Annual Report 2014

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Prio es Prioriti rities for for Youth Together: Bui Youth To lding a United Comm mmun UnCoem ther: Bu plo ity Re ym unity Community Rel entgeZer latio ing a Un Co o ild Change Ho ations Equality and ite ntacts Youth Un ns Equality and urs fra Diversity d CommunityRacial Equality Victim em me Victi Diversity Delivering wo pl rks oy m Ch Evalua ment Ze Mo Deliver Charter Juvenile Jus ar ro Hour nitoring ing Social Change Youth Outcome ter Juvenile Justi tion So ciaasu tice Poverty Inspiring Me s Contac l rem s Measu ce Vol ent unt ts Po Too eer Ra ve ls s Rec re Data Collection Res cial Equa rty Inspi Measure Impact Evidence Ou me frame nt rin lit Em ment To mentruit y g plo wo ear Im ym tcomes Measurement ch Organisational Peo paent rks Evalu ols Data ct EvidPol Peopers icie s Div Prio le Prity at en Co riti io ce es n ac llection ple Practice Governan for Youth Together: Monitorin Goveivering Reial Employme ticeDel Soc se g Building a United Co ce Workforce Or nge You nt Policies rnance Workforc archCha unity Imp Commact e Volunt ganisational th UnemploymentiteZer mmunity Community Prce ioritOu den d Comm unity Evi l ies fotco eers Recr o Ho Un cia Co urs a me So r mm Co s Yo ing ntacts Racial Equalit Relations Equality and Me uitrem Social Ch unity Re ut mentent Build livering lations Eq h Together:asu ther:wo ange Peo Equality y Victim Charter Juv Togeme Building r Youth fra rksversity De Youth Une Go Pra uality an RacialMo Eq lua ualitple tion acts a United Equality and Di Eva fo employver y Victim ctic ce enile Justice Povert ced DivePrrsrkfo ritiesrce ioity ment nan urs Cont Ch ter ct Evidennitoring Measurement Ev Zero Ho Wo lationsunteer Vol De iden y Inspiring Zero Ho Co Juvenile Tools Data Collection ityerRe ce Ou mm ring Impa ring urs CoCo unliv ing uni oyment s Rec ruit tysarMRel Inspime mm tcome pl JustiEqu nt atio rty nt em ac ito Em ve ns Measure ce Un ts plo on Po Res h Po alit and geDiv RaYo easureme earch Organisational ce ciautlers ment To ation M l yment Policies Prioriti Ins rinan nt frame verty y itynile Jufrastiive ols Data PeCha rks Evalu es for Youth Togeth g ImCh nisationa ople rte works Ev piCh ring r eJuv pact arter Juve Del OrgaCha mewo Soc Colle eni Practic ial ch le nt m Jus ar nt alu cti me tice se cti nge Youth Unemplo er: Building a United on Pov yatioViIns Governan reme Employme n Mon ction Re rs Recruit MeasuImp s ing ce Workfo Research Orert yment Zero Hours meito rin Community nttion ta Colle ganisatOu Voluntee Building a tcopir g Polic Evi s Daact rce ce den rce Volu UnCo iona itedllec Ouer: me Prioear Contacts Racial Equ l rement Tool rnance Workfo rit ch Org Commun iesRes s ity aninteesat rs Re h Togeth tco easu ion ve M alme ity Comm ies for Youth To cruit ality Victim d DiversMeasurement framewo Peo DeTog ple for Yout livering tice Go Pra ntle Prac ies Go ctic gether: unity Re rks uality an rite eth io Eva Eq er: So s Pr ver lua op Bui cia ns ur tion nan Bu ldin Pe io ies lat l Ho ce ild Re Monitoring Measurem g a ions Eq Contacts ro rkforce Vol ing a ment Polic ited ity Relat oyment ZeWo ualityCo un mm rty Racial Eq search Change YoUn oy unt uni mm ve pl eer ty an Po pl ent Tools Data s Recruitment Emplo Counmm d DiveEm ity CounityuthRel InsCo uality Vi uth Unem Unem pirinnta rs d Comm e Justice atio g Im cts Rac ialctim Charalit venilEqu yment Policies Prio ite oyment Unity ange Yo r Juns alitworkssearchDiversity te y Vicpltim Evaluatio pact Evidence Equ Zerorte Cha Social Ch m Charte surement frame y Reand rities for Youth Hoerr Outcome r Juvenile