You've Ordered your Oils, Now What?

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Beth Podleski I’ve been happily married to a stubborn Polish man for the past 9 years and currently am a stay at home mom (former civil engineer) to three kids (ages 6, 4, and 3). I’m an eager crossfitter and essential oil enthusiast that loves to educate others on the uses and benefits of essential oils and how they can be incorporated into daily life. I've used essential oils for a couple years now for homemade household and body care products; however I wasn't introduced to Young Living oils and products until the Spring of 2015. I was really impressed by their Seed to Seal and now Young Living oils are the only ones we use in our family. Anything and everything I can incorporate an essential oil into, I try. Angie Henderson I’ve been married to my wonderful husband for 5 years and have two fantastic kiddos (2.5, 1). They have been an amazing blessing and have added so much joy to our lives. We love living in Colorado and taking advantage of any opportunity to be outdoors. In the summers, we can be found hiking, camping, etc. We are part of a wonderful church and host a small group in our home. I have a PhD in Microbiology and teach online, which allows me to stay home with my kids. I’ve been incorporating essential oils into our routine for about 6 months. I fell in love with the oils when I started making my own personal care and cleaning products. I’ve been so impressed with the scientific integrity of the Young Living company, I can trust that the oils I use are the best available! Rose Greer-Merck I am pictured here with my husband Ron. We have been blissfully following our dreams for 21 years. We own a small homestead where we raise goats, chickens, and an organic garden. We use essential oils for boosting the immunity of ourselves, our animals, and pest control. I am a Certified Clinical Aromatherapist and have committed to helping others support their health in a more natural way. We create our own household products such as toothpaste, beard oils, shampoos, lotions, and soaps from goat milk and other ingredients we raise. We add Young Living essential oils for their therapeutic value. It is our goal to educate people on the use of essential oils and natural products in their daily lives.

Sue Russell I am the proud mother of a 31 year old son who has given me 4 adorable granddaughters. I live in Mount Holly, NC with Hugh (my love of 5+ years) our 5 dogs, 8 cats (5 which are Bengals), and 2 lizards. I have worked 35+ years in the veterinary field and am presently an office manager at a three doctor, 20+ employee veterinary hospital. My oily journey started when searching for answers for one of my cats. While researching my interest was piqued! In November 2015 I became a member of Young Living. I enjoy sharing my interest of essential oils and am striving to make my home chemical free. Angela Picarelli I am happily married to my husband Tom for 10 years. We relocated from Fairfax, VA to Clermont, FL in 2011and have three pugs (Daisy, Jellybean & Peanut) who are the only babies still at home! I currently work full-time selling enterprise software to fortune 500 companies in the North America. I was introduced to Young Living and essential oils a year ago and have loved all the benefits it brings me, my husband and our pugs. I spend hours educating myself on oils and new ways to use them for health, household, pets and personal care. I love making my own products which I share with family and friends. I will talk oils whenever anyone wants to talk…yes, “there is an oil for that!” My other hobbies include traveling, beach time, reading, & doing all kinds of crafty things.

What Is An Essential Oil?

In basic terms it’s an oil from a plant. The oil will come from either the flowers, leaves, wood, bark, roots, seeds, or peel of the plant. We get oils from plants through distillation. They take the part they get the oil from (flower, root, bark, seed, etc.) and apply low temperature steam and low pressure to them to extract the oil.

The size of the molecules in the essential oil are tiny. We have 100 trillion cells in our bodies…which is a lot! One drop of essential oil contains approximately 40 million-trillion molecules. That one drop has enough molecules to cover every cell in our body with 40,000 molecules. This makes them extremely unique. They can pass into our skin, into our blood, and into our brain. Just smelling them allows them to get into your bloodstream. Diffusing them is another amazing way to get them into your bloodstream. There was a study done where they massaged Lavender Essential Oil onto people’s stomachs to see how fast the oil is absorbed into the bloodstream. Lavender appeared in the blood at 5 minutes and peaked at 20 minutes, that’s amazing! How Do I Use My Essential Oils

