Connect B1 Upper Primary Teacher's Manual

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connect Upper Primary B1

A Christian Education curriculum for children aged 10–12 years.

Contents For the teacher What you will find in each lesson Music, drama, PowerPoints and PDFs Curriculum stance Training and support Five circles of learning Connect icons Introduction—Who is Jesus? Lesson 1 The arrival of Jesus and John Luke 1—2:38 Lesson 2 Ready … set … Luke 3:1—4:13 Lesson 3 The one you’ve all been waiting for Luke 4:14−30 Lesson 4 How perfect are you? Luke 5:1−11 Lesson 5 Who do you think Jesus is? Luke 5:17−26 Lesson 6 More powerful than the raging sea Luke 8:22−25 Lesson 7 Faith is … Luke 8:40−56 Lesson 8 The signs of life Luke 9:18−22, 44b−45, 51 Lesson 9 To die or not to die? Luke 22:39−53 Lesson 10 Even stronger than death! Luke 24; 1 Corinthians 15

4 4 6 7 7 8 9 10 12 22 30 38 50 58 66 74 84 90

Introduction—God’s big promises Lesson 11 Let the exploring begin! Genesis 1–11 Lesson 12 Promises, promises, promises Genesis 12:1–9 Lesson 13 Waiting, waiting, waiting Genesis 15:1—18:15; 21:1–7 Lesson 14 God’s family grows Genesis 24 Lesson 15 Chalk and cheese Genesis 25:19–34 Lesson 16 Sibling rivalry Genesis 27:1–40 Lesson 17 Growing into greatness Genesis 29:31—30:24; 37 Lesson 18 Working for good Genesis 39–41 Lesson 19 Mighty to save Genesis 41–50 Lesson 20 Holly and Compassion Australia Various

98 100 116 128 138 146 158 166 178 188 200

Easter assembly

John 19–20


Special lesson

Various 220

Coping with change




Teaching ideas Help with classroom management 228 Helpful teaching techniques 230 Teaching Memory verses 233 Is your class different? 236 Teaching Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students 237 Understanding the student: the learning theory undergirding Connect 238 Using appropriate language in the (S)RE/RI class 240 What the Bible says about living as God’s friends 241 Christian Education outcomes 242




B1 U P P E R




Chalk and cheese

LESSON AIM ■■ To help students to understand that the Bible shows that God will keep his promises but not always in the way we expect him to.

LESSON OUTCOMES Students will learn about: ■■ the births of Jacob and Esau ■■ how God chose Jacob for the fulfilment of his promises. Students will learn to: ■■ recognise how the Bible shows that God keeps his promises through unexpected people and in unexpected ways.

MEMORY VERSE God is no mere human! He doesn’t tell lies or change his mind. God always keeps his promises. Numbers 23:19 (CEV)

» Bible background Here begins the account of Isaac. Most of what follows is about Jacob and Esau. In summary, chapters 25–35 are actually the account of how God kept his promises to Isaac—the continuation of the promises made to Abraham in Genesis 12:1–3. This Bible passage begins with Rebekah’s barrenness. Children are a blessing from God and in Old Testament times, childlessness was seen as God’s curse. However, it is interesting to note that a narrative of barrenness in the Bible usually results in the birth of an important figure as God graciously provides the barren couple with a child.


