Portfolio yuan, jie

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Architecture 101 Portfolio Professor Jerry Lum

Yuan, Jie Fall 2015 



Table of Contents Project 1 - What’s Your Sign? ……………………………………………… 3 Phase 1 - Concept Generalization …………………………………………….3 Phase 2 - Build it……………………………………………………………….4 Project 3 - Experience an Environment……………………………………7 Project 4 - Wall, Window, wonder…………………………………………..9



Project 1 - What’s your sign? Phase 1 - Concept Generalization Signs offer an initial glimpse into the atmosphere of the marketplace and individually present the unique qualities of the wares or services offered within the storefront. As my first project, I have to design a sign that communicates who I am. When I first saw this topic, I totally had no idea. I didn’t even know how to describe myself. In order to start this project, I asked my friends. I think they are the people who most understand me. Finally, I got three words to describe my personality. They are motivated, satisfied and bashful. About aspirant, the first image that I thought is a tree. I think trees after passage of time, will become more strong, and trees are always up, no matter how bad living conditions. About satisfied, the first image that I thought is a house. I think only the family will give you the real warmth and satisfied. About bashful, the first image that I thought is a bridge, I think the bridge is a symbol of the process, give you a direction.



Phase 2 - Build it In order to build it, I printed out the pictures about the three character. I put them in any combination, and I hope to be able to find some inspiration from these combinations. The problem that I had to think is how my collage can be transformed into the form of a hanging sign, and the constructed sign must be light enough to hang or mount with push pins. In order to make it light enough, I chose cardboard as the main material. It took me a long time to conception. I tried to put the three character perfectly together. However, I was a bit disappointed when I finished. I had a gut feeling, this is not the same with I imagined. I chose a bridge to represent my bashful personality. But I had no idea how to create a bridge. So I chose an arrow to replace the bridge. I think that bridge represents a sense of direction, and the arrow also represents the sense of direction. But I was a bit disappointed about the effect. When I showed my constructed sign, professor Lum gave me some advice. I think it is very useful. I think it looked a little childish, I mean that its lacks some creative, and it seems to be monotonous, even can’t express my personalities. Although I had some frustration, I still learned some new things.



08.27.2015 In the past few weeks, we have learned that design is a language. Design language is an overarching scheme or style that guides the design of a complement of products or architectural settings. I think that design is kind of language, can let others see connotation you want to express from you works.Design is a powerful tool that can help convey the message we want others to receive. Even if there is a language barrier, or other obstacles, images can convey our message. The difficulty is choosing the correct images so that our message is the only one going through, and does not conflict with other things happening. After the first “failure” of work, I think I have a lot things to learn.


Professor Lum let us bring newsprint and charcoal to class. I was so excited. I thought that drawing with charcoal is interesting, you could use lines instead of language to express the feeling of the heart. That sounds great!



The first work with charcoal

Professor Lum asked us to identify feelings that buildings can elicit. For example, safety, comfortable, daunting‌ We selected joy and daunting as traits to render in charcoal. The feeling of those words are opposite. For me, I think joy is simple, do not need to express complicated lines. But I think that daunting is dark, I need to use thick lines to express. Here are two of my works.  



Project 3 - Experience an Environment 09.01.2015 I went to the golden gate park and other spaces after the course. I think golden gate park is such a great place to spend the day. It’s a park within a park, and really huge area. There is enough space for all activities. In fact, there was a diabetics run cum awareness and it was a good use of park space. Be it for stroll, walk or run. Lots of walking paths and the Japanese Tea Garden is a top attraction.

Here is a link to the presentation of my 10 photographs.



Some words to describe: Golden Gate Park: Vitality, Peaceful, Living, Youthful… Golden Gate Bridge: Grand, Juxtapose, Wonder… Alcatraz Island: Imprison, Helplessness, Solitary… The Mystery Spot: Mysterious, Woody, Slope… There are many adjectives to describe these places that I went. However, golden gate park left the deepest impression on me. I think peaceful is the best word to describe. This is a beautiful spot to stop and relax and enjoy the beauty of San Francisco. It is quite a contrast from the busy, bustling streets of the city.


This picture expressed the feeling when I was in the Alcatraz Island. I felt very helpless, even a bit of the feeling of fear.



Project 4 - Wall, Window, Wonder 09.07.2015 For this project, we had to design a wall with a window or seres of windows that mediates between outside and inside; light and dark; and the public and private realms. In order to create a sense of wonder, I need to know what is the meaning of wonder. Wonder is a feeling of surprise mingled with admiration, caused by something beautiful, unexpected, unfamiliar, or inexplicable. Here are the wonder that I draw with charcoal.



Section of Wall Before we start making the model, professor Lum let us draw 16 section of the wall to make us have more ideas. Here is my drawing of the section of wall.

I think this is really helpful! Let me to make my first model, I’m really looking forward to this project.



My First Model

I used a ladder as the main body of the wall. In order to let the sunshine come through, I cut out a lot of windows. And I designed the area where people can sit or lie. I will turn the model in tomorrow, and wait for feedback!

Feedback is my model does not use the right size, it is too big! The height of the seat is basically the same with the height of the person. The person must be unable to sit or lie down. And maybe I should use other material. I think the feedback is positive. I still have a lot of spaces need to improve. ————————————————————————————————— For next model, I think I have to use correct size. And I want to change the appearance of the model. In my opinion, I think that windows are my eyes to the world. Windows connect the indoor and outdoor. You can see the outside world through the window. If a house without a window, it must be dark and depressing. Can you imagine a room without windows?



My Second Model

For my second model, I changed the size of the model, and designed a space which consists of three walls. In order to let the sunshine into the space, I cut out a triangle on the roof. Because I don't want to use the normal shape, so I chose the shape of a triangle as the window.

——————————————————————————————— However, when I put the model under the sunshine, I found some problems. First, it could not show the sense of wonder. Because there is no any windows on both sides of the wall, and the sunshine could not enter the interior. Only one window on the roof is not enough. And the sunshine only can enter the interior in the noon. In the morning and afternoon, the room is totally dark. These problems are that I didn’t consider before. In order to solve these problems, I think I have to change some parts of the model.



My Third Model

For my third model, I made some changes. In order to let sunlight into the inside, I cut out a big window on the both sides of the wall. The sunlight can into the interior anytime. And I used different material to make this model. It looks better, and more likely to reflect the sense of wonder. ————————————————————————————————— Compared with the works of other classmates. I think I need some improvement. So I made anther model to reflect the sense of wonder. I think I need to have some creativity. I spent almost two hours conceived my next model. I used internet to see different models, I hope it could help me to have some new ideas.



My Fourth Model

For this model, I completely abandoned the original ideas, I changed the whole shape. I used the irregular shape as a roof. And I cut out a space in the corner is to let the sunlight enter inside. On both sides of the wall, I didn't use big windows. I cut out a few long space to give people the feeling of mysterious. After several models of protection, I think I learned a lot of things, and I hope I can do better.



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