Ysgol John Bright Prospectus 2017-18

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Ysgol John Bright

OUR VISION Empowers students to become confident, independent, lifelong learners;

Celebrates achievement and rewards success;

Encourages students to be aspirational and motivated, both inside and outside the classroom;

Inspires students to value one another, our achievements and the community in which we live and learn.

The start of the journey ....

The first year of secondary school is a particularly important time for our students. We work very closely with our primary partner schools to ensure each student has a positive experience and to ensure that transition is as smooth as possible. Our Director of Transition visits partner schools to meet new students before they join and runs an introductory programme before the start of term. We also hold a Taster Week, an Open Evening and various activities to ensure that new students have made new friends and feel part of the community at Ysgol John Bright. We can accept up to 240 students into our Year 7. The school’s current Admissions Policy is operated by the Conwy Local Education Authority (LEA) and fuLL details of the Policy can be obtained by phoning the LEA on 01492575031 or via their website at www.conwy.gov.uk. If we are oversubscribed preference will be given to children according to the following criteria, in the order in which they are Listed: 1 Residence within the catchment area 2 Sibling connection 3 Proximity of home address to school 4 Medical circumstances or Statement of Educational Needs. If you have any questions or wish to have a tour of the school, please contact Mrs J Pethig (Assistant Headteacher) on 01492864200.


YJB and its Staff All staff are committed to providing our students with the best possible opportunities for personal growth and fulfilment. Senior Leadership Team Mrs A Webb | Headteacher Mr K Lawson | Acting Deputy Headteacher Mr H Parry | Acting Deputy Headteacher Mrs S Lewis-Jones | Assistant Headteacher Mr B Williams | Assistant Headteacher Mrs J Pethig | Assistant Headteacher Mrs R Davies | Business Manager

Student Support Team | Sixth Form Mr C Colbert | Director of Learning Miss C Geale | Assistant Director of Learning Mrs B Smith | Student Guidance Officer

Student Support Team | Year 7 Mrs C Beattie | Director of Learning Mr T Laws | Assistant Director of Learning Mrs L Davies | Student Guidance Officer

Student Support Team I Years 8 and 9 Mr D Sweet | Director of Learning Mrs G Edlington | Assistant Director of Learning Mrs L Davies | Student Guidance Officer

Student Support Team | Years 10 and 11 Miss J Wedlock | Director of Learning Mrs N Whitham | Assistant Director of Learning Mrs D Huzarski | Student Guidance Officer

Transition into Year 7

The Year 7 curriculum equips students with the skills and attributes they need to succeed as a learner at Ysgol John Bright and beyond as lifelong learners in the 21st Century. Our aim is for each student to develop their talents and interests to the full, whilst experiencing a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum. The courses enhance learning, attainment and achievement and help students to become:

Successful learners who enjoy learning, achieve and make progress;

Enterprising and creative people who contribute fully to life and work;

Responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society; and

Confident and happy individuals who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives.

Through exciting topics, such as Explore and Innovate, we push children to not only acquire new knowledge, but to become more confident communicators and, importantly, thinkers! The 21/7 curriculum allows for longer sessions to give opportunities for extended projects and rich learning opportunities. The Year 7 curriculum is designed to stretch and challenge all students to reach their full potential. We believe that it is as important for the success of our students that they learn and develop personal skills and attributes, alongside specific subject skills. The Curriculum at Key Stage 3 offers a balance of innovation and tradition which provides clear progression for all our students. A traditional subject-based approach remains the backbone of the students’ experience. However, the learning experiences exploit the very latest and best of 21st Century educational methodologies. This combination has been highly successful with our students gaining outcomes that place them amongst the very best in Wales.

YJB Curriculum

Information about specific learning pathways is available in a special booklet produced for Year 9 students and their parents in the Spring Term.

The start of the journey...

On entry to the school, students are placed in learning groups. During the year key stage setting is introduced in most subjects, to enable students to progress at a rate appropriate to their ability.

The first year of secondary school is a particularly important time for our students. We8 work closely with our primary schools to ensure student has awith 60 In Years and 9,very students study subjects included partner within the framework of the each National Curriculum lessons a fortnight. Students and are regularly assessed throughoutisthe yearsasofpossible. this key stage with Statutory positive experience to ensure that transition asthree smooth Teacher Assessments in subjects towards the end of Year 9.

