Ysgol John Bright - School Prospectus

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Our Curriculum Key Stage 3 Our Curriculum In Years 7, 8 and 9 students study subjects included within the framework of the National Curriculum. The 30 lessons are divided as follows: Students are regularly assessed through the three years of this key stage with Statutory Teacher Assessments in subjects towards the end of Year 9. On entry to the school students are placed in mixed ability forms. During the year key stage setting is introduced in most subjects to enable students to progress at a rate appropriate to their ability.

A School for the 21st Century Transforming Learning

Our Curriculum Key Stage 4 Our Curriculum In Years 10 and 11 students follow a balanced curriculum that includes Statutory National Curriculum subjects and a choice of optional Learning Pathways. There is an opportunity for students to choose courses of study that suit their individual interests and aptitudes without closing too many avenues of future learning pathways. Throughout Year 9 students are guided, supported and advised about the 14‐19 Learning Pathways available and there is full consultation with parents during the process.

Information about specific learning pathways is available in a special booklet produced for year 9 students and their parents in the Spring Term.

A School for the 21st Century Transforming Learning

Our Curriculum Key Stage 5 Our Curriculum The Sixth Form at Ysgol John Bright offers valuable and wide ranging educational opportunities. There is a high expectation of students to adopt a mature pattern of behaviour and attitude, to transmit this by example to younger students, and to contribute to the school and its values. Students have the opportunity of being taught in specialist groups and each student in the Sixth Form is guided, supported and monitored from the outset of his or her course right through until the time he or she enters a career or is accepted onto a university/college course. There is a wide range of learning pathways available and information about specific courses is available in a special booklet produced for Year 11 students and their parents in the Spring Term. All year 12 students will follow the Advanced Welsh Baccalaureate qualification alongside other A level subjects. The current courses on offer are:

Subjects English Language





English Literature












Business Studies (Single + Double)

Health + Social Care (Single + Double)

Performing Arts


Applied Science


Design + Technology


Applied ICT




Btec PE

Hospitality Public Services Travel + Tourism

The majority of courses are taught at Ysgol John Bright but some courses are delivered at partner institutions with which we have very good collaborative arrangements.

School Day Warning Bell Form Time Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Break Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lunch Lesson 5 Lesson 6

8.45 8.50 9.15 10.05 10.55 11.10 12.00 12.50 1.30 2.20

Our Curriculum to 9.15 to to to to to to to to

10.05 10.55 11.10 12.00 12.50 1.30 2.20 3.10

Extra Curricular Activities

School Term

Autumn Term 2011 ‐ 2012 Provisional dates to be confirmed Staff Training Day Term starts Half Term – school closes Term starts Staff Training Day End of Term

1st September 2011 2nd September 2011 21st October 2011 31st October 2011 7th October 2011 16th December 2011

Staff Training Day Term starts Half Term Term starts End of Term

3rd January 2012 4th January 2012 10th February 2012 20th February 2012 30th March 2012

Staff Training Day Term starts May Day Half Term Term starts End of Term

16th April 2012 17th April 2012 7th May 2012 25th May 2012 4th June 2012 22nd July 2012

A School for the 21st Century Transforming Learning

Uniform for Years 7 – 11 comprises of : Sportswear International Navy v‐necked jumper (bearing updated YJB logo) Light blue shirt (must have a top button that can be fastened) School tie Black trousers (for boys and girls, if preferred) Black knee length skirt Plain socks – black or grey for boys and black or white for girls Black shoes (not more than 2cm heel, no boots, no trainers, velcro fastenings, ‘leisure’ shoes or prominent sports logos). Further guidance on footwear can be found on the YJB website www.johnbright.conwy.sch.uk . School Coats must be dark in colour. Denim, leather jackets, tracksuit styles or hoodies are unacceptable. Religious headwear should be black The Sixth Form uniform comprises of a white shirt and black v‐ necked jumper with updated YJB logo. Hair Boys hair should NOT be cropped, patterned, shaved less than grade 3, dyed an unnatural colour or longer than collar length. Girls hair should NOT be braided or dyed an unnatural colour and should be tied back for practical activities. Failure to abide by this expectation may result in exclusion from lessons. Jewellery For Health and Safety reasons the only acceptable items of jewellery are: A wristwatch One pair of small plain stud type earrings (to be worn one in each lobe) One plain signet ring Girls in Years 10 and 11 are allowed a discreet amount of make up. (Staff will direct students to remove it if necessary.) Nail varnish should not be worn No tattoos or body piercings are allowed


