Serial Culture Issue 5

Page 27

In this issue, I’m talking about the obstacles that young people face in rela�on to accessing art and offer some advice on how we can overcome these barriers.



I look at where and how young people can view art, develop their own skills and how we can create art from things around our own home with li�le or no cost. Art is o�en overlooked or nega�vely perceived, however, it is important for us young people as it can develop many skills and it introduces us to diverse cultures and lifestyles; it can depict current events as well as historical ones which are some�mes be�er recognised and understood through art. Art is much more than just pain�ngs, it is something you can learn from, a way you can express yourself through, it benefits well-being and mental health, which is why it is so important that everyone is able to enjoy it. Whether that is through crea�ng art themselves or looking at unique pieces by others.


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