Map of memory

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Yuki Uchibori

Visualize the memory of

s p a c e a s m a p s t h r o u g h 3 s t e p s.

S t e p 1 . V i s u a l i z e s u b j e c t i v e "T o p o g r a p h y " Step2. Visualize subjective "Sequence" S t e p 3. V i s u a l i z e " t h e w a y s p a c e i s p e r c e i v e d " ove r time

Journey We a l l g o t c i t y o r t o w n w h i c h i s i n s w i t z e r l a n d or Austlia as our own destination. We thought about the path and the way to go there , and visited there. A nd we create map based on the experiences or discovery through the journey. My destination is Fleash which is in switzerl and and because it was near from the destination of Maud , we decided to visit there toghether.



Distance / 25km The way to go /By walk The way to go back / By Bus and train

14 /10 /1 1

J o u r n e y t o B a d R a g a z f r o m h e r e w i t h M a u d. It was 10 hours journey by walk.

Step1 Visualize subjective "Topography"


Thank you very much for coming to the interview. Please tell me the experiences of last journey.Ok, in the beginning, it was dark, and on the street it was ok, but I had to follow like the park next to the water, and it got darker, and there we had a lot of wind, it got colder, because I had to take my jacket again, at the beginning I was walking without, and we heard cars we were walking through house of the villege, because there were houses. and after that, we just continue walking next to the water.and we came at the end of vaduz. and there we walked a little while next to the bigger road,and at that moment it was getting right. it was more or less right. and there were a lot of cars. I think people work. and then from that point, we went to the big river. we turned and straight to the big river to do that we have to through the fields,it was a little bit more nature, then we had to go up, to

Journey - Interview - Text - Topography + Dots = Map

Rhain Triesen




University of Liechtenstein

Sargans Evenholz


Flasch Bad Ragaz

Visualize subjective "Topography"

1. V i s u a l i z e t o p o g r a p h y e x a m i n e e u n d e r s t o o d s u b j e c t i v e l y . Focus on the "action" that examinee spoke during interview Create topography of memory based on the statement such as "I turned right""we continued walking"

2 . V i s u a l i z e " h o w u n f o r g e t t a b l e " o n e a c h p l a c e. a.Forcus on "how much examinee spoke"during interview Speake a lot = Unforgettable Based on this thinking,I translate "one letter" of the text from interview to "one dots", and plot on the topography map. With this, I try to show "how unforgettable" is each place for examinee. "The place that has a lot of dots" = "unforgettable place"

b. F o r c u s o n " h o w e x a m i n e e s p o k e " d u r i n g i n t e r v i e w . "Speake a lot of episodes with various sences" = Unforgettable Based on this idea, I categolize the text according to "which sense examinee used " to understand the space. And I show them with some colors . "The place that has a lot of colored dots " means "unforgettable place"


Interview no1 Place / My room Time / 22 10 11 , 19 : 40 - Examinee / Yuki Uchibori

Interviewer / Kensuke Sahara Language / Japanese Topic / Memory of journey

Interview no2 Place / My room Time / 23 10 11 , 13:00 - Examinee / Maud Willemen Interviewer / Yuki Uchibori

Language / English

Interview no3 Place / My room Time / 26 10 11 , 22:10 -

Language / Japanese Topic/ Yuki's memory

Examinee / Kensuke Sahara Interviewer/ Yuki Uchibori

Topic / Memory of journey

"P l e a s e t e l l m e a l l e x p e r i e n c e s o f y o u r j o u r n e y ." To know how examinee experienced spaces through journey.

