Yuanqi Alicia Hua_Portfolio

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Page 2 | 315-380-7008 | aliciayhua@gmail.com

YUANQI ALICIA HUA 315-380-7008 aliciayhua@gmail.com yhua103.wixsite.com/alicia https://issuu.com/yuanqihua



Syracuse University School of Architecture, Syracuse, NY Bachelor of Architecture, 2020, Dean’s List


Syracuse University, London, United Kingdom Study abroad, traveled to Spain, Amsterdam, Paris, Portugal Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China Non-Degree Seeking, English


Ningbo Xiaoshi High School, Ningbo, China


The Leys School, Cambridge, England Exchange Student


KC Architecture Lab, Seoul, Korea Assistant Designer, assisted in designing a trendy pet shop that meets the requests from instagram celebrities.


Ningbo Housing Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd., Zhejiang, China Architectural Intern, in charge of site visting and site zoning; worked on a governmental project that re-masterplan the city.


School of Architecture at Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY Digital Fabrication Lab Manager, in charge of 3D printing, also trained for lasercutting, woodwork, and metalwork.



Northside Learning Center, Syracuse, New York Area Hangzhou Autistic Child Care Center, Hangzhou, China


American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS) Chinese Students and Scholars Association at Syracuse University (SUCSSA)


Adobe: After Effects, Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop Software: Rhinoceros, V-ray, Revit, Maya, AutoCAD, Lumion, SketchUp, Agisoft Metashape, Cura Building Analysis: Grasshopper, DIVA Rhino Physical Fabrication: 3D Printing, Wood, Metel, Plaster, Laser cutting, CNC Milling Resume

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CONTENTS E-Waste Center

Page 04

Containing Elsewhere

Page 16

Animal Suburb

Page 26

The Ivory Tower

Page 36

Nature Corridor

Page 48

Surreal City

Page 60

Page 3 | 315-380-7008 | aliciayhua@gmail.com

E-Waste Center In Collaboration with Stewart Tillyer and Chunling Weng Jamesville, NY Spring 2019 Comprehensive Studio The comprehensive studio was designed for fourth year students to have the opportunity to fully resolve the structure and building system of a design. This project is an electoronic waste recycling, refurbishing and retailing center that is located in an abandon quarry in Jameswille. Our design was inspired by the tectonic shape of natural rocks. In order to maximize the potential of designing, we created a “wall“ system that has multiple uses for both the interior and the exterior. This wall too serve as structual use and is extended up to the sloped roof, functioning as a railing system. As most of lateral load being supported by the wall, we succesfully broke away from the constrains of column-beam system, which makes possible for a free plan.

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Page 5 | 315-380-7008 | aliciayhua@gmail.com

E-Waste Center, In Collaboration with Stewart Tillyer and Chunling Weng

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E-Waste Center, In Collaboration with Stewart Tillyer and Chunling Weng

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E-Waste Center, In Collaboration with Stewart Tillyer and Chunling Weng

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CALLOUT2 1 6’ Mtl.stud 2 Insulated Backpan 3 GWP-1 4 WD-1 5 Stone Ancher 6 ALU-1 7 ALU-2 8 Mineral Fiber Insulation w/ Poured Smoke Seal 9 Embed Anchor w/ Locking Bolt 10 Stainless Steel Stone Supports; Milled at Vertical Mullion


2 3

CALLOUT 4 1 Acoustic Sealant 2 Screed (Sand and Cement or Proprietary screed min 80kg/m2) 3 Precast Unit 4 Mineral Wool Packing 5 1 Layer of 15mm Gypsum Based Board or Other Fire Stopping Material between Primray Steel Beam and Light Steel Channel 6 Light Steel Frame Separating Wall 7 1 Layer of Gypsum Based Board Nominal 8kg/m2 8 Deflection Head


