Yubing Ge Portfolio 2019

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PORTFOLIO YUBING GE Master of Landscape Architecture, University of Pennsylvania Weitzman School of Design, 2020 Applicant



Huangpu River, Waterfront Design | Winter 2018 Where the river meets the industry heritage, the chorus of flowing river water beating the embankment sounds day and night.



Lukou Village, Village Landscape Design | Spring 2019 In Fengxian, Shanghai, there is an original natural landscape that has not been occupied.



School Triangle Land, Garden Design | Fall 2018 We live in a complex, interconnected world in which elements both perform their own roles and interact with each other. However, some connection have disappeared due to the fact that being overlooked or taken for granted by people passes by. I consider landscape architecture as the lens to see the world. These connection were refound and rebuilt from the perspective of landscape architecture. With simple intervention, the beauty of the world were seen more clear and site and people get to interact with each other.

A labyrinth is not a maze or a puzzle to be solved but a path of meaning to be experienced.

PLUG-IN EVENTS Kongjia Alley, Community Design | Fall 2019 "The brilliance of Paris of the East is spread out with the dark base ( Shikumen alley)." Likewise, Shanghai citizen's life gorw on this base.


01 | River Symphony Revive Industry Heritage along the Huangpu River Winter 2018 | Individual work Instructor : Yinan Lin, Yi Jin

Shanghai Yangtszepoo Water Works

Yangtze River

Huangpu River and Industrial History of Shanghai As the origin of modern industry and once the largest treaty port of China, Shanghai has a great deal of industrial remains. Up to now, there are 294 industrial heritages in Shanghai, among which 124 are along the Huangpu river, accounting for 42.2% of the total. Convenient water source and cheap shipping provided by Huangpu river gave birth to the earliest handicraft, shipping and commercial trades in Shanghai. Ever Since Shanghai opened as the treaty port in 1843, factories were established along the Huangpu river constantly. After 150 years of development, a large number of ship repair plants, port machinery plants, power plants, water plants and so on have accumulated on both sides of Huangpu river. However, with the transformation of Shanghai's economic development model and the adjustment of industrial structure, the production-oriented functions on both sides of the Huangpu river have gradually deteriorated, and the economic vitality of the riverside region has declined, leaving a large number of industrial heritages that are idle and abandoned. These industrial heritages are surrounded by tall buildings and interlaced roads, separating the citizens from the river.

Political Background



Yufeng Cotton Mill

Shanghai Shipyard


Transportation along Huangpu River


1840 The First Silk Weaving Factory in Shanghai



Qing Government ruled China


Shanghai opened as the treaty port



Westernization Movement was launched


The Asiatic Petroleum Company set east stack on the east side of Yangjing port

Wharf along Huangpu River


A large number of foreign firms were established in Shanghai

1920 1912

The Republic of China was founded


The Japanese invaded China and took over a lot of industries in Shanghai Yufeng Cotton Mill started construction

Rickshaws flourished by the dock




Shanghai Yangtszepoo Water Works opened, Marks the official completion of China's first modern water plant


Shanghai had become the foreign trade center of China


The People’s repbulic of China was founded

A large number of factories are located in Puxi and workers live in Pudong. People need to cross the river by ferry


The central people's government requisitioned foreign enterprises in Shanghai

1970 The First Silk Weaving Factory in Shanghai is integrated into Shanghai shipyard

1980 1978

Economic Reform and open up initiated


Changes in factories along Huangpu River

Yubing Ge | yubing.ge@outlook.com

The Oriental Pearl Tower was constrcuted in Lujiazui, factories were moved or abandoned

Nanpu Bridge was constrcuted, linking Puxi and Pudong




Huangpu River

Abandoned pier Pier in service Factory in service Abandoned factory


The First Silk Weaving Factory in Shanghai is integrated into Shanghai shipyard


Subway line 2 was constrcuted and became the first railway crossing the Huangpu River



Sounds of Huangpu River Walking on the riverside of Yangtszepoo Waterworks to Qinhuangdao Road Ferry Terminal, I can feel the suffocating momentum of the Huangpu River in close proximity. The river beats high or low sounds on concrete embankments, metal water pipes and gates constantly. The factories along the Huangpu River isolated the distance between people and river all the time. And now the abandoned factories chorus with the river alone, forgotten by people. To revive the riverside area, it is necessary to reconnect the the people and the river and open up the old factories area to public. To do so, the future of industrial remains need to be taken into consideration. I decided to take advantage of their special structures and metarials which could impact sound, amplifying the sound made by the Huangpu river.