Genesis 25:19–34

The barren Rebekah became pregnant with twins. However, there was something unusual about this pregnancy. It was a very difficult and painful pregnancy for Rebekah—the babies were literally ‘fighting each other’ inside her (Genesis 25:22). So Rebekah inquired of the Lord. The hostility of the babies during Rebekah’s pregnancy foreshadowed the rivalry and frustration in the lives of these twin brothers. Right from conception there was competition between the boys, for God had a plan. He had chosen the younger to be the one through whom he would fulfil his promises. The older would become a great nation but would serve the younger (25:23). God’s words were fulfilled in the birth of the boys. Esau came out first with Jacob clutching at his heel, as though trying to pull him back in or push him out of the way. Furthermore, Jacob and Esau were very different from each other. Esau was red and hairy and became a skilful hunter. Jacob was hairless and smooth, preferring to stay at home. As a result, Esau became Isaac’s favourite and Jacob was Rebekah’s. This parental favouritism no doubt fuelled the already existing rivalry between the boys. It was not long before Jacob grasped at Esau’s heel again. Jacob convinced Esau to sell his birthright, and therefore, the blessings and promises attached to it (25:29–34). In selling his birthright for a bowl of lentil stew Esau despised the promises of God. The writer of Hebrews describes Esau as godless and sets him up as a warning for persecuted Christians who are tempted to shrink back from the rich promises of God in our LORD Jesus (Hebrews 12:16–17).

✔✔ A CEV Bible marked at Genesis 25:19–34 ✔✔ Pieces of plain paper for the Way in ✔✔ Visual aids on pages 153–156 of the Wide road filled with cars, Skyscrapers, Luxury hotel and Jacob and Esau—stew ✔✔ A piece of butcher’s paper and a marker for Bible focus ✔✔ Visual aids on pages 124–126 of the Promises ✔✔ Playdough (see Before you start) ✔✔ A can of red lentils or red kidney beans and a clear container ✔✔ Isaac, Rebekah and Jacob and Esau— stew from the Coloured Visual Aid Pack ✔✔ Activity books ✔✔ Materials for Taking it further (optional) ✔✔ Faith is (track 1) on CEP’s Connect B1 Upper Primary Music and Drama CD


» You will need


■■ You will need red playdough and another coloured playdough for your students to use. Hand out a lump of red and your other chosen colour to each student. They will make playdough models of Esau and Jacob during the Bible focus. You may like to try making some before the lesson so you have an example the students can follow. See the recipe on page 157 if you would like to make the playdough.

» Teacher’s prayer Thank God that he is powerful in keeping his promises. Pray that you will never take for granted the blessing of salvation in Jesus Christ. Pray that the students will recognise the trustworthiness of God as described in the Bible.

OTHER RESOURCES If your lessons are longer than the standard, you may find the following resources useful. ■■ Nothing takes God by surprise (track 12) on Colin Buchanan’s Remember the Lord album. ■■ The Lord is King (track 15) on Colin Buchanan’s 10, 9, 8 ... God is Great! album.

BEFORE YOU START ■■ If you intend to use an interactive whiteboard, review the PowerPoint slides for this lesson (see page 6 of this manual).




■■ Photocopy and enlarge the Visual aids on pages 153–156 of the Wide road filled with cars, Skyscrapers, Luxury hotel and Jacob and Esau—stew.




» Way in Give each student a piece of blank paper. I want you to imagine that you are exploring the African jungle. Write down some things you might expect to find.

Bible icon ■■ Who would like to share a couple of their answers? Activity Books icon (Accept responses.) Display the Visual aid on page 153 of a Visual Aid icon Wide road filled with cars. ■■ If you were exploring in Africa would you CD icon expect to find this? (Accept responses.)

Music icon

■■ Or this? Display the Visual aid on page 154 of Skyscrapers. Word icon (Accept responses.) ■■ Or this? Display the Visual Maths & Logic icon aid on page 155 of a Luxury hotel. (Accept responses.) Body icon



There are some things in life that you just SpaceYou & Vision icon don’t expect. would never expect to see a luxury hotel in the middle of the African jungle! Interpersonal icon opposite to what That would be the complete you’d expect.

