2014 YPT Annual Report

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YPT Members and Friends In 2013-2014, YPT began to stabilize and mature. Don’t worry – we’ll always be the organization of choice for young people in the transportation industry, but after several years of explosive growth, this year we slowed our growth so we could catch our breath and work to improve the organization as a whole. We continued our international expansion with the strong new chapter of Toronto and are fielding interest from many other countries as well. This year also marked a new type of chapter acquisition for us: the merger. YPT and the Professional Association of Young Transportationists (PAYT) joined forces this year with PAYT becoming the YPT Baltimore Chapter and YPT benefitting from all of the strengths and new ideas that another organization brings to the table. This year also saw a marked increase in our relationships with other national and international transportation organizations. We coordinated with several large organizations to hold joint events at their annual conferences – the WTS conference in Portland, the Institute of Transportation Engineers conference in Seattle, and the American Planning Association in Atlanta, all of which were collaborations between YPT International, the local YPT chapter, and the complementary professional organization. Of course, we also held the annual Young Professionals reception at the Transportation Research Board annual meeting in January, as we will do again in 2015. And, we also foresee a great expansion of our joint efforts with other organizations to involve and engage young professionals across the transportation spectrum. As YPT continues to grow and strengthen, we will remain the premier voice of the next generation of transportation leaders. We will continue to make our voice heard to organizations, such as the U.S. Department of Transportation, share our desires and concerns about the transportation system, and represent all facets of the transportation industry. As always, YPT will remain the best possible resource for leadership, professional development, and networking opportunities. Sincerely, Katherine Kortum 2013-2014 Chair


2014 Year in Review

young professionals in transportation







2014 TRB Annual Conference Photo credit: Aimee Custis

n o i s Mis

YPT provides professional development, fellowship, and networking opportunities for young professionals in the transportation field across the country and around the world. Professional Development. A regular series of seminars, technical tours, and other opportunities from leading individuals or teams in transportation. Fellowship. An ongoing forum for mutual support and interaction among young transportation professionals, especially for those starting their careers. Networking. Networking events to help young professionals advance their careers and share innovative ideas. YPT is based in Washington D.C., with chapters opening around the U.S. and Canada. Membership is open to all transportation professionals around the world. YPT does not have an age-restricted definition of “young.� Anyone is welcome to take advantage of our activities.

chapters@yptransportation.org Photo credit: Aimee Custis

2014 Year in Review

YPT is expanding to cities around the world. Join us as a member-at-large, and contact us to start a chapter where you are!

young professionals in transportation

No chapter in your area?

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YPT is proud of the diverse membership - both in age and in range of transportation careers that our organization represents. Our members work for departments of transportation at all levels, on Capitol Hill, in the nonprofit sector, as consultants, as students, and more. Their work spans policy, implementation, engineering, communications, finance, planning – any profession within the transportation industry, both in the United States and around the world. Interested individuals may affiliate with YPT as paid members or non-paying friends. In keeping with our goal of providing fellowship, friends receive YPT publications and may attend many (but not all) YPT events. Friends are encouraged to become members, who pay a nominal $20 annual

membership fee to support YPT’s activities and receive additional membership benefits, including members-only events, access to the member database, and more. Interest in YPT has continued to grow in 2014, with 8,285 total affiliates (friends and members) in December 2014, up 30 percent since December 2013. Total paid membership has increased by 10 percent growing from 1,190 in December 2013 to 1,344 in December 2014. To become a friend or member of YPT, visit my.yptransportation.org/join.

2014 Year in Review

young professionals in transportation

2014 Members & Friends Members


















































San Francisco




















Los Angeles




















Washington DC




New York City




At Large








YPT events are the foundation for maintaining successful chapters. Technical tours, networking events, leadership seminars, and community services opportunities allow members, friends, and others interested in all-things transportation to build connections and increase their expertise. Over 150 YPT events were held in North America in 2014.