Our Director of Transition visits partner schools to meet new students before they join

There and are aruns number of subjects which every Keybefore Stage 4the student, is asked study, because an introductory programme start in ofevery term.school, We also hold to a Taster Week, they equip young people with skills for further learning, training or employment. ‘Learning and teaching is an Open Evening and various activities to ensure that new students have made new centralfriends to the work Ysgol John Bright. It is our core function andBright. central to the aims of raising achievement and of feel part of the community at Ysgol John and promoting inclusion. The highest standards of attainment can only be achieved by ensuring that all our students routinely experience learning and teaching of the highest quality; enabling them to attain their full We can accept up to 240 students into our Year 7. potential. All students are entitled to learn and achieve in lessons, regardless of attainment level, gender, ethnic origin, socio-economic status, disability or additional learning needs.’

The school’s current Admissions Policy is operated by the Conwy Local Education Authority (LEA) and fuLL of theaPolicy can be obtained by phoning LEAcourses on 01492 All students willdetails be following core curriculum which includes thesethe seven : 575031 or via their website at www.conwy.gov.uk. • English

If we are oversubscribed preference will be given to children according to the following criteria, in the• order in which they are Listed: Numeracy • 1Science Residence within the catchment area

2 Sibling connection

• 3Welsh Proximity of home address to school

4 Medical circumstances or Statement of Educational Needs.

• RE (short course)

If you have any questions or wish to have a tour of the school, please contact Mrs J Pethig • Welsh Baccalaureateon 01492864200. (Assistant Headteacher) • Physical Education • PSE Students have the opportunity to choose three more courses.


YJB Curriculum

During the year ‘Operation Boost’, (a programme of activities for Year 11), helps students achieve their best in their examinations. This programme incorporates : • extra examination preparation lessons (for parents as well as students)

individual and whole group support in the run up to examinations

individual mentoring

revision school

grade improvement classes

‘Exam Busters’ day

Most students decide to progress into our thriving and consistently outstanding Sixth Form. Here, students have the opportunity to follow academic and vocational pathways. We are very proud of the support offered to students when applying for Higher Education and have links with many prestigious universities. Equally, we strive to ensure that students entering the world of work have access to a range of experiences and work closely with local and national businesses. We have extremely high expectations of our Sixth Form students to display mature behaviour and act as positive role models to younger students. Sixth Form students contribute fully to the school’s values of excellence in learning and are represented by the Student Leadership Team, which is elected annually through a formal election process. Academic progress is carefully monitored and there are regular reports home. Students are supported and encouraged to use their time in school profitably and wisely. As the year progresses, students are encouraged to assume more responsibility for their own learning in preparation for Higher Education and employment.


Additional Learning

Ysgol John Bright celebrated the prestigious achievement of becoming the first school in Conwy to gain the National Inclusion Quality Mark. This demonstrates the outstanding school provision for all students of all abilities. Pupils with additional learning needs achieve well above exectations … Estyn 2015 Up to 20% of all children have additional learning needs at some time during their school life. The Code of Practice provides a structured approach to addressing these needs and is incorporated into our Additional Learning Needs Policy. Children carrying statements have extra provision built-in. For other children whose needs are on “School Action” or “School Action Plus”, we organise a range of provision such as in-class support, short-term withdrawal, extraction for particular skills and specialist help or simplification of the curriculum to enhance basic studies. Each year, one learning group in Year 7 is kept smaller and a classroom assistant is allocated to provide such support. Students in this nurture group are identified from primary school as needing extra support. This support continues in Years 8 and 9 with students moving into and out of the learning group as the need arises. The school provides excellent interventions for students who need support in specific areas of the curriculum. Some of these include ‘Reading Buddies,’ Handwriting support, Numeracy and Literacy, Catch Up Programmes as well as Spelling Booster sessions. Regular monitoring of progress is shared with students and parents. The school also has a resource base provision for children with assessed Moderate Learning Difficulties. Entry to this unit is a shared decision between the LEA and the Headteacher. In our Learning Support Department students can access extra help or have space and support with home learning after school.