01 05 02


Greenland River Residence Factory

Industrial Heritages and the River Ensemble 02



Yubing Ge | yubing.ge@outlook.com Panoramic view of Yangpu riverside


04 06



Proposed Strategy

Riverside Composition After recording the sound wave of the site along the Huangpu river, I tried to begin with this design in an abstract way by transforming and amplifying the tone and strength of the sound as well as the distribution of it into music notation. Afterwards, I did research on the influence on sound made by space and material, trying to transform the music notation into the spatial design. Walking through the path, visitors could experience and listen to the sound that were used to be isolated.


Status Quo

High Part Texture Distribution Metal Stone

Medium Part

High part

Low Part

Mdium part Low part Plant Wood

Concrete Brick Sand

Mainly being infulenced by the space and material, sound journey along the riverside would encounter unexpected experience in different time of the day and the year. Due to the regularity and uncertainty of the tide, you cannot accurately predict what will happen next. However, what is certain is that for millions of years in the past and future, this is the same river that is flowing and singing.

Yubing Ge | yubing.ge@outlook.com

Proposed Strategy


Sound Wave Distribution


Symphony Walk Walking along the riverside, visitors can experience the climax and trough of the music played together by the river and the industrial remains. Sound sequence and varied experiences could happen along people’s movement within the space. These new built forms react with exiting fabric of industrial remains, creating new experiences of amplified sound and show the buried memories of the site.


2 km

No.2 Dock Sedimentation Basin No.1 Dock


Yufeng Cotton Mill

5 Shanghai Yangtszepoo Water Works 7 Qinghuangdao Road Ferry 8




Woolen Factory

d 13



c 1





2 b

Huangpu River



1 Pier

10 Observation Tower

2 Step Square

11 Step Stage

3 Wall Square

12 Trestle and Stainlesss Wall

4 Trestle

13 Pump

5 Dock Square 6 Sports Gound 7 Stage 8 Terrace 9 Pillar Array Yubing Ge | yubing.ge@outlook.com


Pier's Pipe Organ


At the Qinhuangdao Road Ferry Terminal, where used to load and unload goods in the past has now become one of the few remaining ferries that connect the two sides of Huangpu River. The PVC pipes of different lengths are inlaid inside the steps of the water. The sound of the river water flapping concrete steps and the sound of the river wind pouring into the PVC pipe complement each other, playing the memory of the riverside belonging to the dock and reminiscing the lively scene of the freight pier.

b-b' Shipyard Harp After the Shanghai Shipyard in Puxi has move to Chongming Island in 2014, there are only two huge empty docks left in the ruins facing the Huangpu river. The river slaps on the huge metal gate making huge echoes. Mottled metal walls on both sides of the dock leave the traces of time. To better use this relic, the metal gate has been removed, letting the river pouring in. The giant empty dock has been divided into 18 space with differnet lengths by metal plates with gates in varied locations. The remaining space were used as stage, sports ground and ladder square, along with the surging sound of the river beats the metal bring people back to the old time of the shipyard. Yubing Ge | yubing.ge@outlook.com


Water Plants' Drum


At the Shanghai Yangtszepoo Water Works, where the outer brick walls stands directly on the edge of the river, the walls have survived the erosion of river for more than 130 years. The new built curved weathering steel walls were placed outside the brick walls, creates multiple space for abundant sound experiences. Vistors wander inside the space, immersed in the ambience made by river and walls and focus on the sound of river meeting the walls.


