SPF spring 2013 newsletter

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Seattle Parks Foundation

Connections spring/summer 2013

Urban Farming in Rainier Beach SPF is working with Friends of Rainier Beach Urban Farm and Wetlands, Seattle Tilth, and community leaders on a capital campaign to transform underused parkland in South Seattle into a working farm and center for healthy food, education, and job training. We spoke with Seattle Tilth Executive Director Andrea Dwyer about how the Rainier Beach Urban Farm fits into the context of urban agriculture in our city.

Can you tell us about the history of Seattle Tilth? Seattle Tilth was founded about 35 years ago by a group of people who were concerned about the industrialization of agriculture and the impact it was having on the health of our communities and our lives. What they started evolved into Seattle Tilth and a number of similar groups and chapters throughout the Northwest. Over the years, there has been a growing recognition that our food system is simply not working, especially for low-income people who too often are not able to afford fresh, nutritious food. So in 2009, we focused our efforts on reaching out with a broader range of activities and in neighborhoods that most directly experienced the negative impact of a broken food system. We created partnerships with groups that share a common vision of an alternative food system that works both environmentally and economically. When I started at Tilth, people thought of us as a north-end gardening organization. They do not think that now. For example, four years ago we had no presence in the Rainier Valley. Now, I’m happy to say that Seattle Tilth is at the forefront of an emerging urban farm movement in the Rainier Valley and throughout Seattle and King County, creating equitable access to fresh and affordable organic food.

Urban Farming in Rainier Beach (from front page) The common thread through all Seattle Tilth efforts is this: we build programs with the vision, guidance, and involvement of local community members, and we do this in ways that truly address their most basic needs and support their greatest aspirations.

People talk about our food shed. What does this refer to? A foodshed is like a watershed. We all recognize that our lives and well-being depend upon a clean and plentiful watershed. It’s no different with the food we eat. If we pave and pollute and mistreat our urban land, we’ll be totally dependent on outside sources for all of our food. We are fortunate to live in a climate where we can grow food year-round. We also have an abundance of the resources needed to grow food—including plentiful water and healthy soil. However, these natural resources are finite, and we must take care to safeguard them if we are to continue to have a thriving foodshed. The local food movement believes that it is absolutely critical that we use a portion of our urban land for healthy food production. This has so much meaning in our lives because when we are able to maintain this connection to food, and to the environment, we are stronger, we are healthier, and we are better. And while this is important for all communities, local food production is especially vital for low-income communities where there is less access and less choice.

Talk about the history of Rainier Beach Urban Farm. For years, this site was operated by the Seattle Parks Department as a nursery for the parks system. It was a production site, and it was basically closed to the public. This all changed in 2008 when Parks discontinued the nursery and asked the community how to repurpose the land. A number of neighbors and others from the Rainier Beach neighborhood proposed creating an urban farm on the site. It was through their leadership and tenacity that we were able to chart the course from an idea to a reality. Seattle Tilth had established the Rainier Beach Learning Garden in 2009, and we were supportive of the efforts of the Friends of Rainier Beach Urban Farm and Wetlands from the beginning. Over time, it became clear that, with our solid track record and 35-year relationship with Seattle Parks, we could play an important role in managing and programming the site as an urban farm.

What is the vision for the Rainier Beach Urban Farm? Our vision for the site is a thriving, productive farm and education center that engages people from the neighborhood, the city, and across the region. This is a site where people can learn to grow and cook healthy food. This is where people can learn to take care of the environment and to take care of each other by getting our Good Food Bags out to people who could not

otherwise afford locally grown, nutritious, organic food. This is central to our vision—that the food that’s grown at the farm benefits the community, that the farm’s job training and economic opportunities are directed to people in the Rainier Valley. But the most exciting thing is that this is where this vision starts. There are so many opportunities to replicate this vision at green spaces in other neighborhoods in Seattle, which is one reason why this partnership with Seattle Parks Foundation holds so much promise. We have a shared vision for creating something special.

How does the farm benefit the neighborhood and the Rainier Valley? First and foremost, our goal is to engage people from the Rainier Beach neighborhood in everything from growing food to gaining economic opportunities. It means something that this farm is in a neighborhood that has struggled economically. We want to see a growing sense of ownership and involvement and that people truly benefit from having this unique farm and education center in their own neighborhood. But this is also a park for the broader community as well. We are partners with Seattle Parks, and we recognize that we have a responsibility to provide a public benefit to the whole community. Most of all, we want the Rainier Beach Urban Farm and Wetlands to be a place where people from diverse backgrounds can connect and feel a sense of ownership and pride.

Seattle Tilth could have created an urban farm in any neighborhood in Seattle. Why here? A few years ago, a community survey found that people in the Rainier Valley, more than anything else, simply wanted sufficient access to healthy food. That’s what this farm is about—providing access to healthy food, as well as access to healthy choices and to learning how to grow food for themselves. Food brings people together. You learn about people and their culture and traditions through food. This farm gives people a chance to celebrate something that we all share and hold in common. We can plant together, tend together, harvest together, and celebrate together. And Rainier Beach is the perfect neighborhood for this to take place and thrive.

Inaugural Stim Bullitt Excellence Fund Projects The Stim Bullitt Park Excellence Fund, made possible by the extraordinary generosity of the late Stimson Bullitt, will support efforts to plan, create, expand, enhance, and advocate for parks and green connections citywide. In March, the SPF board approved $210,000 in Stim Bullitt funding to support the following four projects.

South Park Green Space Vision Plan The South Park neighborhood offers exceptional opportunities for developing connected parks and green spaces, including a public plaza at the base of the new South Park Bridge, improvements to Duwamish Waterway Park, street-end parks and viewpoints, and walking and biking paths connecting all of these spaces. The Stim Bullitt funding will help the South Park Area Revitalization Committee, Sea-Mar Community Health Centers, and the community at large to develop a community-supported plan to guide public- and private-sector investments over the next five years.