Safeguarding and Welfare of Students YJB and its staff ALL staff are committed to providing our students with the best possible opportunities for personal growth and fulfilment. Senior Leadership Team

Student Support Team | Year 7

Mrs J Pethig | Assistant Headteacher Mrs A Webb | Headteacher Mr M Vickery | Deputy Headteacher Mrs C Beattie | Director of Learning Mr K Lawson | Assistant Headteacher Mr T Laws | Assistant Director of Learning Mrs S Lewis-Jones | Assistant Headteacher Mrs L Davies | Student Guidance Officer Mr B Williams | Assistant Headteacher Mrs J Pethig | Assistant Headteacher Student Support Team I Years 8 and 9 The Department for Education Welsh Office guidance makes it clear that schools have an important role Mrs R Davies | Businessand Manager Mr B Williams | Assistant Headteacher to play in the protection and well being of all students in the school. Mr D Sweet | Director of Learning Student Support Team | Sixth Form Mrs G Eddlington | Assistant Director of Learning The school treats the welfare of its students as a paramount consideration. It considers that child protection Mrs L Davies | Student Guidance Officer Mr K Lawson | Assistantand Headteacher issues override confidentiality will take any responsibility to ensure the safety of these students. Mr C Colbert | Director of Learning Student Support Team | Years 10 and 11 Miss S Hancox | Assistant Director of Learning In cases where the school has reason to be concerned that a child may be subject to ill-treatment, neglect, or Mrs of B Smith Guidance Officer but to adhere Mrs Sto Lewis-Jones | Assistant Headteacher other forms abuse,| Student all staff have no alternative the All Wales Child Protection Procedures, Miss JaWedlock Director Learning to the social which set out the necessary steps to be followed. We have duty to |refer suchofconcerns Mrsdiscretion N Whitham Assistant services department or the police without delay. We have no in |this matter.Director of Learning Mrs D Huzarski | Student Guidance Officer The Headteacher has overall responsibility for child protection matters. Mrs S Lewis-Jones is the designated Child Protection Officer and Mrs L Hughes is the Deputy Child Protection Officer.

Y Cwricwlwm Cymreig

Provision for Welsh is strong at all key stages, with well-planned opportunities such as the Welsh language tutor groups, bilingual teaching and use of pupils as ‘Welsh Champions‘ ….. Estyn 2015

The start of the journey...

The school has Welsh learner tutor groups where Welsh is used during spoken communication. All students are encouraged develop Welsh speaking skills part of their continuing learning. Thetofirst yeartheir of secondary school is aasparticularly importanteducation time for for ourlifelong students.

We work very closely with our primary partner schools to ensure each student has a Ysgol John Bright celebrates its ‘Welshness’ and identity in many ways. Wesmooth are proud our language and heritage positive experience and to ensure that transition is as asofpossible.

and this commitment is to be seen in much of our work. The Curriculum Cymreig is an integral part of subject specific schemes of work school. Many events are held to celebrate ourbefore history they and tradition Our Director of throughout Transition the visits partner schools to meet new students join includingand the runs School Eisteddfod, trips to Urdd language centres, National Eisteddfod and theatre visits. an introductory programme before the start of term. We also hold a Taster Week,

an Open Evening and various activities to ensure that new students have made new

English isfriends the day-to-day language communication in the school. and feel part ofof the community at Ysgol JohnHowever, Bright. staff and students are encouraged to use Welsh as much as possible. All subjects use basic greetings and instructions in Welsh to develop students’ competency. in KS3 andinto KS4 our unless an 7. exemption has been implemented. We All canstudents accept study up toWelsh 240 students Year Whenever possible, parents receive communications and policy documents, handbooks and The school’s current Admissions Policy bilingually is operated byschool the Conwy Local Education administrative guidelines in bothofEnglish and Welsh. Authority (LEA)are andavailable fuLL details the Policy can be obtained by phoning the LEA on

01492 575031 or via their website at www.conwy.gov.uk.

If we are oversubscribed preference will be given to children according to the following criteria, in the order in which they are Listed:

Home Learning

1 Residence within the catchment area 2 Sibling connection 3 Proximity of home address to school Home learning is an important part of school life and helps young people to work, think and learn 4 Medical circumstances or Statement of Educational Needs. independently, in addition to being an essential component of all courses.