There are three ways to use your essential oils: aromatically, topically, and internally. Aromatic

1. Diffusing: Included in your kit is a diffuser. This diffuser will diffuse the oil which helps the oil molecules remain in the air. Your house will smell good and you will get the benefits of inhaling the oils. There is also diffuser jewelry such as necklaces, bracelets and earrings available. Do not use a diffuser that heats the oil as heat affects the molecular structure. 2. Direct Inhalation: You can direct inhale from the bottle by holding it a few inches from your nose and take deep breaths. You can also add a drop to your hands, rub your hands together, and cup your hands over your nose and mouth. Make sure to dilute Oregano or Cinnamon before direct inhalation. 3. Indirect Inhalation: Indirect inhalation can be done by adding a drop of essential oil to fabric. Add it to your shirt collar, sleeve, handkerchief, pillowcase and even your hair! 4. Hot Water Vapor/Steam Tent: Tenting can be performed by adding several drops of essential oil to a pot of water. Do not bring the water to a full boil. You can then place a towel over your head while leaning over the water, and inhale the steam. This is great when using essential oils for respiratory health.


1. Roller bottle application: For oils that require dilution, you can add the oils to a roller bottle topped with a carrier oil. This makes a convenient way to apply your favorite essential oils. The pores of the feet are the largest pores on the body and also where the nervous system ends thus making it a perfect place to apply topically and the least sensitive. Fitments that fit directly on an essential oil bottle can be used for oils that do not need dilution. Where to purchase roller bottles can be found in the appendix. 2. Massage: Massage is probably the most enjoyable and relaxing way to apply essential oils topically. Massage the oils into joints, muscles, and tissues, always moving towards the heart when working on limbs. Massaging oils into Vita Flex points is another effective way to use you oils. Detailed Vita Flex charts can be found in the Essential Oils Desk Reference available through Life Science Publishing. 3. Over The Area of Concern: You can also apply the oils directly over the area of concern. Dilute as necessary. 4. Hot or Cold Compresses: Soak a towel in cool water with drops of your essential oil of choice and place over the area of concern. If you need a warm compress, use warm water or use a soaked towel with a hot water bottle. 5. Bathing and Foot Baths: Add your essential oils to your bath or foot baths for another topical use of your oils. You can also add your essential oils to your bath salts, shampoos, and shower gels. Please see the note in the safety section about safely dispersing oils for a bath.


Young Living has a vitality line of essential oils. These oils are the EXACT same oils as the non-vitality oils, but the bottles contain specific instructions for internal use.

1. Cooking: Tired of trying to keep fresh herbs? Young Living has made it easy with their herbal essential oils. Although, it is recommended to use a toothpick to add oils like Oregano, Rosemary, or Thyme unless following a specific recipe as a full drop can be overwhelming if not making a large quantity. Peppermint and lemon oils are great for baking! 2. Drinking: You can add your essential oils to your water. If using citrus oils be sure and use a glass water bottle.

3. Supplemental: You can purchase empty veggie capsules in different sizes. Add your desired essential oils and top with a carrier oil that can be ingested such as olive oil. You can store the capsules in the fridge or freezer without affecting the oils. What is a Carrier Oil?

Carrier oils, also known as base oil or vegetable oil, are used to dilute and enhance absorption of the essential oil into the skin. Carrier oils have a limited shelf life. Depending on the type of carrier oil, its shelf life will be between 6 months to a year. You should store your carrier oils in their original containers and in a cool dark place to extend their shelf life.

Carrier oils can vary in a lot of different ways. Some carrier oils should be used with others such as Cocoa Butter and Shea Butter. Coconut Oil, Cocoa Butter, and Shea Butter are all solid at room temperature. Grapeseed Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, V-6 (made by Young Living), Jojoba Oil, Olive Oil, and Fractionated Coconut Oil are liquid at room temperature. Be cautious if you have nut allergies and avoid Sweet Almond Oil and V-6.

