4 minute read
Diploma work
17 VR Game - EVOKE ( 喚起 )
By telling a fictional story of selfishness that occurred by the competition for resources (force crystal in the story), we want to raise awareness and reflection on social issues in modern communities.

Project team
Thesis advisor: Guo Da Wei, Cai Si Kai Art designer: Wang Yu Jie 3D modeling: Cai Meng Zhu, Wang Yu Jie Programmer: Xu Rong Cheng, Zheng Min Cheng Project planner: Xu Pei Jun
Game Introduction video
Logo Design Characters & Scenes Sketch

Game Scenes Responsible for: Scene design | Character design | Character modeling
Evoke - VR Game Production
Game type: Action-adventure, Storytelling Playing Perspective: First-Person Develop software / Engine: Maya, Unreal Initial develop device: HTC VIVE
How to play?
Follow the storyline of the game and defend your character. Use the strategy of three elements, fire, water, and wood, to repel the enemies, experience the story throughout the game playing process, manage to defeat the oncoming dangers, and escape the cellar.
Brief introduction of Evoke
A group of wizards cast their greedy eyes on the powerful crystal of the Fantasy Kingdom that declared war over and over again. One day, a powerful wizard has awakened but lost his memory and forgot the reason for being locked in the cellar.
What truth will he learn throughout the process of trying to escape this unknown mysterious place?
Character Design
Game Development

The story behind Evoke
Once upon a time, there were two kingdoms, one named the Kingdom of Wizard, another named the Fantasy Kingdom. As time went by, the wizards started to cast their greedy eyes on the Force crystal in the Fantasy Kingdom, which was amazingly powerful and rare. To be able to seize the precious crystal, the Wizard's Kingdom united all the best wizards in the nation, preparing for declaring their first war against the Fantasy Kingdom.
But as the war began, the wizards were soon defeated by the three formidable divine beasts, Meduse, Lycans, and Murloc. The Wizard's Kingdom lost the war, which caused a tremendous number of injuries and deaths. However, losing the first war did not stop the wizards from being envious of the Force crystal. They trained to fight and become better warriors. Years later, the Wizard's kingdom launched the second war, in which the wizards successfully beat down one of the divine beasts, Murloc.
The moment the wizards were about to snatch the crystal, the force inside it released all of a sudden, bringing the giant of iron to life. The giant repelled the attacking wizards and slipped once again into deep oblivion when the force of crystal was gone.

Postcard Design Poster Design
Feature of the game
We developed the enchanting gesture system with controller gesture tracking, in which the players can release a specific spell by drawing a requested form and follow the Wuxing (Chinese philosophy) rule that the element fire prevails over wood, wood prevail over water, and water prevails over fire.

The game is designed to play without any piror knowledge of the story, so the player can have the best experience by the plot twist that happened at the end of the game. We aimed to raise reflection on conflicts because of limited resources through an imaginary interesting and less controversial storyline.
Games - VR game creation group
Attending Vision Get Wild Award 2020
Vision Get Wild