12th Avenue Square Park Located just south of James Street on Capitol Hill in an area with few other parks, this beautifully designed space will be a neighborhood landmark when it is completed later this year. On one side, the park will flow out onto a woonerf—a street where bicyclists and pedestrians have priority over cars. The woonerf expands the park’s footprint through “green” features such as rain gardens, use of recycled materials, and “pollinator pathways”— connected habitat for beneficial birds and insects. The park will also feature a stunning overhead artwork—The Cloud by local artist Ellen Sollod. Project partners include 12th Avenue Stewards, Squire Park Community Council, Seattle Parks and Recreation, Seattle University, Seneca Group, and Seattle Department of Transportation.

McGilvra Place Park The Stim Bullitt funding provided a capstone contribution for the expansion and revitalization of an underused park just east of the new Bullitt Center at 15th and Madison, the greenest commercial building in the world. The park offers a neighborhood gathering space and complements the Bullitt Center as a demonstration site for green stormwater infrastructure and natural drainage systems. The original park was expanded to incorporate 15th Avenue between East Pike and Madison streets, eliminating motor vehicle traffic and replacing pavement with more porous materials. The new open plaza features benches crafted from reclaimed urban trees and a public ping-pong table. Project partners include the Bullitt Foundation, Seattle Parks and Recreation, Student Conservation Association, and many private donors.

g (photo courtesy of the Berger Partnership)

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Lake to Bay Loop Opportunities Map The Lake to Bay Loop, a longtime SPF priority, will connect Seattle’s central waterfront, Seattle Center, and South Lake Union. The Stim Bullitt funding will go toward identifying and mapping green space and park opportunities along the 3.2-mile route and producing schematic drawings for the most compelling opportunities. The loop will provide a safe pedestrian connection to some of Seattle’s civic treasures—Lake Union Park, Seattle Center, Olympic Sculpture Park, and Myrtle Edwards Park. Project partners include the City of Seattle, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Seattle Art Museum, and the Queen Anne, Uptown, Belltown, and South Lake Union neighborhoods.

Stim Bullitt died 4 years ago. This spring his bequest to Seattle Parks Foundation funded four visionary park projects. Thanks to his deep commitment to Seattle his memory and generosity will live on through the Stimson Bullitt Park Excellence Fund.

What will legacy be?

Bird Watching on the Burke-Gilman Twenty-four ornithologists joined former SPF staffer Woody Wheeler and Friends of the Burke-Gilman Trail at Sand Point for an April 14 bird-watching expedition. Over the past few years, The Friends have enlisted thousands of volunteers to plant more than 5,000 native plants, providing habitat for birds such as Anna’s hummingbirds, which love Oregon grape and red-flowering currant.

The lasting impact of bequests—both large and small—help shape our city. Giving by bequest costs nothing now, yet it may give you a great deal of satisfaction to know that your future will live on. Naming Seattle Parks Foundation in your will is simple and straightforward. To establish your parks legacy, contact Betsey Curran at 206.332.9900 ext 15 or betsey@seattleparksfoundation.org.

Jodi Green and Mike Halperin scope a female Cooper’s hawk along the Burke-Gilman Trail. Master birder Woody Wheeler

Friendly Streets in Montlake Lionel Job is the driving force behind Montlake Greenways—a grassroots effort to designate bike- and pedestrian-friendly streets for everyone in the neighborhood We asked Lionel to fill us in on the project. Knowing your neighbors and enjoying the outdoors are simple pleasures that should be available to everyone. My kids grew up safe and surrounded by caring adults, able to walk alone to schools, libraries, and parks. In talking to other residents of the Montlake neighborhood, I realized that our situation was not that common. Montlake is a small neighborhood with parks and playgrounds, community centers, a library, schools, and a shopping district all within a 10-minute walk or a 5-minute bicycle ride of each house. In many ways, it is an ideal neighborhood. Yet children who live two blocks away from the elementary school are routinely bused to school because the pedestrian crossings have been judged too dangerous by the school district to allow crossing guards to protect the kids. Kids who live north of SR 520 face a bigger challenge, and no parent will let their kids risk crossing the SR 520 on- and off-ramps unsupervised. In a neighborhood this size, just about every kid should be able to walk to school and adults of all ages and abilities should be able to safely reach libraries, exercise classes held at the community center, parks, and the water. We are creating two greenways that link Interlaken Park to the UW entrance and the Arboretum to Interlaken Park and the Montlake Community Center playfields. Our greenways are already in use. People walk and bike all over Montlake to go to school, parks, and work. However, Montlake’s walk score is poor. It ranks 64th among all the neighborhoods in the city. It’s absurd: the best parks in the city, a small neighborhood with beautiful quiet streets, all the facilities within a very short distance—and yet such a low score.

Seattle’s Neighborhood Greenways Groups

We can do a lot better, and we can do it at a small cost. We have two large projects occurring in Montlake: the light-rail station and the SR 520 rebuild. Our job is to make sure that relatively inexpensive improvements be incorporated into these projects. I can easily imagine the Montlake–Arboretum–UW–Olmsted parks area becoming as big an attraction as Stanley Park in Vancouver. All that is needed is a concerted effort to ensure safe and direct crossings of our arterials and highways to pedestrians and cyclists, some signage, and some marketing. This can be done at a very small cost.

REI Provides Leadership Gift to Greenways A $20,000 grant from REI has energized a burgeoning movement to create a citywide network of neighborhood greenways—low-volume, low-traffic residential streets that give priority to pedestrians and bicyclists. Seattle Neighborhood Greenways, an SPF Community Partner, has deep support from city leaders and has attracted nearly $100,000 in community contributions in the past six months alone. REI’s gift will support the creation of print and online maps showing the best greenway routes for users of all ages and abilities.