What is not a carrier oil? Vegetable shortening, butter, margarine, mineral oil, and petroleum jelly. These are not intended for topical use and are NOT to be used as carrier oils. Which Carrier Oil Works Best for My Skin Type? There are a variety of carrier oils out there that are suitable for use with essential oils. The following table gives some suggestions for your particular skin type. Oily/Acne Prone Grapeseed Jojoba






Grapeseed Jojoba Apricot Kernel Sunflower

Grapeseed Apricot Kernel Avocado

Jojoba Sweet Almond Avocado

Jojoba Kukui Nut


Jojoba Apricot Kernel Sunflower

Rosehip Seed

Sweet Almond

Kukui Nut

Kukui Nut

Sea Buckthorn

Olive Rosehip Seed Sea Buckthorn Tamanu


Why dilute essential oils?

Though there are times when certain oils can be applied “neat,” or undiluted, in general dilution is recommended for topical use. Diluting has three primary benefits: 1) It may increase absorption by spreading the oil over a larger surface area 2) It decreases the likelihood of a negative reaction 3) The oils last longer which saves money

When is it appropriate to use oils “neat”?

Certain situations that affect small areas, such as a burn, bug bite, or forehead tension may benefit from the occasional use of undiluted oils. Oils such as tea tree or lavender are typically considered safe option for neat application. How to dilute essential oils for regular use?

Carrier oils are ideally suited for diluting oils for topical use. See Carrier oil section for more details. The dilution guide below is based on information found in the Essential Oil Safety book (linked in resource section). Please note that these are guidelines and not rules. The individual needs of a person and the oil being used should also be considered. General Guidelines: 1) 2) 3) 4)

0.5% - infants, babies, “hot” oils 1% - children, elderly, sensitive skin 2-3% - daily skin care 10-25% - short term use

Essential Oil Safety Tips:

Young Living has given these guidelines for safe use of essential oils. They suggest common sense, a gradual start, and patience while finding out what works best for you and your family. The safety list below is not a complete and thorough list, and each main point can be found in the Essential Desk Reference Guide by Life Science Publishing. 1. Oils rich in Menthol, like Peppermint should not be used on the throat or neck area of a child younger than 18 months.

2. There are some oils that cause photosensitivity and will contribute to a sunburn and or a rash. It is best to wait 1-2 days after use to be exposed to direct sunlight. (But at least 12 hours). Some of these oils are Angelica, Ginger, Bergamot, Grapefruit, Lemon, Orange, Tangerine, Citrus Fresh, and Lime. 3. Be careful to keep essential oils away from the eye and ear areas. If you accidentally get an essential oil in your eye, dilute with a small amount of olive oil or V6 oil - NOT water. Water disperses the essential oil into the whole eye. The EODR says to apply 1-2 drops of essential oil onto a cotton ball, diluting with a carrier and place it at the opening of the ear. Also, applying oils to the exterior ear, behind and around and down the lymph nodes can be very helpful. 4. Pregnancy, nursing and oils. Debra Raybern has an excellent book, Gentle Babies, which goes into detail which oils to use for those pregnant, nursing, or for babies and young children. They recommend diluting for babies. When in doubt, mix a 1/30 blend with a carrier oil.

Basil, birch, calamus, cassia, cinnamon bark, hyssop, Idaho tansy, lavandin, rosemary, sage, tarragon, are a few essential oils to avoid in pregnancy. Peppermint on the abdomen should also be avoided most of the pregnancy. Oils generally regarded as SAFE for pregnancy (again checking with your health care professional first) are lavender, peppermint, roman chamomile, geranium, tangerine, grapefruit, lemon, orange, rose, frankincense, marjoram, cedarwood, jasmine, melaleuca alternafolia, rosewood, sandalwood, thyme, ylang ylang, ginger.