Ju Delivering Social Cha n Monito uring Mo sJuvenilelity Victitice stice Po Deliv nito s Mea s Measu ring Me Orga llection verty acts Racial Equa Jus asu Measu nisationa ring nge ta Co rem reme OutcomePovolert Ins You Day eers ent pir ce s th re nt ing nt Too nt en Un lu me l Imp ls id fra em To Co Pe Vo nt Dat act plo Ev me e ople Prac nt a rinllec RecrEm To yment Zero Hours Evidence Outcomes ct uitmeplo sureme g Impation Workforc gether: Res tice Gove ols Data Colle worksInsCo nt Em Meaear ym chveOrg Measurement frame rnanceani ployent on Rese pi ion Monitoring sat h To lityPeo srnance Worritiesctifor ment Policie aralu and ple Practice works Evaluation at Tog ople Practice Go iorities for Youtionuaal licies Pr Prio chth You Ev io ies fo kforce Voluntee Governance Workfo Pe er: Bui eth Social ChangePoYou s ions Eq licies Prg a rsOrganisational oy r Youth Relatited ro Hour Ze ity Un rce th ritUn ment Po ldin un nt Vol To em Co pl unt me mm plo mm ge eer oy Em ymthent unity Community Rel s Recruitment nt er: Zer ity Co empl mmun Outcomes Measurem urs RecruitomeHo Youth Un e Justice Poverty d CoCo ations Equality and nta ite ctsge Rac ial ent frameworks Eva venilEqualitwo ing a Un ing Social Chan ar Ju Diversity Delivering y rks artim Buildlua liver Mo y Victim Ch ter surement frame Vic De Priorities for Youth tion se ch Charter Juvenile Justice vernance Workforce Meaasurem ualitnitoring Diversity cial Eq Together: BuilGo sMe ction Re Pov lle me ert Co y ding tco Vol Ins Ra ent ta a piring Impact Eviden unt s Recruit United Community ts Too eers Charter Juvenile Just ence Ou ols Da Contacme Evid Community Relaeer e Volunt ls Data Collection Res ntpactEm Reliring ice Poverty Insp ment To ce atioImpa plo Im ns ctEqu tions Equality earch Organisational Workforc gether: easure ent ring Dive alit g Mym y Outc Governance Workfor icie andome Inspiand rnance Evid s uth Torities for Youth Div ence vePol rsity itorinDeli erssure ity men verin People Practice ce VolunteersJus Delt ive r YoPrio s Mea Soci ion Mon acticegGo alritCha atSoc ies fonge Recr Together: Building alurks le Prnge framring uitment Emp Youth Unemployment Ev tice ewo Youth Unemployment Cha Prioth Peop luatio Eval ies naial entpir You y Ins lic io n Polic Mon Zero a at Po ies Imp Un Un itori Zero Hours Contacts Povertloym Hou ing Prioritie nis nt ited Community Co emtplo ng Measuremen rs Contacts Racial Equa Orga ther Employme acts for entColl EviYout h ce Toolym Toge Zer den Racial Equality Victi Tools Data Collectio s Data o nHo lity Victim mmunity :ntBuil urs tco Resnisa ding ectio me ear a Unit uitme ntanisa Rese s Me n Research Orga ch ctstionRac ed Commun Com archCo rter Juvenile JusticeRecrOu OrganisationmalCha asu Orga ial leEqu tional Peop al Peop Community Relation memun Peo rty Inspiring Impact rementityfra woityrks RelaEva ple le Practice Governa Pracalit tionslua ticey Victim Charter Juv Equa s Equality andBui lity and e Pove tion Go Evidence Outcomes nce WorPra ver Dive Mo enile nan rsity ldin nito kforctic Dive ce Deli ce rsitygDeli ring Wo Volu verin a Un Outcomes Measure Mea rkfo ntee Me g verin ited Soci sure rs asu rce Recr al g Victim men rement SociCo Change uitment Employment Volunteers Rec t frameworks Evaluatio mmnge al Cha uniYout ment frameworks Eval ty hCo Unemm Policies Priorities forruitme mploym unity n Monitoring Measure Tools Data Collec nt ther ent Zero Relatio ial Equality tice Em: ployment Policies Priorities for Racialuatio Mony itoring Measuremen Hours nsCon Youth Toge Equn alit Equ ment alitRaci tacts Youth Together: Buil y aland iciemun acthts Raction Building a