' Furoshiki ' Special Zine Link x Growing x ZASSO
再次回到這裡 望著斑駁卻熾熱的紅磚牆 光影透徹了漫天的想像
我將一個又一個細節堆疊交錯 成為心底深刻的結 渴求與熟悉又陌生的你相遇
我的時鐘立在逆風的位置 分針的走向是往以前 往更重要的時間走去
時間對我相當寬容 讓我自由穿梭嚮往之地與現實 閃動每個瞬息萬變的光影
生命的渡口 由季節來分淡旺季 潮落時 才有精彩的看頭 每個被送到這裡的人 那神情在線外都是個夢
突然某天 徹夜惡夢驚醒過來 發現我們散落在各個城市 一個人守著漆黑
憂歡交替的故事 沉在黑眼圈底 寂寞時便攤開來 曬曬太陽 想念想念 然後 把記憶打個結 繫住生命裡的笑與淚
請別消逝 因為 我們早已走進彼此的人生
Dots Furoshiki
100% Cotton
Dots is the third in a series of designs by Lucinda, based on the concept of folding; “This design forms a three dimensional landscape of shape and line, creating an abstracted pattern of wandering valleys, mountains, ridges, peaks and troughs.”
Handprinted in Japan
by Lucinda Newton-Dunn
90 × 90 cm (35.4 × 35.4")
Folded Paper Furoshiki
100% Cotton
“This design is based on the Japanese tradition of origami. Continuing with the theme of folding and wrapping, this design depicts a folded piece of paper, exploring three dimensionality through line and pattern. At first glance, a quarter of folded furoshiki appears to be decorated with nothing more than bold stripes, but viewed as a whole it transforms into an intricate trompe l’oeil.”
Handprinted in Japan
by Lucinda Newton-Dunn
Emerald Green 90 × 90 cm (35.4 × 35.4")
Furoshiki 風呂敷 / Link Ear ring / Suno & Mor rison Text Editor / 野柳培伶 、Growing 初稔工作室 Photog rapher / Growing 初稔工作室 Publisher / Growing 初稔工作室 Model / 野柳培伶 Special T hanks / ZASSO 草也