Our Curriculum

We expect our students to take pride in themselves and the School by wearing the full uniform. We ask that parents take the responsibility for ensuring that their son/ daughter is in correct uniform each day. Students who do arrive in unsuitable clothing may be sent home to change.

Physical Education Kit Sportswear International Polo Shirt with YJB logo, Shorts and navy Sports Socks. If your child wishes to wear a fleece or tracksuit trousers, they must be Sportswear International but these are not obligatory Track shoes Football boots (obligatory for boys/optional for girls)

Suppliers Jumpers and PE kit can be purchased through school, from ‘Boppers Boutique’ in Colwyn Bay, or in Llandudno from UKCK in Oxford Road or ‘School Talk’ within Clifton House Newsagents. Ties can be purchased through school or from Boppers. Reversible Coats bearing the YJB logo will also be available through Boppers. Parents will be free to purchase shirts, trousers and skirts etc. from High Street retailers, but please note that only Sportswear International school jumpers with the updated logo will be permitted.

Admissions to Ysgol John Bright We accept up to 240 students into Year 7. The school’s current admissions policy is operated by the Conwy Local Education Authority (LEA) and full details of the Policy can be obtained by phoning the LEA on 01492 575031 or via their website at www.conwy.gov.uk . If there are more applications for places than allowed in our admission number, preference will be given to children according to the following criteria in the order in which they are listed: Residence in the catchment area Sibling connection Proximity of home address to school Medical circumstances or Statement of Special Educational Needs Parents and carers with children, at any age, in any primary school wanting to discuss admission, or to visit, are invited to contact the School on 01492 864200.

Primary Feeder Schools We enjoy excellent links with our feeder primary schools: Parents and carers of children at all other primary schools may choose to send their child to us in accordance with the admissions policy.

Feeder Schools

A School for the 21st Century Transforming Learning

Admissions Process Our Curriculum

A School for the 21st Century Transforming Learning

Transition Our Curriculum We enjoy a close relationship with each of our feeder primaries and value their support in helping to make the transition from primary to secondary school as smooth as possible. Our Director of Studies (Transition) – Mr T Parry – regularly visits our feeder primaries to begin contact with our future students. Our teaching staff also meet their primary colleagues to discuss and plan effectively for the arrival of new students, and we make extra provision for children with additional learning needs. Those Year 6 students expected to join us in the September visit the School for an induction day during the Summer Term and further information is provided to parents at a special open evening held in the July.

Class Arrangements Depending on the number of students admitted to Year 7, they are divided into 8, sometimes 9, Forms of between 22 and 26 students, with each Form given the following initial(s) for identification:









Form Tutors will use the ‘pastoral time’ each morning to check that students are prepared for the day ahead. Form time (between 8.50 and 9.15am) is used for the statutory act of collective worship, to ensure students are coping with all aspects of school life, and through a carefully planned programme – to encourage students to reach their full potential. All of these arrangements are intended to provide expert guidance and support to our students as they progress through the School – we pride ourselves on the level of care offered.

‘Transition arrangements with partner primary schools are outstanding. They ensure that students, including those with identified learning needs are well known to the school before their arrival.’ Estyn Inspection Report March 2009

A School for the 21st Century Transforming Learning

Support Network

“The quality of care, support and guidance which students receive is a significant strength of the school. Relationships between students and staff are exemplary. Students consider the staff to be supportive and approachable.”