UnitPol s Prio tim Chartet rTool nt EquaDiv s Data o lity ers riti ac C es Victi ity Coll ed ding a UnitedVic Pr s for m ectio Com Del Victim Charter Juve Juv Cha You n ive ur le eni rter Rese ring ity o p le Juve archert Community Commun Tog Justice Pov nile Just SociceialPove Orga oH nile Justice Pove Mertyasu l Peo Cha erem rem rtynge naer: ity Relations Equa y nisa t ZUn Insp Instion le Practice Governa ioeth piralingPeop e Yo Insp th enImpa at iringent Governance Workfor lsence mYou Imp ct Evid DatOutc ImpaToo lity and Diversity yiring ploym a Co anoisHo ct Evid ence EvidencenceOu Wor plo llec ent kfor Org tion mntee ce VolunteersPol Zer ce Delivering Socialact Volu cial Chang ome h ne s Mea tco ear rc U So urs rs rem Recr me ch sureRes Recruitment n h ea Co g uitmsent s Org men Cha Me nta icie ut in t nge es ani Youth Unemployment fram asu cts Empriti Yout R Emp sat er ewo Prio Yo loym h ion loym rks Une iv enttifra e al itori Evaluation Mon ent o mployment Zero Hou ollec esentfor Polic el Peo Da ng me D ies th ple Zero Hours Contrac ls Prio You wo ha Pra o ritie rks ty C ctic s ng Tog si for Eva To rs Mea e C Yout al eth Con lua Go er t sure arce Voltacts Racial Equaylityand Div tion Monitoringeasuremen ts Racial Equality Victi er: h Togetherg: Buil ci ment Toolsver Tools Data Collectio atarch Drkfo Datanan Wo gmunSo Unnisa dingited a Un emtion inuni ols m Charter Juvenile Buildin plo ectio n Research Orga yment Zero Ho Toce n Rese Com iveder tColl mm elCo eer ity Com ens atio Organisa Da Unit slit ng M Rec ice Poverty mun Eq Co al Peop Community Relation tion ursnce rient ruittice ity mm alua sity Rela CoWor Peop to meont le Practice Governa ation nsunt unire su Insp ntakfor le Prac er ni tymtion el io iring Impact Evidencety ctsceJust Em Equans o ea Rel R iv at plo Rac s Equality andfra lity and D M M y ym ial el it d n R Equ Dive Equ ng rsity alit me un y an alit Dive ti ri Outc wo y it Deli m y rsity omes Measurement mmun rksverin torter Juv and verin ua tim Deli Outcomes Measure lity Volunteers Recruitmtient Eva nient alnge Divgoers Soci oCha g lua Socition Cha Mloym al Cha salEv Eqhua Del ity Com nEmp Cofram ment frameworks Eval rkity nge eni ive oVic nito ns Yout leun ring Evaluatiofr Jus itytice mun ioMo Unempl PoliciesoPrio Me atsure alua asu Monew Povewo oym m itoring Measuremen ring ertrks Event Policies Priorities for ritie nge Youth Measurement Voluntuatio Mon y: Buil s for Yout d CialomCha sZero t n am Ins y Rngel Hou Too pir CVictim ititori rkrem eer rs Con en lstacts h Togesu Meant oent niteSoc DataUCo m Rec therre Youth Together:C tedlity mnsun ew men actmun ttTool llec alniEqua me Evi ding aing om tion s ent den Data Em mes fram UnitImp ing ceat U ea Buil Res Collection Researchlding aRaci plo ed Com ding a Unitedruit y ers Outcomes Me ld M coent m Cha ear ym Victim Charter Juve it en ch ui ut rter es Org B ity m un O Juve Pol Com : m ani nile icie m re ui Orga mun asu sat ce er Just s B m co nile ity nisa Div su ion Prio rem ice Com o : Just th tion r Youth en ut al Pove rities for You ice Poverty Insp ea Social munity hRelaTo al th Peo ity rty Peop id geple M dC Insp Del ther le ce Prac iring Pra To ive tionge es tice s Equa Impactic iring nite Gov en m ct Evid Tog einence actceEvWo Impa lity and Diversity uthntee erna Go id ethO ctring co ncegWor aernaUnce verpnan Evidence Yo Workforce Volunteece Out er:Gov Cha Ev Priorities fo stic Im g ut r Bui kfor t nge s Outc g in ce ldin Deli fo Yo ie ac You Volu ome verin ld rkfo r p s th a ir Mea lic g es rs ui Un Soci rs rce Un fo Recr sure ti Im en Recr B ited sp em al Imp uitm Po men ri Cha