Self icon Today we’re going to see some pretty unexpected events happen in Isaac’s family! Nature icon


Bible Exploration icon

Bible focus

Let’s think about what we have learned from the Bible so far ... ■■ What has happened so far in Abraham’s life? (Accept responses. Remind students of God’s promises to Abraham, Isaac has been born, Isaac has grown up, Sarah has died and Isaac has married Rebekah.) Blu-Tack the butcher’s paper to the front wall or use the whiteboard. ■■ Who can tell me some things you have learned about God so far in our lessons? (Accept responses. For example, that God is a promise keeper, that he doesn’t always keep his promises as quickly as we think he should, that God’s plan to save people from sin has

always been about Jesus, that he is loving, compassionate and gracious and so on. Write their responses up on the butcher’s paper.) God has a plan to save his people from their sin. Last week we saw that God’s plan, right from the beginning, has always been about Jesus. God put this plan into motion by making promises to Abraham. icon weren’t just for Abraham. But theseBible promises They were for his children and for their children Activity Books icon and for all the children that would come after. Have the Visual aids on pages 124–126 of Visual Aid icon the Promises ready to display as the students answer the following question. CD icon You may need to use them to prompt the students if they are struggling to remember.

Music icon

■■ What were these promises? (Accept responses.)

Word icon

God promised that Abraham’s family would become a great nation. He would give them Maths & Logic icon a land toBible live in, and through them the whole icon world would be blessed.

Body icon

Activity Books icon So far, Abraham has had a son—Isaac. Space & Vision icon Visual aid of Isaac if Display the Coloured Bible icon Visual Aid icon you have it. Interpersonal icon CD icon

Activity Books Isaac grew up and got icon married. Display the Coloured Visual aid of Rebekah Visual Aid icon Self icon if Music you have iconit. He married a woman named Rebekah. Isaac Nature CD iconicon Word and Rebekah’sicon story starts in a similar way to Bible icon AbrahamBible and Exploration Sarah’s. icon

Music icon

Maths & the Logic icon books and ask the Distribute Activity Activity Books icon students to turn to Lesson 15.

Word icon Body icon Bible icon Maths & Vision Logic icon Space & icon Ask a student to read Genesis CD icon Books icon 25:19–21 from your Activity CEV BibleBody whileicon the others Interpersonal iconfollow along in their Have a listen to this ... Visual Aid icon

Activity books. Music icon

Visual Aid icon Space & Vision icon ■■ What Self wasicon similar to Abraham and Sarah’s story? Word icon CD icon Interpersonal icon (Accept responses. Nature icon Rebekah wasn’t able to have children then God responded to Maths &but Logic icon Music icon Self icon Isaac’sBible prayer and she became Exploration icon pregnant.) Rebekah Body became iconpregnant with twins. Word Natureicon icon

If you have any twins in your class you could ask Space & icon them what it’s Exploration like to beicon twins. Maths & Vision Logic Bible icon

Interpersonal icon Body icon Self icon Space & Vision icon


Nature icon icon Interpersonal

Visualthese Aid icon ■■ How were twins different to what we expected? (Accept responses. The twins were fighting CD icon each other even in the womb.) ■■ What Music did God have to say about these twins? icon (Accept responses. God said that they would become twoicon different nations. The younger Word would become the stronger nation and the older would serve the younger.)

Maths & Logic icon

God told Rebekah that the younger of the two twins would greater than the older Bodybecome icon one. That may not seem strange to us but in those days the &eldest Space Visionson iconwas always the most important.

Interpersonal icon He was the one who inherited everything his father owned when he died. The younger siblings would look up to and listen to their Self icon older brother. If anything happened to his father, the eldest son would be in charge. Nature icon

But not in this family! God had chosen the younger Bible son to be the stronger Exploration icon and more important one! This is certainly not what Rebekah would have been expecting God to say. Well, when the twins came out they were still fighting. Esau came out first. And Jacob was born grabbing at Esau’s heel as though he was trying to pull him out of the way. What’s more, Jacob and Esau were like chalk and cheese.

