Beginning with God introduces students in their first year of school to the key themes of the Bible and the Christian faith.
for the first year of school
As a one-year program of 40 lessons it offers a broad overview of Bible history assuming little prior knowledge. Children engage with the truths of the Bible week by week through music, drama, reading and writing, puzzle-solving, drawing and asking questions. This allows students to explore the Christian faith and see how the Bible is relevant today.
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15/07/14 9:43 AM
Learning with Beginning with God Different children learn in different ways, so the Beginning with God curriculum uses a variety of teaching strategies. Beginning with God is designed to engage children’s minds and emotions as well as develop the skills required to understand the Christian faith and how it applies to everyday life.
Visual aids Our large range of colourful and beautifully illustrated Visual aids are designed to depict the Bible characters, events, timelines and scenes relevant to each lesson.
Welcome-Beginning with God DL 2014.indd 4-6
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Student Activity book The Student Activity book is packed with a range of colouring, completion and matching activities. All pages are full colour, and perforated so students can take something home after each lesson.
Beginning with God Syllabus Lessons progress through seven main themes
God and his world 1. 2. 3. 4.
God, you and me God made the world God made people God loves and cares for everything
Psalm 57 Genesis 1 Genesis 1 Ps 145
A troubled world and God’s remedy 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
God’s perfect world was spoilt God sent his Son at the right time Jesus teaches people about God A sad day with a surprise ending A wonderful day for God’s people
Genesis 3 Luke 1; 2 Matthew 9; Mark 1 Luke 23; John 12 Luke 24
Jesus, God’s Son, is always with us 10. The road to Emmaus 11. The Holy Spirit 12. Together forever
Luke 24 Acts 1; 2 Revelation 21
Jesus cares for people 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.
Fish, fish and more fish Jesus cares Loaves and fish for 5000 please! Jesus and his friend Lazarus Jesus and the children Blind Bartimaeus
Luke 5 Mark 1 John 6 John 11 Mark 10 Mark 10
Responding to Jesus and God 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.
Getting to know Jesus Jesus and Zacchaeus The loving father I will pray to you The good Samaritan
Luke 10 Luke 19 Luke 15 Luke 11 Luke 10
People in God’s unfolding plan
Music Music is important and plays a big part in each Beginning with God lesson. Every few weeks there is a new song to learn. Music is a great way to learn stories and concepts from the Bible.
24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35.
God’s promises to Abraham A son for Abraham and Sarah Joseph Baby Moses Exodus from Egypt The Promised Land The birth of Samuel Chosen to be king The shepherd boy God’s promise to David Daniel in exile Nehemiah the builder
Genesis 12–15 Genesis 17; 18 Genesis 37; 45 Exodus 2 Exodus 2; 6; 7–12 Joshua 3 1 Samuel 1 1 Samuel 16 1 Samuel 17 2 Samuel 7 2 Chronicles 36; Daniel 1; 2; 6 Nehemiah 1; 2; 8; 9
God’s plan fulfilled 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.
God promises to send his Son Mary’s song of praise Jesus is born He’s the One! Gifts for the King
Isaiah 9 Luke 1 Luke 2 Luke 2 Matthew 2
15/07/14 9:43 AM