5. Epileptics and those with Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) should also contact and get clearance from your medical doctor prior to using any oils. Once that clearance is given, pay close and special attention when using high ketone oils such as Basil, Rosemary, Sage, and Tansy oils. 6. The bottoms of our feet are generally a safe bet when applying oils. 7. Direct inhalation (smelling an oil deep and long for several breaths) of essential oils is regarded as very beneficial for certain maladies, but it should be limited to 10-15 times throughout the day without consulting health care provider. Direct inhalation

of oils is not recommended for those with asthmatic conditions. Topical application and diffusion are the safest routes for asthmatics, especially in acute situations. 8. For those who are safe to take bath soaks, 5 drops of essential oil to 1/4 cup epsom salt prior to placing under running warm water works well to evenly disperse the oil into the water. 9. Any products made with citrus oils need to be stored in glass container, not plastic. 10. Some oils are considered “hot oils”. Hot oils are oils that can cause a hot or warming sensation when applied to the skin. Examples of hot oils and blends include Cinnamon, Clove, Lemongrass, Oregano, Thyme, Exodus II™, and Thieves®. For some people, Peppermint’s cooling sensation can be too intense. Young Living recommends using a patch test procedure prior to first use. To perform a patch test, apply 1–2 drops of essential oil to a patch of skin such as the forearm. Observe that area of skin over the course of 1–2 hours for any noticeable reaction; however, reactions occur usually within 5–10 minutes. If you experience a hot or burning sensation or develop a rash, add V-6 or another carrier oil to the affected area as often as needed. 11. When adding oils to your drinking water it is important to take some precautions. The majority of your oils will settle on the top of the water, which may result in you getting a mouthful of oils. This will not taste good, but more importantly it could burn your mucus membranes. Always gently shake your bottle to disperse the oils prior to drinking. You can also dissolve a very small piece of Himalayan salt in your water and then add your oils. The oils will adhere to the salt so they disperse evenly in your water. You will still need to shake gently. The last option is to put the oils in a capsule with a carrier oil and ingest them. 12. Seek medical attention when needed.

Favorite Non Kit Oils

One of the most exciting things about using essential oils is the diversity of the uses for each oil. Many begin using oils for very specific reasons such as sleep, weight management, skin issues, snoring, aches and pain from injury or joints. This is the time to start your wish list!! To help you build an inventory that will meet all your needs, begin by making a list of goals you wish to attain, research recipes that will help you reach those goals and make a list of the oils you will need to make those recipes. Some of the first additions to your arsenal of oils may include: Cedarwood: Cedarwood has a pleasant woody fragrance and it is relaxing and grounding. Cedarwood offers support for the nervous and respiratory systems. It may also be helpful in promoting healthier looking skin.

Joy: Joy promotes emotional balance. It is an uplifting blend that brings happiness to the heart and creates inviting energy. Joy is an essential oil that should be used with caution in the sun.

Oregano: Oregano helps support the immune, respiratory and digestive systems. Always remember to dilute with a carrier oil as it can cause extreme skin irritation. Vetiver: Vetiver helps with emotional balance and helps support the nervous and hormonal systems. It also keeps your skin and hair healthier. Great oil to help tackle everyday life scenarios.

Aroma Siez: Aroma Siez combines the soothing properties of lavender and peppermint. It is great support to the respiratory system and for your muscles and bones. Dilute this oil 1:1 with a carrier oil.

Grapefruit: Grapefruit’s sweet zesty fragrance is uplifting and revitalizing. It helps support a healthy immune system and cardiovascular health. Dilute this oil 1:1 with a carrier oil. Wintergreen: Wintergreen encourages feelings of creativity and is good for your muscles and bones. Avoid this oil if pregnant or susceptible to epilepsy (can trigger a seizure). Dilute this oil 1 part essential oil to 2 parts carrier oil (1:2). Idaho Blue Spruce: Idaho Blue Spruce has a pleasing evergreen aroma and is relaxing to the body and mind. It helps with emotional balance. Idaho Blue Spruce also supports the nervous and respiratory systems. Valor: Valor has been commonly referred to as “chiropractor in a bottle”. It helps with sciatica discomfort, aches and soreness in the back, occasional stress and anxiety, and snoring. Lemongrass: Lemongrass helps circulation issues, varicose veins, ligaments, lymph flow, and keeps mosquitos at bay. There are many great oils and these are just a few. Try ordering one new oil each month!

