2013-2015 Three-Year Strategic Plan

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2013-2015 Strategic Destination Plan Our Planning Process and Rationale The 3 Year Strategic Destination Plan of the Ypsilanti, Michigan Area was prepared from community and visitor industry partner workshops, several Ypsilanti Area Convention & Visitors Bureau (YACVB) Board of Directors meetings and online surveys during the last half of 2011. Discussions focused on priority destination challenges, future tourism opportunities, a consensus-building destination vision and the critical factors for Ypsilanti area tourism success. In total 75 people were involved in the formulation of the plan.

PURPOSE OF THE STRATEGIC PLAN 1. To gain a clear understanding of the visitor

industry and its current situation in the Ypsilanti Area

2. To identify the Ypsilanti Area critical tourism issues and challenges

3. To prepare Ypsilanti Area destination and CVB visions

4. To reexamine the CVB mission and long-term goals

5. To identify and set priorities on Ypsilanti Area destination and CVB strategic initiatives

6. To determine the critical factors in the

continued success of Ypsilanti Area tourism and the CVB

Benefits to Our Community Partners The Strategic Destination Plan is being used as a directional and guideline document for the effective destination leadership and marketing communications efforts of the Ypsilanti Area CVB. Its primary purpose is providing a clear focus and consistent directions for sustainable Ypsilanti Area tourism growth and impactful resource allocations of the Ypsilanti Area CVB over the next three years.

Our Priority Destination Challenges 1. To implement a strategic and annual destination marketing and sales plan with set priorities and expected results. 2. To coordinate an event tourism development and marketing strategy to increase visitation. 3. To continue to do effective partnership marketing among the Ypsilanti and Ann Arbor CVBs and other county communities. 4. To strengthen stakeholder communications leading to further support of tourism and CVB advocacy. 5. To focus attention and support towards Ypsilanti downtown/community district redevelopment. 6. To seek agreement on a comprehensive destination/community brand identity platform. 7. To increase the capability to attract group business and niche leisure markets. Our 2020 Destination Vision Ypsilanti, with its nationally recognized Eastern Michigan University, is a progressive and diverse “riverwalk” city with a surrounding area of superb eco-based recreational activities. It showcases an artistic and learned community centered on a revitalized and eclectic downtown area, well-kept historic and architecturally significant neighborhoods, exciting auto heritage attractions, ethnic festivals and events and varied meeting and entertainment venues, all accessible through an efficient transportation, themed trails and wayfinding system. With the key gateways of Interstate 94 and nearby Detroit International Airport, the Ypsilanti area community is also conveniently adjacent to its sister city of Ann Arbor and the University of Michigan.

Some of the suggested projects, programs and policies to be enacted to achieve this vision are: •

Vibrant downtown/depot town area (retail shopping, restaurants and recreational experience)

New multipurpose center (conference, training, performing arts and recreation)

Better integrated transportation system between communities (trolley, signage and parking)

Riverwalk connectivity to attractions

Community and neighborhood cleanup/beautification

More off-peak music themed events

Highly visible visitor interpretive center

Attraction admission pass development

Special interest tour and itinerary development (outdoor recreation/sports and cultural heritage activities)

Our Renewed CVB Mission and Goals Actively partner with the tourism and hospitality industry by marketing and selling the destination brand experience with resulting additional spending by leisure and group travel visitors leading to enhanced community economic vitality and resident quality of life.

Destination Marketing, Sales and Services

To increase the awareness and conversion of engaged visitors through targeted market strategies focusing on innovative promotional, sales and services programs.

Destination Development

To continuously support new and expanded visitor attractions, events, facilities and related amenities and infrastructure.

CVB Community Relations and Advocacy

To advocate the importance and value of tourism and the focused leadership roles of the YACVB.

CVB Funding and Administration

To perform as a fiscally responsible organization with talented professionals and active partners resulting in optimal returns.

Our Applied Marketing and Sales Principles •

Heightened destination awareness and influence

• •

Increased length and frequency of stays

Increased event marketing support

Supportive visitor resource for group and individual travel

Leveraged marketing partnerships

Our Critical Factors for Destination Success •

Focus on cultural heritage tourism and related events

Focus on converting day visitors/pass thru visitors into overnight stays

Focus on new emerging visitor market segments

Larger and diversified destination marketing funding base

Full implementation of an agreed-to multiyear destination plan

Agreement on a countywide destination brand platform

Focus on specialized leisure/outdoor recreation travel niche markets

Focus on SMERF meeting market segments

Stronger marketing relationship with other county communities

Focus on sports event markets

Our Priority Destination and CVB Initiatives Seventeen key project and program activities are being implemented to meet Ypsilanti Area destination challenges and realize its destination and CVB visions. Initiatives




Update and implementation of a research-based and accountable destination marketing plan

Ongoing improvements to achieve an interactive, mobile, social media and welllinked destination website with travel itineraries and associated database

Ongoing preparation and execution of segmented leisure and group travel strategies and action plans

Development of an expanded mutually-beneficial marketing partnerships with the Ann Arbor CVB

Destination Marketing, Sales and Services

Destination Development Partnership on the development of an attraction and event retention strategy and plan

Support to the downtown/riverside and community district redevelopment

Support to gateway and related beautification development

Facilitation to a wayfinding/signage navigation system

Focus on brand development strategy and identity refinement

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Evaluation of a strong visitors center presence and partnership network CVB Community Relations and Advocacy Development and execution of a formal stakeholder/community relations plan

Enhanced government relationship building

Preparation and communication of an annual tourism community report

Preparation and approval of a “rolling year” strategic destination plan

Evaluation of professional staff and related accountability

Attainment of the Destination Marketing Accreditation Program (DMAP) professional organization designation

Review of annual budget allocations and expected/attained measurable results

CVB Funding and Administration

For destination marketing and development opportunity partnerships, please contact us at (734) 483.4444 or dlocke@ypsilanti.org

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