5 minute read
SERVE 2020 Planning Resources
Forever One
SERVE 2020
PSALM 100:5 (NIV)
The Bible is full of stories. These stories, or narratives, give us a glimpse into the nature and character of God, as well as God’s relationship to humanity, in a way that informs how we should live. They tell of people, places and events from particular times and cultures and yet speak to each of us right where we are today.
The stories in the Bible are not standalone accounts of people, places and events though; the Bible is one cohesive grand narrative of the Triune God who created all things, loves all things despite brokenness and sin, came down in flesh to redeem all things and is weaving a master plan to bring all things back to himself. All stories of all people, places and events in the Bible are part of this grand narrative. At first read, biblical narratives may seem to tell the story of a prophet, or a country, or a miracle but really Bible stories are only a little bit about these things. They are mostly about God.
It has been almost two thousand years since the most recently penned stories in the Bible were recorded, and no written texts will be added. And yet, the grand narrative of God, the story God is unfolding through time and space, is far from complete for God is still at work in, among and through God’s people.
In a world where we are so busy and things around us often seem so wrong, it can be easy to miss how our stories are woven into the grand narrative of God. Many days most of us are just trying to do the best we can to get work done and hold things together. We don’t give much thought to where we fit into the overarching story of how and where God is at work in the world because our lives are full and our minds are preoccupied. Together at SERVE, we have a chance to take a step back and consider the bigger picture of the story of God.
During SERVE 2020, we are going to live deeply into stories from the Old Testament. We are going to learn about interesting characters in the Bible and how God used them to bring about his salvation and the restoration of all creation. We will explore how this hope of restoration was made perfect in Jesus, how Christ was the fulfillment of all of God’s promises. We will witness how the early church faithfully lived into the good news of Jesus. Finally, we will ponder how God is still at work bringing each of us back into relationship with him through Christ, and inviting us to join in the work of the Holy Spirit as participants in the story God continues to write.
Visit www.YouthUnlimited.org for more information about SERVE 2020. High school, middle school and special needs SERVE mission trips are available. Registration opens November 1, 2019.
SERVE Youth Mission Trips for Groups
Mission trips and other faith-forming experiences are proven to be the #1 way to keep teens active in the church and growing in their faith. SERVE youth mission trips for teens are all-inclusive, 5-7 day service trips for Middle School or High School students. The students go into communities in the USA and Canada to care for and restore their world in an environment where they’ll encounter the concepts of justice and missional living. More than just a week-long short-term mission trip over the summer, SERVE is a faith-forming experience where the communities, congregations and students who are involved all experience lasting transformation.

High School Trips
High School SERVE mission trips are 7-day mission experiences open to students who have completed grade 8 through graduating seniors. The communityfocused environment of SERVE encourages students’ passion for their own congregation and community, so the impact of SERVE continues long after the high school students return home.

Middle School Trips
Middle School SERVE mission trips are 6-day mission experiences open to students who have completed grade 5 through students who have completed grade 8. The community-focused environment of SERVE encourages students’ passion for their own congregation and community, so the impact of SERVE continues long after the middle school students return home.

Special Needs Trips
Our Special Needs mission sites are open to people ages 16-28 with special needs. The work projects at these sites will be tailored to the ability of the individual students, allowing them to experience as close to a typical SERVE experience as possible.
SERVE 2020 Confirmed Sites
In US: * Abingdon, VA * Alamosa, CO * Brookside (Grand Rapids), MI * Byron Center, MI (Middle School) * Cadillac, MI * Douglas, MA * Fulton, IL * Gallatin Valley, MT * LaGrave (Grand Rapids), MI * Lynden, WA * Mechanicsburg, PA (Special Needs) * Muskegon, MI * Palos Heights, IL * Platte, SD * Sioux Center, IA * Sioux Falls, SD * West Des Moines, IA * Whitinsville, MA * Wyoming, MI
In Canada: * Agassiz, BC * Barrie, ON * Burlington, ON * Fort McMurray, AB * Hamilton, ON * London, ON * Niagara, ON * Thunder Bay, ON
Sites subject to change. Please watch youthunlimited.org for additional sites and up-to-date info.
Planning Calendar
September 1, 2019: SERVE 2020 Sites announced at youthunlimited.org.
September/October: Choose a SERVE experience. Invite input from fellow leaders, students, parents and church leadership.
November 1, 2019 (Noon EST): Registration opens. Save your spots by placing a deposit of $50 per person. You will only need to indicate the number of youth and adult spots at this time. Sites are filled on a first come, first served basis! Registration will open at NOON this year. (We are too old for that midnight stuff anymore. Seriously, when you make it to 100, you really need your sleep.)
November 2019-March 2020: After you receive your confirmation letter with your site placement, your group can then complete the individual online paperwork by providing specific participant information.
April 1, 2020: Deadline to complete your online paperwork. Any registrations completed after this date will be charged a $50 late fee.
April 1, 2020: Scholarship applications are due.
May 1, 2020: Final balance due for all SERVE Sites. Last day to receive a refund for cancellation.
Before your SERVE experience
Collect Liability Waiver forms from each student and adult participant. Bring these with you to your SERVE site.
Ensure each adult leader has a background check on file with Youth Unlimited. More information can be found at youthunlimited.org on the FAQ page.
Have a leaders’ meeting to review the Leader Handbook (expectations), Spiritual Life Guide and Expectations of a Leader Document.
Have a students’ meeting and teach from the 2020 pre-trip theme lesson and review the Student Handbook.
Ask your congregation to pray.
At age 100, we’re getting a little too old for midnight.

SERVE 2020 registration now opens November 1 at Noon (EST).