4 6



2 3


5 4 8



SECTION DETAIL @SCALE 0-1/2”=1’-0” CALLOUT1 @SCALE 0-1”=1’-0”,CALLOUT2 @SCALE 0-4”=1’-0”,CALLOUT3 @SCALE 0-1”=1’-0”,CALLOUT4 @SCALE 0-1”=1’-0”

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5 7





E-Waste Center, In Collaboration with Stewart Tillyer and Chunling Weng

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E-Waste Center, In Collaboration with Stewart Tillyer and Chunling Weng

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Containing Elsewhere Cenotaphs for the Burned Books of Bebelplatz Individual Project Berlin, Germany Spring 2018

Facades always relate to human memories and emotions, even if it is only in its most simplified version or if it is broken into pieces or elements. Human brain has the natural instinct and ability to memorize one thing by its motif, then replenish one thing towards its complete form when only seeing its partial peices. Facades bring out people’s collaborative memories, also bring out a pserson’s individual memories, as all human have different experiences and feelings. Meanwhile, books are not limited to its physical form. Copies of books can be found in different kinds of forms; broadcasting media, graphic media, even computer file copies. Books in the existing library will be “the original pieces”; while the books in the vanished book library will be in other forms and languages. This concept symbolizes how the Nazi’s act of burning books cannot stop intellectual ideas from spreading, therefore, books can be fundamentally burned but cannot be killed.

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Page 17 | 315-380-7008 | aliciayhua@gmail.com

Containing Elsewhere: Cenotaphs for the Burned Books of Bebelplatz, Berlin

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Containing Elsewhere: Cenotaphs for the Burned Books of Bebelplatz, Berlin

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Containing Elsewhere: Cenotaphs for the Burned Books of Bebelplatz, Berlin

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Containing Elsewhere: Cenotaphs for the Burned Books of Bebelplatz, Berlin

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Page 25 | 315-380-7008 | aliciayhua@gmail.com

Animal Suburb In Collaboration with Dong Won Lee Syracuse, NY Fall 2019 The relationship between humans and animals has been constantly evolving. We begin by living as predators and preys under our own territories transition into to domestication of animals to utilize them, or finding ways to keep them out of our territory. The relationship between us is never equals that occupies the same toerritory. After WWII, a rush of middle class families moving from cities to suburbs creates a vast expansion of the suburban neighborhood. The suburb housing typology of a suburb neighborhood provides the milieu that potentially allow animals to thrive. In fact, in lots of rural places, wild animals are migrating back and living in the same spaces that we occupy. Our project took place on exploring the possibilities of suburb that welcomes animals to cohabit with humans, at the same time provides better living conditions for both clients. Thus we study animal habits, the existing condition of coexisting in suburban structure, and propose our own.

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-200k 2010

Moles are sometimes found trapped inside walls because of their digging habits. Their main diet contains earthworms.




Figures represent aggregate domestic migration tot urban if they contained either a region


200 150 100 50

Earliest Neolithic









1987 1988




Human Injury

House Sparrow 17000 BP Dog

Squirrels are sociality animals. They tend to gather and travel as a group. Squirrels’ main diet contains seeds and nuts they gather around their habitat. They often rest on top of trees to avoid any disturbance.

During winter, squirrels are less likely to be found outside foraging. They spend most of their winter time gathered in a shared den. They keep warm by staying inside the den as a group, also by shivering. 12000 BP House Mouse Sheep



10500 BP Taurine Cattle Pig 9700 BP Cat 9000 BP Zeboid

5500 BP Brown Rat Deers often resides in areas that are brushy. Forest and meadows are also their main habitat.

Deers are sociality animals with very sensitive sense of smell. They only feel safe traveling to or gathering around where there are smell of deer urine. Their main diet contains leaves, grass and nuts. Deer droppings contains strains of E. coli, which makes it dangerous if not disposed.