2014 Event Spotlight YPT-NYC’s Roundtable Discussion with PB’s John Porcari, former USDOT Deputy Secretary. This September, YPTNYC held a roundtable discussion led by John Porcari, former Deputy Secretary at the United States Department of Transportation and Secretary of the Maryland Department of Transportation. Currently, he’s serving as Parsons Brinckerhoff’s National Director of Strategic Consulting and project manager of the MTA Reinvention Commission. Drawing from his professional experiences and personal rewards in the transportation industry, he provided over 40 young professionals with advice, enthusiasm, and insights about building a career in transportation. Whether discussing transportation policy, funding, resiliency, design, construction, equity, or its interaction with the environment, John also actively engaged the audience and focused on questions from the group of young professionals.

American Planners Association (APA) National Conference. YPT Atlanta hosted a reception for the APA National Conference with the Atlanta BeltLine and the Westside Communities Alliance. The event began with a tour of the BeltLine Westside Trail, which started at the Ashby MARTA Station and passed through the Vine City and Washington Park neighborhoods. The tour concluded at Johnny M’s Pizza Bistro, near the Historic Westside Village and Atlanta University Center campuses, for a networking reception with delicious food and beverages and a rooftop patio featuring views of the Midtown skyline.


2014 Year in Review


young professionals in transportation

Young Professionals Reception at APTA EXPO 2014. In October, YPT Houston and YPT International jointly collaborated with American Public Transportation Association (APTA) to host a young professionals reception in Houston, Texas. The event was a great success as more than 70 pre-registered and even more showed up the day of. Art Guzzetti of APTA Advocacy Program and the YPT Board of Directors spoke about young professionals and the future of the public transportation industry.

s t r o p e R r Chapte YPT gains 5 new chapters! YPT International remains influential in transportation matters in cities throughout North America. YPT now has 20 established chapters in the US and Canada. And, there are several emerging and potential chapters anticipated to become established in 2015.

Vancouver Seattle Portland Toronto Chicago

Sacramento San Francisco

Nashville Atlanta

Los Angeles Phoenix 2014 Year in Review

young professionals in transportation




Burlington Boston NYC Philadelphia Baltimore Washington DC

YPT Atlanta YPT Atlanta peaked this year with 83 paid members. We have seen a continued growth in members since our chapter’s inception, as well as growth in the number of YPT friends. After two years as a chapter, we have observed that the young transportation community responds to iconic or high profile events and thus our membership is fairly dependent upon our ability as a chapter to program these events. Ensuring these events are scheduled frequently, with networking opportunities and food, helps to entice new members. As our name and reputation have grown, membership has increased. Membership and event fees have allowed us to provide more opportunities to our members, as we were able to host an Annual Event/Holiday Party for our members which had a very successful turnout. We plan to host this event again as a thank you to our members over the past year. -- Chris Rome, Chair, YPT Atlanta

YPT Austin As a growing city, Austin has had the opportunity to be on the frontier of new transportation ideas, modes, and projects. Our chapter members are involved and our events have reflected such. Our July roundtable discussion with Project Connect project manager Kyle Keahey was an insight into the planning, engineering, and operational analysis for Austin’s latest urban rail proposal. Mr. Keahey spoke at great lengths about the myriad of elements that compose the plan including federal funding requirements and engineering challenges. YPT Austin hosted a baseball and networking night at the Dell Diamond where the local Round Rock Express minor league baseball team took on the Fresno Grizzlies. The event was attended by YPT members, friends, and family. The group was welcomed via the scoreboard display between innings. -- Nick Wood, Chair, YPT Austin

YPT Boston Many insightful and entertaining events were held by YPT Boston throughout 2014. As part of the technical tour series, members were able to tour Logan Airport’s air traffic control tower. As frequent travelers ourselves, the group also got a very different perspective of Logan Airport from the control tower and was almost content to just watch the airplanes take-off, land, and move around on the tarmac! young professionals in transportation

-- Eric Halvorsen, Chair, YPT Boston

2014 Year in Review

At YPT Boston’s Annual Distinguished Speaker Series, YPT Boston members heard from a panel of four women who are all administrators for federal transportation agencies in New England. These accomplished women spoke about the future of transportation, their experiences working in the transportation field, and opportunities and challenges working in the federal transportation environment.

