Hello God! Semester 2 Teacher's Manual

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Contents Outline and structure of each lesson Hello God! Semester 2 Music CD Other recommended resources Curriculum stance Five circles of learning Sample letter introducing Chit-chat

6 9 9 10 12 13

Unit 1: Trusting God and living for him 1. God cares for Noah 2. The Ten Commandments 3. David and Goliath 4. Jesus calms the storm 5. Listen to Jesus 6. Jesus invites children 7. Jesus prays 8. Talking to God (1) 9. Talking to God (2) 10. Love one another

14 16 24 34 42 48 56 64 72 84 92



Unit 2: God keeps his promises 11. God’s promises—Abraham

Genesis 11:26—12:7; 13:1–4; 15:1–6; 17:1–16; 21:1–8 Genesis 37; 39; 41–47:12 Exodus 1–3:12; 5–11 Exodus 13:3—15:21 Joshua 3; 21:43–45 1 Samuel 16:1–13 2 Samuel 2:4–7; 5:1–4; 7 Isaiah 9:6–7 Luke 2:1–20 Luke 2:21–40


God’s promises—Joseph God’s promises—Moses God’s promises—Red Sea rescue God’s promises—The Promised Land God’s promises—David the shepherd boy God’s promises—David is king God’s promises—A Son God’s promises—Jesus is born s greatest promise—Jesus God’s


12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

Genesis 6:5—9:17 Exodus 19–20:21 1 Samuel 17:4–50 Luke 8:22–25 Luke 10:38–42 Luke 18:15–17 Mark 1:29–39; Luke 11:2–4 Luke 11:2–4 Luke 11:2–4 Luke 10:25–37

Faith development Using the Bible with children

102 104 112 120 128 136 144 152 162 168 176 184 185


God cares for Noah




Genesis 6:5—9:17

■ To help the children understand that God cares for people who trust him.


Lesson outcomes



By the end of this lesson the children will: ■ know that Noah built an ark because God told him to ■ understand that Noah trusted God ■ know that the rainbow is a sign that God keeps his promises.

Memory verse

God gave careful instructions to Noah in preparation for the flood, including precise measurements for the construction of the ark. To ensure repopulation of the earth, Noah was told to collect animals and bring them into the ark. Yet other animals were also to be brought along and used for sacrificial purposes. Little is said about Noah’s reaction to what must have seemed to be one bizarre request after another, except that he ‘did everything the Lord told him to do’ (Genesis 6:22). Surely he faced ridicule from onlookers, yet his faithfulness was admirable. Noah’s faith and obedience were commended by the writer of Hebrews (Hebrews 11:7).


Lesson aim

Trust the Lord! Psalm 27:14 (CEV)

Teacher’s notes Read Genesis 6:5—9:17.

Once sin had entered, the world that was once perfect became filled with corruption and evil. Displeased, God vowed to destroy the earth and all of its inhabitants, saving only those who trusted and obeyed him. But only one man stood out as righteous and God-fearing (Genesis 6:5–9). Noah was already an old man when he heard God’s call on his life. God promised that Noah and his family would be spared the catastrophic flood that would soon envelop the earth (Genesis 6:18). This promise was reinforced by the sign of the rainbow at the end of the story, a symbol of God’s mercy and promise (Genesis 9:12–17).

Noah didn’t just speak empty words, but acted upon his trust in God by doing everything God asked. What a great example he is for us! Like Noah, we can and should trust that God will care for us. The rainbow was the sign that God would keep his promise to never again let floodwaters destroy all life on earth (Genesis 9:12–17).

Teacher’s prayer ■ Pray that you are not just saying you trust in God but that you really trust in God, especially in any parts of your life that are difficult. ■ Pray that the children will enjoy the lesson and be reassured that God will always care for them.


Resources Teacher’s poster 1 Wooden blocks Prepared Rain shakers (see Lesson preparation) Prepared rainbow (see Lesson preparation) A CEV Bible marked at Genesis 9:15b–16 Game board for each child Resources for chosen activities in Free play and Extras sections ✔ Copy of Chit-chat 1 for each child to take home. ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

Using the blocks, build a boat together with the children on the blue sheet. Encourage the children to use as much space as possible to ensure the boat is large. Allow the children to play with the animals and boat and encourage them to match the animal pairs together and place them in the boat. Talk with the children about where they would sail to in the boat with the animals and for how long. Tell them that today’s story is about a man who also built a huge boat and took a lot of animals on a long trip with him. You may choose to leave this structure and use it during the story in Group time.

Wet, wild and rainy

Display Teacher’s poster 1 in your Group time area. If you don’t do Rain shakers (see Free play) make some shakers by adding rice, dried beans or lentils to empty soft drink bottles for Group time.

Resources ✔ A large tub of water ✔ Plastic cups, funnels and colanders ✔ A tarpaulin (optional).


