3 minute read
CONVENTION 1920-2011 The Call to Action
Following is an excerpt from the October 1948 issue of The Young Calvinist:
The high spot in the activities each year is the annual convention. The first was held in Grand Rapids, Mich., on December 8, 9, and 10, 1920. It was the first convention of a national character held by any group in our circles and we wondered how well it would succeed. What was experienced went beyond our fondest expectation. Of it the editor of The Young Calvinist wrote: “Such is the opinion of all that have attended. They enjoyed it. They received inspiration from it. They found instruction in it. They went home with a new determination to work for the up-building of the various societies of which they are members. Yes, it was good, indeed.”
It was not until 1937 that we dared to venture as far [from Grand Rapids] as Denver. That outstanding convention still lingers in the memories of those who were privileged to attend. In the mile-high city the Federation was lifted to the top of the mountains. And He from Whom all blessings come blessed us abundantly.
War clouds were lowering when the convention was held in Sheboygan, Wis., in August, 1941. The rumbling of the thunder of war in the distance was becoming audible. The lightning of conflict was flashing. How fitting the words of the Federation president at the closing meeting: “Boys, the future looks dark and threatening. I do not know whether or not we will be able to have a convention next year. I do not know whether or not we’ll ever be able to meet again. To those of you who must go, I say: ‘Go with God. Follow the Christ wherever He leads you. He is always near … God be with you … till we meet again.”
The first post-war convention was held in 1946 at Grand Rapids, Mich. Few of those who in past years had attended conventions were present. Their places were taken by younger men.
Though we missed many of those with whom we had worked so many years and with whom we had become acquainted so well, we rejoiced that younger brothers were ready to fill the ranks.
And now we are attending our twenty-fifth Convention. We had looked forward to this event. We thank God that it has arrived. It is the convention at which we thank God for His marvelous grace and guidance throughout the years. It is the convention at which we dedicate and re-dedicate ourselves to His service.
May there come from this convention a great urge to serve Him as devoted and consecrated young men. Here truly is the CALL TO ACTION.