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SCHeme For CroSS-border StudY tour For poSt-SeCondArY FinAnCiAl tAlentS

Commissioned by the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau, and organised by the Federation, the Scheme aims at enhancing local university students’ understanding of the monetary systems and financial markets of both the Mainland and Hong Kong. The participants learnt about the business culture and practices of financial markets in the Mainland through work attachment and visits to government bodies and regulators. This year, 26 nominated students from nine universities travelled to Shanghai from 9 June to 19 July 2014. They were assigned a four-week attachment in 14 different Shanghai enterprises. The launching ceremony was held on 5 June with Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, Professor the Hon. K.C. Chan, GBS, JP, as the Guest of Honour.
tHe HonG KonG YoutH ServiCe AWArd
The Selection Panel, chaired by the Hon. Ronald Arculli, GBM, CVO, GBS, OBE, JP of King & Wood Mallesons, chose as the inaugural winners, Ms. Bonnie Tang Man-lam, who set up a non-profit organisation called t he l eftovers to promote food collection from restaurants to give to those in need while also engaging in public education on the issue of food wastage; Mr. Calvin Lam Wai-ho, who initiated t he Commercial r adio r oad Co-op volunteer team to engage taxi drivers to carry out charity works; Ms. Emmy Li Yuen-mei, an Ophthalmologist who devoted her knowledge and skills to public education and preventive health care; Mr. Clive Lee Ka-lun, who established e nvision Hong Kong providing less privileged students with mentoring services; and Mr. Wayne Chau Pui-por, who founded t he o utstanding Givers Association l imited to promote parent and child volunteering efforts.
The Hon. C.Y. Leung, GBM, GBS, JP, the Chief Executive of the HKSAR presented the Awards.

The Hong Kong Youth Service Award, an initiative of The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, was established to honour, acclaim and encourage outstanding young people aged 18 to 35, who through their commitment, dedication and integrity, exemplify the true spirit of service to the community, brushing colour into Hong Kong’s future.

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