uitm : plo id g In Co es t act ent t fram nge Youth Unemploym ent io ym mm er ti Ju Emp in Yout Emp Ev y Evi ewo en ent ri loym ir uni Pr th h loym den t rt rks le Une Zer m ty ent io s Eval ent ce sp mpl y ge Co ac ni Polic ve o uatio ie Ou oym Pr ent Ho mm In p ies lo tco ent n To ve Zero urs Po s Prio uni Mon lic p y me Zero Hours Contrac Comen tytRel s Me Hours Contacts Raci s Po PoMeasure ntatcts g Im forrem Emations Equality m icye Vic uth lic asu ve Youtrt stalit Rac h Toge irin PotsPra enitorit ng Raciie Tool Ju ent ther al Equality VictimJu mCom s Data Toolve men alitEqua : woding fra yed Charter Ju s Data entple icritieeJuve me Collection Rese Peo lo niialleCollEqu lity ym rkspa Eva Unit ectio Chast tim ecalrruJuv rities for Yo stice Poverty Insp n Rese rter arch ctic plo lenan lua t Em munMo arch ePrac Organisa rte tion rsnisaRtion Gotice ni nile Justice erity Ju ityCCom Orga Em enBuil ver rtring lityertVyicti and ce Workforce tional Peop eeCha ve t m mun nito Communit Pove nt ha it le ua ce en Relaasu rty Jus Peopeni Wo leJu lu ru ity m Insp Eq tion tice o er Me rkfo le Ju Rela iring s m Prac l ec V Equa rt tion Pov rce ti Gov tice R Impa le ia ru rem s lity e erna Equa Vol ic ha ct and ni ent ac ec nce unt V ence Outcomes Meace C uniDeli R Worrs and eeruitm pirrn forc TooDive kforce Voluntee mmm ls rsity ingan ts Rec lity Evid tiDive ntee DatDeli rsity otrkfram verin tyverin icCo ac asCo uaruit ove Relgatio g Soci olu nt rs Recr GIns rter Juve Vnge al Cha ylityVewo men tion Collec ceion olunteers ROutcomesiaMea sureua ent Resnge ial sEq yment Z an sureW menlit eworks Eval Empme alit earchleOrg t fram ur loymnt Em rnent forcalnseChaEqu Youtyh and Rac Prac uatio HoYou icie rks l Eq Polic Div orkSoci anitisat ts oiesveym n Monitoring Measure Pe s Prio oym Gplo Prio acers entity Polic ritiesPol orkforce V nW ZeroDel ale Youth Unemplo nt ChaEval Mon ce Z: er esofor for Yout ompl ive Hou rte t riti C anuatio ts RiesacPrioritie rceJuv rs ring lBui mentop acialaltient Con Mea enther syUne s for Youth Toge Soc tacts eniitori sure th PrRaci Tog le ng men ve yhmToge ioityna our Building Jus Cha tert ontacVicti eth o le Tool lo Equality H at tice C nge ernance W p er: ng G therrn s Ins ese p Datapir aOUnit is o : Building a Unit o Pov s You ha Victi m Coll ed ce ldin an er Pe th ur C m ectio Com ti Cha ne g Z Un o l o rg n mun m a rter Rese em U al t H ti ac Cha Un ed na Juve plo arch rter ited Com ci h nile ym hInsp ioImpact Orga Juvenile Justice Pove Community a Collec n R ent men chmunity CommunOityrgRela rc at Corty tion llec ising eaZer t Zero al tco loyRes ople Pr ing So rtyo Peop e Yo dennisaha Hoiring antion piring esPove le ut ursImpa erial mtion Prac ng Insp l Pe Ou iv ticeasu s Equality and Evi nta Gov Govrem el onJustRceice ct me ernance Workforce Impaear Org h sion Une Evid Dcts ct EvidR Rac anirc ence Me ectiWor sat ence uthrsTog ea cialrsityCce employmen Equsu t Tools Dat sity ollnce d Div Delivering Socials Cha esOutc Yontee Volu alit Cerna ent SoeDive anisationaYout erCo Volu Peo ome entim an ymVic e ntee frakfor a iv ple g rg Meaalsure n y rs me D Recreth at O Pra in Recr ng o re wo uitmer: lit men D ctic uitm ti d rks h er ent ha t nge ent fram ua Eva Emp iv ec ls rc C an Go Yout Emp h ewo ea ll o Une loym ver lua el h Bui loym Eq y rks ea Une o mpl al tion nan M ent Dh EvaluationmMon ent mplEq C lding aPolic ce oym Moninito t To a Raci Wo ng uaentlitZero Hours ContactsMRaci SosciData oyment Zero Unies D Prio rkfo sifortyuni Hou ations Dat ersmm toriring ng Co Con Mea ivritie re enitori Youtty tacts ns surerce orslsCo Toge io llection Res