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“Your app is a wonderful study tool. The free hard copy booklets are so much appreciated.” – LS “My wife LuAnn and I are compelled to be baptized at the Feast of Tabernacles baptismal service this year, as Yahweh allows. As Randy noted in a message we recently viewed (Baptism: The Most Important Commitment in This Life) ‘... once you know, you need to do things differently.’ “Beginning nine months ago through YRM we were introduced to the sacred Names and a body of people that study the Word and show themselves a p p r o v e d . We b e c a m e r e g u l a r participants of the Sabbath services, have viewed many of the media offerings by YRM on YouTube and the YRM app, and tithe to support the ministry. In January we joined the Sabbath Bible study online and recently began the evangelism course. We eagerly await the Feast of Tabernacles to meet the believers that have so impacted and
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evangelized this household since last October. “We have seen and experienced a lot in our spiritual journey toward the Truth – and with every step Yahweh has brought us closer and closer to this place. LuAnn and I are not ones that ‘look back’ (Luke 9:62). We understand the commitment to and opportunity of being baptized into the Name of Yahshua, become part of His family, live a righteous life according to the Law, uphold the Feasts, and correctly handle the Word of Yahweh. “We are extremely grateful for the ministry of YRM and eagerly anticipate meeting these fellow believers of the Way.” – R & LT “I am ready and want with my whole heart to be baptized into Yahshua’s Name. My concern is, I only have trinity churches in my area and I want this important step in my life to be correct and biblical. What can I do and is a doctrinally incorrect baptism unacceptable to Yahweh? Thank you for your time and Yah bless you and our entire assembly.” – SB In answer to your question, you must walk in all the light you are given. Ephesians 4:5 says there is only ONE true faith, one hope and baptism. Baptism is necessary for salvation, John 3:5. You want to be baptized by those keeping the Truth, and who baptize into Yahshua’s Name, the only name that gives salvation, Acts 4:12. Once you are immersed the Holy Spirit, which will raise you at the resurrection, Romans 8:11,
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must be endowed on you by the laying on of hands of the ministry, 1Timothy 4:14. That is critical because If you don’t have the Spirit you are “none of His,” Romans 8:9. The Spirit is given at baptism, as Yahshua showed by His own baptism, Matthew 3:16. The Holy Spirit is given to those who obey Yahweh, Acts 4:12. It is the Spirit that causes us to walk in His laws, Ezekiel 36:27. How can a nominal minister have the Spirit to give you when he doesn’t obey Yahweh and teach His laws? For starters, he worshjps on Sunday, ignores the commanded Feasts that Yahshua and His disciples all kept, uses false names and titles in his devotions and sermons, and throws out the Old Testament and its laws that endure forever. We hold baptisms at all the Feasts and welcome a visit from you. - ED “I found Yahshua and Yahweh about 16 years ago and have sincerely studied the word through a Hebrew-English Bible listing the Mighty One Yahweh and His Son Yahshua. My question is, at age 66 should I be baptized again through a ministry as YRM? I feel the moving of the Holy Spirit but would embrace the idea of becoming closer to Yahweh. So should I?” – BK It doesn’t matter how old you are, you must be immersed into the Name Yahshua for salvation, the only Name that has salvation. We reach the Father through His Son. For more information, please see the response to SB above. - ED
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