5000 BP Dromedary Camel


4500 BP Horse Bactrian Camel

Lake Erie

New York: Core & Suburban Growth 1950 to 2010


Between 9 and 19 million in the eastern United States Europeans began settling permanently along the East Coast



Birds are sociality animals. They tend to gather around water. Their diet contains grits because it helps them break down food easier in their body. They build nests on the open ground or on top of trees.


Seventeenth Century E New York City


Upper Pleistocene

Suburbs proliferated, creating a “crabgrass frontier” of shrubs and parks

1,000,000 500,000


New York State legislature established a forest preserve in the Adirondack Mountains

0 -500,000 -1,000,000 During the winter times birds keep warm by gathering closely. They will also fatten themselves up 1950-1960 1960-1970 1970-1980 1980-1990 1990-2000 2000-2010 in order to have a thick layer of fat to keep them warm. They often nest near pipes to keep warm, which will cause some clottage in some cases.

Traders exported 135,000 deerskins annually out of Charleston Fewer than 300,000 remained in all of the United State


4 Suburban Migration Accelerates Suburban Counties Urban Counties

100k 0 -100k -200k 2010

Moles are sometimes found trapped inside walls because of their digging habits. Their main diet contains earthworms.

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Net Domestic Migration








Figures represent aggregate domestic migration totals within MSAs with populations over 500,000. Counties were considered urban if they contained either a region’s largest city or another city with 200,000 or more residents.

Moles are solitary animals. They build individual nests that are underground. When mating season comes, male moles visits femal moles’ nest to mate.

1500s-1880s Time


As with populations over 500,000. Counties were considered or another city with 200,000 or more residents.





Road Density (m/km2)















Highway Roads (All Paved Road)

50 40

4k 3k

30 2k





Be lg iu W m all oin a J Ne apa th n er la Hu nd ng ar y Fr an ce I ta Ge ly rm an y Br ita De in nm ar Ire k la nd Sp a Au in st ria Lu Pola xe m nd S o bou ut r h g Ko re Cz Slo a va ec kia h Re pu bli c US A Tu rk Sw ey Ne e w den -Z ea la n No d rw a Fin y la nd M ex ico Ca na d Ice a la nd

0 Human Death

Upper ocene




11000 BP Goat

tario Vermont New Hampshire

New York

Centuries Nineteenth Century

Twentieth Century

Long Island Pennsylvania

0 Revolutionary War

New Jersey


World War II

lation Recovery Management

Impact Management



Animal Suburb, In Collaboration with Dong Won Lee Highway


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2 1 1





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Animal Suburb, In Collaboration with Dong Won Lee

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Animal Suburb, In Collaboration with Dong Won Lee

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Animal Suburb, In Collaboration with Dong Won Lee

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The Ivory Tower Individual Project Hollywood, CA Fall 2016 Every city embraces its own unique urban atmosphere. This project, an art museum sitting on the Walk of Fame, reflects the urbanism in Hollywood. To most, Hollywood carries this aura of fame, extravagant, and luxury. In reality there is a dark side of obscene crime and activities hiding in the city niches. The term ivory tower originates in the Biblical Song of Solomon (7:4) and was later used as an epithet for Mary. From the 19th century, it has been used to designate an environment of intellectual pursuit disconnected from the practical concerns of everyday life. In my project, arches are being used in large spaces, representing a bright and optimistic urban enviornment spaces. The programs take place in the arches are public, like auditorium, cafeteria, theaters. While the gap between these arches formed into niche spaces representing the hidden activities in Hollywood. The niche programs are private, like service cores, storages, and restrooms.