men y RlselDat eerColl al tVol s Rec atunt Tool Co elivering Tool al Equality Measurem t To andited s Data mm lity unitToo Mea on ymoent Coll ding Rel uni tiplo yVicti nta mearch a Unit ty su ymun ctsal Rac ectioruit n Rese ng: Buil men ntua s Evaluatio lit a Rel ed ComEqu Em rither rter Juvenile Just nsRese reectio atio arch Orga al ua Comment ial un mun Equ Ev EqEqua Orga nisa Com Diversity D alitmyChaVic eaitysu oni tionns alit nisational Peop iceto mmity Pol ComM Poverty Inspiring Impaity ns yitand rkand Mrte untice Peop icie ityDiv oive mun io Coence tim Rela nkfor sity le Prac Prio tion oCha at lem t framework Relations Equality ew m tice Gov s Equa ers Prac ti ring rities for el o ity en R r to lity C ua am erna un Juv Del ct Evid m ga y ni fr uality and nce al d eni m You Dive o it Mo re Wor t and le ring te th m rsity Ev nito Jus Outc Dive M su o un en ni Soc Deli ce s tice rsity ring ome C n Volu veringnge mt fram Outcomes y Pov Measurement framewo Me ork verin Mea Social ert Ins ommen tedrs Recruitment Emp gasu g aialUCha rem sures m Soci Chath er: Buildin ew nintee You nge al Cha ent eapir Uent mes ldin it MeaCsure ngeToo Evaluatio loym Imp coem ls Eval eworks Dat gaaoym h Une t frDeliam actYout ployment Zer utUn uation Monitoring Meace Polic mun in mpl O Co enuatio mesentyM ies ing den er:ceBrksui llecZero ld Prioritie mEval uthursTogeth coOrg tion th ui Em MonPol re Ou s for o Ho ies Priorities for Yout BYout Res en sure plo itoriicie tco geEvi Hou irin :men su Out r Yo ameworks ymnent ear ng me rs Con id ment ted ComPolic h Together Mea To er sp ch s fo ea tacts Me ce sure ni Ev In h th M asu U Raci t : es ani en h Buil ut y t rem Toge al ge Tool ti a sat ding s ac Equa es id rt ther Prio ent s ri ion Yo p Data a lity g To m : Unit al Buil riti fra Ev io ve r Victi Coll in ed Peo Im h ding me es gforImYou coJuvenile Justice Socfo Community licies wo Pr rks Evaluation Justice Po Victi g rty n eth utrter acthtectio rter Juve Reseer: Praynile uild es lefoPrac m Chaple YoautUnited Communitysp arch Organisa ctic irin tiPeop rCha Tog e ice cemOCha Go sp ver Com tion InJust Pove in ity Relaption nanInsp Prio t Po Bui irmun ceiring tiesrtyialInsp rt Wor ogether: B g ri iesldin You mcten aal Un t EvidenGov vence ioriPove s Equality venile InOutc iringnge yrkfo rce thence ited st ernance Wor yUn Po Recruitm erna Evidence loImpa VolunteerCsha Po ct andlic emome rt Cotice pWo eGov Evid er Ju turs plosym Diversity Deliverin iesce Pr icmm ve rtruit kforuni uni en lickfor ceitVolu ent VolunteersOu t atio Po Comm Zer Pooym ym ntee eImpa iring Impac ployYout Mea gle ment force Volunteers t mpl SociJu rsEm icEmp Recr Hoewo sure men Recr al Change Youthty plomen uitm st ty ni en uitm tim Rec tco ents Rel t ofram Co entalit ic m Ju ru ve me Em nta Emp h Une V loym t cts ec ns loym Ju Me le rks Une y ent R Equ Rac Eval asu ent mpl ni en Polic er lit uatio ial oym rem ent overty Insp rs m ies ve rt y Equ ent n Zero ent Em ua Prio it Mon and Zero ee alit Work Ju ritiewo Hours Contacts Raci t frame itoring Measure ha ru ntacts Divers Eq Houac y lu s forrks nt C Vic o en rs Con l er ce ec YoutEva tim C ity m rt m R ia h o tacts an Toge Cha men s Del it ti Tool V Raci ha al ther t rs ive rte rn ic s Tool Equa lua ur ru R Data e al C : ring r V Buil Equa s o tion lity ee Juv Data ve s Coll Go rc ec ding eniarch o R nt rkfoVicti Colloectio ct a Unit foityrem m Charter Juve le Jus nan lityice Poverty Monito edWCom ictis m ection Research n Rese ce olu ring tice uaJust orkmun cepirGing ntra Orga tility Me Pov Eqnile everVtion Orga C lity asu ert Com ac l eer rce lityRelaVtion