present. goals, sub-goals and sidegoals for guiding the steps to be taken towards it.” and methods to use. “The Learning how to appreciate more an individual possesses small successes can give a sense these abilities, the greater the chance will be that they of achievement and build confidence. “Hope lies in ourselves. will develop the cognition and feeling of hope.” It is an internalized way of thinking, acting and feeling. It can Furthermore, Dr Wu continues, “Hope is not just for the person’s own control. It involves achievable goals and strategies future, it involves living in the present.” To cultivate hope, that towards them so it is both rational and pragmatic.” for the best but prepare for the worst” are familiar sayings, Activities and services that help young people learn to Dr Wu elaborates, “Hoping for the best draws on the appreciate their talents, uniqueness and interests while ability to formulate contingency plans involving different also recognizing their weakness and strengths will help strategies and pathways that rely on a balance.” These need them to achieve a sense of wellness, self-appreciation to be based on the present situation and involve flexibility, and hope. As Dr Wu concludes, “These will also help willpower and persistently aiming towards a goal. These them build willpower – a key component of hope.” overcome challenges unrelentingly on the journey.” 青協理事會成員胡潔瑩博士認為青年心理健康十分重要, 青年應該學懂欣賞自己獨特之處,了解自己的優點和缺 Preparing for the worst, on the other hand, also means 點。常存希望,才能達致全健發展。 formulating effective solutions and adaptive contingencies.” be acquired through training or cultivation and it lies within a