YPT Chicago With 62 members, YPT Chicago likes to keep our calendar full of diverse events to encourage a wide range of participation from members and friends. Some events have even become annual events due to their popularity, such as the Brown Line Transit and Pink Line Transit Pub Crawls. Other events included an evening with Commissioner of the Chicago Department of Transportation, Rebekah Scheinfeld, hosting a Logistics and Supply Chain Open House, and touring Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport, which offered a glimpse into the operation of an Airport Transit System (ATS), also known as the “people mover.” YPT Chicago has found it beneficial in the past year to have events where members are given priority or members-only events. These events have reached capacity limits and have resulted in increased membership. -- Erik Cempel, Chair, YPT Chicago

YPT Houston YPT Houston is a vibrant and growing organization for young professionals in transportation. We have grown from just a handful of members to more than 40 members and 170 friends. Growth continues because of the excellent, sustained efforts of the board and the energy of YPT throughout Houston. 2013 was YPT Houston’s first year and what a great year it was! Momentum continued in 2014 with fun, worthwhile events for young transportation professionals. YPT Houston now has over 220 members and friends representing 19 organizations from diverse industry sectors – mixing transportation modal expertise and private/public/non-profit status. -- Nick Norboge, Chair, YPT Houston

YPT Los Angeles

2014 Year in Review

young professionals in transportation

YPT-LA and APBP-SoCal put on a free walking tour of the new Broadway Streetscape Dress Rehearsal project with LADOT’s Pedestrian Coordinator, Margot Ocañas, this year. The Broadway Streetscape Dress Rehearsal involves temporary pedestrian and bicycle enhancements along one of the busiest corridors through downtown Los Angeles. YPT-LA also provided the exclusive opportunity for young professionals to meet before the UCLA DigitalCities, Smarter Transportation Conference to hear from San Francisco Municipal TransportationAuthority’s Tim Papandreou and Los Angeles Municipal Transportation Authority’s Stephen Tu about changing digital trends and how they impact transportation planning, operations, and public outreach. About 30 members and friends gathered in Downtown Los Angeles to hear these two speakers talk about their respective agencies and how they are using digital advancements to enhance transportation for all. -- Timothea Tway, Administration Committee, YPT Los Angeles

YPT Nashville Since Nashville’s inception as a YPT Chapter in late 2013, YPT Nashville has steadily grown in members and friends. Mostly due to Nashville being one of the fastest growing cities in the Nation, engaging in the discussion regarding local transportation challenges has brought a newfound interest in transportation strategies. YPT Nashville held over 12 events throughout 2014. Regularly scheduled social events combined with technical tours continue to increase participation. One popular event held this year was touring the Nashville International Airport in May. Those present were able to have an exclusive behind-thescenes tour to see first person how the airport is operated and hear about future expansions. -- Denise Beard, Deputy Chair, YPT Nashville

YPT New York To promote membership for the YPT-NYC Chapter, limited capacity events were open to members only in which members were given priority for tours of high-profile transportation infrastructure (i.e. JFK Airport) and construction projects (i.e. East Side Access). This approach encouraged “friends” to sign up as members. This past summer has been YPT-NYC’s most successful summer tour series to date. Over 15 tours spanning New York City and the metropolitan area were held. YPT-NYC members and friends visited various transportation facilities and projects, including Penn Station, Bayonne Bridge, the NYCT Rail Control Center, and the World Trade Center, to name a few. -- Joseph Ehrlich, Chair, YPT New York

YPT Philadelphia This year, we brought our members together to discuss eight current transportation projects from around the Philadelphia region. We had a great lineup that covered several different disciplines and transportation modes. Another popular event held in February was YPT Philly Transportation Trivia where members and friends were able to test their knowledge of movies, history, and culture within the transportation realm. young professionals in transportation

-- Jenna Oskowitz, Chair, YPT Philadelphia

2014 Year in Review

YPT Philly and the Philadelphia chapter of APA co-hosted a photo scavenger hunt. The event was a huge success. Clues were given to participants and included a transportation theme as well as Philadelphia culture and history. Participants formed teams, and each team had to submit photos to show that they found the right answer.