Thank you very much for coming to the interview. Please tell me the experiences of last journey.Ok, in the beginning, it was dark, and on the street it was ok, but I had to follow like the park next to the water, and it got darker, and there we had a lot of wind, it got colder, because I had to take my jacket again, at the beginning I was walking without, and we heard cars we were walking through house of the villege, because there were houses.and after that, we just continue walking next to the water.and we came at the end of vaduz. and there we walked a little while next to the bigger road,and at that moment it was getting right. it was more or less right. and there were a lot of cars. I think people work. and then from that point, we went to the big river. we turned and straight to the big river to do that we have to through the fields,it was a little bit more nature, then we had to go up, to go and walk next to the river because it’s a little bit elevater,we started walking there,and then I was surprising that cars were driving next to the river on the elevater part, but ok.sometimes we had to go to the side because there were also tracks which took a lot of space on the road.and then, it was really right. it was morning.. and we dicided to walk more close to the we went down and we started walking there and then we heard at the left of us, that the there was some factory with something hard materials,so we decided to go up as soon as we could so we could see which kind of factory it was.and we found the factory of woods.the sounds was like stone but actually it was just woods and next to the factory, there was farm with cows I think.and we continued walking on the elevater part. but there were no *** anymore because at the moment they are not allowed anymore. so we walked on the elevater side and we got tired. on that moment I think we were walking about 2 and half hour and we were a little bit tired and hungry, so we decided first bench we will sit we will take a sit and eat something a lest of ten minutes, so we did that. and bench was still on the elevater part.and after 10 minutes, we continue walking. I also remember where we were eating, there was a men with a dog, walking. ok, we continue walking,and a little bit follow the elevated part again to go closer to the mountains,and that was in triessen, so and we walked a little bit through the village and decided to go in to the nature more up to the mountain and we had to walk up,was a little bit harder, and then certain morment we had to go to tthe right, we were more under the tree, and I remember there were like stones wall next to us,it gave more like *** feeling to me like a fresh feeling. We continue walking there, our feeling is we were in more nature than before,and then the road even change from concrete road to soil road,and there, there were like a lot of leaves on the ground, I remember, just before we enter the soil road we took the wrong road and we saw the hourses,and the dogs and dogs were very wet, because one tried to jump on my leg and my pants were durty. And ok, we found out we were in wrong way, so turned back to the right way, we started walking walking, and then, suddenly, the road seem to stop. but there was like very small road we took. the road be*** like more and more *** and I always *** and private.after 3min, walking on the small road, we were suddenly, we were at the river, and it was very beautiful,because it was a surprise, we didn’t expect to see the river at the moment,so we had to cross the river over a little wodden bridge, which I remember had there was something on the bridge to make sure it was not slippely it was in the metal something. and then we continue walking again,and road was big again, after the bridge.there was a normal road again.which we follow more down walk because we could choose go up and down, and we choose go down. and then on the right suddenly there was camping. the camping was after the forest where we were walking through, was very clean the ground was very clean and I was like a beautiful glass filled with the camping cars where the standing on.and I like the camping cars, because I have never seen before,and also like camping because you have like concentration of like a lot of little houses were like identifyied by the people that the live there, but very personally,almost going to ***. So when we were there I was excited, and we went to the toilet there. we had to go to toilet, and **** in the camping, so we were luckey, so we could go to nomal toilet. And after that we went back to the big road, to go to up to the Balzers, I think, yeah, Balzers.But just after we went on the big road, we saw something little at the left side, some little wooden bridge, which we wanted to go and see. there was some place with water, and the fire place, and we were walking around there a little and took some pictures. but it was nice it was like cosy? it was good place to maybe go back and have a fire one night. after seen that we went back to the big road,because we couldn’t continue, which stopped at fire we went back to the big road, so we started walking like more down, more closer to river and villages.and while we were walking down we met an older women, she was with two of her grand children, and she tried to talk to us, on that moment we wanted to cross the river, we were standing on the bridge toghether with her,so we could hear the water and at the same time she was trying to speak german to us, because it was in mother tang to her that we tried to do that we learn the language we were in. but she was very friendly, and we continue and almost imidietly, we almost enter the Balsers, I think just before Balzers we saw goats. some goats. ok, we were in Balzers, there we were like really tired again, and actually also a little bit cold, so we decided to go into a little bar. a little coffee bar, and there were a lot of older people, drinking coffee. the girl behind the bar was younger, but she was very friendly,and she came to help us and we also ate croassan, and I went to toilet again. It was very short berak, we just only took maybe 10 min I think. I also started deleting some of my pictures that knew that I was not going to use, because I didn’t want my memory to be full. that’s why also did. And then we continued. there were working at central Balzers, so we had to walk like through like traffic works, over a grass sometime.and there was an apple trees in the grass I know. and there was an apple on the floor. And there was a man shouting at us, to let us which way we had to go, but we couldn’t really understand. But we think he was shouting something like maienfeld, we know that was more or less the direction that we had to go, so that was very good that he told us to go there. So we continue then we knew we coming closer to border.I know there were also a lot of older houses just before we left like left the village behind us.oh there was also a little apartment,which was I think new, but it looked interesting, with more private garden and public garden. and then, village stopped.and we were in nature again, and then, we came at the border. Which was very strange because we were walking