If you have any questions or wish to have a tour of the school, please contact Mrs J Pethig

We aim to set tasks which genuinely engage and challenge students to achieve, giving them the opportunity (Assistant Headteacher) on 01492864200. to explore ideas and areas of interest incorporating a variety of activities, research, reading for information, collecting evidence, interpreting and analysing using different media and evaluation. At YJB there are a number of homework clubs, revision sessions and facilities to support learning beyond the normal school day.


Code of Conduct The emphasis in YJB is on encouragement, praise and the display of an active interest in the personal and academic progress of students. We uphold values of respect and pride in both our school and ourselves. Therefore we expect students to address members of staff and each other with courtesy. We encourage and expect good behaviour. We have established firm expectations, which students know and understand within the school’s Code of Conduct. These rules express our requirements of tolerance for others, good manners, self-discipline, commitment and hard work.

Equality of Opportunity Religious Education and Collective Worship Ysgol John Bright was the first school in Wales to gain the Gold Mark for RE in recognition of its excellent provision in this area. Religious Education at Key Stage 3 and 4 follows the Conwy County Council agreed syllabus and gives the students an opportunity to study aspects of the world’s major religions, whilst acknowledging the place of Christianity as the principal faith in this country. Students are encouraged to develop their own responses to the meaning and purpose of our existence and to begin to address guidelines of morality and spirituality.

The daily act of collective worship is a time when the tutor groups unite for a Year Assembly or reflection time in the tutor base. Assemblies take into account the background of students, their age and aptitudes and they aim to offer common values within a broadly Christian context. Parents who wish to withdraw their children from either Religious Education or Assemblies in whole or in part, should contact the Headteacher.

Sex and Relationships Education

Sex education is provided as part of the whole curriculum, accepting that education about sex and personal relationships has an important part to play in preparing young people for responsible adult life. The Governing Body has approved a programme of sex education which is designed to provide knowledge about loving relationships, the nature of sexuality, and the processes of human reproduction. Facts are presented in an objective, balanced and sensitive manner and are set within a clear framework of values of personal responsibility, self esteem, respect and consideration for others. We strive to provide knowledge and encourage the acquisition of skills and attitudes to allow students to manage their lives in a responsible and healthy way. It also includes, at a point appropriate to the age and maturity of the students, education about HIV, AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. Health professionals will occasionally be invited into the school to help lead students through the programme. Parents have the right to withdraw their children from SRE, except when such education is part of the National Curriculum. Any parent who wishes to exercise this right should inform the Headteacher at the school.

Careers Ysgol John Bright was the first school in Conwy to gain the prestigious Careers Wales Mark. Careers Wales included a report of the school’s accreditation as an example of a ‘best practice case study.’ Links with local businesses successfully extend the school’s provision in supporting work experience activities and industry days …. Estyn 2015 The Careers Education and Guidance programme develops throughout a student’s school career. An extensive range of programmes are delivered during subject and learning tutor time. These are supported by a series of special events, which help to thoroughly prepare our students to make informed choices.

Safeguarding and Welfare of Students YJB and its staff ALL staff are committed to providing our students with the best possible opportunities for personal growth and fulfilment. Senior Leadership Team

Student Support Team | Year 7

Mrs J Pethig | Assistant Headteacher Mrs A Webb | Headteacher Mr M Vickery | Deputy Headteacher Mrs C Beattie | Director of Learning Mr K Lawson | Assistant Headteacher Mr T Laws | Assistant Director of Learning Mrs S Lewis-Jones | Assistant Headteacher Mrs L Davies | Student Guidance Officer Mr B Williams | Assistant Headteacher Guidance interviews and portfolio building are combined with training and access to online interactive career Mrs J Pethig | Assistant Headteacher Student Support Team I Years and 9 employment programmes. This allows students to carry out independent research into a wide variety of8careers, Mrs R Davies | Business Manager Mr B Williams | Assistant Headteacher opportunities and courses available at further and higher education institutions. Training facilitators and external Mr Dthe Sweet | Director of Learning agencies provide the students with additional expertise and help school to ensure a successful transition from Mrs G Eddlington | Assistant Director of Learning school. Student Support Team | Sixth Form Mrs L Davies | Student Guidance Officer Mr K Lawson | Assistant Headteacher Mr C Colbert | Director Learning A highly successful programme of of work experience has long been established at Ysgol John Bright. Students in years Student Support Team Years 10 and Hancox | Assistant Director of Learning In addition, 10 and 12Miss carrySout a period of career based placements. students have the|opportunity to11 participate in a range ofMrs exercises and activities that are Officer designed to enhance their knowledge and understanding of the world of B Smith | Student Guidance Mrs S Lewis-Jones | Assistant Headteacher work, as well as provide them with the necessary transferrable Miss work Jskills. Wedlock | Director of Learning Mrs N Whitham | Assistant Director of Learning Mrs D Huzarski | Student Guidance Officer

