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Launch of new Decarbonisation Platform
Launch of new Youth-led Decarbonisation Platform
Our carbon footprint can be greatly reduced, by making small changes to our daily choices conscientiously. YHK finds out how will this new Decarbonisation Platform encourage more Hong Kong youth to record their carbon reduction and nurture a ‘greener’ lifestyle.
We all produce greenhouse gases (GHG) emission. Also known as carbon footprint in our daily lives – be it in our food intake; our daily habits; the transportation we take and even the household energy we use. Also the high level of GHG emission will intensify the climate problem of our planet.
HKFYG’s Sustainability Unit hopes to get more youth along the carbon footprint reduction, by launching a new Decarbonisation Platform, where they will record their carbon footprint reduction through these 10 daily life actions:
1. Purchase 100% cotton clothes 2. Turn off a computer when not using 3. Replace a face-to-face meeting with online meeting 4. Take a vegan meal 5. Enjoy a non-cattle meat meal 6. Walk for 30 minutes 7. Travel by public buses 8. Travel by public trains 9. Shorten shower time by 5 minutes 10. Use the fan instead of AC
How the 10 daily life actions reduce carbon footprint:
1. Purchase 100% cotton clothes
Cotton clothes has lower carbon emission, compared to polyester clothes
2. Turn off a computer when not using
Switching off a computer could have a much bigger impact on reducing (CO2e)
3. Replace a face-to-face meeting with online meeting
Virtual meetings can reduce conference emissions by up to 94%1
10. Use the fan instead of the air conditioner for an hour
Fans consume 99% less energy than air conditioners.
4. Take a vegan meal
Researchers at the University of Oxford found that cutting meat and dairy products from your diet could reduce an individual’s carbon footprint from food by up to 73 per cent.2
9. Shorten shower time by 5 minutes
Shortening the shower time can help saving the energy used in heating up water.
5. Enjoy non-cattle meat meals
Cattle are ruminant animals which emit methane during their digestion process, which is about 25% of the world's
GHG emission
8. Travel by public transit trains
The carbon emission per capita of taking railways is lower than taking private vehicles and buses
7. Travel by public buses
Transit-based greenhouse gas emissions per passenger mile are significantly lower than those from driving.
6. Walk for 30 minutes
‘Active transport’ – cycling, e-biking or walking – can help tackle the climate crisis.
1https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Trade-offs-between-face-to-face-communication-and-carbon-footprint-Different-markers_fig5_357086912 2 https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/veganism-environmental-impact-planet-reduced-plant-based-diet-humans-study-a8378631.html 3 https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2014/jul/21/giving-up-beef-reduce-carbon-footprint-more-than-cars