Wa Women's Association Articles of Association

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GERERAL Wa Women's Association, is the Wa ethnic women fight for women's liberation all walks of life, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of women and to organize social and mass organizations of the party and government education contact women's bridge and link. Wa ethnic women, accounting for more than half of the state 's total population, whether past, present and future, on all fronts, women are building an important force to defend Wa, especially in the agricultural production front, women from the role of the main force . Formation Wa Women's Association, is the need of social development, is the need for women of all ethnic groups their own liberation. Women's Association actively implement the United Wa State Party's line, principles and policies that represent the interests of all ethnic groups of women, promote gender equality, to all the violations, abuse, trampling, discrimination against women and traditional forces to fight crime. Page ()

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Article 1. All ethnic groups unite and mobilize women to actively participate to the cause of industrial and agricultural production, economic development, education, health, construction and other troops go, and promoting social progress, poverty and backwardness Wa change and make due contributions . Article (2). to guide women to establish self-esteem, self-love, selfconfidence, self-reliance, self-reliance spirit. Continuously improve the overall quality of women's thought and culture, promote the growth of women's talents. Article (3). Management and democratic supervision on behalf of the third democratic women in political and social affairs, participated in the discussions and the development of women and children related laws, regulations and systems. Safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of women and children. Article(4). do practical things for the women and children. Strengthen ties with the community, coordinate and promote the sponsorship and support of all sectors of society to the cause of women and children. Article (5). consolidate and strengthen the great unity of the whole nation of women of all ethnic groups , women's organizations to strengthen with Myanmar and neighboring countries around the women's organizations in touch with friendly exchanges, enhance mutual understanding and friendship, maintain domestic peace and national unity. Chapter II Organization System. Article (6). Women's Association to implement Article VI of democratic centralism. Wa Women's Association and the whole county, DC, District Women's Association 's governing bodies at all levels of state Page (2)

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and elected by the full Assembly elections on behalf of women at all levels;, in exceptional circumstances, the appointment by higher authorities. Article (7). of the whole state and county, the General Assembly elected women representatives HKFW SAR committee members HKFW produce, to fully reflect the will of the voters. Take a show of hands or secret ballot election . To facilitate the work of the Federation members in proportion to consider and take care of regional ethnic quotas , elected members, with effect from the Party committees and governments at all levels of the audit . Article (8) County, DC, area, rural women's associations at all levels to work in full- Wa State Federation of Women Committee leadership, the Federation State Committee on a regular basis to consult reporting. Chapter (3). Wa Women's Association governing bodies Article 9. All- state women's highest authority of the Association is the General Assembly on behalf of the whole nation of women. Terms of the whole state Congress women are: 1. To discuss and decide the whole policy of the state of women's work, the task. 2. Reviewed, approved the work report of the whole state HKFW Committee. 3. Amend the articles of association of women's associations. 4. The election of women full state committee. Article (10). General Assembly on behalf of the whole nation of women held every five years, in exceptional circumstances, the State Federation of Women Committee discussed and decided in advance or postpones the meeting.

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Article (11). Congress of the whole nation of women, the election of 30 to 35 -member all- state the Federation Council. By all the members, elect a chairman elected Vice certain name, Standing 9 to 13, consisting of the Standing Committee, the Standing Committee of the State Federation of Women 's Congress in session full governing body, presided over the daily affairs of state HKFW. HKFW members of the committee for five years. If necessary, honorary chairman. Article (12). In session General Assembly on behalf of the whole nation of women the State Federation of Women Committee to implement the decisions of the General Assembly on behalf of the state of women . Discuss and decide important issues and staffing issues in women's work, the Committee of the Federation of full-time cadres, according to ideas, work, style and other performance conditions, the right to grant exemptions and additions. Article (13). All the State Federation of Women Committee of the Whole meeting held once a year , convened by the Standing Committee presided. Standing Committee meeting held in three months time. Each member of the Association Committee on Women often go to contact the masses of women , to understand the situation, we should always reflect women's work to the Standing Committee of the issues and recommendations, and actively participate in the activities of local women's associations to carry out efforts to promote women's work. Chapter (4). Organization local levels Article (14). Women's associations at all levels, according to the administrative division of the Wa region, namely the establishment of the county, DC, area, township Women's Association. Article (15). Highest levels of local women's associations of local authorities at all levels of the General Assembly on behalf of women. Page (4)

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Representation of women at all levels of the General Assembly held every five years. In exceptional circumstances, the HKFW committees at all levels to discuss and decide, in advance or postpone the meeting. The terms of reference of the General Assembly on behalf of local levels of women are: 1. To discuss and decide the county , DC, women's work in the mission area ; 2. Reviewed, approved the work report of the committee of the Federation level ; 3. To elect the Committee on Women's Association; 4. The election of women representatives attending the Conference level representatives.