90 Day Oil Wish list

In the previous section, we talked about some favorite non-kit oils, which are a great way to expand your oil collection outside of the premium starter kit oils. Below is a sample 90 day oil wish list, with some recommended oils in the first 90 days after getting and using your kit. If you order oils and other products each month, you can earn back a percentage of your order in the form of points, which can then be used to get free oils and products. This program that Young Living offers, called Essential Rewards, will be discussed in greater detail in the next section.

Young Living Essential Rewards (ER) Program Are you ordering monthly OR placing an order of more than 100PV every few months? If so, you want to read on! FREE OILS is the best reason to consider signing up for ER with Young Living. Basically, they reward you for your loyalty. The details below describe the current program, but the program is getting even better starting September 2016! The Essential Rewards Program requires a once a month order with a 50PV minimum. You can change your date and order items each month! The longer you participate in ER the more you earn back. You earn a percentage back on your order (in Reward points) which increases the longer you stay on ER. 1-6 months: 10% earned 7-12 months: 15% earned 12+ months: 20% earned This isn’t a One-Size-Fits-All program. YOU customize the box and date to fit your needs each month. You can change this 50 times a month if you want. Try something new, add items as you run out, what diffuser recipes or DIY items have you pinned? Make sure you have all the oils for those new recipes you have been wanting to try. In addition to earning percentages back, Young Living offers promos every month and gives members that participate in ER a cheaper shipping rate. Promos generally occur at the following levels: 190PV, 250PV, 300PV. What is PV? Why don’t they just use DOLLARS? Here are the reasons why products are assigned a PV (point value) amount (in most cases equal to the dollar amount). 1. Young Living ships to over 100 countries worldwide and many of those countries have their own currency. The PV is the SAME for every country in the world (even if the amount varies) in order to make the product consistent in the global market. 2. Some of the products are not manufactured by Young Living – like, diffusers for instance. On those products, Young Living’s profit margin is lower so they have to charge more for them in order for it to make sense to offer these items to their customers. PV Assistant: this feature in your VO (virtual office) under the ER section, allows you to select a desired ER amount and add products. In the event your PV would drop below your selected amount, it would pull from that list automatically so you won't miss your 50PV minimum or any other amount above. You can process your ER order early! Let's say you run out of your favorite oil but your ER date isn't for 2 weeks. You are able to log in to your VO (virtual office), go to the Essential Rewards tab and click "Process Today". This will not change the date for the next month, but will allow you to place your order early.

Skip month - you get ONE SKIP MONTH per year and you'll still maintain your percentages back. So if you spend too much money on Black Friday then you do have the option to skip one month. You can log in and click on Essential Rewards and then click on the Skip This Month’s Order button. That will allow you to skip the month. If you're earning at 20% back this month, you'll still be earning at 20% back next month instead of having to start back at 10%. Are you able to opt out? The answer is yes! It is super easy to opt out but make sure you use all your Reward points before you do. How to set up your first customized box: 1. Go to 2. Sign in. 3. Click on Essential Rewards on the left menu. 4. Click Join Now 5. Click Add Products to add the items that you want to get in your first box by either searching or using the Select Category functionality. 6. Click Continue. 7. Click Change Processing Day and select the day of the month you want your order to process. If you select the 19th, your first order will process at 11:59 MOUNTAIN TIME on the19th. 8. Select your preferred shipping method (how fast do you NEED IT?) 9. Add a New Payment Option or select an existing payment option. 10. Click Confirm My Payment Options ** (IMPORTANT!!!!! Every single time you make changes to your order, REMEMBER TO CLICK THE CONFIRM PAYMENT OPTIONS button. (Don’t just change your products and then close your browser – your order won’t save and you won’t get exactly what you want.)) IMPORTANT... Check your ER order at least the night it is supposed to process to make sure an item has not been put on back order and your order total has dropped. The order will process at 11:59pm MST so you want to make sure you do not drop below 50PV or you will miss out on the promos. Again, PV Assistant can help prevent this from happening. Young Living will also email prior to your order processing as a reminder. New Essential Rewards Program *Starting September 2016 Changes to Percentage Points 1-3 months: 10% earned 4-24 months: 20% earned 25+ months: 25% earned