A Thriving City Takes Care of its Parks Parks are our common ground in Seattle. Parks are where our kids play and where neighbors gather for a friendly cookout. Residents and visitors alike are drawn to our beaches and beautiful waterfront boulevards. Our walkable and bike-friendly trails, community centers, and playfields offer recreational opportunities for everyone. This common ground accounts for one-ninth of all the land in Seattle—6,200 acres—along with more than 1 million square feet of buildings; a world-class zoo, aquarium, and arboretum; 27 recreation centers; eight indoor and two outdoor pools; four golf courses; two Asian gardens; patches of old-growth forest; boulevards and bike trails; and even salmon streams running right through urban neighborhoods. These assets, when well tended, attract hundreds of millions of dollars to city coffers through increased adjacent property values and tourism. But when they deteriorate, they become liabilities—lowering property values and attracting negative behaviors to communities. OUR CHALLENGE While our parks system has grown, city funding for operations and maintenance has shrunk by $20 million in each of the past two years. The system also faces a growing maintenance backlog, which already exceeds $270 million. Recent polling commissioned by Seattle Parks Foundation revealed that only 37% of Seattle residents feel that the city is adequately funding parks. And 73% are willing to chip in more to ensure that their parks are better cared for. The message from the public is clear: We can and must do better. Only with stable and sustainable funding can we alleviate the maintenance backlog and provide

Seattle’s parks are the envy of cities around the country. It’s time we support them with the resources they deserve.

stewardship befitting our world-class park system. And only with sustained public support of partners such as the Association of Recreation Council, Woodland Park Zoo, Seattle Aquarium, Friends of the Waterfront, Arboretum, Green Seattle Partnership, and Seattle Tilth can we maintain the levels of private-sector financial and volunteer support that are critical to the system as a whole. A LONG-TERM SOLUTION Under the direction of Acting Superintendent Christopher Williams, Seattle Parks and Recreation recently released a Parks Legacy Plan that analyzes how resources are currently used, who is using them, and where additional efficiencies are possible. In anticipation of a 2014 ballot measure, Mayor Mike McGinn and the city council designated a Parks Funding Plan Citizen Committee to review the plan and recommend funding priorities for voter consideration. They will also explore different funding mechanisms. One funding option, according to the mayor, is the creation of a Metropolitan Park District. A voter-approved Metropolitan Park District for Seattle would provide significant long-term support for our parks. It would provide new revenues and bonding capacity dedicated solely to parks, without changing city budget processes, public oversight, or Parks management structures. Fourteen other communities in Washington—including Tacoma, Vancouver, and Yakima—have formed park districts to help sustain their park systems. It is a simple and proven solution. As the mayor has said, “We have a lot of great Parks facilities, and we should ensure that we are giving them the support they need to thrive.”

love parks

Thank you! The Stimson Bullitt Giving Circle

Recognizing extraordinary donors whose estate plans include legacy gifts to Seattle Parks Foundation Kathy and Keith Biever Marjorie Boetter Lynn Bursten Karen Daubert Barbara Feasey Brian Giddens and Steve Rovig Roy Hamrick Pamela McCabe Rick and Debbie Zajicek $50,000+

Anonymous (2) Clise Properties, Inc. Mrs. Phil Duryee John Goodfellow and Barbara Peterson Pendleton and Elisabeth Carey Miller Charitable Foundation Trudy and Harold Stack Wyncote Foundation NW 25,000+

Ellen Ferguson Hugh and Jane Ferguson Foundation Bill Horder Jay and Mary Jayne Jones Jerry Tone and Martha Wyckoff Charles and Barbara Wright Committee of 33 The Bullitt Foundation $10,000+

Bruce and Ann Blume Christine Cave Barbara and James Crutcher Family Jodi Green and Mike Halperin Denis Hayes and Gail Boyer Gretchen S. Hull John and Laurel Nesholm Douglass and Katherine Raff Tiia-Mai Redditt Maryanne Tagney Jones and David Jones Doug and Maggie Walker Juniper Foundation Microsoft Norcliffe Foundation Ordinary People Foundation Peach Foundation

Raynier Institute and Foundation REI The Seneca Real Estate Group Wockner Foundation $5,000+

Chap and Eve Alvord Betty Bottler  Kay Bullitt David and Lynne Chelimer Steve and Judy Clifford William and Amy Clise Deborah Clise-Kerr Craig Davison and Glenn Maarse Stephanie Drenchen The Bartow Fite Family Jody Foster and John Ryan William Franklin Hope and Peter Garrett Brian Giddens and Steve Rovig Gary and Vicki Glant Heather and Jim Hughes Gerry Johnson and Linda Larson William Ketcham Family Carol Lewis and Tom Byers Joy Lucas Pamela and Bob McCabe Kyle and Katie McCoy Franny and Casey Mead Sheldon and Betty Muir Charles and Eleanor Nolan Jeannie and Bruce Nordstrom Roger Nyhus and Rod Hearne eNotes.com, Inc. Jean and Pierre Sundborg Myra Tanita and Peter Young Chris and David Towne David and Lolly Victor Jean Walkinshaw Amazon BelRoy Homes LLC Boeing Gift Matching Program Goldman, Sachs and Co. HDR Engineering, Inc Laird Norton Company LLC Metropolitan Market REI TEW Foundation Tulalip Tribes Charitable Fund $2,500+

