3 minute read

YT Liang's Portfolio

Product Manager and Sales Engineer with a strong R&D background

Sales Engineer


1st HDBaseT training (Oct., 2016 @ Dallas)

14st HDBaseT training (Feb., 2018 @ Washington D.C.)

Conference presentation (Nov. 2016 @ Toronto, Canada)

Product training & live demo (Aug., 2016 @ New York City)

Presentation in InfoComm (Jun., 2016 @ Las Vegas)

Product Manager

Sales Tools - Battle Card - HDMI / VGA HDBaseT Transmitter VE2812UST

Sales Tools - Battle Card - Over IP Extender VE8950

Sales Tools - Battle Card - Over IP Extender VE8950

Media interview

From Convergent AV Media

Media article

​From ​Modern Restaurant Management (MRM) magazine

R&D - Software and Firmware Development

The company's 1​ st​ Control System solution using C / C++ / C# (Visual C++), Objective-C (Xcode), Java (Eclipse), and JavaScript for Windows, iOS and Android platforms

Collaborated with Product Management and UX (User Experience) Teams on the Web GUI of Video Matrix using server-client framework based on JavaScript and SQL that won the Red Dot Award 2015.

YT (Yu-Ting) Liang @2019


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