Bonus Gifts Surprise gifts at 3, 6, and 9 months Special exclusive essential oil blend “Loyalty” at 12 months Bonus gift on anniversary of each year from then on

Sharing and the Biz It likely won’t take long for you to love using your oils. And by then (or maybe even before), you may have family, friends, coworkers that are curious what you’re doing with those little bottles of goodness. Sharing is caring, however it’s important to do so appropriately. So, what’s the best way to do that? Well, Young Living has taken the guess work out of it for us and compiled some guidelines how to share about our oils in a safe and compliant manner. The following documents give specific guidance on sharing: What you can and cannot say when sharing Young Living products: Compliance letter from D. Gary Young: Young Living also has a conduct and education Facebook page that has additional information on proper ways to share your love of oils and products. It can be found at: Sharing about your oils and products should be fun and personal. And as long as it is done in a safe and compliant manner, there are many benefits to sharing from a business standpoint (commonly referred to as the “biz”). Would you like to potentially get your monthly Essential Rewards order paid for? Are you interested in taking it further and potentially supplementing your or your family’s income? Would you like to establish more relationships and potentially become a leader to a team of oil-lovers like yourself? If you are at all curious/interested in the business side of Young Living, the best place to start is to contact your enroller. He/she will be able to explain more and answer any questions you may have. You may find that doing the biz is one of the best decisions you’ve made!


Helpful Supplies and Where to Get Them

Whether you are making your own natural products, preparing for a make & take party, a fun girl’s night out or making a gift … you will need some resource links for finding containers, roller bottles, spray bottles, vegetable capsules, carrying cases, etc. Check out the links below for some good online resources. *Remember anything you make or use with citrus oils needs to be in a glass container. - vegetable capsules, glass containers, roller bottles, lip balm tubes, tins & apothecary jars. They also have all the ingredient supplies for lotions, massage oil, lip balms, soaps, body wash etc. - bottles, containers, reference books, cases, diffusers. - If you want something cute and functional this is where to go. They have great travel bags for oils, diffuser bags, removable inserts, roller bags / key chains….love these! – another cute Etsy shop with bags for carrying and storing your oily treasures. c=1&smid=A3T95V05QKJ0CN – Stainless Steel Straws for your glass or stainless drinking container when you add your citrus oils to your water or favorite adult beverage. – Great glass water bottles, BPA free and silicone sleeve. TF8&psc=1 – Great spray bottles. TF8&psc=1 – Another site for roller bottles….Amazon is a great place to search for supplies when making your own lip balm, bug spray, lotions, soaps and body wash, etc.


Recipes (with oils from the starter kit)

Diffuser Recipe: Clean & Fresh - 2 drops Purification & 2 drops Lemon Sleepy Time Blend – 2 drops Lavender & 2 drops Copaiba Stress Free Zone – 3 drops Stress Away & 2 drops Peppermint Immune Boosting – 3 drops Thieves & 2 drops Purification Seasonal Discomfort - 2 drops Lemon, 2 drops Lavender & 1 drop Peppermint Morning Wake-Up – 3 drops Lemon & 2 drops Peppermint Fight the Sickies – 2 drops R.C. & 2 drops Thieves Happy Day – 2 drops Peppermint & 2 drops Frankincense Roller Recipe: Pounding Head? 5 drops Peppermint 5 drops Panaway 5 drops Lavender Carrier Oil 5 ml roller bottle Add your essential oils and fill the rest of the roller with the carrier. Apply on the temples, back of neck or where you feel the ache coming on. Seasonal Discomfort 10 drops Peppermint 10 drops Lemon 10 drops Lavender 10 drops Copaiba Carrier Oil 10 ml roller botte Add your essential oils and fill the rest of the roller with the carrier. Apply on the base of the neck, behind ears, bridge of the nose and under the nose. Household Recipes: Gel Homemade Hand Sanitizer 3 tablespoons Organic Aloe Vera Gel 1/4 teaspoon All Natural Vitamin E Oil 8-10 drops of Thieves You can purchase small containers for the sanitizer in the travel-sized section at Target, or you can also find them here:

