Studying Abroad - a once in a lifetime experience! I spoke to Finn Oldfield and Clara Popp, two students from the University of Edinburgh, who told me about their experiences of studying abroad and how it impacted their lives. What made you decide you wanted to study abroad? Clara: I had always wanted to study abroad, even before I went to Edinburgh. One of the things that attracted me to Edinburgh was that I’d heard they had a really good study abroad program which they really promoted when I went to visit. Also, Finn and a few other friends in the year above had studied abroad the year before me and it looked like they had such a good time that I feel it strengthened my desire to go. When I saw the list of places available I thought why not try? Finn: I was the same. The reason that I chose to study at Edinburgh Uni was because of their amazing study abroad program. That was the thing that attracted me as I had always wanted to study abroad. I didn’t actually apply to the place I ended up at in the end, I think I got it completely on a fluke. I was offered a place in Mississippi which I turned down, and then I got Washington D.C. when somebody dropped out and Finn Old field is I decided that was where I wanted to go. When 22 years old and lives in I got the offer there was a bit of deliberation W idnes. H graduate e because I had envisioned it happening for years d with a d egree in P hilosoph and then when it finally did happen, I thought y and Po litics i ‘Is this real?! Is it too much to take on?’ as the summer n of 2020 and spen there was a lot to think about. his thir t d year o f univer sity at Georg e Washingt Clara: Yeah, it’s scary when you get the offer U on niversit y in Was and you’re not sure if it’s going to work out. It hington, suddenly feels real after wanting to do it for so D.C. long!