Tom Alberg and Judi Beck Thatcher Bailey Sally S. Behnke

Ken Bounds and Linda Gorton Elizabeth Bourne Debbi and Paul Brainerd Pauline Bruce Dr. Tim Carey and Cheryl Carey Debbie Degabrielle Linda Donohue Rod and Erin Downing Virginia and Lester Filion Eliza Flug Trevor and Andrea Gilchrist Don Goldberg and Gail Resnik Joe Greear Anne and Frite Hagedorn Catherine Henderson Karen Hundahl Larry and Lani Johnson Theodore and Linda Johnson Maryann Jordan and Joe McDonnell Brad and Erin Kahn Daniel Koebel Edie Lackland Pacific Northwest Track and Field Masters Committee Ellen Look and Tony Cavalieri Takae Maezawa Linda Mason Laurie McKay Osvaldo Morales Alan and Victoria Noreide Jill O’Cain Robert Oliger Beth and Chris Purcell Suzanne and Brooks Ragen Carrie Delaney Rhodes John E. Roberts Knoll Jon and Judy Runstad Steve and Kate Schroder Charles P. Sitkin Kate Smith and Theo Dzielak Scott Soules Daniel and Ann Streissguth Pauljay Tumbaga Robert Wallach Michelle Wong Lisa WorthingtonBrown Margaret Zech Anchor QEA Local Independent Charities of America People for Scott White Rue La La Safeco Insurance The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation The Seattle Foundation Vulcan Inc. Wells Fargo Wyman Youth Trust

The following donors made gifts to Seattle Parks Foundation between January 1, 2012 and April 30, 2013.


Rick and Nancy Alvord Nancy Alvord Katharyn Alvord Gerlich Phoebe and Lucius Andrew Emily Anthony and David Maymudes Jerry Arbes and Anne Knight Douglas Bayley Allison Beezer Douglas Beighle and Kathleen Pierce Deirdre and Fraser Black Marjorie Boetter Beatrice and T. William Booth David Bradley Ashley Ann Bullitt Lynn Bursten Gair Crutcher Betsey Curran and Jonathan King Karen Daubert and Jared Smith Don Driftmier Janet Eary Theresa Ebert Ann Fagan Barbara Feasey and Bill Bryant Joan Gray and Harris Hoffman Lorna Guthrie Roy Hamrick Melissa Haumerson Douglas and Barbara Herrington Scott Holden Susan Horton Kilroy Hughes Tom and Janice Huseby Nancy Ianucci Sally and Warren Jewell Garrett Kephart Mary and Peter Kerr Tim Kerr and Cynthia Wells Bob Kirshenbaum Thomas and Mary Ann Kofler Nancy Larson Alice Jean and Don Lewis Carla and Don Lewis Phil and Karen Lloyd Christopher and Alison Lomaka Richard Lord Louise Maison Paul and Karen MalenHogle Craig McKibben and Sarah Merner Cristine Miller Glen and Alison Milliman Dan Mohr and Hilary Bramwell Mohr Furman and Susan Moseley Kathleen Neary Tom and Erin Neubauer

Norberg Family Foundation Nancy Nordhoff Megan Mary Olander Barbara Olmstead Valerie Payne David Perlin and Mary Pembroke Perlin The Dickey Fund Richard Piancentini Moccasin Lake Foundation Anonymous Andrew and Marianna Price Patricia Ann Radeke Gary and Vicki Reed Kathy and Chris Robertson Stuart and Lee Rolfe Evelyne Renee Rozner and Matt Griffin Andres Salomon Lisa and Jonathan Schachter David Shema Anne and Langdon Simons Alexander Slivka Enid Slivka Rick Starkenburg The Streissguth Family Robert and Katie Strong Steve and Liann Sundquist Dan Swanson Teutsch Partners, LLC Steven and Patricia Trainer John and Kristine Travaglini Gesher Fund Todd Vogel and Karen Hust Huong Vu Judy Whetzel Tom and Lyn White Roz Williams Rosalind Horder Williams and Ron A. Williams Emily and Sid Wray Ann Wyckoff Rick and Debbie Zajicek 15th Avenue Merchants Association Charles Schwab Gray Family Foundation Hamrick Investment Counsel, LLC Harry F. Barnes and Carol H. Barnes Family Foundation Kibble and Prentice Holding Co Seattle Facial Plastic Surgery Center Starbucks Matching Gifts Program The Berger Partnership, PS The Noble Fir Trust for Public Land Willowmoor Foundation ZymoGenetics, Inc.


Peter Abrahamsen Brad and Sally Bagshaw Ross Baker Heidi Barrett and Bruce Bailey Dana and Rena Behar John and Shari Behnke Mr. and Mrs. William M. Black Ros Bond and Jill Marsden Barbara Broderick Barbara Bruffey LeeAnne Caylor Meg Crager Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Crossley The B.J. Dingfield Fund at The Seattle Foundation Friends of Cesco Carrie Faulkner Jerry V. and Gunilla Finrow Noreen Frink Joseph and Terri Gaffney Jeffrey Goldstein and Jaclyn Roberts Ireta Graube Matthew and Margaret Hanson Gayle and Donald Harris Tim Harvey Matt Hays Richard and Betty Hedreen Terry Holme and Jeanne Iannucci Kevin and Krista Hughes Jeff Hummel Stephen Jones Quentin King and Glen Kriekenbeck Alfred and Barbara Koury Phyllis Lamphere Leonard Larson Christopher and Alida Latham Sharon Lee Peggy Lewis Lex Lindsey and Lynn Manley Christina and James Lockwood Sharon and Martin Lott Deanna Martin Rick and Anne Matsen Carol and Bob McDonald Terry and Cornelia Moore John and Harriett Morton Nancy Neraas and Mike King Carol Ottenberg Judy Pigott Elizabeth Poole Andrew Poultridge Molly Preston Cam and Tori Ragen Robert Rhodehamel and Dana Snyder Jean Alvord Rhodes