rcnisa nisap ent Zero H anisational saEqua y leIns ce munToo ia al PeopWo Vol tion ua ent fo m ity ur alPr unt an Volunteers ac Rela y Peop o le Practice rk le Insp Eq R Equa tion rn H o lo ls Imp iring s l s Prac lity s Rec o Dat p W ve o Gov act Impa ia tice and ruit ct m o erna Pe Co ct Dive Evi er and ac me Evid G ce ra nce llec l den rsity ence Relverin Workforceac nt t Zs Measurement fram anistion ce Deli Em rsityear na atio oalit ploymentpPol Delich tice h Une en ioRes ome verinOrg acts R SocisEqu h Org mOutc atDive Measurevernan ewo nteersntRecr g Soci alC yPolic Cha PriveVolu ur ngeyYout and Chae ani uitment ngeYo Hog ns siesPrio sat h Une pentleDel ng ion Emp ers oity rks Eval rks Evaluation Mon al riti alut loymlo nem haalsure ernoMon oym People Practictieon Researc Pe h Org enticie Hours Cont for lmpl Practice Go ment pfram Zero t Zuatio hal UEqua ing So ring naDiv Hou thewo Prio ci gngaCMea rsng Tog Soc ng ert Con eses Yo Meaan sea ether ialut Soitori forrc atpirio ticeitori er: YoutYou etacts Cha ismen Raci nJuveRritie Pov ment ls Data Collec h Toge ngelityYou t Tool inagBui tirteroplo ther ysure m loymen Jusea s Imp nal People rg haarch Data Collci : Buil Ins th ecem Victi sity Deliver iv O ne Un ding mllUn ing er ectio ited U el Cha o h o al Unitldin nC D iv C h Co Rese rc ed ym To D act mm Com a ut ty nile ent t Evi So uni mun d Orga at Just si Zer den Yo ty ity es en D g nisa ice an Com Co o er ce R Organisatio e Poverty tion m in HoInsp mm munity ls Ou y al Peop iv ng M n urs o re uni ng tco Res er D ri o lit Co ty le me ear iring iv ti su Prac To ha nta d to s ch ua Impa el Me tice C t cts ec ni ea Org an D asu Gov ct ll Rac o Eq Evid en ani al M erna rem o y ial ence m entuafra Equ litmence Outc sitysational People M ngent alit Soci ions ome ce lua suereGo Vicattim woWor VoluM to rkskfor ntee Praea rsMo Eva Charter Juv oni aluation M ctic ns Eq d Dg iva er Recrri ols Data C ys yRel uitmring io Ev it tion an To ng n s at ver Emp t ri Bui y un Delivering o eni nan el rk loym ldin ti nito le lit y Co m to en R o ce ent it m ni Wo ua m Polic ua y o o Un ew rkfo Me al un it ies re ited Mmmunity Commy Commun rce ew am s Ev rkeer unity C asurement Measu s Recruitmentd Em uationCo d Comm Datt afrCo men mmym Relations Eq ewRac rels Evalalit llection am Volount suToo ationsreEqu t yfrand orkials Equ Mea Monitoring entutPol ing a Unite omr munit unity Rel me Unite Coplo men alit Crte es ld ommunity yaVic co a icie m d C ui am s ut tim g B su Prio fr te Div y co O Cha : in t riti it ers ni ea es ity ld er U en ce M O un for Del Juv ui th m m You ive en enico estice Poverty InsTogether: B g ring Soc re lemJus encenge Youth r Youth Toge th Together:Impact Evid ldin Me Bui Out rem t EvialidCha :asu ent Tools Dat ac ce United Com ce Outcomes Measu ie er pir h p ing Un th g fo en lic ut Imp em Im in id ge plo Po act a es Yo g ir Co ym t ti Ev Evi To r in llec ent sp ri t den ir fo ani h tion Res ce Outcomeslic io en Insp ties rtyoInHours Contacts s Prrem loymen ch Org ieasu veZer rty Pra ioriear veple es for Yout verty Inspiring Impac e Po ent fra sticrks Impact Evid ent Po Me icealPoPeo itment Emp ictim Charte Juwo stion ymnan ruring ctic le me t Policies Pr Juvenile Jusat Evaluation lo e pGo ec ni ies Prioriti en R ver Po ve lic m rs Em Mo e y Ju ce Po t nito ic V ee lo Wo t p er st en nt rkfo y en rt lu t Em le Ju rter Vont ruitm Cha rce VolunteerosrkRec e me ial Equalit Employm rter Juveni Victim Cha Recruitmen nteers Rec W forcruit ance W lity Victim acts entRac ntym Coplo sEm l Equality Victim Cha force Volu ce Govern acial Equa Volunteers overnance