Water Pipe Flute The abandoned water pipe out side the plant used to supple water for the Shanghai Yangtszepoo Water Works until the water source has been changed to Changxing island grass sand reservoir. Nowadays, the river water pat on the hollow metal tube and echo in the cavity. Walking on the trestle, visitors can get close to the river and listen to the sound of the river being enlarged by the metal cavity. Yubing Ge | yubing.ge@outlook.com


02 | Disappearing Rural Landscape Capture Beauty of Lukou Village Spring 2019 | Individual work Instructor : Yinan Lin

Changes in the texture of fields Field Road River

Xinchang Town

With the flying speed of development of industries and economy, both cities and villages in Chnia are under huge changes. In Fengxian, one of the most underdeveloped area in Shanghai, numerous unique landscape of intertwined fields and rivers are being eroded due to the expansion of town area.


Situan Town

Past field model: lukou village

Shuyuan Town

However, in Lukou Village, a samll village with the tradition of fishing and farming in Fengxian, still remains the original natural landscape of interwined fields and rivers, along with the trace of forest.

Current field model

Dijia Zhai Changes in area of different plots 1200000000

2000 2005 2010

800000000 -60.3%

Dishui Lake

Fengcheng Town


Nicheng Town

0 (㎥)

Shaochang Town

Qingcun Town





Xinlong Village Zhihai Village

12.4% National urbanization process 57.35%

Linan Village

Hangzhou Bay

Shanghai urbanization process


Haiwan Town The past building range The current building range



19 84

Yubing Ge | yubing.ge@outlook.com



Lukou village-- a peaceful and beautiful village in Fengxian, Shanghai


19 91

19 97 A village densely covered with rivers and trees

19 95

Roads constructed in Fengxian

Greenhouses applied

20 13

Highway construction

20 02 Factories introduced in Fengxian

20 10

Signal towers constructed in Fengxian; land encroached on by buildings

20 19 Lukou village is now

servely polluted with rivers drying up

Bamboo forests disappeared


Landscape Intensity Map

Disappearing Rural Scenes

Located at Fengxian, Shanghai, Lukou Village caught me by surprise due to its remaining original landscape of village and nature. When I took the inqury there, I was attracted to the pieces of debris left by nature and its soothing charm unique to the village. The interwined river breed the land, and natural elements gather around the river, forming the flesh and blood of the village together. Natural revetments, winding rivers, dense woods and so on... These beautiful fragments, which are not valued by people, are scattered in the corners of the village.







b-b' a' a

b' b

c c'

c-c' d

e' e


Yubing Ge | yubing.ge@outlook.com


Landscape through Different Perspective

Elements from the Site

The deep inquiry displayed the inner atmosphere of the site-- a distant village being effected by urbanization but still remains pieces of traces of nature, which represent an ambivalent environment. Hence, to capture and amplify the beauty of the site, I tried to think in a different perspective. I selected four natural elements from the site, which are field, tree, river, and bamboo, and by seeing or hearing through the eyes or ears of local animals, presenting the four selected natural elements in a more dedicated way. After anlyzing the difference between the normal human's perspective and the animal's unique view, I transformed this visual way to a spatial way. In that case, I tried to apply these unique perspectives with the four natural elements and redesigned them, creating an immersive experience for vistors.





In Normal Perspective

Look at the front horizontally

Range of Obeservation

Look at the front horizontally

Look down

Look up

In Animal's Perspective


In the eye of frog in the field



In the eye of bird in the tree

In the eye of fish in the river


In the ear of mouse in the bamboo

Proposed Strategy Prototype


Yubing Ge | yubing.ge@outlook.com





Enhancement and Preservation: A New Rural Trail Interwined rivers form the fabric of the village, where nature breeds on. Along the rier and the natural elements meet, a path of dedicated experience on the beauty of nature has been arrangeed. Starting from the depths of the dense forest, this path is also where the old river channel once located. Admiring the scenery at the canopy, listening to the wind of the bamboo forest, looking up at the sky beneath the water, and immersing yourself in the depths of the rice fields ... Each scene provides an immersive sensory experience for visitors. In addition, light, time and season provide more possibilities for this journey.

Bird Nest in the Forest Yubing Ge | yubing.ge@outlook.com

Insects Hum in the Bamboo



Paddy land




Road 0

Fish Eye under the River

50 m

Rice Spike in the Field


Bird Nest in the Forest THis program locates at the north of the lukou village, where has a large tract of forest at the end of river. This program shows the visitors in the perspective of bird in the nest, with the trestle brings visitors up to the canopy height of the trees, being able to touch the branches and leaves. Several stops scattered in forest along the trestle, mimicing the nests. Being immersed in the forest enable the visitors focus on the green part in the site.