Terry Roche William and Jill Ruckelshaus Helen Runstein Alice Russell Ron Sher Gouri Sivarajan Robert and Kathy Thompson Rolfe Watson Pam Weeks and Pamm Hanson Thomas Weeks and Deborah Oyer Carolyn Weston Steven and Mary Wood Howard S. Wright, III and Kate Janeway Hansina Wright Scott and Jennifer Wyatt 206, Inc. Associated General Contractors of Washington Bank of America CleanScapes Community Psychiatric Clinic Davis Wright Tremaine DC Granger Inc Forterra Joshua Green Foundation Laurel Crest Condominium Mountains to Sound Greenway NBBJ PRR Rainier Investment Management Seattle Parks Foundation Soroptomist International of Auburn $250+

Josh and Katherine Anderson Ruth Anderson Jerry and Mary Bach John and Kate Barber Chris and Cynthia Bayley Norman and Lisa Behar Janis Benincasa Eric Bensussen John and Maralyn Blume Mark Busto Pete and Merrily Chick Mr. Charles Royer and Ms. Lynn Claudon Michael F. Cohen and Jutta M. Joesch Jeff and Andrea Cordova Page Knudsen Cowles Stacey CrawshawLewis Tricia and Marcus Deville Margot and Bill Dick Jerrold Dion Pat Doudna Madeline Dow Jim Duncan Paige and Reagan Dunn Mary and James Dunnam David Frank Elam

Deanne and Donald Etsekson Erin Fairley and Bill Patz Brian Fellon Harley and Lela Franco Sharon Friel Kai-Mei Fu and Michael Preiner Richard Galanti Julie Gerrard Susan Gertz Marina Gordon and Jeffrey Linn Kim Gould and Michelle Osborne Gould Steven and Ashley Greenberg Eleanor and Martin Gruber Ralph Guggenheim Chris Gurdjian Jane Hager Charles Hale Lenore Hale Whit and Beth Hamlin Michele and David Hasson Phyllis Hatfield Ray Heacox and Cynthia Huffman Anne Helmholz Michael Herschensohn Gregory Hill J.V. Hirschmann and Evy F. McElmeel Carol and Keith James Jarrett Johnson C. Richard Johnson Maria and Jed Kaufman Jessica and Trent Kirchner Teresa Lavender Jonathan and Patty Lazarus Robert Leach and Catherine Otto Kathleen Lemly George and Beverly Martin Thomas and Carolee Mathers Jacqui Metzger Bruce and Elizabeth Miller Tiffany Moore State Senator Ed Murray Alex Nachman Peggy and Hal Newsom Joy Ordal Robert E. Ordal Jamie Pedersen and Eric Cochran Sandra Perkins and Jeffrey Ochsner Richard and Myrn Philbrick David and Lindsay Price Frank Pritchard Prem and Laurie Radheshwar Ann Ramsay-Jenkins Doug and Sarah Reed Roberta Riley and Peter Mason Mike Riley and Robin Shapiro Richard and Bonnie Robbins Mike and Edith Ruby Cathy Sarkowsky William Schwartz Janice Sears

Andrea Stanton Eric Taylor and Sheena Aebig Pat and Ed Wagner Ed Waldock and Melinda Jodry Paul Weiden and Bev Linkletter James and Donna Weller Jane and Leonard Yerkes Alta Planning and Design GE Foundation JPMorgan Chase and Co Lease Crutcher Lewis Pacific Continental Bank Pacific Hospital Group Seattle Spine and Sports Medicine Swift and Company Landscape Architects The Amgen Foundation West Seattle Junction Association $100+

Susan and Doug Adkins Laurie Ahern Brett Allen Diana and Steven Altchech Mary Jane and Gilbert Anderson Parks and Ginger Anderson E.W. Andrews III and Gretchen Hund Tony Angell and Lee Rolfe Lyle and Betty Appleford Michael Archambault Becca and Anthony Aue Patrick and Cheri Baker Sarah Banks and Richard Harker Sybil Barney and Joel Shepard Lydia Bassett and Rainer Harstrick Adrieanna Beard John and Carol Belton Susan and Robert Benardout Mearl Bergeson Elizabeth Berggren Richard Berley and Patricia Marcus Rodney Blumenstein Paul Blustein Giselle and Dave Blythe David Brewster Brad and Susan Brickman Bobbe and Jon Bridge Herb Bridge Beth Bryce Kristi and David Buck Michael and Mona Buckley Robert Bush Ken Butler Laura Byrne Michael Calarco Michael Capelouto Diana Carey Jean and CB Carlson Scott Carson

Marianna Clark and Charles Schafer Barbara Clark Sarah Coates Melanie Coerver Susan and Alan Cohen Anita and Taylor Collings Theodore and Patricia Collins John and Cassie Condon Ruth Conn and Jo Montgomery Laurie Cook and Rick Cook Sandra Corliss and Ian White Kathleen Creahan and David Funke Patricia Crockett and Keith Johnson Carolyn Crockett and Bob Brooks Maralyn Crosetto Cyrus Cryst and Ann Merryfield Michael Davidson and Gertrude Pacific Julian Davies Diego de Acosta Melinda Debruler Daphne Dejanikus and Julian Simon David and Juliette Delfs Kira Dellinger Frances DeMarco Leon Deturenne Ann Dittmar Christa Divis Jim and Barb Donnette Stephen and Michele Dostal David and Barbara Dougherty Ruth Dunlop Steve Durrant Bob Edmiston Kris Edwards and Lisa Talbott George and Anne Eggler Jim and Birte Falconer Frank Fay and Nicole Provost James Fearn John and Sally Flume Janet and Doug Footh Nathan Fox Kelly Frawley Guy Freeman and Michelle Bagshaw Stanley and Cynthia Freimuth Albert and Susan Fuchs Gary and Faye Gallagher Anne Gantt Stanley Gartler Ian Gazarek Matt and Heather Gertmenian Phillip Gladfelter Eli Goldberg Marty Gould Michael Graves Randy and Ruthe Graybeal Jon Gunther James Gurley and Neile Graham Helen Gurvich Janis Hadley Kevin Hanchett Juliet Harding