Our Curriculum

The first person parents or carers should contact with any enquiries or concerns is the Form Tutor. This can be done by note, letter or by writing in a student’s Planner. Any more serious issue, which may affect your son/daughter’s learning, should be brought to the attention of the Director of Studies for your child’s Year. Teaching commitments mean that, unfortunately, it is not possible to see parents without an appointment – please contact the School because all our Directors of Studies have time set aside for any such meetings. The School also has an extensive support system, involving outside agencies if required, to ensure that the academic and social needs of students are being met. The School has key personnel to offer advice, guidance and individual support and close links with – for example – Social Services, Child and Family Services, Educational Psychiatric Service and Social Health Services. The School follows All‐Wales Child Protection Procedures. The designated Child Protection Officers are the Headteacher and Mrs E Hughes, Student Advisory Link.

Members of our Senior Management Team share responsibility for overseeing the work of the Form Tutors and Directors of Studies as follows: Mrs S Lewis Jones (Year 7), Dr S Hulme (Years 8 and 9), Mr M P Vickery (Years 10 and 11) and Mr D V Williams (Years 12 and 13). They will become involved should concerns continue or escalate.

A School for the 21st Century Transforming Learning

Facilities The School has an impressive range of specialist areas and all teaching rooms have data projectors and every subject area has at least one interactive whiteboard :

Our Curriculum

A Science block with 12 laboratories. A wide range of modern classrooms arranged in faculty areas. 1 large, purpose‐built Library offering a comprehensive book and multi‐media learning resources. Expressive Arts Centre with keyboard and Apple Mac equipped music rooms, drama studio, practice rooms and classroom provision. Technology suite which includes provision for Computer Applications, workshops, specialist textile rooms and commercial standard catering provision, Art/Design areas, pottery, kiln and dark room. Modern dining room and cafeteria plus a fast‐food snack bar. Full provision for Information and Communication Technology in five Networked Computer suites allowing access to school and county networks as well as the internet. Each faculty, including the 6th Form area benefits from a laptop trolley containing 26 laptops. A large mall which provides a meeting and sitting area for students. Study areas and lounge areas for Sixth Form students. Seating areas throughout the school for use in inclement weather. Picnic area with picnic tables and benches. Full provision for Sports and Recreation – the Sports Hall and Gymnasium offer facilities for squash, badminton, indoor tennis, table tennis, basketball with a fully equipped fitness/weight training room. In addition there are 2 demountable squash courts which also serve as a dance studio. The school also has some 20 acres of playing fields with hockey, football, rugby, cricket pitches, athletics track, hard play areas for tennis and netball and 2 floodlit Astroturf pitches (to National Hockey standards).

Provision for the Disabled The school meets all requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act. A lift enables access to all parts of the building which also has colour schemes to assist with those with visual impairments.

A School for the 21st Century Transforming Learning

Cwricwlwm Cymreig The school actively endorses Conwy’s policy on bi‐linguism. Whenever possible parents receive communications bi‐lingually and school policy documents, handbooks and administrative guidelines are available in both English and Welsh. Whilst Ysgol John Bright is an English Medium School, the Welsh culture is central throughout the school. The Welsh Department plays a key role in ensuring the delivery of the Curriculum Cymreig through its teaching provision but also promotes the language and culture in a number of extra‐ curricular activities. These include the Urdd Jamboree, trips to Glan Llyn Language Centre, participation in the Urdd Eisteddfod and theatre visits. The Welsh language is developing and is used in assemblies and as part of the day‐to‐day communication within the school. The Curriculum Cymreig is an integral part of subject specific schemes of work throughout the school with emphasis placed wherever possible on Welsh history, Welsh culture and Welsh life. The school has introduced a Welsh form class where Welsh is the primary means of spoken communication and all students are encouraged to develop their Welsh spoken skills as part of their continuing education for lifelong learning.