Insects Hum in the Bamboo Following the river, a bamboo forest sits behind the residence. To amplify the sound from the crash of wind and bamboo leaves, several metallic pipes which mimic the gesture of bamboo stand inside the bamboo forest with the different available height served for both children and adults. With wind passing through the bamboo, a chorus held by nature echoes with the distant tinkling of river.

Yubing Ge | yubing.ge@outlook.com


Fish Eye Under the River This program sits under a open water in the canal, with tall metasequoias arranged in the both sides of river. From the perspective of under water, visitors will be able to observe the metasequoias and sky above through a layer of glass and water. Through the refraction of water, everything will look twisted and sparkling.

Rice Spike in the Field This program locates at a vast stretch of rice field, with river flowing around. To appreciate the ear of rice-- the most beautiful part of the fields, visitors would walk in a designed sunken road in the rice field, being able to see these bent ear of rices in a horizontal level. This sunken path is at the old riverway, extending follow the field texture.

Yubing Ge | yubing.ge@outlook.com


03 | Life and Labyrinth

Labyrinth and Garden

School Triangle Land, Garden Design Fall 2018 | Individual research Instructor: Yi Jin, Lu Feng

A labyrinth is a journey of discovery, finding ourselves and it has with one singular path. A life journey is often offered with more choices. After adjusting to the triangular site, the labyrinth garden also have multiple doors and windows opened on the wall. The paths of it is more abundant and undecided.

A labyrinth is not a maze or a puzzle to be solved but a path of meaning to be experienced. There is nothing to be solved, no dead ends meant to entrap the walkers. In that case, labyrinth resemble life and can be navigated as life, a journey to experience. All these obstacles are not dead ends, but the meandering paths towards destination. Walking through labyrinth is experiencing from confused to enlightened, just like a journey of life.

Shanghai Institute of Technology

Teaching Building Playground

Gym Site


From top Rounded labyrinth

Transforming to the three dimensional way, the journey of life has been enriched by the interweaving of objective world (wall) and subjective state of mind (ground). The experiences inside vary depend on the continuous change of ground, and various spaces and activities generate.

Triangular labyrinth Objective world

From front

State of mind

Labyrinth and path

Labyrinth and Life

Shanghai Normal University

East China University of Science and Technology

Multiple choices

Life is a journey to experience, and obstacles once seem insurmountable are not dead ends. Inside the journey, you would feel confused and depressed sometimes, but every low ebb waits to be climbed and when you reach the destination, those barriers could be seen through. When reach the final enlightened moment, the objective world (wall) float above the ground and the labyrinth is clear.

Objective world Wall Confused



Site Location

Suicide among Chinese College Students In China, approximately 190000 people dead every year, of which 26.64% are young people age 15-24. Suicide has become a leading cause accounts for abnormal death among college students. Located at Shanghai, one of the major cities in China which owns highest suicide rates among teenagers, and at the junction of three universities and residence, suicide is a very serious social problem worthy of attention. From a group perspective, suicide is closely related to society, history, etc; from an individual perspective, it is the result of a combination of genetics, negative life events and etc. Given these into consideration, I would help to refigure the journey of life and think of death in reverse.

Visibility Study


State of mind

Raised ground provide high view and roads ahead is visible. In contrast, sunken ground stop the view and make it difficult to move forward. Abundant spatial experiences along with rich activities inside the labyrinth garden help to rethink the meaning of life.

High view

As a result, I'd like to explore the meaning of life, dilemma and choices in this project by a garden, thereby to guide visitors to think thoroughly when facing a dilemma or feeling confused about livies.

Middle view

Playability Study

Low view

Raised ground making go across the wall possible, while it also stop walker to pass through the open door sometimes. In some cases, sunken ground help to open a new gate beneath the wall.

Low wall

Minos Labyrinth

Theseus and Minotaur

Labyrinth In Greek mythology, a Labyrinth was an elaborate, confusing structure designed by the legendary artificer Daedalus for King Minos of Crete at Knossos. Its function was to hold the Minotaur, the monster eventually killed by the hero Theseus.

