Portfolio Yudit Halim 2016

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M y n a m e is Yo a n es C h r ist o p h o r u s Yu di tya H a l im . I’ m cu r r en t ly st u dyin g a t Un i ve r si t as Mu lt i m e di a Nu sant ara, m a j o r in g in Gra p h ic Des ig n . T h is is a b u n ch o f m y wo r k s a s G raph i c De si g ne r. I h o p e yo u g u ys e nj oy t o s ee m y wo r k s . T h an k you!

I f yo u h ave an y in te re st to us wo rk in g o n stu ff to geth er,

f e el f re e to re ach m e. Co ntac t is i n

th e e nd o f pa g e s o f th is p o r tf o lio . We h ave to s it to geth er an d talk ab o ut th ing s.

Table of Content

L ook what’s i ns i d e .





Table of Contents


Graphic Stuffs


Illustration & Miscellaneous



2014 - 2016

graphic stuffs.

Por tfolio : Selected Works of Yudit Halim

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Bran d i n g • Ed i t o ri a l

COGNITO Magazine

2014 - 2016

Years : 2016

Category : Comisioned Project Story Behind

Clients : BEM PPM School Of Management

Achievement : Nominated at Editorial Category of Ultigraph Award 2016

About : 4-Monthly magazine published by PPM School Of Management’s Student Council.

Main Form

On Magazine

Por tfolio : Selected Works of Yudit Halim

Rubric Icon Set

The Magazine


2014 - 2016 Teaser

Por tfolio : Selected Works of Yudit Halim



Brand i n g • Pro m o t i o n • Ar t D i rect i o n

2014 - 2016

Story Behind

Years : 2016



Category : want to

Uncomisioned Project

Clients : ULTIMAGZ

Achievement : -

About : ULTIMAGZ’s sub-brand for merchandise division.

Result/Logo :


some stuffs

Teaser on Instagram (1:1 x 3 post)

Teaser on Instagram

X-banner for ULTIMERCH’s booth


Crew T-Shirt

Por tfolio : Selected Works of Yudit Halim


2014 - 2016


Story Behind

+ udit



+ halim



Years : 2015

About : Self-Brand logo, identity, and

He can’t live

stationery kit.

without music.

Por tfolio : Selected Works of Yudit Halim

Brand ing



Cover Artwork

Packagi n g • Pro m o t i o n • Illu st ra t i o n

Currents by Tame Impala

2014 - 2016

Years : 2016

Category : Uncomisioned Project / Self Initiative The Album

Clients : -

Achievement : -

About : Tame Impala third album ‘Currents’ packaging re-design.

Por tfolio : Selected Works of Yudit Halim


2014 - 2016

Pa cka gi n g


Logo & Mascots Illustration

Years : 2015

Category : Uncomisioned Project

Clients : -

Achievement : -

About : Nabati crackers for kids and teenager that have many flavours.


Por tfolio : Selected Works of Yudit Halim



P ro m o t i o n


2014 - 2016

Years : 2015

Category : Uncomisioned Project

Clients : Bistip.com

Achievement : Best of Promotion & Ad in Ultigraph Award 2015

About : Bistip.com campaign & promotional posters & ads. Bistip.com is a platform based on website to find traveller who’ll go to somehwere that we want to buy stuffs from there.

Trophy and certificate of Ultigraph Award 2015 Winning.

Magazine Ad

Newspaper Full-page Ad

Newspaper Half-page Ad

Por tfolio : Selected Works of Yudit Halim


2014 - 2016

Pro m o t i o n

Thomas Beijer


Years : 2014

Category : Uncomisioned Project

Clients : -

Achievement : -

About : Poster for Thomas Beijer’s piano recital.

Cam p a i gn

2’s Enough


Years : 2014


Category : Project

Clients : -

Achievement : -

About : Campaign poster for “Keluarga Berencana” program.

Por tfolio : Selected Works of Yudit Halim


2014 - 2016

Hari Raya Nyepi S o c i a l M e d ia

Years :

Clients :

Category :

About :




Waisak greeting from ULTIMAGZ


on Instagram post.

Por tfolio : Selected Works of Yudit Halim

Logo Collections

201 4-2 01 5


2014 - 2016

illustrations & miscellaneous.

Por tfolio : Selected Works of Yudit Halim

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2014 - 2016

Back to 90’s

Ed i t o ri a l Illu st ra t i o n


Years : 2016

Category : Uncomisioned Project

Clients : ULTIMAGZ Teaser

Achievement : -

About : Cover artwork for ULTIMAGZ January 2016 edition. Topic of this edition is about 90’s generations.

Por tfolio : Selected Works of Yudit Halim

On Magazine


2014 - 2016

Ed i t o ri a l Illu st ra t i o n

Film Nusantara

Front Cover Artwork

Years : 2016

Category : Uncomisioned Project

Clients : ULTIMAGZ

Achievement : -

About : Cover artwork for ULTIMAGZ March 2016 edition. Topic of this edition is about Indonesian film scenes.

Cover Story Artwork

Por tfolio : Selected Works of Yudit Halim

Teaser & Release Post

On Magazine


2014 - 2016

Illu st rat i o n

WSATCC Postcards


Rented Room

Years : 2015

Category : Entry Submission for Konser di Tjikini Exhibition.

Clients : -

Achievement : Exhibited at White Shoes & The Couples Company Konser di Tjikini

About : Postcards for White Shoes & The Couples Company’s “Konser di Tjikini” exhibition.

Windu & Defrina

On Exhibition

Por tfolio : Selected Works of Yudit Halim


Exhibition held on 4th August 2015 at Graha Bakti Budaya, Taman Ismail Marzuki, Jakarta, Indonesia.

2014 - 2016

Pro m o t i o n

Rebuild T-Shirt

Typographic Illustration

Years : 2016

Category : Comisioned Project

Clients : Himpunan Mahasiswa Ekonomi Universitas Parahyangan

Achievement : -

About : T-shirt for comittee of event from Himpunan Mahasiswa Ekonomi Parahyangan.


Kevin Parker Il l u st ra t io n

Por tfolio : Selected Works of Yudit Halim


Years :

Tools & Media :

About :


Watercolour on paper

Tribute Illustration of Kevin Parker of Tame Impala for their newest album ‘Currents’.

2014 - 2016

Merry Christmas Il l u st ra tio n

Years :

Tools & Media :

About :


Vector Illustration

Self-initiative christmas greeting from me and my creatures. Right is Dyland, left is Jack.

All-Time Favourites Il l u st ra t io n

Por tfolio : Selected Works of Yudit Halim


Years :

Tools & Media :

About :


Watercolour on paper

Illustrations of my all-time favourite bands. Tame Impala & Radiohead.

2014 - 2016

contact P

+62 857 1717 8080



Terima Kasih

Por tfolio : Selected Works of Yudit Halim


2014 - 2016

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