Foaming Hand Soap 2 tablespoons soap (Dr. Bronner’s Pure Castile Soap) 4 capsules (1/2 teaspoons) Vitamin E 1 tablespoon carrier oil 12 drops of Essential Oil* ~1 cup Distilled Water *Essential oil options: (Basically any EO of your Choice) 8 drops Lemon and 5 drops Lavender 8 drops Lemon and 5 drops Peppermint 8 drops Thieves Mix all the ingredients together in a foaming soap dispenser. The vitamin E and the carrier oil helps prevent over-drying of the hands after using the soap. Personal Use Recipe: Aches & Soreness Cream 1 Cup Coconut Oil 15 drops Panaway 15 drops Peppermint 15 drops Lemongrass 15 drops Valor* Add the coconut oil to a double boiler and melt on low heat. Once the mixture has melted, add the essential oils and mix together. Transfer mixture to a glass jar and place into the freezer for a few minutes for it to become solid. *Valor is amazing to add but it does not come in the starter kit!!! Valor's nickname is called "chiropractor in a bottle" great for back issues!! Coconut–Lavender Lotion Bars 4 ounces of coconut oil 6 ounces of cocoa butter 2 ounces of beeswax 1 teaspoons of essential oil of choice (Lavender) ½ teaspoon of Vitamin E Silicone mold of choice (such as cute shaped ones for ice cubes) Add coconut oil, beeswax and cocoa butter to a double boiler and melt on low heat. Once the mixture has melted add the essential oil and vitamin E oil and mix together. Pour into molds and allow to cool completely before removing from molds (can be put into refrigerator to set up quicker). Once completely cooled, store in an airtight container.


How to Clean Your Diffuser

Diffusers are used to disperse essential oils into the air. They are a wonderful way to use your oils since it creates a relaxing and inviting atmosphere, in addition to all the health benefits associated with diffusing essential oils. It’s all fine and dandy when your diffuser is running in tip top shape, but what do you do when it’s not? Most often, all your diffuser needs is a little TLC. Below are some common issues that arise and how to fix them so you can be back to diffusing in no time. It’s pretty important to clean your diffuser on a regular basis. Refer to the manual/user guide that came with your diffuser to find out exactly what’s recommended. Here are some general steps that can be used for many diffusers: 1. Unplug your diffuser from the power source before you clean it. 2. Fill diffuser approximately half way up with clean, warm water, paying attention not to overfill past the max fill line. 3. Add approximately ½ TB of white distilled vinegar. The vinegar helps to loosen and remove residual oil in the bottom and sides of your diffuser. 4. Run diffuser with vinegar-water solution for approximately 5 minutes, to disperse throughout the diffuser and aid in cleaning. 5. Turn off and unplug diffuser again. 6. Drain solution entirely from diffuser. 7. Use a cotton swab or soft clean cloth to get into crevices and other areas to ensure no spots are missed. 8. Rinse diffuser a few times with clean water, making sure to not get water into the air intake vent. 9. Empty one last time and use a dry clean cloth or more cotton swabs to dry the diffuser out. After using your diffuser each time, it is recommended to at least empty the remaining oils and water from your diffuser, and at a minimum, wipe it clean with a damp cloth, tissue, or cotton swab. Leaving oils and water in your diffuser can hinder the life and performance of your diffuser. So, what do you do if you keep your diffuser clean and you still run into issues? Below are some things to try to resolve the issue: Why Won’t It Turn On? 1. Check to make sure it is securely plugged into the power source. 2. Make sure the unit has water in it and at the correct level. 3. Confirm you have the correct power adapter plugged into the diffuser. 4. Empty your diffuser and wait a few days for it to dry out before attempting to plug it in again. Where is the Mist? 1. Confirm you have the correct amount of water in the unit. 2. Make sure the fan intake is not blocked. Clear/clean if you see blockage.