YPT Pittsburgh YPT Pittsburgh is mostly composed of working professionals varying in age and a small portion of graduate students from local universities. We grew in paid members from last year by 59 percent, which was the largest membership increase of 2014 in all of YPT International. Participating in joint events with other organizations has provided the best outreach to obtain new members and friends. In addition, inviting members and friends to Board meetings has proven to be beneficial to getting increased involvement. -- Erin Dean, Chair, YPT Pittsburgh

YPT Portland We continued to develop new ways in 2014 to engage local transportation professionals by highlighting the unique value of YPT Portland. By holding a select few “members-only” events, we were able to encourage ‘friends’ to become members and surpassed our goal of 50 YPT members this year. Hosting a regular Third Thursday Happy Hour with YPT continued to draw young professionals. The history of Portland architecture by bike, the TriMet Lift Eligibility Center Tour, and the YPT Portland scavenger hunt were some of the special events held this year. -- Jesse Boudart, Deputy Chair, YPT Portland

YPT Seattle YPT Seattle remained active on social media this year and had significant growth in followers on Twitter. These outlets play a vital role in getting people interested in YPT. Providing a relaxed and fun atmosphere seems to be beneficial when it comes to engaging with groups of people and creates effective and sustaining conversations. The Square reader has been very handy as well. Being able to whip that out and process payments immediately helps clinch a membership. -- Adam Bejan Parast, Chair, YPT Seattle

The Inaugural Transportation Research Board (TRB) Travel Award was launched at our kick-off event in January 2014. The TRB Conference in Washington DC is one of the premier networking and professional development events for young transportation professionals. YPT offers two separate travel scholarships of $500 to offset travel, registration, or accommodation costs for our loyal members. This scholarship enables members to attend this conference, which YPT nationally cosponsors.

2014 Year in Review

young professionals in transportation

YPT San Francisco Bay

Also, the Grids of the Future: Converging Trends in Energy and Transportation was hosted by the SF Bay Area Chapters of the Young Professionals in Energy and YPT. This event was an interactive discussion with the audience and distinguished speakers discussing the leading trends in each industry. The event was held at the prestigious Autodesk Gallery. -- Andy Kosinski, Chair, YPT San Francisco Bay

YPT Toronto YPT Toronto’s first year started off great with a kick-off event. News of the event was spread mainly through social media and also through word of mouth through the various networks of the organizing committee. A short presentation was given to introduce “Young Professionals in Transportation” to those present, and the event continued as a meet and greet well into the evening. As a follow-up to the kick-off event, YPT Toronto led a bike tour around the downtown area. The tour featured a loop around the old city along major cycling routes, trails, and laneways. Stops were made at key points of interest, and several members of the organizing committee came out and provided an overview at each site. -- Kitty Chiu, Chair, YPT Toronto

YPT Vancouver YPT Vancouver had a significant year with 57 percent increase in paid membership. This jump in participation could be due to the outstanding lineup of events. In early 2014, YPT Vancouver’s held an event at a pub in Downtown Vancouver. Jhenifer Pabillano, social media strategist, City of Vancouver spoke to a group of members and friends regarding the role of social media in transportation in the Spring. Later into the year, Dan Cupa, Property Manager at Ivanhoe Cambridge, kindly invited YPT members to the Oakridge Center Redevelopment presentation office where he spoke about the features of the $1.5 billion redevelopment project. -- William Hui, Chair, YPT Vancouver

YPT Washington D.C.

