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Includes J
For high school students in years 9 and 10
Written by Tim Clemens
BIG CALLS CO NT E N T S How to use this manual
About the author
Unit verview o
Lesson 1
the bread of life
Lesson 2
the gate and the good shepherd
Lesson 3
the resurrection and the life
Lesson 4
the way, the truth and the life
Lesson 5
the true vine
Lesson format The lessons in this unit follow a basic format from week to week: Prayer
introduction/ recaP
An opportunity to commit the lesson to God and get the students used to praying and talking with him. Lesson 1—A brief overview of what will be covered in this unit. All other lessons—a short revision of the previous lesson’s big idea.
diScuSSion or activity
An interactive section designed to get the students talking and thinking about the topic.
A bridge between the activities and what you have shared, and the Bible teaching to come.
A segment of the John: The Visual Bible DVD which relates to the day’s lesson topic.
read the bible
A chance for students to read the Bible themselves. Get a confident reader in the group to read the passage for the day aloud. Key passages are printed in the Student handbooks for easy reference.
Student handbookS
reinforce the big idea
anSwerS to common queStionS
A resource for students to complete with a variety of questions and activities based on the teaching. Be sure to allow time for students to share their answers with the class and for you to see how well they have understood the material. See the note on page 6 for more information. A way to finish the lesson with the key points from the study. An invitation to students to challenge you on any point they disagree with or find difficult to accept or understand. Encourage any young person to approach you after class with questions or comments, and offer to pray with any student who wants this support. Some examples of difficult questions you may get asked by students on the main issues discussed in each lesson, together with appropriate and helpful responses.
1 The bread of life big idea
Those who believe in Jesus will live forever.
In this lesson students will: • reflect on the significance of the ‘I am’ statements for an understanding of who Jesus is • discuss the concept of eternal life • wrestle with Jesus’ words • be challenged to believe in Jesus.
key PaSSage
John 6:25–59