Set up the tub of water on a table. Supervise the children as they play with the water. If you do this activity you may like to do Boat afloat after Group Extras). Encourage the children to make time (see Extras rain with the cups, funnels and colanders. As the children play, ask them what they like, or don’t like, about the rain. What do they do when it rains? For fun, they could practise jumping in pretend puddles. Use the tarpaulin if necessary to protect flooring.


For extra impact


You will need to practise the rhyme used in Bible focus a few times before the lesson to get the timing right. Use different voices for God and Noah.

Display pictures of Noah and the ark from children’s Bibles and picture books in your Group time area.

Free play

Choose from the following activities to suit the time and space in your program. They are intended to be available for children to choose with other activities that are offered in your program during Free play.

Ark builders Purpose ■ To introduce the idea of building a boat and travelling with many animals. Resources ✔ Wooden blocks ✔ Pairs of plastic animals ✔ A large blue sheet.


Rain shakers Purpose ■ To make a prop that encourages interaction during Group time. Resources ✔ Empty soft drink bottles with lids ✔ Rice or other dried grains ✔ Spoons ✔ Masking tape or glue ✔ Food colouring (optional). Help the children make rain shakers by spooning rice or other dried grains into the bottles. Tape or glue the lids on to stop the children opening them. Colour the rice with food colouring as a fun option.

Unit 1 Lesson 1

Make a crepe paper rainbow by stapling together strips of crepe paper in the following colours: red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple.

Purpose ■ To engage in water play.


Lesson preparation

Group time

Bible focus

Have ready a CEV Bible, Teacher’s poster 1, the Rain shakers (see Free play), and the rainbow (see Lesson preparation). If you did Ark builders in Free play, you could sit near the block boat and use it while telling the story (you will need extra wooden blocks).

Practise this rhyme a few times before the lesson to get the timing right. Use different voices for God and Noah. Where possible, do actions, inviting the children to join in. In Bible times there lived a man and Noah was his name. Noah loved God and did what God said, but not everyone did the same.

We have learned a lot about God so far this year. What are some things you can remember learning about God so far? (Accept responses, reminding children of the content covered in Hello God! Semester 1. Include such things as God is King, loving, caring, kind, God made the world, he loves us and wants us to be his friends, God sent Jesus to help us to be God’s friends.) Show your Bible.

God saw how bad the people were and he felt so terribly sad. He decided to send a great big flood to destroy those who were bad. ‘Noah,’ God said, ‘You’ve always loved and trusted me likeicon you should. Bible ‘I want you to build a great big ark made out of Activity Books icon gopher wood.’


Way in

Bible icon

Show Teacher’s poster 1.

Visual Aid icon


Music icon

Choose only two or three questions. As you ask each question, Word adopticon a childlike voice and mannerisms. Allow time for the children to suggest a reason. Why do I &have toicon pick up my toys? Maths Logic Why do I have to wear my hat? Why do icon I have to go to bed? Body Why do I have to eat my crusts? Why can’t eat lollies Space & IVision icon for breakfast? Why can’t I watch [insert the name of a popular children’sicon program] all day? Interpersonal • Why can’t I jump on my bed? • • • • • •

‘I’m sending a flood, a great big flood, to cover CD icon this world of mine.


Visual Aid icon

Let’s play a game! In this game I’ll be the child and you can take turns being the mother CD icon or father. When I ask you why I have to do something, you can give me a reason.


Unit 1 Lesson 1

We are going to Books keep learning about God and Activity icon some of the people from the Bible who knew God, trusted him and listened to what he said.

Sometimes we don’t want to do what we Self icon are told. Today weNature are going icon to hear about a man called Noah. Noah did what God told him to do. Some people thought he was silly. Bible Exploration iconBut Noah didn’t say to God, ‘Why do I have to do what you say?’ Noah just did what God said.

There’ll be nothing Music icon left, not one living thing … but you and your family will be fine.’ Noah didWord all God icontold him to do, gathered wood to make the boat.

& Logic He boundMaths it with reedsicon and painted it with tar to be sure his ark would float. Body icon

Pretend to build the boat using the blocks. If you did Ark builders in Free play, you could use this here.

Space & Vision icon

‘Noah,’ God said. ‘Just a few more things before the rain starts to fall. Interpersonal icon ‘Take your family, all kinds of animals and birds, and plenty food for all.’ Selfoficon Two-by-two, side-by-side, with a hop, skip, icon jump andNature a jog. Bible icon Into the ark went everyone, including some Bible Exploration icon fat greenActivity frogs. Books icon Point to Teacher’s poster 1 and allow the Visual Aid icon children to make different animal noises. Quiet the children before continuing.

CD icon

With a thunderous bang, the rain came down, spitting and drizzling at first.