God had made promises to Abraham. These promises were passed on to Isaac. Now these promises were to be passed on to Isaac’s children. But they weren’t for all of Isaac’s children—only one! ■■ Which son might you expect God to choose for the fulfilment of his promises? (Accept responses.) Isaac and Rebekah would have expected God to keep his promises to Esau because he was the eldest. ■■ But who do you think God was going to choose? (Accept responses.) God had chosen Jacob for the fulfilment of his promises. God chose him even before he was born. ■■ What kind of person would you expect Jacob to be since God had chosen him for his promises? (Accept responses. You would probably expect him to be kind and generous, someone who loved God and lived his way and so on.) Let’s find out how Jacob and Esau turned out!

Bible icon to read Genesis 25:29–34 Ask a student Bible icon from your CEV Bible while the others read Activity Books icon books. along in their Activity Activity Books icon

Display the Visual aid on page 156 or Visual Aid icon the Coloured Visual aid of Jacob and Visual Aid icon Esau—stew.

■■ Does anyone know what that saying means? (Accept responses. It means that two things or two people are completely different to each other).

CD icon CD icon Music icon Music icon

Distribute the playdough to the students Bible icon and ask them to read Genesis 25:24–28 and make models of Jacob and Esau out of Activity Books icon the playdough.

Word icon Word icon

Visual Aid icon CD icon Music icon

Maths & Logic icon Maths & Logic icon Body icon Body icon Space & Vision icon Space & Vision icon Interpersonal icon Interpersonal icon


Activity Books icon

This is certainly unexpected!

■■ How do you feel hearing that Isaac and Rebekah had favourites in their family? (Accept responses.)


Ask a student to read Genesis 25:22–23 Bible icon from your CEV Bible while the others read along in their Activity books.

This family is not what we would have expected at all!


Rebekah would have been excited to have twins, especially after not being able to have children for 20 years!


Esau and Jacob were like chalk and cheese. Esau was a hairy red-headed man who loved to go out into the open country and hunt. Jacob, however, was smooth and liked staying at home. Esau was his father’s favourite and Jacob was his mother’s.


■■ What would you expect twins to be like? (Accept responses. They look the same, they love hanging out with each other, perhaps you’d even expect that they’d have a particular closeness—even more so than other siblings.)




■■ What do you think might be so important about Esau’s birthright? (Accept responses. The birthright was the symbol of all the privileges that belong to the eldest son, and for Isaac’s family this would have included the promises that God had made to Abraham and Isaac. It would have been very special indeed!) ■■ How did Jacob and Esau both view the birthright? (Accept responses. Jacob thought it was really important. He wanted it so badly that he was willing to bribe his brother to get it. Esau despised his birthright. He didn’t think it was important at all. He was more worried about his stomach in the present than inheriting the promises of God in the future.) ■■ Did you notice what Esau wanted in exchange for his birthright? (Accept responses. Red lentil stew.) Show your can of red kidney beans or lentils. Pour them out into a clear container so that the students can see them.



Esau sold all his privileges as the eldest son to his younger brother for red lentil stew.

■■ Jacob turned out to be a pretty sneaky person. Do you think God would still keep his promises to Jacob? (Accept responses. Yes. God will keep his promises because he is a promise keeper!) ■■ What does this story tell us about God? (Accept responses. Add these responses to your piece of butcher’s paper from the beginning of the lesson.) God always had a plan. His plan has always been to save his people from their sin through Jesus. He set his plan in motion by making promises to Abraham. And nothing will get in the way of God keeping his promises—not even sinful people. God is powerful and able to keep his promises—he is a promise keeper! But the way God keeps his promises may not always be the way we would expect. Time and time again God chooses unexpected people, and uses them in unexpected ways. ■■ Why might God do this? (Accept responses.)

Bible icon

Show the class the red lentils or kidney beans again.

He does this so that people will remember that he is God and that they aren’t. So people won’t Activity Booksthings icon God gives them start taking the good for granted. And so people will put their trust in him. Visual Aid icon

■■ Would you be willing to give up all your privileges as the eldest child in your family for a bowl of red lentil stew? (Accept responses.)

