Wild waterways
Marshes restoration in the abandoned navigation channel In the context of Ambika estuary, the Gulf of Khambhat
Bhagyashree Khot (200502004) Manipal university I M.Arch (Landscape) I 2020-2022
The Gulf of Khambhat on the North-West coast of India is well-known for its existing ports and the historic port towns. Some of these historic port-towns which were once prominent cultural centres have seen a ‘fall’ and ‘abandonment’ due to inaccessibility. Dredging as a solution is not just economically expensive but also ecologically devastating. The project aims to study the estuarine vegetation around one of these port towns and propose a solution that can provide a balance between nature and accessibility.
The site chosen is ‘Bilimora Port town’ on the Ambika estuary which has been abandoned for large ship movement for more than three decades. Due to the large ship m to a depletion in the marshes along the estuary because of the ship movement. Reduction in large vessels leading to sedimentation, salinity and soil degradation. This in turn causes damage to the marshes making it a vicious cycle on the path to the ‘dead zone’. Other anthropogenic elements such as pond shrimp farming, dams and the release of pollutants have become part of this cycle and are accelerating destruction.
The solution needs a two-pronged approach – one that prevents further degradation and the second that enhances the succession of marshes. This is achieved with dual intervention of landuse planning and hydrological management. The land-use planning aims at re-purposing the harbour and providing for an improved human-water relationship. The hydrology aspect will focus on re-connecting blocked channels and managing the sedimentation composition and salinity stratification.
The project aims to demonstrate and turn the chosen site into a restored eco-system with healthy marshes, improved human-water interaction and providing support for livelihood and culture.
Keywords: Gulf of Khambhat; Intertidal marshes; Marsh revival; Port towns of Gujarat; Cultural landscape; Navigation Channel