House Structure

For social and cultural purposes, the school community has been organised into four Houses: Gloddaeth, Gogarth, Maelgwn and Penrhyn, with an elected House Captain and Vice Captain. The House system fosters a healthy, competitive spirit in the school. Regular interhouse competitions are held during the year including the Eisteddfod and Sports Day. Students are also encouraged to support charity appeals and community projects organised by their House. Each student is allocated to a House on entry to the school. Members of staff are also allocated to one of the four Houses.

Creating Opportunities In-house programmes help develop rounded individuals, enhanced by links to the local community. Success with projects, completion of the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, participating in work experience or mentoring younger students can all create memorable experiences, as well as developing leadership skills and encouraging independence. The PE Department run many school teams, enjoying considerable success at local and national level. Elected members of the student body debate aspects of school life in the YJB Senedd. This gives our students a meaningful voice and allows them to make a constructive contribution to the running of the school.

Each student is allocated to a House on entry to the school. Members of staff are also allocated to one of the four Houses.

Physical Education and Sport

Students strive to achieve their best in practical and theoretical learning environments.

The start of the journey...

Personal skills are enhanced such as co-operation, self-reliance, self-discipline, sharing, confidence and leadership. Students learn the importance and benefits of an active healthy lifestyle and are encouraged to regard physical education and sport lifeschool skills. is a particularly important time for our students. The first year as oflong-term secondary

We work very closely with our primary partner schools to ensure each student has a

Work positive within theexperience Physical Education department designed is to as support whole school developments and school and to ensure that istransition smooth as possible. objectives. We aim to provide an enjoyable, satisfying and balanced programme with opportunities for all students to develop physically, emotionally and cognitively. involvement all join as performers, Our Director ofsocially, Transition visits partner schoolsWe to encourage meet newactive students before by they observers and and runsofficials. an introductory programme before the start of term. We also hold a Taster Week,

an Open Evening and various activities to ensure that new students have made new

Students plan,and practise their performance so that they can enjoy being able to perform consistently friends feel and partimprove of the community at Ysgol John Bright. well. Students will take part in activities that become technically more demanding. They will learn the benefits of working with others and understand that engaging in activity is beneficial to health, well-being and fitness.

We can accept up to 240 students into our Year 7.

These processes are achieved in curriculum time through experience and development in games (striking and The school’s current Admissions Policy is operated by the Conwy Local Education Authority (LEA) fielding, net and invasion games), dance, gymnastics, athletics, outdoor and adventure activities.

and fuLL details of the Policy can be obtained by phoning the LEA on 01492 575031 or via their website at www.conwy.gov.uk.

Many students achieve district, county and national honours, both individually and in teams whilst representing the school.

If we are oversubscribed preference will be given to children according to the following criteria, in the order in which they are Listed:

Physical Education Kit

1 Residence within the catchment area Boys 2 Sibling connection Polo shirt with logo, training shorts 3 Proximity home address to school Track shoes – not canvass of shoes or Statement of Educational Training top4– Medical available circumstances in full or ¼ zip (optional but highly recommended)Needs. Training pants (optional) If you(optional) have anybut questions wish to to have tourschool of the school, please contact Mrs J Pethig Rain jacket also idealorfor travel andafrom (Assistant Headteacher) on 01492864200.

Girls Polo shirt with logo Female training shorts or female leggings Track shoes – not canvass shoes Training top – available in full or ¼ zip (optional but highly recommended) Training pants (optional)

14 Rain jacket (optional) but also ideal for travel to and from school

The kit is available at Boppers in Colwyn Bay and School Talk in Llandudno

YJB Facilities Facilities at YJB offer our students a wealth of opportunities inside and outside the classroom in our contemporary state of the art, school.