To write down

We found there a settlement, but there was nothing. it was like dead. there were no people,all ***were closed, and what I a remember was that the they had like public bins?? like for the rubish, next to the house. so not in the public space but it was like in the entrance of the houses there were public bins,and that was strange for me. and we just walk through the settlement.but we really didin’t stop there we just walking. and then I took off my jacket again, because it became wormer. the sun was shining and I drunk some water because we saw the roads was going more up up up up. so we wanted to prepare to start doing for the increasing part.and then we started and at the moment, I started to collect leaves I think because we came in the forest again and I think it was interesting to do something with from there, I started to do that, I think it was the part that we were taking less as well maybe because we were going up and it was tireing, but we were talking less there. and it was same all the time till we were at the militery settlement.And just before the militery settlement, there were like some old things in the mountain, like *** structures, but we don’t really know what it is. But it looked like practice filled with solders to do something.In the militerly settlement we also because we knew we were at the highest point there more or less. we decided to take a rest again and we wanted go in a bar.but there was nobady there only two solders, but no one that could help us to give drink or something, so we went out again and sitting in the sun, and e eating a little bit, like a 10 min I guess, and we were just watching some solder it was funny because they were watching us as well.and then we continue walking, and we came on a big road and there were like a little bit more houses, a h little bit later. and there were some bottle next to the road, which we really don’t know what they are.but we were curious? and we were talking about bottles.and yuki taking the story about the bottles and cats, that the water in the pett bottles keeps the cats to *** and I didin’t know that so for me it was interested, because I was wondering before why some pett bottles sometimes saw in front of houses. so ok, we came at the point that the road speads, and one part was going to Flasch, and other one is going to somewhere else I guess Mainfeld.and we decided to go to Flasch, because that was where we had to go, and the road was more down down down..and we heard bells in the forests.and we were like “ oh no? there is g caws in the forest?” and danky, and there were also people walking more up there, that we saw them because we were looking for the what was making the sounds of bell. ok, so, we just continue walking again, and the road starts make more and more like right and left going down a little, to make it easier to go down. and then we were in Flasch, in Flasch, I remember there were people in the ** just we arrived in Flasch. and we decided to go straight to the village, and walk around it, there were cows which sounds were differents that the cows we were hearing in liechtenstein, like the bells of the cows.and then we saw some people who was working also there, I think they were doing something with the cows. and we continue walking and the road became smaller and smaller like in Flasch.there were a lot of small roads, and it was also old roads with stones, not the concrete. and we were walking around there and there were not so many people, but on a moment when I look to the left, I saw some people sitting in the table and trying wine. wine was also everywhere like the grapes I mean, and also a lot of houses lead? like billbords? you can buy wine here or something. that was I think most important things in Flasch, it was the wine and also probably the fact that the old village, and it’s interesting to see the old buildings. we also went looking for the house, the concrete house, in the middle of grape yard, and there was a lot of noise there othere houses next to it, the mans that were working at the old houses, were looking at us, because we were taking the pictures of one of the houses and they were like “oh, what are you doing?” we wanted to go backside of the housing at that moment, they were putting stones into a truck and one of the stone flew like just in front of my head. those are like funny and scary moment. and boys were laughing at me a little bit, and we were backing and standing there, watching the facade of a concrete , house, and we decided to continue to our journey, because we also need to go to Bad ragaz. But we did it slowly slowly, h because yuki wanted to do more like really good to see like see the city very we did it slowly slowly.and we came ? out of the village and there was a big straight road, I remember. It was very formal straight road.and there were more t tourists on that moment, we saw more people, there was also a little parking space for the car, so I guess so that was just the main road to come to Flasch.yeah, the road was very long and very straight. I had to go to the toilet again but I had go in the bush because there was no toilet. and we found an old chair, where we were taking some pictures. And after Flasch, I was really tired suddenly, so it was from that point, more like ok let’s finish the journey and go home. At the end of the straight street, there was a bridge, coming over the rhein river again, and we passed the rhein river there, you had t a beautiful view at both sides there you could see the mountains, maybe also it was **** afternoon in the right was good, and we continued and we had to go in the small farestes, but it was very short, it was very small, in the shadow for a moment, and then, we went to the left at the end of the forests to not to take the main road but to take more quiet road.and there, we found some gardens, without houses, so it was more gardens people could rent to plants for vegitable or something outside the city. Next to that, we saw cage coming up after the wall like a cage wall behind them cages coming out. so we thought birds cages all people like next to the garden, they also have place to have birds. but at the beginning, we just c like ok, birds, but suddenly we saw one of the cages with monkye, and that was really funny,and started take pictures again of monkey, and then we found out it was the zoo, the zoo of Bad ragaz, but I didn’t know. but zoo was very small, but they had monkeies. And next to the monkey place, zoo, there was a football field where they were playing match, so you could hear the typical sounds of boys playing football and flute, and things like that, and also there were a lot of children walking around there, I remember, and girls coming and going to the parking place of the football field, and we continued walking, - slowly and slowly and we knew we were almost here, so we were happy. on that moment, just after the football field, I decided I only wanted to walk 30 min more, then it was enough for me, so that was a deadline or something like that.we passed a lot of very different function next each other like you had a zoo, you had a football field, and then, you had a stone fac-