Denise and Tom Harnly Mearl Harris Ryan Harrison Kathy Harvey David and Ellen Hecht The Hemhauser Family Stu Hennessey Gloria Hennings Susan Herring Melyssa and Daniel Higgins Irl and Ruth Hirsch Peter and Joan Hockaday Carol Hodgman Ray Hofstatter Jean and Arthur Holland Ann Hopkinson David and Jeanne Hoppe Sara Hoppin Cat Howell and Michael Ernst C. David Hughbanks David and Kathrin Jackson Lionel Job Lewis Johnson J. Lynn Johnston Norman and Jane Hastings Johnston Susan Jorgenson Caitlin Kehoe Michele Kellett and James Anderson Joseph Kelly Michael Kennedy Ed and Kate Kennell Kristin Kennell David Kerr and Merissa Goldstein Walter and Elizabeth Kerr David Kessler Gene and Barbara Kidder Anne Kimball Judith Kimmerer and Robert Kimmerer Diana Kincaid Harold and Joan King Bob and Carolyn Kitchell Frank and Virginia Kitchell Rich Knox Scott Kralik Eileen Kulman Leah LaCivita Kathryn Lang and Andrea Coulson Cara Langeland and Devon Connor Chris Langer Mr. Liam Lavery and Ms. Yazmin Mehdi Ed Lazowska and Lyndsay Downs Wendy LeBlanc and Patrick Mann Judith Leckrone Lee Rosemary Lehman Patricia Lein Virginia Leland Anne Lester Linda Lewis Penny Lewis Konrad Liegel Tamara Lindemann Greg Linden Jennifer Litowski Eric Liu James and Della Lium Don and JoEllen Loeb David Loffing Sheila Lukehart Shawn MacDougall

Mary Ann and Patrick Mahoney Dorothy Mann Douglas MacDonald Judsen Marquardt Jim and Dorothea Marshall Christine Marshall Berit and Robert McAlister Michelle McClausland Virginia McDermott and James Gale Eric Merrifield Jane Meyerding Shizuka Miyano Sara and Paul Mockett Lucy Mohl Carol Monahan and John Miller Malcolm and Phoebe Moore John Morford Jeff Morgan John Narver Jim and Susan Neff Eric and Julie Nelson Craig Norsen Stephen Obszarski Makers Architecture and Urban Design Margaret Padelford Kate Pearson Dale Pelletier Michael and Susan Peskura David and Patricia Petersen Elizabeth Pfender and Bill Clark Jocelyn Phillips and Warren Bakken Heidemarie Poeschla Dewey Potter Scott Powers Greg and Megan Pursell Theresa Raleigh Robin Randels Elta and Warren Ratliff Martin and Lauren Rayment Paula Riggert McDanel Land Foundation Dave Rodgers Chris Rogers Donald and Jo Anne Rosen Catherine Roth Loring Rowell David Rudo Margaret Santolla Marilla and Skip Satterwhite Kathryn Schaefer and Glenn Hackney Jennifer Schilling Barbara Schinzinger and Jorge Garcia Jeff and Julie Schoenfeld Dennis Shaw and Julie Howe Mimi Sheridan Andrew Sheridan Elizabeth and John Sherris Brad Shutzberg Hillary Sibley Jennifer Silva and Andrew Rezvani Skip Slavin Michael and Robin Slivka Daniel and Pamela Smith Aaron Smith

Charles Smith and Eleanor Martinez Smith Buzz Smith Michael Snyder Hugh and Joan Sobottka Clark Sorensen Jack and Rose Southall Charlene and Gregory Steinhauer Alexander Stevens Ronald Suter Janet Syferd Carol and Laura Thomas Mary Anne Thorbeck Leslie and John Thornton Frank Tubridy and Gerrie Hashisaki Tjitske Vandermeulen Paul Vonckx Janelle and Mark Walhout Brady Walkinshaw Jim Walseth Lisa and Marc Wanless Vicki Weeks and David Jones Richard and Ann Roman Weiner Nancy Weinstein Joan Weiser Nancy Winder Anne Wise Glenn Withey Christina Wohlstetter Francis Wood Doug and Susan Woods John Wott Dawn Wright Barbara Wright and Dwight Gee Stanley Yee Bill Zook and Nanette Rosenthal Deirdre ZuberbuhlerDenckla and Jay Denckla Cascade Business Group, LLC Commercial Floor Distributors Inc. Emerald City Toastmasters Franconia Apartments Friends of Seattle’s Olmsted Parks Hilliard’s Beer IBM Matching Grants Program J.A. Brennan Associates, PLLC MidMountain Contractors, Inc. Montgomery and Wishaar PLLC MSNBC Peak Professional Anesthesia Services Puget Sound Energy Foundation R.W. Thorpe and Associates Ragen and Associates, LLC Regence Blueshield Seattle Combined Charities Up to $99

