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Premises Development Development and Support
Redevelopment of Stanley Outdoor Activities Centre into Residential Camp
The foundation and ELS works were completed in June 2019, with the main contract works commencing in July. Redevelopment is expected to be completed by mid 2020.
Maintenance of Offices, Service Units and Camp Premises

The HKFYG Leadership Institute
The renovation and construction work for the Training and Hostel buildings were completed in July 2018. Following the Grand Opening Ceremony on 31 March 2019, with Guest of Honour, Mrs. Carrie Lam, GBM, GBS, the Chief Executive of The HKSAR, the Institute is now in operation and open to the public.

Tai Po Youth Hostel-cum-Youth S.P.O.T. Redevelopment
The main contract works for Youth Hostel cum Youth S.P.O.T. began in May 2018 and are now at the final stages. It is expected that the redevelopment will be completed by December 2019.
The Unit closely monitors the physical condition of all Federation premises, including camps, schools and frontline service units. With high utilisation rates, the Federation is committed to everyone’s safety and to ensure that the premises and equipment remain in good working order. Over the past year, 45 improvement and minor renovations were carried out.
Launch of New Project - Renovation of HKFYG Hydroponic Farm
The renovation and construction works for the new Hydroponic Farm were completed in August 2019.