YJB and its staff

We have an impressive range of specialist areas and use the most up-to-date technology to teach our students, ALL astaff are committed providing students with the including 3D learning suite. We have ato science block with our 12 laboratories, a technology suitebest which includes provision for workshops, specialist textile rooms, commercial standard and catering provision, art/design areas, potpossible opportunities for personal growth fulfilment. tery and a photographic dark room. Our Sports and Recreation area includes a sports hall, gymnasium, squash courts, spinning room and dance stu| Year 7 as well as 2 floodlit Team dio. Senior We alsoLeadership have 20 acres of playing fields with hockey, Student football, Support rugby andTeam cricket pitches astroMrs turfApitches. Mrs J Pethig | Assistant Headteacher Webb | Headteacher Mr M Vickery | Deputy Headteacher Mrs C Beattie | Director of Learning Mr K Lawson | Assistant Headteacher Mr T Laws | Assistant Director of Learning Mrs S Lewis-Jones | Assistant Headteacher Mrs L Davies | Student Guidance Officer Mr B Williams | Assistant Headteacher The Mrs school meets| Assistant all requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act. A lift enables access J Pethig Headteacher Student Support Team I Years 8 andto9 all parts of the building has colour schemes to assist with those students with visual impairments). Mrs R(which Daviesalso | Business Manager Mr B Williams | Assistant Headteacher Mr D Sweet | Director of Learning There are toilet facilities for |students in each block. MaleMrs andGfemale toilets| Assistant are open Director daily in Cof and D Student Support Team Sixth Form Eddlington Learning block. Disabled facilities are also available on each floor. There are separate toilets for KS3 and KS4 Mrs L Davies | Student Guidance Officer Mr K Lawson | Assistant Headteacher students. All toilets are cleaned twice daily. A Sodexo employed cleaner is on hand throughout the Mr C Colbert | Director of Learning day Miss to call upon for| any emergency cleaning. Student Support Team | Years 10 and 11 S Hancox Assistant Director of Learning Mrs B Smith | Student Guidance Officer Mrs S Lewis-Jones | Assistant Headteacher Miss J Wedlock | Director of Learning Mrs N Whitham | Assistant Director of Learning Mrs D Huzarski | Student Guidance Officer We believe that the pastoral care for each individual in the school community is of the greatest importance. Therefore we have a highly developed pastoral system to ensure that every student’s progress is closely monitored. Students respond well to praise and encouragement, and these are key factors in our teaching and learning.

Provision for the disabled

Support Network @ YJB

Our treatment of the students is positive and sensitive but with a clear understanding of the code of behaviour expected of everyone. We make it our mission to foster a sense of self worth and the capacity to work as contributing members of a team or community and we are committed to offering equal opportunities for all. We encourage parents to be involved in the life of the school and the progress of their child, through a programme of regular reports and parent consultation evenings. We are committed to keeping in close contact and working in partnership with parents and guardians and carers of YJB students.

School Uniform

We expect our students to take pride in themselves and the school by wearing the full uniform. We ask that parents take responsibility for ensuring that their son/daughter is in the correct uniform each day. High standards of appearance reflect a positive image of our school and one which creates a learning community we can be proud to be identified with. The uniform can be purchased from two local retailers. Boppers Boutique, 1-3 Woodland Road West, Colwyn Bay. LL29 7DH. Telephone No: 01492 534421 School Talk, 159 Mostyn Street, Llandudno, LL30 2PE. Telephone Number: 01492 866995 Ysgol John Bright uniform Years 7 to 11:

Price and Buckland Navy blazer with thin gold trim/piping (with school logo)

Price and Buckland Navy jumper with gold trim (with school logo)

Price and Buckland Tie – navy with double thin gold pinstripe

Banner charcoal grey Plymouth senior pleat boys trouser

Banner charcoal grey GPR girls trouser

Banner charcoal grey Charleston skirt

Plain white shirt.

Plain black socks or tights for girls

Black shoes – not more than 2inch heel, no boots, no trainers, leisure shoes or any logo.