Audrey Aboulafia Peter and Susan Acker Gary Ackerman and Robin Dearling

Denis Adair Eric and Audra Adelberger Charlotte and Diane Ahroni Jack and Peggy Alhadeff Brad Andonian Lydia Andris Noel Angell and Emory Bundy Rosalie Antupit John and Cheryl Avery Carol Baker and Ken bardsley Jerry Baker and Deborah Stephenson Susan Ball Walter Barke Ted Barker Susan Barnes Devor Barton Adam Bartz Gary Bauch Kathleen Beil Dennis Bellow Robert and Margaret Berg Arin Berkson Leon Bernstein Roger Billings Daniel and Francine Birk Richard Birnbaum Roy Black Janine Blaeloch Nancy Blase Mark Blitzer Jami Blumenstein Elizabeth Boba Phyllis Boucher Celia Bowker Sandra Bowman David and Carlotta Boyd Bill Bradburd Myron and Anne Brixner Lauren Brown Dale Burkett Emmy Burns Diana Butler Marilyn Campbell Dorothy Canavan Madeleine Carlson Richard Carlstad and Margarite Hargrave Adrienne Caver-Hall Gil Cerise Joni Cervenka Michael Chalcraft and Kristi Helgeson Barbara and Donald Chamberlin Audrey and Philip Chanen Helen Cheung and Muon Ngu Michelle Chiachiere Patricia Cirone Isaac Cohen Karen Colbert Lou and R Bruce Colwell Thelma Coney Kevin Conley Kay Louise Cook Carrie Cooper Patrick Corr Jim Corson Bruce and Valerie Cortalano Robert Corwin Mary-Carter Creech Barbara Culbertson

Allen and Joe Leinonen Teresa Damaske Theodore and Barbara Daniels Nikola Davidson Sam and Megan Davidson Kristin Delancy Kathryn De Maris Rebecca Deehr Trea Diament Stephen Dossick Patrick and Lyn Dougherty James Douglas and Sasha Harmon Nancy L. Driver Dean Drugge Brian and Gayle Ducey Sue Early Betty Eberharter Andreas Enderlein Peter Erickson Ashley Evans Betty Falskow Chris Farnsworth and Kate Day Bette Felton Beryl Fernandes Lisa Fernow Julia Field Robin Fox and Bruce Quayle Eric and Kim Friedli Phyllis Friedman Tom Fucoloro Etsuko Fujishima Nancy Fullman S.J. Garrioch Gary Gayton Genie and Paul Gengler Luke Gjurasic Steven Gladish and Heather Hunt Henry and Joyce Glenn Ana Golan Patrick Goldsworthy Patricia Graham Richard Greene Madeline Woodward and Donald Guinee Susan Gulick and Rod Margason Virginia Gunby Tom and Rosemary Hackett Robert Hall Jeff Hallman Kenneth and Agatha Halverson Laurie Halverson Gregory Hammrich Sheila Harrison LeMoyne Harwell and Ajie Amir Amy Haugerud Bill and Janet Hayes Dawn and Chris Hemminger Mark Hennon Hannah Hickey Ellis Hillinger Jean Hobart Erin Hooper Hilary Horder Megan Horst Marge and Jim Ingram Eric Ishino and Ron Shiley Nathan James David Jenkins Jay Borseth and Mary Lynn Jensen Amy Johnson Harvey Johnson

Lois Johnson Holly and Allen Johnson John Joly Bradley and Kristi Ann Jones Mary Jones Ellen Jones Stephen Kaluzny Pamela Katims Steele and Patrick Steele Gordon and Marlyn Keating Marilyn Kennell Susan Kinoshita Dalwyn Knight Paul Knopf Heidi and Richard Kopec Val Korry Kent Koskovich Judy Koven Henry Kuharic Eric and Alannah Laret Barbara Larry Lenny Larson Loretta and Thomas Lawrence Shava and John Lawson The Laxdall Family Anson Laytner Rick Lee Faye Leibowitz Virginia Leonard Marjorie Levar Gad Levy Anne and Richard Lichtenstadter Sally M. Light Edythe Bruce Lurie Thomas and Rowayne Maguire Jeffrey Maki Evan Manvel Edgar and Linda Marcuse Cliff Marks Laura Marquez Don Martin Cynthia May Linda Mayhew John and Cynthia McComish William McGovern and Kathleen Graunke Louise McGrody Meegan McKiernan Rachel McNary Julianna McPhee Julie Medero Robert Messina Alan Metayer Angela Meyer Bonnie Miller Max and Lori Miller Marilyn and Bern Miller David Miller Tracy Mitchell Lisa Moldrem Elizabeth Moll Kerry Mooney and Susan Everett Joyce Moty Bruce Myers JoAnne Naganawa Sherry and Robert Nebel Vinh Nguyen Bailey Nieder George and Jeanne Nishi Miki Nishihata Robert and Leslie Nolting Eliza Notaro Kari Nystrom

James O’Hanlon Pamela Okano Nathan and Ani O’Leary Nancy and Stephen Olsen Scot Orriss Gordon Padelford Richard and Alinda Page Brendan Patrick Phoebe and Jonathan Patten Esta Pekow R.G. Pelz Gustavo and Stina Pena Joseph Pentheroudakis J David and Joann Peterson Kate Pflaumer Robert Prongay Wayne and Jeanne Quinton Merlin Rainwater David Ralph Natalie Ramsey Carolyn and Alvin Rasch Joan Reeves Grace Reindel Denise Rhiner Kathleen Roan Lexie Robbins Ryan Robertson Karen and Daniel Robinson Barry and Debbie Rochefort Junius Rochester Sandra Rook Maeve and W.D.L. Ross Norma Roth Nita-Jo Rountree Al Rousseau Jennifer Russell and Read Handyside Chris and Ashley Saleeba Valerie Sammons Gordon and Jan Sandison Raul Santelices David Schaefer Roger Scott and Phyllis Tibbetts Leslie Seaton Janet Shafer Michael Shalloway Carole Sherry Anderson Arnifridur Sigurdardottir Christian Silk Sill Family Foundation Fred Silverstein and Eleanor Gerston Lois and Henry Simonson Ashley Siple Ben Slivka Dara Slivka Marilyn Smith Linda Softing Harry and Charlotte Spizman Kevin Steefa Margaret Steele Ron and Larilyn Stenkamp Elaine Stevens Hugh and Linda Straley Peter Stranton Jared Strote