Article (16). Local county committees, DC, District Women's Association, women's representation in the inter-sectional meeting of the level, the higher the resolution the Executive Committee's decision to the General Assembly of the level of women's associations and women's representatives regularly report to their superiors HKFW committee work, discussion, decide important issues of women's work in the region. Held a county, DC, District Women Association Committee meeting every six months, hosted by the Standing Committee of the Federation level. The Standing Committee held once every three months. Article (17). County, DC, District Women Association Committee, elected a director and deputy director of 2 to 3, 5 to 7 people standing committee, the composition of the Standing Committee, presided over the daily work of the Federation level. Candidates for director and deputy director, to seek higher level party committees and the views of the Federation, the election results should be reported to the approval of the superior party committees and the Federation Page (5)

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Council and the record. Working women elected cadres leave their jobs for various reasons, the Commission is entitled to the same level HKFW exemptions and additions, and free, increasing staff reported higher HKFW Commission filing . Chapter (5). Grassroots organizations Article (18). Wa territory of villages, streets, businesses, factories, government agencies, military units, schools and other units, where there are more than 50 adult women, the establishment of a working committee on women. Article (19). Working Committee on Women, by region, unit composed of several members elected in adult women. Elected a director, deputy director for 2 people, responsible for the daily work of women. Working Committee for Women's reelection once five years , deputy director and members are subject to change during his tenure , can -election. Article (20). Diversities grassroots women's Working Committee, under the leadership of party committees and on the level of women's associations, and regularly report to their superiors to consult women work. Chapter (6). Cadre Article (21). The Women's Association of cadres should be enthusiastic about the work of women and children, have some organizational skills, ability and political integrity as adult women. Implement the principle of a combination of elected and appointed. HKFW equal treatment equivalent full-time cadres of the arty, government, military cadres. Article (22). Women's associations at all levels should strengthen the training of their cadres, attention and training to improve the political quality of cadres of the Federation. Women's Association should Page (6)

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always recommend to all fronts, excellent transport women to work. In particular, aiming, recommendation, transportation minorities and young women cadres to improve the social status of women. Article (23). of the women's association of leading cadres at all levels should pay close ties with the masses , accept their supervision , and other departments and units to maintain contact and close cooperation , improve women's work . Chapter(7). Of th funds and property. Article (24). The business activities of women's associations, funding for career development, mainly funded by the government, at all levels in the special expenditure incurred. Article (25). of the Women's Association at all levels can be adapted to local conditions , to carry out various business activities , the establishment of economic entities to career development of women and children , to create employment opportunities for women , women at all levels of the Association 's activities to raise funds . Article (26). encourages and seek sponsorship money and goods aspects of enthusiastic women's cause and organizations at home and abroad, and seriously accepted and reasonable use. Article (27). of the women's associations at all levels of government to the possession, use real property ( such as housing , land ) and the Federation to set up economic entities, protected by law, no unit or individual may encroach . Chapter(8). Others Article (28). to protect the legitimate rights and interests of women , improving women's social status , give full play to women in construction Wa , Wa defend the cause of action is the common responsibility of the whole society . Wa Women's Association to seriously exPage (7)

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ercise leadership, mobilize, organize functions of all ethnic groups of women. Article (29). Of the Wa ethnic groups of women and men enjoy equal political power, culture and education authority , the labor authority , inheritance of power , personal safety authority, marriage and family rights. These powers are protected by law . Article (30). Wa Women's Association to create conditions to strengthen ties with neighboring countries and national women's organizations , women's organizations in the country to fight to get guidance and assistance. Article (31). When conditions are ripe, to design and determine the Wa Women's Association emblem, as women rise Wa, progress, unity and development of the symbols.

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