Hair should not be cropped, patterned, shaved (less than grade 3), dyed an unnatural colour, braided and should always be tied back for practical lessons. Make-Up

No make-up, false nails or nail varnish

Jewellery - for health and safety reasons the only acceptable items of jewellery are : • a wristwatch • one pair of small plain stud type earrings (to be worn one in each lobe) • one plain signet ring • No facial or tongue piercings are allowed

General Information YJB and its staff ALL staff are committed to providing our students with the best possible opportunities for personal growth and fulfilment. Senior Leadership Team

Student Support Team | Year 7

Mrs J Pethig | Assistant Headteacher Mrs A Webb | Headteacher Mr M Vickery | Deputy Headteacher Mrs C Beattie | Director of Learning Mr K Lawson | Assistant Headteacher Mr T Laws | Assistant Director of Learning Mrs S Lewis-Jones | Assistant Headteacher Mrs L Davies | Student Guidance Officer Mr B Williams | Assistant Headteacher Mrs J Pethig | Assistant Headteacher Student Support Team I Years 8 and 9 Mrs R Davies | Business Manager Mr B Williams | Assistant Headteacher Some students may be entitled to free lunches. Free School Mr Meals can only be awarded if you or your partner D Sweet | Director of Learning are claiming either: Student Support Team | Sixth Form Mrs G Eddlington | Assistant Director of Learning Mrs L Davies | Student Guidance Officer Mr K Lawson | Assistant Headteacher Mr C Colbert | Director of Learning • Miss S Income Student Support Team | Years 10 and 11 HancoxSupport | Assistant Director of Learning • Mrs B Smith Job Seekers Allowance income based | Student Guidance Officer Mrs S Lewis-Jones | Assistant Headteacher • Employment and Support Allowance - income related Miss J Wedlock | Director of Learning • Child Tax Credit, provided you are not entitled Mrs to Working Tax Credit N Whitham | Assistant Director of Learning Mrs D Huzarski | Student Guidance Officer (Information correct at time of going to print) Contact the Free School Meals Team on 01492 576491 to find out if you qualify and for an application form.

Free School Meals Eligibility

Complaints Procedures In the first instance, parents are expected to contact the Headteacher to discuss any complaints. Any unresolved matter can be referred onto our Chair of Governors, Mrs C Forfar, through the school or, in exceptional circumstances, the Local Education Authority, which has an established complaints procedure. This procedure is outlined in a bilingual document, available at the school.

Charging Policy The School’s charging policy complies with current regulations and a detailed copy of these can be obtained from the school.

Attendance figures 2015/2016 Present : Authorised : Unauthorised :

94.2% 3.8% 2.00%

The School Day

The start of 8.45am the journey...

Ready to Learn bell

The first year of secondary school is a particularly important time for our students. We work very closely with our primary partner schools to ensure each student has a Form positive Time 8.50am to is as smooth 9.15am as possible. experience and to ensure that transition Our Director of Transition visits partner schools to meet new students before they join Lesson 1 9.15am to and runs an introductory programme before the start of10.05am term. We also hold a Taster Week, an Open Evening and various activities to ensure that new students have made new friends and feel part of the community at Ysgol John Bright. Lesson 2 10.05am to 10.55am We can accept up to 240 students into our Year 7. Break 10.55am to 11.10am The school’s current Admissions Policy is operated by the Conwy Local Education Authority (LEA) and fuLL details of the Policy can be obtained by phoning the LEA on 01492 575031 or via their Lessonwebsite 3 11.10am to 12.00pm at www.conwy.gov.uk. If we are oversubscribed preference will be given to children according to the following criteria, in Lessonthe 4 12.00pm to 12.50pm order in which they are Listed: 1 Residence within the catchment area Lunch 12.50pm to 1.30pm 2 Sibling connection 3 Proximity of home address to school 4 Medical circumstances or Statement of Educational Needs. Lesson 5 1.30pm to 2.20pm If you have any questions or wish to have a tour of the school, please contact Mrs J Pethig (Assistant Headteacher) on 01492864200. Lesson 6





Mrs A Webb Headteacher/Pennaeth Ysgol John Bright Maesdu Road Llandudno LL30 1LF

01492 864200 johnbright.uk


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