3. Check the mist settings on your diffuser to make sure they are correct. Whoa!, the Water is Hot and the Level Seems High 1. You’ve likely overfilled the diffuser. 2. Turn off and unplug the diffuser from the power source. 3. Empty the diffuser and let it cool down. 4. Refill the diffuser at the correct water level and turn back on. 5. If the diffuser will not turn back on, it likely means it’s been damaged by the overfilling and will need repair/replacement. The Water is Hot, but the Water Level Seems Ok 1. The fan intake may be blocked. 2. Remove anything under the diffuser that may cause blocking of the fan. 3. Turn off diffuser and unplug to let the unit cool down. 4. Refill the diffuser at the correct water level and turn back on. 5. If the diffuser will not turn back on, it likely means it’s been damaged and will need repair/replacement. The Lights Flash but It Still Won’t Turn On 1. Diffuser may have malfunctioned or a fault was detected. 2. Turn off diffuser and unplug from power source. 3. Empty diffuser and let unit cool down. 4. Refill the diffuser at the correct water level and turn back on. 5. If the diffuser will not turn back on, it likely means it’s been damaged and will need repair/replacement. Using a diffuser is a great way to use your essential oils, however it is imperative to remember to clean and maintain it regularly so damage does not occur. Refer to your manual/user guide for recommendations on how to effectively clean and use your diffuser. IV.

How to Clean and Reuse Empty Essential Oil Bottles

Your kit came with a roller fitment, which can be used on top of any of Young Living’s essential oil bottles, turning it into an instant roll on bottle. You can also clean and reuse your empty essential oil bottles and purchase more roller fitments. This way, you’re helping the environment by reusing existing bottles and you can make up both 5mL and 15mL roller bottles to have on hand.

Cleaning your empty bottles is easy. Supplies you should have on hand are: large glass jar(s), Epsom salt, warm water, glass bowl, white vinegar, Thieves household cleaner (optional).

1. Remove labels, caps, and plastic drop reducers from bottles and put BOTTLES only in a large glass jar filled with Epsom salt. If you have several different kinds of oils, it’s helpful to group them into what you use them for, such as relaxing, energizing, immune support, etc.

2. Put some of the salt inside the bottles and carefully shake/swirl the jar periodically. 3. Let them stay in the Epsom salt for at least a few hours. You can also let them sit in Epsom salt until the jar is full of empty bottles and clean an entire batch at once. 4. When the bottles have soaked long enough, remove them from the jar. Shake out any leftover Epsom salt, which can be used for oil-infused baths or soaks. 5. Rinse the bottles, caps, and reducers with warm water and put into a glass bowl filled with 3-4 Tablespoons of white vinegar. Leave them to soak for a few hours or even overnight. 6. Rinse out bottles, caps, and reducers, scrub off any remaining labels and lay on a clean towel to dry. 7. Optional step, between steps #5 and #6, put half a cap of Thieves household cleaner in a glass bowl and let bottles, caps, and reducers soak in that solution for approximately an hour. 8. Once your bottles, caps, and reducers are dry, you can now reuse them! V.


Here are some great resources to use for answering any additional questions about using essential oils: Books

1) Essential Oil Pocket References – 6th edition, Life Science Publishing 2) Gentle Babies Essential Oils and Natural Remedies for Pregnancy, Childbirth, Infants and Young Children Paperback by Debra Raybern 3) The Essential Oils Handbook: All the Oils You Will Ever Need for Health, Vitality and Well-Being by Jennie Harding 4) Essential Oil Safety: A Guide for Health Care Professionals by Robert Tisserand 5) The Chemical Free Home by Melissa M. Poepping 6) Circle of Success by Monique McLean 7) The Essential Oil Truth by Jen O'Sullivan 8) Oola: Finding Balance in an Unbalanced World by Dave Braun and Troy Amdahl 9) Animal Desk Reference: Essential Oils for Animals by Melissa Shelton DVM

Online Resources 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Abundant Health website ( Life Science Publishing website ( Bulk Apothecary website ( Specialty Bottle website ( Graduate to a higher understanding of essential oils

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