Interrnship prrogrram About Youth Y Ki Awaaz: A Moouthpiece for the Youth Y Youth Ki Aw waaz, as the nam me suggests, is a mouthpiece for the youth. YYouth Ki Awaaz iis an online journalism outfit based on neew media and de edicated toward ds highlighting the voice off the youth. As Mahatma Gandhi once ssaid " A small gro oup of d and like‐minded people can change the coursee determined of history", we believe that the youth has the power to w environment o of peaceful co‐eexistence. create a new Youth Ki Aw waaz is not only d dedicated towarrds creating awareness aamong the youth, encouraging tthem to take the initiativee to make a change and to spreaad awareness but also givees them a platfo orm to express themselves. Youth Ki Aw waaz is of the you uth, for the youtth and by the youth. waaz has been trying its level besst to give you a Youth Ki Aw platform, a place where you u can say what yyou feel. If the world wantss to know what the youth thinkss about an issue, they w will come to You uth Ki Awaaz, beecause you have been given yyour very own sspace. ust a website bu ut also a movement to persuadee This is not ju the youth to o contribute in rrebuilding India. You can join us on any and every topic whicch concerns you u. Feel free to
voice yourself on anyy issue. We will m make sure you vvoice hes out to million ns. reach
Reccent Achievvements •
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Ranked 3rd amongst the weebsites and bloggs with the most co omprehensive election coveragee (2009 Lok SSabha), Honored byy m for an article on teenage preegnancy Ranked num mber 1 youth, number 5 politicaal, number 2 ssocial activism blog by Launched India’s first ever social network w with the motive of social changee and development Interviewed d eminent perso onalities Received gu uest posts by ind dustry leaders
Inittiatives 1. Rural Bharat Projecct: m http:///ruralbharat.yo 2. Actt Against Child A Abuse: http:/// m 3. Us Against Drug Ab buse: http:///www.drugabu 4. HO OPE: http://youth
Interrnship prograam and d overvview Youth Ki Awaaz will b be offering internships ffor a period o of a minimum of 6 weekks. oung writerss to enhancee The Youtth Ki Awaaz iinternship program is a great opporrtunity for yo their writting skills wh hile gaining eexperience iin new mediia and onlinee journalism. At Youth K Ki
Awaaz you will be exposed to the true sense of journalism where you get to explore reports, issues and weekly projects based on social issues, public advocacy, activism, political scenario and other spheres that interest the youth, such as sports, technology, travel, opinion, etc. Youth Ki Awaaz will provide its interns with the right kind of platform to express themselves and hone their skills. Not only will you be getting the right kind of publicity, your writings will spread throughout the Youth Ki Awaaz social media and youth network, making sure that your voice reaches out to thousands and more. Selection of interns is by application only. The internships will be in the reporting/writing/editing department only. However, you can also contribute in other ways such as photography and video blogs. You will be selected on the basis of your work. You will be required to submit at least 2 to 3 samples of your work. To start off, you will be required to join our discussions forum at and HOPE (, Youth Ki Awaaz’s social network, and India’s first ever network dedicated towards the cause of social change and development. Here you will get to know like minded people at a personal level, and also engage in healthy discussions with them. You will be provided with a number of ways to express yourself through blogs, vlogs, forum discussions, workspaces and much more. CURRICULUM *The ideal curriculum of the internship is as follows. However, if the slots for interns are full the weekly assignments could be shuffled for you.
You will be required to dedicate at least 3 to 4 hours daily to your online internship. The first week of your internship will concentrate on reporting on any topic of your choice. You will be required to prepare at least 3 assignments at a gap of one day each. Youth Ki Awaaz believes in discovering one’s potential before employing him or her to work, thus you will work under different beats per week assigned to you after the first week of your internship. In the second, third and fourth weeks of your internship, you will have to work under your assigned beats. You will be given 3 weekly assignments based on your beat. Every assignment has to start with the submission of pre‐writing research and analysis of the topic. Your opinion‐ based articles will undergo review and you will receive feedback on the same. You will also receive by‐lines (articles carrying your name) published at Youth Ki Awaaz.
The fifth and sixth week will concentrate more on your awareness about the things around you. These will be the weeks when the number of assignments increases and so does the narrowing down of the issue based writing. The fifth week will be dedicated to covering of the local issues around you. This is strictly related to the area you live or work in. You will be informed about the aspects that you have to cover about your area and the manner in which the coverage shall be conducted. This week will contain exciting assignments which are bound to enhance your research, investigative and writing skills. You will learn how to tackle local issues and also how to improve the conditions. Just to add to your excitement, the assignments will also contain interviews with the locals. The sixth week will be the final week of your internship, unless we/you plan to extend your term. This will be the week when we will help you focus on the social media aspect of online journalism. Not only this, you will also get to explore the other genres of reporting that were not covered in the first few weeks. Between the fourth and the sixth weeks, you will be given some time to work on a featured topic of your choice. This should be an innovative topic and you will be required to inform us about the topic beforehand. If incase your internship is extended, you will be introduced to the other online campaigns that Youth Ki Awaaz runs, namely, The Rural Bharat Project (, Act Against Child Abuse ( and Us Against Drug Abuse ( You will be assigned one campaign and you will get to work for a niche and develop your skills on the same. On completion of your internship, you will be given a letter of recommendation and a list of your achievements at Youth Ki Awaaz. You will also receive the status of ‘Youth Ki Awaaz Alumnus’ and will get the opportunity to write for Youth Ki Awaaz as a correspondent (this will depend entirely on the review of your contributions during your internship period).
Apply for the internship To apply for the internship mail us your bio/CV/resume with a sample of your work at and we will get back to you as soon as possible.