Annual Review 2014

Supporting the Voluntary Youth Sector




ero Hours

ti G ork sR acia Hour People Prac uth Unemploy vernance W Zero Hours Contract tional People Practice nemployment Zero Yo anisational ractice Go

Contacts R


Youthnet is the regional umbrella body for the voluntary youth sector. We champion the voice of the sector and provide support to member organisations to deliver quality inclusive services to children and young people.

We recently completed a membership survey and have included a sample of the responses in this report-indicated by

Over 82% of members said that interaction with Youthnet had positively affected the work of their agency.


Chairperson’s Review I am often asked what Youth Work is… …Youth work is an educational process which provides a safe and supportive environment in which young people can develop confidence and self-awareness. Young people engage in a range of activities that support them to take risks, make informed choices about their life and develop positive relationships with others. The voluntary youth sector plays a significant role in delivering quality youth work to young people across Northern Ireland. In this last year, we have seen the impact of Youthnet’s new strategic plan, in enhancing the advocacy role carried out on behalf of the Network. We have also piloted the Collaborative Support Hub, which has been a key development in seeing the sharing of skills and expertise across the sector.

This new direction will position the sector to make a valuable contribution to the Regional Youth Development Plan and strengthen relationships with the new Education Authority. In closing I would like to pay tribute to the outgoing Youthnet Executive Committee members who have made a vital input to the work of the organisation. In particular, I would like to thank Vice-Chair John Meikleham who has given an inordinate amount of time and expertise to shaping Youthnet’s new direction. Nichola Lynagh

89% of members agree that Youthnet reflects the interests and aspirations of the voluntary youth sector.

ildren and h c f o s need for them. d e n a h t h t i s w flect who work e r y olic he adults p t n t e d m n a n r Poverty e eople v o G ng p you Racial O ut c o m e 1: c i g

Str a




Priorities for Youth Regional Advisory Group

This group was established by DE to advise ESA on the Regional Youth Development Plan. It has already met three times to prioritise and initially develop a one year plan for implementation of regional actions outlined in DE Priorities for Youth. The voluntary youth sector has eleven representatives on the Group with a wide range of skills and expertise. We have convened regular members meetings so that these representatives can take forward relevant views from the wider sector to the RAG meetings.

Juvenile Justice

Delivering Social Change

Youth Unemployment

Priorities for Youth

Community Relations, Equality, Diversity

89% of members indicate that Youthnet’s awareness raising work is of prime importance.

Local Youth Work Providers Alliance We have established 2 groups, one in Belfast and one in Derry~Londonderry to give local providers an opportunity to have a voice in policy matters, to share information and to articulate their support needs. This has been an important development to bring local concerns to the Regional Advisory Group and other forums. There will be further groups developed as DE begins to establish its Local Advisory Groups as set out in Priorities for Youth.


During the year we attended 15 policy consultation events and submitted 17 responses on a range of government policies of interest to the voluntary youth sector.