Rodney and Brittney Stryker Lucy Suzuki Swenson/Halperin Family Lee and Judith Talner Toby Thaler Margaret Thouless and David Thouless Jennifer Tice Norm Tjaden Jerry Tonkovich Signa Treat Heather Trim and Lawrence Jacobson Gregory Tuai Susan and Jeff Turner Wade and Shirley Vaughn Nona Voll Dave and Marcie von Beck Barbara Vrana Roger Wagoner and Kay Livingston Kelly Walters Mr. Lee Warnecke and Claire Gifford John Weeks and Jeana Kimball Reitha Weeks Sarah Weigle JD and Linda Wessling Lawrence West Barbara Westerfield Mary Jean Wheeler James and Mary Lou Wickwire David Wiemer Charles Wilkinson and Melanie Ito Seattle Parks and Recreation Steve Wilson and Suzanne Heidema Norma Wilson Richard Wilson Michael and Wendy Wolf Elaine Wolfe-Bank Danielle Yung American Institute of Architects Bill Speidel Enterprises Kenmore Air Harbor Macrina Bakery New Belgium Brewing Co., Inc. P.O.R. Payroll Paladino and Company Sand Point Chiropractic Clinic Sand Point Grill Sand Point Pharmacy and Health Services, Inc. Serene Lake Elementary Social Committee The Keith and Mary Kay McCaw Family Foundation United Way of Northern New Jersey Public Support

City of Bellevue City of Seattle Seattle Department of Neighborhoods Seattle Parks and Recreation

In-Kind Donors

Amazon.com American Marketing Company Anchor QEA Bank of America Berger Partnership Kathy Biever The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Don Brooks and Kubota Gardens Docents Liz Bullard of Seattle Children’s Playgarden Tom Carlson, Ilze Jones, Duane Dietz, Tom Byers and Jones & Jones Architects DC Clausen and Shannon Britton of Seattle University CleanScapes Barbee Crutcher Madeline Dow and Charles Smith Wines Dee Dunbar and Friends of Lewis Park EarthCorps

Environmental Coalition of South Seattle Barbara Feasey Friends of Burke-Gilman Trail at Sand Point Deb Guenther David Helgeson and Friends of the Volunteer Park Conservatory Gretchen Hull IVARS KING 5 Laura Lundgren Adam Merkl and Hilliard’s Beer Mithun Andrea Mojzak of Forterra NBBJ Nyhus Communications Pacific Continental Bank PHPDA (Pacific Hospital Preservation & Development Authority) REI SAFECO Insurance

Gail Savina and City Fruit Julie Speidel Seattle Art Institute Seattle Parks & Recreation Seattle Tilth Seneca Group Jerry Tone & Martha Wyckoff Dan, Ann, and Benjamin Streissguth Margaret Ullman and Mountain to Sound Greenway Vulcan Wells Fargo Woody Wheeler Whole Foods Wunderman Anyone who visits a Seattle Park!

Seattle Parks Foundation Board of Directors Jerry Tone, President Barbee Crutcher*, Vice President Brad Kahn, Vice President Jodi Green, Vice President Myra Tanita, Treasurer Members at large

Ross Baker Bruce Blume Ken Bounds Steve Clifford Bartow Fite Brian Giddens Gary Glant Gerry Johnson Maryann Jordan Carol Lewis Kyle McCoy John Nesholm Charles Nolan Roger Nyhus Paul Owen Beth Purcell Doug Raff* Chris Towne David Victor Huong Vu Doug Walker* Charlie Wright

Ex-Officio Members

Christopher Williams Brice Maryman

Advisory Board Tom Alberg Deirdre Black Barbara Feasey* Hope Garrett C. David Hughbanks Gretchen Hull Bob Ratliffe Scott Redman Chris Rogers Stu Rolfe Maggie Walker Steve Wood Jane Yerkes *Founding Board Member

Staff Becca Aue Thatcher Bailey Betsey Curran Kelly Huang, Shava Lawson Solynn McCurdy Lee Warnecke

Welcome to Solynn McCurdy Solynn McCurdy joined SPF in April as our director for government and community relations. In this role, Solynn is working with community members and policy leaders to advocate for great parks and public spaces. Solynn comes to us with extensive experience in the education and nonprofit sectors. Most recently, he served as community engagement director for Washington STEM, a nonprofit committed to improving access to education in science, technology, engineering, and math. He also has a long track record of designing and implementing youth development and education projects for organizations such as the Alliance for Education, College Success Foundation, and YMCA of Greater Seattle. Solynn’s affinity for parks and public spaces comes from growing up on Capitol Hill and in the Central District and spending time as a youth at Volunteer Park, Garfield Community Center, Medgar Evers Pool, and Lake Washington. “I was raised in Seattle and benefited from the assets of our parks system,” he says. “I want my children to share my experience and enjoy a vibrant and healthy community.” Solynn is also deeply committed to addressing issues of social justice. He wants SPF to play a more intentional role with local residents of color and vulnerable populations. He will begin this work by building a network of community partners who have an interest in sustainable funding for the parks system. “Our ethnic and cultural demographic is changing dramatically, and our system has to do more to meet the needs of all residents across socioeconomic barriers,” says Solynn.

Dig in Dirt!

Pull Ivy! Attack Blackberries!

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Love Parks Day

Get Cool Swag!

Friday, July 26, 2013, 10am-2pm Lincoln Park


Seattle Parks Foundation

Seattle Parks Foundation


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Connecting Seattle through Great Parks, Trails, and Green Space

Kudos! To the 367 donors who contributed so generously to the restoration of the Volunteer Park Conservatory.

105 South Main Street, #235 Seattle, Washington 98104 seattleparksfoundation.org

Thanks to you, the campaign is complete and restoration of this beloved icon will begin in the spring of 2014.

love parks

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