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The Ivory Tower, Hollywood, California

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The Ivory Tower, Hollywood, California

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The Ivory Tower, Hollywood, California

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The Ivory Tower, Hollywood, California

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The Ivory Tower, Hollywood, California

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Nature Corridor Individual Project Campbelltown, Australia Spring 2020 For years, the Australian government has been developing lands marked as the reserve green areas. Instead of growing nature, these lands are kept empty and excluded from playing an active role in the ecosystem. The birth of these reserve green areas began with current-day urban developments. These developments have been causing severe geological and climatic changes, leading to an insufficient amount of urban land resources. The rapid growth of Australian suburbs started to swallow and consume nature, developments and highways have cut the greenness into isolated islands and disconnected forests. Koalas are facing extinction because of the isolation of habitats, caused by the segregation of nature. In order to recover from the bushfire, I proposed a project that revives the ecosystem in Australia by utilizing the reserve green areas. By transforming them into a corridor that connects nature, where koalas move freely, play an active role in the ecosystem. Eventually, the reserve green areas can blend the hard boundary between construction development and nature, at the same time extend and restore nature.

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Extinction by Isolation, A Nature Corridor for Koala Survival: Campbelltown, Australia

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Extinction by Isolation, A Nature Corridor for Koala Survival: Campbelltown, Australia

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Extinction by Isolation, A Nature Corridor for Koala Survival: Campbelltown, Australia

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Extinction by Isolation, A Nature Corridor for Koala Survival: Campbelltown, Australia

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Circulation, Koala

Koala Pavilion Type I Observation

Suburban Construction

Koala Food Process and Distrubution Center

Koala Pavilion Type II Breeding

Koala Pavilion Type III Visitor Center

Reserved Green Area Once a while the koalas will be send back to the hospital for body checks. Woodland Road Public School .

Koala Zone .

LDS Chapel

Koala Education and Licensure Center

After being released from the hospital, the koala traveled on top of tree canopies, attracted by the stations which provide them the supplies, and naturally found themselves in the reserved areas. Woodlands Baseball Complex

koalas will be towards

Koala Supporting Stations

Forest Edge

Koala Supporting Stations

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Project Expected C

Suburban Construction

Forest Edge

Georges River

Koala Suply Planting Areas

Koala Living Stations

Koala Supporting Stations

Forest Edge

Koala Food Process and Distrubution Center

Koala Flow Bridge

Koala Living Stations Koala Suply Planting Areas

Staffs will transport the koalas found in the living station to the koala hospital.

Koala Supply Planting Areas

Koala Hospital After medical treatments, the will be released on site, they given the freedom to travel s the reserved areas.

Koala Food Process and Distrubution Center

He ran into the “koala living station� and was pleased by the designed space. Then he triggered the attention of a staff, who will soon pick him up and send him to the koala hospital to check for health conditions.

Koala Education and Licensure Center

Koala Living Stations

Koala Supply Planting Areas Koala Food Process and Distrubution Center

Koala Flow Bridge

He gradually found more stations with great life supplies, and he acrossed the river naturally, through a bridge.

Due to the loss of nature habitat, a koala has wandered up and down into our site, and was attracted by the first koala supporting station, where he found fresh food and water, and place to rest.

Koala Supporting Stations

Koala Supporting Stations

Circulation of Koala

Extinction by Isolation, A Nature Corridor for Koala Survival: Campbelltown, Australia

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Page 59 | 315-380-7008 | aliciayhua@gmail.com

Surreal City In Collaboration with Joseph Weng Surreal City, Surreal World Spring 2019 The surreal city is a experimental project that reflects on surrealism. Surrealism for me represents a blurry gap between reality and imagination, space lays between figurative and symbolic, form and function can be manipulated to stimulate human reactions similar to Freudian concepts. An architectural production does not necessarily have to be done in a assembly line. Considering the conflict between our eye-preservation relation and objective world as one architectural feature, might benefit our design. Human reacting to architecture is similar to speaking language in a linguistic context, which means profiling for our audiences is equally essential. Our perception of architecture, just like experienceing a sequence, is never resting, never absolute, never singular. And surrealism should be defined as a process to create an experiential product. In this project, the process of designing the city is totally serreal, is constantly making and experencing simultaneously.

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Plan No Scale

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Surreal City, In Collaboration with Joseph Weng

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Surreal City, In Collaboration with Joseph Weng

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