Music icon

Then the rain poured down harder and harder, till they thought their ears would burst.

Word icon

Maths & Logic icon


Body icon Space & Vision icon

Bible icon Use one rain shaker to make the sound of rain. If you did Rain shakers in Free play, allow the children to start shaking their shakers one by one until it sounds like pouring rain. Stop shaking the shakers before continuing. The water came up, the ark started to float and not a single leak. It rained for a day and a night without stopping and soon it had rained for a week! Use the rain shaker(s) to make the sound of rain. Stop shaking the shakers before continuing.

Noah trusted in God to keep them safe and he told everyone not to fret.

You know, when Noah made the ark, people CD icon may have thought he was pretty silly. They might have wondered why he was making such Music icon a big boat when there was no water to put it on. Why did Noah build the ark? (Accept responses. Word icon God told him to.)

God wants us to trust him Space & Vision icontoo. He will always care for people who trust him in the way he icon knows isInterpersonal best. Hold up the rainbow again.

Self icon Bible icon Nature icon When weActivity see a rainbow, we can remember to Books icon trust God. Bible Exploration icon Visual Aid icon

Read Genesis 9:15b–16 from a CEV Bible.

Memory verse


CD icon

Shake the rain shaker very slowly and then stop.


But still Noah waited in the ark until the water began to go down. Then God said to Noah, ‘You can leave the ark and walk on the dry ground.’ Noah’s family were first, the animals next, to run and jump and fly. Then Noah thanked God for keeping him safe, and a rainbow appeared in the sky.

Trust the Lord! Psalm 27:14 (CEV) The memory verse Music iconwill be sung to the tune of ‘Johnny works with one hammer’ with the actions. Ask the children what Noah did to show he trusted Word icon God (built an ark). Noah might have used a hammer to build the ark. Encourage the children to pretend Maths & Logic icon to hammer as they chant the Memory verse. Trust theBody Lord!icon Trust the Lord! Trust the Lord! Trust the Lord! Psalm 27:14 Space & Vision icon

Interpersonal icon


Hold up the rainbow. ‘Noah,’ God said. ‘I’m making a promise to you and the world forever. ‘This rainbow means that I won’t send a flood like this again—not ever!’

Invite theSelf children icon to sit in a circle and place the rainbow from the story in the middle for the children toNature look at. Invite the children to repeat the icon following prayer after you. Encourage the children to say their ownExploration prayers if they Bible iconwish. Dear God, thank you that we can trust you. Help us to remember to trust you when we see a rainbow. Amen.


Unit 1 Lesson 1


At least they were inside a warm, dry place and not outside getting wet.

Out came the sun, shining and bright, as the damp grey clouds swiftly parted.

Visual Aid icon


Inside the ark it was noisy and smelly, but safe so it didn’t matter.

At long last the rain stopped falling and pouring, as quickly as it had started.

Hold up Teacher’s poster 1.

Noah built the ark because Maths & Logic icon God told him that he was sending a big flood. The ark was for keeping Noah, hisBody family, iconand the animals and birds safe. Noah trusted that God would care for him.

For 40 long days and 40 long nights the rain continued to patter.

Use the rain shaker(s) to make the sound of rain. Stop shaking the shakers before continuing.

Wrap Activity up Books icon

Game board

Boat afloat

Give each child their Game board. Read the question about today’s lesson and discuss it with them. Invite the children to draw their own picture about the lesson in the space in the middle of the board. If there is time you may play the game with the children now (see instructions below). Otherwise collect the Game boards for next time.

Purpose ■ To recreate part of the story of Noah and the flood and be reminded that Noah trusted God.

Ensure a copy of Chit-chat 1 is sent home with each child.



Purpose ■ To remember that the rainbow is a sign of God’s promises.

Animal antics

Resources ✔ Squeeze bottles of poster paint in the following colours: red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple ✔ An A4 sheet of paper for each child, folded in half ✔ Face paints in the following colours: red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple (optional).


These are additional activities you may choose to use in your program as time permits.

Purpose ■ To consider what it might have been like in the ark with all the animals.


Unit 1 Lesson 1

Extras (optional)

Make little boats out of plasticine or corks and float them in the tub of water. Which boats float and which ones don’t? Show the children how to curve their plasticine upwards a little so that their boats float. It may help to pre-soften the plasticine before this activity as new plasticine can be hard for small fingers to mould. With the boats in the water, make rain by pouring water through a colander. Allow each child to have a turn making rain. Remind the children that even though the world was flooded, Noah trusted that God would look after him.


Instructions for using the Game board To play, ask one child at a time to roll a pair of dice and move their counter forward the appropriate number of spaces. If the counter lands on a question encourage the child to answer it—they may have help from other players if needed. Play continues with each child having a turn until they reach the end of the Game board.