If you have time play Faith is (track 1) on CD icon CEP’s Connect B1 Upper Primary Music and Drama CD while your students read the lyrics Music in theiricon Activity books.

This is what Esau did!

This is how Christians talk to God. If you would Word icon like to pray with me please join me. If you don’t then please lower your head so we don’t get Maths & praying Logic icon distracted while this short prayer.

■■ Who is the eldest child in their family? (Accept hands.)

■■ What does this story tell you about both Bible icon Jacob and Esau? (Ask the students to write down their Activity Books icon answers in their Activity books in the person outlines provided. Discuss Visual Aid icon their answers.)

CD icon

» Connections Music icon

Jacob and Esau Wordwere icon like chalk and cheese but they had one thing in common. Neither of them turned out to be particularly nice men. Maths & Logic icon The one good quality of Jacob was that he actually cared about the promises God made to Body icon Abraham. But he then went on to be sneaky so he could get the promises!

Space & Vision icon Interpersonal icon


Self icon


Body icon

Concluding prayer Space & Vision icon

Dear God, thank you that you are in control. Thank you that you have always had a Interpersonal icon plan to save your people from sin through Jesus. Thank you that nothing can stand Self icon in the way of you keeping your promises. Thank you that you are a powerful promise keeper!Nature Amen.icon

Bible Exploration icon


Bible icon Activity Books icon ActivityVisual BooksAid iconicon Visual Aid CDicon icon

Bible icon Bible icon CD icon Music icon

SINGING Activity Books icon Bible icon Music icon Activity Booksicon icon Word

Visual Aid icon God is faithful (track 2) icon on CEP’s Connect B1 Activity Books Visual Aid icon Word icon Maths & Logic icon Upper Primary Music and Drama CD. Visual Aid icon CD icon Supplementary songs suggested in Other Maths &Body Logicare icon icon CD icon resources at the start of the lesson. Music icon CD icon Body icon Space & Vision icon Music icon

JOURNAL Word icon Music icon Space &Interpersonal Vision icon icon Word icon Ask the students write a journal entry of what it Maths &to Logic icon Interpersonal icon Word icon Mathsicon &Self Logic icon might have been like to have either Jacob or Esau as a twin Body brother when were so very different icon Maths &Nature Logic you icon Self icon icon Body icon from them.

Space &icon Vision icon Body Nature Exploration icon Spaceicon &Bible Vision icon

JACOB AND Interpersonal icon ESAU Space & Visionicon icon Bible Exploration icon Interpersonal

Ask the students pictures of what they Interpersonal icon Self iconto draw Selfand icon think Jacob Esau might have looked like.

Nature Self iconicon Nature icon

» Teacher reflections


» Taking it further

■■ How can you improve your classroom management skills? ■■ What do the students’ answers in their Activity books tell you about their developing knowledge and understanding about God’s promises?

» For next lesson ■■ Next week there is a YouTube clip to watch in the Way in. Have a look at it before the lesson or have a look at the alternative (see Before you start). Be sure to check your school’s policies on showing YouTube clips in the classroom. ■■ You will be teaching the Bible focus as though you are a boxing commentator and the students are part of the cheer squad. Make sure you practise and are familiar with the script so you can engage the students as you teach.


Bible Exploration icon Nature icon Bible Exploration icon




Read Hebrews 12:15–17 from a CEV Bible. Bible Exploration icon Discuss with the students the writer of the Hebrews’ view on the lentil stew episode. How does the writer view Esau? What is the warning from this episode?




Š 2011 The purchaser of this manual is entitled to photocopy this page for classroom purposes.


© 2011 The purchaser of this manual is entitled to photocopy this page for classroom purposes.


Š 2011 The purchaser of this manual is entitled to photocopy this page for classroom purposes.


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