-- Eduardo Maeyama, Chair, YPT Washington D.C.

2014 Year in Review

A notable event hosted by YPT-DC, was an evening with the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Acting Deputy Secretary Victor Mendez. Participants met at the DOT offices to hear a presentation on Acting Deputy Secretary Mendez’s plans for transportation in the Nation.

young professionals in transportation

The YPT-DC Chapter has seen an increase in membership this past year to almost 200 members. YPT-DC has seen success in recruiting by bringing membership information to events through Square technology which allows people to register at events using their credit card. In addition, the prevalence of members-only events featuring notable speakers or panelists has increased Chapter membership and overall involvement.

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2015 will be an exciting growth year for YPT programs as we continue to expand our events with new chapters and host more networking events at major transportation conferences internationally. YPT is expanding our mentoring and networking opportunities and presence at the transportation industry’s leading conferences this year like at the Transportation Research Board (TRB), Institute of Transportation Engineers, Women in Transportation, and American Public Transportation Association Conferences, as well as at many others. If you’re attending to or hosting a conference in 2015 and want to help YPT host an event, let us know at programs@ yptransportation.org. This January, we’ll kick off the year with TRB and co-host the Young Professionals’ Reception!

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Professional Development Programs


With 2014 being a strong year, 2015 is expected to the best year for YPT yet. Membership continues to increase and networking and professional development events are becoming more and more popular.

Membership YPT continues to grow in paid membership. Access to some of the more popular YPT Chapter events is limited to dues-paying members, which encourages those who are interested in becoming members to do so in order to gain access to these events. Those who are not dues-paying members but still choose to be part of our communication channels are YPT “friends.”

Communications YPT continues to expand and evolve, especially online.

2014 Year in Review

young professionals in transportation

Over the next year, the Board of Directors will spend time looking for ways to aid chapters in increasing the number of individuals affiliated with their YPT Chapter. Additionally, the Board will look for ways to aid chapters in transitioning individuals on their friends list to paid memberships.

Over 150 events were held in 2014 in the U.S. and Canada. The need to get the word out for local YPT happenings is essential in order to gain participation and, ultimately, new members. Chapters are encouraged to share these event ideas with one another in hopes of aiding YPT’s international growth. YPT continues to experiment with innovative approaches to engage young professionals working or

YPT Philadelphia scavenger hunt

interested in the transportation sector. Inviting co-workers and friends to attend events is a great way to spread the word of YPT’s mission. Chapter leadership continues to direct newcomers to connect with YPT International on Twitter, @yptvoice, on Facebook, www.facebook.com/yptransportation , and on LinkedIn. Individual chapters are encouraged to have social media sites of their own and are encouraged to utilize the YPT International website. The most current information regarding local chapters, upcoming international YPT and chapter events, and blog postings can be found by visiting our website at yptransportation.org. Members can log into My YPT by visiting our website and clicking the My YPT tab. CiviCRM, which is accessed through the My YPT tab, is a tool that members can log into to contact chapter members and friends, access membership information, and RSVP to events. Any issues or questions with online information or access can be directed to info@yptransportation.org.

Finance YPT’s financial strength in 2014 will allow YPT International to experiment with new promotional concepts and increase membership benefits in 2015. A special thank you to our sponsor for making this happen.

