Volunteer Agreement
As a Young Ambassador/Associate Young Ambassador for Music you will; Carry out your role as described in the role description Maintain regular communication with other volunteers and the staff involved in coordinating the project Let us/the organisation you represent know when you are sick or unable to attend an event or carry out a task Try to commit to being involved for at least 6 months The organisation with support from Youth Music will; Give you a role description Provide you with the information to help you with the role Cover expenses for travel and food when agreed and during a Young Ambassador task Try to ensure that you carry out your tasks in a safe environment Provide regular guidance and support Ensure that you receive relevant training and briefing for the role Offer accreditation and progression routes for the role Provide a reference if you complete 6 months to a year as a volunteer
I have read an understood this agreement …………………………………………………………. (Please sign your name here)
…………………………………………………………. (For organisation to sign)
Please note that this is not a legally binding document. It is binding in honour only.