Resources ✔ Plasticine or corks ✔ A tub of water ✔ A colander ✔ A plastic jug.

Resources ✔ A4 paper for each child ✔ Coloured pens and pencils.

Give each child a piece of paper and ask them to draw animals that may have been in the ark. Invite the children to have fun making the animal noises as they draw. Talk about how noisy and smelly it must have been for Noah and his family living with all these animals. Remind them that Noah loved God and trusted him to care for everyone on the ark.

Take the children through this activity step by step. On one side of the paper, squeeze a thin curved line of the colours listed above, one under the other. Press the paper together and open to reveal a rainbow. Alternatively, use face paint to paint a rainbow on each child’s face. End by telling the children that when we see a rainbow we can remember to trust God.


Ark mobile


Purpose ■ To make an ark to remind the children of the story of Noah trusting God.

These are suggested music resources that reinforce the aim and theme of the lesson and may be used at any time during your program, for example as background music or for singing or dancing activities.

Resources ✔ Paper plates ✔ Scissors ✔ Coloured pens and pencils ✔ String, cut to varying lengths ✔ Pictures of animals (copies of the Animals photocopiable on page 23, cut into individual animals) ✔ Adhesive tape.

Resources ✔ God keeps his promises, track 6 on the Hello God! Semester 1 CD ✔ The arky, arky song, traditional song ✔ A promise is forever, track 1 on the Hello God! Semester 2 CD.

Teacher reflection ■ Did the children understand that Noah did what God said because he trusted God?



■ Did they appreciate that rainbows can remind us to trust God to keep his promises?

For next lesson



■ You will need Teacher’s poster 2. ■ For Group time you will need cushions, blankets and sheets (see Lesson preparation), a cloud cut out from a sheet of white cardboard, a Moses puppet (see Lesson pwreparation) and one enlarged copy of the Ten Commandments photocopiable on page 32. ■ If you choose to do Moses puppet (see Free play) you will also need to collect a plastic spoon and a pipe cleaner for each child, some fabric and wool scraps and some google eyes (optional).


Unit 1 Lesson 1

Make an ark mobile. Cut each paper plate into an ark shape (see the picture below). Encourage the children to draw a rainbow on the roof of the ark. Help the children to attach an animal picture to one end of each piece of string with tape, then attach the other end to the back of the ark. Repeat this until each child has at least three sets of animals hanging from their ark. Tell the children that the rainbow is a reminder that God always keeps his promises.

© 2012 The purchaser of this manual is entitled to photocopy this page for classroom purposes.



MEMORY VERSE Trust the Lord! Psalm 27:14 (CEV)

LET’S LEARN SOME MORE THINGS TOGETHER! God asked Noah to build an ark in the middle of the desert and, without questioning God, Noah built it. When the flood came, Noah and his family and the animals on board were safe from the rising water. When the water subsided Noah and his family were able to leave the ark. God then put a rainbow in the sky as the sign of his promise never to flood the earth again in a way that would destroy all life. Make a rainbow with your child this week as you talk about Noah and God’s promise. You could paint it or make a stained glass version with cellophane, and then display your rainbow in your home. Remind your child that each time you look at the rainbow you can know that God is faithful and keeps his promises—just as he did with Noah.

WE FOUND IT IN THE BIBLE AT … Genesis 6:5—9:17.


MEMORY VERSE Trust the Lord! Psalm 27:14 (CEV)

LET’S LEARN SOME MORE THINGS TOGETHER! God asked Noah to build an ark in the middle of the desert and, without questioning God, Noah built it. When the flood came, Noah and his family and the animals on board were safe from the rising water. When the water subsided Noah and his family were able to leave the ark. God tthen hen put a rainbow in the sky as the sign of his promise never to flood tthe he earth again in a way that would destroy all life. Make a rainbow with your child this week as you talk about Noah and God’s promise. You could paint it or make a stained glass version with cellophane, and then display your rainbow in your home. Remind your child that each time you look at the rainbow you can know that God is faithful and keeps his promises—just as he did with Noah.

WE FOUND IT IN THE BIBLE AT … Genesis 6:5—9:17.

WE LEARNED TODAY THAT… Noah showed that he trusted God by building an ark just as God told him to. Noah, his family and the animals in the ark were safe from the flood because they trusted God and listened to him.

THE BIG ANSWER … We can trust God.

THE BIG QUESTION … Can we trust God?

Hey mums and dads, this is what we learned today about God.






WE LEARNED TODAY THAT… Noah showed that he trusted God by building an ark just as God told him to. Noah, his family and the animals in the ark were safe from the flood because they trusted God and listened to him.

THE BIG ANSWER … We can trust God.

THE BIG QUESTION … Can we trust God?

Hey mums and dads, this is what we learned today about God.


E PL M SA Š 2012 The purchaser of this manual is entitled to photocopy this page for classroom purposes.


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