Wonderfully Madison

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Wonderfully Madison

Penny Reeve & Jemima Trappel

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Madison arrived at Grandma’s place with her red wheely suitcase, her floppy orange hat and a present for the baby—a present she didn’t want to give away.

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When Mum and Dad waved goodbye and drove off to the hospital, Madison pouted.

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When Grandma served her cheese on toast, with strawberry milk, Madison made faces in the shiny side of the toaster.

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‘If you never smile’, chided Grandma, ‘no-one will know you have teeth’. But Madison just scowled and the baby’s present sat nodding on the shelf—all soft and pink and new.

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‘Did you know that God made me?’ Grandpa asked. ‘He made my nose, he made my toes. He even made my legs.’

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‘Legs are good for walking with’, suggested Grandma. ‘And legs are good for stomping with’, said Grandpa. He swung Madison down from the breakfast bench and started stomping.

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They stomped all around the kitchen, through the lounge and out onto the deck. Stomp, stomp, stomp until all the pot plants shook.

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Grandpa grinned. Grandma smiled. But Madison’s lips stayed sticky-tape straight.

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