Middle wall

Tall wall

Yubing Ge | yubing.ge@outlook.com


Elevation Change and the Labyrinth This garden is composed by the interweaving of a vertical layrinth and the fluctuant topography. The walls whose highest points are on the same level stand for the objective world with order and rules; the ups and downs in the ground represent the change of subjective mind. Combined these two together and influence each other, this garden symbolize the journey of discovering the meaning of life. from confused to enlightened. When walking through the labyrinth, walls are the major barriers to both stop you get to the destination and guide you to move forward. In most cases, the roads except the one in front of you are invisible, but in some certain places where the ground is raised high or there is hole in the wall, the road is visible to some degree. However, you could never predict which direction leads to the shortcut and what the destination looks like until you reach to the center of the labyrinth. Before that, all is confused. At the center of the labyrinth garden, the walls once were taken for barriers serve as canopies now. At this point where everything is clear, the ground sink to the lowest point and form a wide space below the labyrinth. There comes a moment of awakening when reaching out the center of the garden.


10 m

Walls a'





Section a-a'

b c'



Section b-b'

Yubing Ge | yubing.ge@outlook.com


Wall, Topo and Life Abundant and fluctuant topography along with walls and doors enrich the spatial experiences and many activities come along. Sliding, climbing, lying, sitting and even jumping are allowed to explore the labyrinth garden. Apart from the topography and the walls, walkers' way through the garden is another determinant of the routes to the center. Then wide sunken center could be used as a theater for performing and playing. It is a moment of enlightenment after the journey through the labyrinth.

Section c-c'

Yubing Ge | yubing.ge@outlook.com


Confused in the Labyrinth

Enlightened at the center

There are many options to choose from inside the garden, each corner and door may lead to a new direction or a more winding path. The walls make the roads except the one below invisible. Inside the garden, walkers may feel confused due to the invisibility and the diversity of choices.

When reaching out the center of the garden, these walls once were taken for barriers are canopies now. The layrinth is floating above the gound and this kind of visibility bring the moment of enlightenment and awakening.

Inside the labyrinth Yubing Ge | yubing.ge@outlook.com

At the center of labyrinth


04 | Plug-in Events Urban Plug-ins

Community Design for Shikumen Community Fall 2019 | Individual work Instructor: Yinan Lin

Lilong and Transforming Urban Pattern The Shikumen Lilong (literally "stone gate alley") is Shanghai's traditional residence that once dominates the city, combining the characteristics of western architecture and traditional Chinese architecture. However, with the development of the times, this kind of residence has difficulty meeting needs of new generation in alley, facing the danger of disappearing. Thus, this traditional architectural spaces need to be transformed to meet new needs and generate new possibilities.

"Plug-in" in Kongjia Alley

Inside Kongjia alley, there is an interesting form of construction, which is a kind of building that residents built to increase the living area of the house. Looking from the outside, this constrcution is like a "plug-in" attached to the original house.

Suzhou River Site Status Analysis

It inspired me that this form could be transformed into an "event box", being plugged into the alley of the Shikumen neighborhood, serving as a temporary activity space for meeting different kinds of demands.

Huangpu River

Urban Metabolism Commercial building


Public facilities

Public building




Huangpu District

Changes in Residents

Satellite map of the site in 1999

Satellite map of the site in 2019

Urban texture of the site in 1999

Urban texture of the site in 2019

Road of the site in 1999

Road of the site in 2019

Shikumen lane gathering point Demolished before 2012 Demolished between 2012-2015

Old neighborhood


Old style shikumen lane New style shikumen lane Apartment style shikumen lane Garden style shikumen lane Yubing Ge | yubing.ge@outlook.com

Youth renter

Old man

New neighborhood

With the update of public facilities and housing conditions in the city, families who used to live in the Lilong have moved to apartment buildings. Now the neighborhood was partially occupied with old people who has spent most of his life in there and partially young renters, who live there due to cheap rent and convenient geography.


Programs by Age

Use frequency in alley during different parts of the day

The Kongjia Alley, located inside Shanghai Old City, was first built in 1937. It belongs to the old-style Shikumen community and is located in the center of Shanghai. Due to the superior geographical environment and cheap rent, a large number of young people choose to rent here, in spite of the poor living condititon, which leads to dense population. 8 a.m.