Additional Learning Needs Up to 20% of all children have special educational needs at some time during their school life. The Code of Practice provides a structured approach to addressing these needs and is incorporated into our Special Educational Needs Policy. Children carrying statements have extra provision built‐in to these. For other children whose needs are on “School Action” or “School Action Plus”, we organise a range of provision such as in‐class support, short‐term withdrawal, extraction for particular skills, specialist help or simplification of the curriculum to enhance basic studies. Each year one form in Year 7 is kept smaller and a classroom assistant is allocated. Students in this form are identified from primary school as needing extra help. This support continues in Years 8 and 9 with students moving into and out of the form as the need arises. Paired reading supported by Sixth Form students and a spelling programme negotiated with parents aim to raise standards. Handwriting and spelling guidelines are also prepared by our specialist staff. All subject areas prepare individual educational plans for students assessed as having difficulties. Regular monitoring of progress is then shared with students and parents. The school also has a resource base provision for children with assessed Moderate Learning difficulties. Entry to this unit is a shared decision between the LEA and the Headteacher. In our Learning Support Department students can access extra help or have space and support with homework after school.

A School for the 21st Century Transforming Learning

Sex Education The school’s policy regarding Sex Education has been approved by the Governing Body and follows the Framework Guidance laid down by the Curriculum Council for Wales. It is part of the programme of Personal and Social Education timetabled for every year group. The content is delivered by specialist staff augmented by visiting experts where it is felt necessary. All lessons lay emphasis on the importance of moral values within the context of family life.

Our Curriculum

In outline, Year 7 deals with puberty and conception; Year 8 with relationships and responsible parenthood; Year 9 with family life; Year 10 with dilemmas, contraception and AIDs and Year 11 with making significant choices and decisions.

Statutory RE and Collective Worship We value the opportunity to come together as a community within school and assemblies take place on a daily rota. Year groups or combinations of years participate in an act of collective worship broadly of a Christian character. Senior staff lead assemblies but individual forms and senior students also contribute and some visitors join us for our services. When not in a formal assembly students still have an opportunity to reflect together in form time. In addition to timetabled RE in Key Stage 3, students Years 10 and 11 follow RE modules within Personal and Social Education. Sixth Form also study RE within their General Studies.

A School for the 21st Century Transforming Learning

Physical Education Work within the Physical Education Department is designed to support, contribute to and complement the objectives of the school. We aim to provide an enjoyable, satisfying and balanced programme with opportunities for all students to develop physically, socially, emotionally and cognitively. We encourage active involvement by all as performers, observers and officials. Students plan, practise and improve their performance so that they can enjoy being able to perform consistently well. Students will take part in activities that become technically more demanding. They will learn the benefits of working with others and understand that engaging in activity is beneficial to health and fitness. These processes are achieved in Curriculum time through experience and development in Games (striking and fielding, net and invasion games) Swimming (year 8 only), Dance, Gymnastics, Athletics and Outdoor and Adventure Activities.

•1 x 50 minute lessons per week and an additional practical course of PSE focusing on Health, fitness and wellbeing. This will lead to a First Certificate in Sport

Many students achieve district, county and national honours, both individually and in teams. In PE we help students to understand and make allowances for the capabilities of others and recognise their own limitations. Personal skills are enhanced such as co‐operation, self‐reliance, self discipline, sharing and leadership. Physical Education in Ysgol John Bright Includes students listening, observing ,communicating and learning to make decisions with confidence.

A School for the 21st Century Transforming Learning

Security Health and Safety Our Curriculum

Complaints In the first instance, parents are expected to contact the Headteacher to discuss any complaints. Any unresolved matter can be referred on to the Chair of Governors, Mr D Rowley through the school or, in exceptional circumstances, the Local Education Authority, which has an established procedure. This procedure is outlined in a bilingual document, available at the school.

A School for the 21st Century Transforming Learning

Careers Education A comprehensive programme of careers education is available to all students throughout the school. The programme is delivered through tutor time, personal and social education, together with special events. Examples of the areas covered are :

Our Curriculum

Careers Guidance interviews and a range of software programmes enable students to carry out independent research into a wide variety of careers and further/higher education courses. Careers Wales, colleges of further and higher education together with other training providers, provide the school with additional expertise and help to ensure successful transition into the world of further and higher education.