Revenue Membership



$1,157 $7,500 $3,089






2014 Year in Review


young professionals in transportation



As a new and rapidly-growing international organization aimed at providing professional development guidance, fellowship, and networking opportunities for young professionals in the transportation field, your generous financial support of YPT will ensure that we can play a critical role in developing and shaping young leaders for generations to come. YPT sought to diversify the international sponsorship base to reflect and introduce members to multiple facets of the industry. Adding to veteran sponsors Parsons Brinckerhoff, The Eno Transportation Foundation, and AirSage, YPT International is pleased to recognize FedEx and the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC) as International annual sponsors highlighting logistics and infrastructure finance as key elements within our multimodal field. Continuing in 2015, YPT will reach out to organizations throughout industry, academia, and government for sponsorships to fuel YPT’s further growth. The development of an International Board in 2013 has enabled YPT to solicit sponsorship at an international level in addition to sponsors preferring to work with local chapters. As a rapidly-growing international organization aimed at guiding development, fellowship, and networking opportunities for young professionals in the transportation field, generous financial support for YPT from transportation leaders will ensure that YPT can continue to play a critical role in shaping future leaders. YPT offers a range of exciting businesssupporting and business-friendly opportunities. Reaching YPT’s members adds value to any agency or company looking to grow staff alongside top the expertise and drive of young professionals in the field.

2014 Year in Review

young professionals in transportation



Emma Chapman International Vice Chair for Sponsorship (312) 725-2093 sponsorship@yptransportation.org



Sp For more information about sponsorship opportunities, please contact:

Thank you to our 2013-2014 sponsors for all that you made possible:

young professionals in transportation

2014 Year in Review

2014 Year in Review

young professionals in transportation

2014 TRB Conference Photo credit: Aimee Custis

p i h s r eade


2015 National Board of Directors Katherine Kortum, YPT Chair Transportation Research Board chair@yptransportation.org

Zachary Bugg, Deputy Chair

2014 National Board of Directors

Kittelson & Associates deputy@yptransportation.org

Katherine Kortum, YPT Chair

David Gerstle, Vice Chair for Administration

Transportation Research Board chair@yptransportation.org

Caliper Corporation admin@yptransportation.org

Candace Brakewood, Deputy Chair

Whitney Sullivan, Vice Chair for Communication

Georgia Tech deputy@yptransportation.org

Tennessee Department of Transportation comms@yptransportation.org

Boris Lipkin, Vice Chair for Administration

Aaron Zimmerman, Vice Chair for Finance

Parsons Brinckerhoff admin@yptransportation.org

Montgomery County Planning Department finance@yptransportation.org

Melissa Chow, Vice Chair for Communication

James Robertson, Vice Chair for Membership

Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority comms@yptransportation.org

City of College Station membership@yptransportation.org

Andy House, Vice Chair for Finance

Elicia Elliott, Vice Chair for Programs

American Association of Highway Transportation Officials finance@yptransportation.org

British Columbia Transit programs@yptransportation.org

Stephanie Dock, Vice Chair for Membership

Richard Sun, Vice Chair for Chapter Development

District of Columbia Department of Transportation membership@yptransportation.org

McKinsey & Company chapters@yptransportation.org

Brittney Kohler, Vice Chair for Programs

Emma Chapman, Vice Chair for Sponsorship

American Society of Civil Engineers programs@yptransportation.org

Fitch Ratings sponsorship@yptransportation.org

Nikola Ivanov, Vice Chair for Chapter Development University of Maryland Center for Advanced Transportation Technology Laboratory chapters@yptransportation.org

Emma Chapman, Vice Chair for Sponsorship Fitch Ratings sponsorship@yptransportation.org

2013-2014 Board of Advisors Bud Wright

Art Guzzetti

Mort Downey

Janet F. Kavinoky

Executive Director, American Association of Highway Transportation Officials

Bipartisan Policy Center

Jane Garvey

North American Chairman, Meridian Infrastructure

Jonathan Gifford

Professor and Associate Dean for GMU’s Transportation Policy, Operations & Logistics Masters Program

Mary Peters

Former Secretary of the United States Department of Transportation

Joshua Schank

President and CEO, Eno Center for Transportation

Bob Skinner

Executive Director, Transportation Research Board

2014 Year in Review

Emil Frankel

Executive Director of Transportation & Infrastructure, US Chamber of Commerce

young professionals in transportation

Chairman, Parsons Brinckerhoff

Vice President for Policy, American Public Transportation Association


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