However, old facilities and crowded streets cannot fully meet the needs of people, especially young renters. Thus, for demands in more diverse daily activities in public place, a design for activities is proposed.

4 p.m.

10 p.m.

Population distribution and street usage frequency in Kongjia Alley Demand Satisfied

Demand Satisfied

Youth renter


Old man




Nusring Home Store




Primary School Travel


Art 20-30 30-50 50-70 >70 Average age


Gathering spot Low High Use frequency



The frequency of street use by different group at different times of day Old man Youth renter Exercise


6 a.m. Amusement

Yubing Ge | yubing.ge@outlook.com

9 a.m.

12 a.m.

3 p.m.

6 p.m.

9 p.m.

12 p.m. Party


Double Sided Tea House

Foldable VR Gallery

9:00 a.m.

7:00 a.m.

9:00 a.m.

Considering the existing crowded situation, high population density and high utilization rate in the Shikumen Lilong, a more flexible building form is required to be proposed. Thus, to meet different kinds of demands during different parts of the day in an limited space, these boxes could also be foldable by needs. Hidden behind the wall, this double sided tea house, which is mainly used for gathering, chatting and drinking tea for the elderly in Shikumen Lilong, is mainly open in the morning and afternoon. During the busy morning rush hour, the wall of the tea house will be closed and the street space will be spare for young office workers to commute. Later, after the old people finish with their affairs at home, they can open this movable wall, place tables and chairs on the street, temporarily occupying the street, and enjoying the relaxing gathering time with their neighbors. In addition, the degree of opening of the wall can be flexibly changed according to the number of tables and chairs required and outdoor weather conditions.

Yubing Ge | yubing.ge@outlook.com

3:00 p.m.

1:00 p.m.

3:00 p.m.

This tiny exhibition installation can be placed on any street corner, attched to any building in the Shikumen Lilong. When folded, it will stick to the wall without taking up any space; when pulled down, it acts as a small personal gallery, providing users with a private, immersive experience. Being equipped with VR equipment, it can also be customized-- different pictures, scenes, and even games can be enjoyed at anytime and anywhere. Similar to its body shape, this mode of use provided by the Foldable VR Gallery will also be fragmented and instantaneous. Everyone passing by it can temporarily stop, pull down the hood, bring a VR headset, and start a unique sensory experience. The major use time of this gallery will be in the afternoon in leisure time, and the main users are the young people living in the Shikumen neighborhood and pedestrians passing by.


Movable Capsule Hotel

Retrackable Cinema

6:00 p.m.

4:00 p.m.

6:00 p.m.

9:00 p.m.

7:00 p.m.

9:00 p.m.

This movable capsule hotel attached to the building is prepared for people who come to the city for a tour, or temporarily rent out. During the daytime, all capsule rooms will be lifted into the air, and the space on the ground is mainly reserved for people to pass by. When needed, the capsule room will be lowered to the ground down the track; at night when people fall asleep, all the rooms will be lifted into the air again, to hold back disturbance. The highly intensive living mode can minimize the occupied area in street space and provide a place for people to rest briefly.

The retrackable cinema attached to the building is a device that can be pulled apart. During the day, all seats will be stowed by the wall to offer space for pedestrians. At night, seats can be pulled apart and the cinema will be sandwiched between houses on either side of the street to provide a temporary place for movie screenings. At the same time, people can still walk under the cinema. The ceiling and sides of the outdoor cinema will be made of foldable, softer materials for easy storage; seats and stands are consisted of hard materials to provide strength for the structure.

In addition, the door of the capsule room can be opened as a canopy, and people can temporarily rest on the platform of each capsule. The skylight of the capsule can also be opened, which can be used at night to enjoy the view of the city's night sky. The capsule hotel pluged in the alley area offer occupants the experience of the life in the traditional residential district of Shikumen neighborhood, Shanghai.

Watching open outdoor movies in a narrow space inside the traditional Shikumen Lilong will be a novel experience, and suitable for both elderly and young people.

Yubing Ge | yubing.ge@outlook.com


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