Industry Links/Work Experience A highly successful programme of work experience has been long established at Ysgol John Bright. Students in Years 10 and 12 carry out a period of career based placements. In addition, students have the opportunity to participate in a range of exercises and activities that are designed to enhance the knowledge and understanding of the world of work. The school has established very good links with local and national employees who make valuable contributions to our students’ experiences.

A School for the 21st Century Transforming Learning

Contact Education Department Local Education Authority Conwy County Borough Council Chief of Education Services, Education Department Dinerth Road, Rhos on Sea, Colwyn Bay, LL28 4UL TEL : 01492 575061

Chair of Governors Mr D Rowley

Our Curriculum 2009 – 2010 Attendance

Year 13 Destinations Higher education 69% Further Education 12% GAP Year 17% Employment 1% Return to School 1%

Charging Policy The Governors have drawn up an agreed policy available from school. Activities after school and during holidays are undertaken on a voluntary basis. Consequently the cost of transport/accommodation is passed on to students. Activities during school time are partly supported by voluntary contributions from parents and partly from school funds but no student will be excluded from taking part when a contribution cannot be made. However, if support is not sufficient to support the cost of an activity, the school reserves the right to cancel it. No charge is made for examination entries proposed by the school, but where students fail to attend an examination with no medical justification, parents will be expected to pay the entry fee.

A School for the 21st Century Transforming Learning

F O R O F F I C E U S E Admission No. UPN Number Year Form

Ysgol John Bright

Admissions Form

Surname : Address

Forenames :

Male Female

Date of Birth : Home Tel No : Mobile No : Post Code :

Persons with Parental Responsibility Surname : Address Postcode Relationship to child Surname : Address Postcode Relationship to child Previous School Post Code

Forename :

Tel No.

Mobile E‐mail

Forename :

Tel No.

Mobile E‐mail


Tel No.


Name of Doctor : Address

Surgery :

Does your child suffer from any medical condition you wish the school to be aware of Yes No

Does your child have any Additional Learning Needs?

School Action School Action + Statement

Does your child have any brothers/sisters at Ysgol John Bright Name : Name :

Year :

Year :

School Lunch

Sandwiches at school


Taxi Walk Bus

Lunch Arrangements Free School Meal

Travel Arrangements

Bicycle Car

Other Information First Language Home Language Fluency in Welsh V Good


Other Languages Religion Fair

Ethnic Origin None

DEFNYDD SWYDDFA Rhif derbyn: Rhif UPN: Blwyddyn Dosbarth

Ysgol John Bright

Ffurflen derbyn

Cyfenw Cyfeiriad

Enw(au) cyntaf

Bachgen Merch Dyddiad geni : Rhif ffôn cartref : Rhif ffôn symudol : Côd post :

Cyswllt â’r rhieni/ Cyswllt brys Cyfenw Cyfeiriad Côd post Perthynas

Enw(au) cyntaf

Rhif ffôn

Rhif ffôn symudol: E‐bost

Cyfenw Cyfeiriad Côd post Perthynas

Enw(au) cyntaf

Rhif ffôn

Rhif ffôn symudol: E‐bost

Ysgol blaenorol

Cyfeiriad :

Enw meddyg Cyfeiriad

Cyfeiriad y feddygfa

Yw eich plentyn yn dioddef o unrhyw broblemau meddygol? Y N

Oes gan eich plentyn unrhyw anghenion addysgol arbennig?

Gweithredu gan yr ysgol Gweithredu gan yr ysgol a mwy Datganiad

Oes gan eich plentyn unrhyw frodyr neu chwiorydd yn Ysgol John Bright? Enw


Cinio ysgol



Tacsi Cerdded Bws

Trefniadau cinio Cinio ysgol am ddim

Trefniadau teithio

Beic Car

Gwybodaeth arall Mamiaith Iaith y cartref Rhuglder yn y Gymraeg

Da iawn


Ieithoedd eraill Crefydd Tarddiad ethnig



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