Together: Building a United Community Youthnet represented the sector in the co-design group established for the development of the United Youth Programme and were impressed by this process of active stakeholder engagement. We were also pleased at the high profile given to youth work methodologies and the outcomes framework that closely matches youth work outcomes. We look forward to the pilots commencing in the New Year. We will also be engaging in the co-design process for the Summer Schools/Camps action of TBUC.

nd skills a e c n e d confi e h t thers. s o a o t h k r r o ecto e their w s h t ou evidenc y Evidence y r d a t n un ea Vol rticulat Outcomes to a O ut c o m e 2: c i g

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Outcomes Youthnet has played a significant role in the Youth Service Sectoral Partners Group on the development of an outcomes framework and a generic data collection tool. These will be taken out to the sector in the coming year. Recognising the importance of evidencing the difference youth work organisations make to the lives of children and young people, Youthnet is also delivering an Inspiring Impact programme through funding from the Building Change Trust. We aim to support the sector to develop good impact practice focusing on planning for and measuring the longer term outcomes of their work and communicating this to stakeholders.

Inspiring Impact



Data Collection Measurement Frameworks

“In the youth sector there is a conviction, and..., a growing body of evidence, that youth work has a great deal to offer to young people and our societies.� European Commission (2014) Working with young people: the value of youth work in the European Union.



This research has been disseminated and positively received by relevant Government Departments. Download the report here: We also developed a literature review for the Youth Service Sectoral Partners Group bringing together research evidence of the contribution that youth work makes to positive outcomes for young people.

The contribution that youth work makes to positive outcomes for young peo ple.


eren f n o

ces & S e m ina rs



We supported The differen a collaboration ce youth wor km of Youthnet to young p akes eople members to not in educ ation, tr ai ni ng or commission employmen t. research on The difference youth work makes to young people not in education, training or employment.

Participation Open Government






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are d n a y t i apac c r e tice. t c a a r e p r g d have e policy an s n atio improv s i n a to Org orted p Charity sup Employment Legislation O u t c o m e 3: c i g


Policies & procedures

“Youthnet plays a significant role in providing support to the Voluntary Youth Sector. The development of this Pilot scheme is an example of their work to empower and equip an extensive, vibrant youth service.” John O’Dowd MLA, Minister for Education, speaking at the launch of the Collaborative Support Hub

Governance Organisational Development Recruitment & Selection

“We are delighted that we can access support in the North West. Thank you for being there with your expertise and advice.”

This year saw the establishment of a pilot “Collaborative Support Hub” through funding from the Building Change Trust and the Youth Council for Northern Ireland. The aim of the Hub is to identify skills and expertise that exist within the wider youth sector that can be shared with youth work providers in local communities at a reasonable cost. This is co-ordinated through Hub staff who also provide direct support and training in organisational development and governance.

3 15


500 255


Access all areas 3 new chapters added 500 toolkits distributed 15 Diversity training sessions – 255 attendees

Support and Resources

324 324 downloads both by youth workers as a training resource and by young people for support.

This year we had more than 100 direct support interventions with youth work providers • One to one meetings • Governance training • Email and telephone support

400 500 We processed over 400 Access NI checks and delivered Safeguarding training to over 500 staff and volunteers.

‘ABC’ Governance Practice Manual developed

“Many thanks for all the hard work and support. It gives (the Board) great confidence to have (such) experience and expertise to guide us in what has become quite challenging times for the club.”


Working Groups Outcomes

Youth Work Training


North/South ICT Group

Good Governance

Youthnet adheres to The Voluntary Code of Good Governance and the methods and principles in the Charities SORP. A full set of financial statements for the year ending 31 March 2014 is available from

Youth Unemployment Quality Assurance

“It is really good to know that Youthnet is representing the sector on important issues.”


19 King George VI Youth Awards made during the year.


Communications ICT

Network Focus



Assembly News



Promoting positive news stories about young people

Twitter Epipe: news and views

“Awareness of issues is vital and sometimes it’s hard to keep up, (but) Youthnet provides great information and guidance.”

I’m an Ally


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/YouthnetNI e c a f . www

5th Floor, 14 College Square North, Belfast BT1 6AS T: 028 9033 1880 F: 028 9033 1977 E: Registered as The Voluntary Youth Network for Northern Ireland Company Limited by Guarantee (NI 16988) Inland Revenue Charity Number: XR 15098/LS design:

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. uk

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