Follow the interview and road was big again, after the bridge.there was a normal road again.which we follow more down walk because we could had choose go up and down, the was and then on the right suddenly there was camping. the camp- the ing was after the forest where we were walking through, was very clean the ground was very clean and I was like a beautiful glass filled with the camping cars where the standing on.and I like the camping cars, because I have never seen before,and also like camping because you have like concentration of like a lot of little houses were like identifyied by the people that the live there, but very personally,almost going to ***. So when we were there I was excited, and we went to the toilet there. we had to go to toilet, and **** in the camping, so we were luckey, so we could go to nomal toilet.

which I remember there was something on bridge to make sure it not slippely it was in metal something.

and then, suddenly, the road seem to stop. but there was like very small road we took. the road be*** like more and more *** and I always *** and private.after 3min, walking on the small road, we were suddenly, we were at the river, and it was very beautiful,because it was a surprise, we didn’t expect to see the river at the moment,

our feeling is we were in more nature than before,and then the road even change from concrete road to soil road,and there, there were like a lot of leaves on the ground, I remember, just before we enter the soil road we took the wrong road and we saw the hourses,and the dogs and dogs were very wet, because one tried to jump on my leg and my pants were durty. And ok, we found out we were in wrong way, so

was a little bit hardand that was in er, and then certain morment we had to go to triessen, to the right, we were more under the tree, and I remember there were like stones wall next to us,it gave more like *** feeling to me like a fresh feeling.

I al wher eati was a do ok,

I think, yeah, Balzers.But just after we went on the big road, we saw something little at the left side, some little wooden bridge, which we wanted to go and see. there was some place with water, and the fire place, and we were walking around there a little and took some pictures. but it was nice it was like cosy? it was good place to maybe go back and have a fire one night. because we couldn’t continue, which stopped at fire place.

and while we were walking down we met an older women, she was with two of her grand children, and she tried to talk to us, on that moment we wanted to cross the river, we were standing on the bridge toghether with her,so we could hear the water and at the same time she was trying to speak german to us, because it was in mother tang to her that we tried to do that we learn the language we were in. but she was very friendly, and we continue and almost imidietly, I think just before Balzers we saw goats. some goats. ok, we were in Balzers, there we were like really tired again, and actually also a little bit cold, so we decided to go into a little bar. a little coffee bar, and there were a lot of older people, drinking coffee. the girl behind the bar was younger, but she was very friendly,and she came to help us and we also ate croassan, and I went to toilet again. It was very short berak, we just only took maybe 10 min I think. I also started deleting some of my pictures that knew that I was not going to use, because I didn’t want my memory to be full. that’s why also did. there were working at central Balzers, so we had to walk like through like traffic works, over a grass sometime.and there was an apple trees in the grass I know. and there was an apple on the floor. And there was a man shouting at us, to let us which way we had to go, but we couldn’t really understand. But we think he was shouting something like maienfeld, we know that was more or less the direction that we had to go, so that was very good that he told us to go there. we knew we coming closer to border.I know there were also a lot of older houses just before we left like left the village behind us.oh there was also a little apartment,which was I think new, but it looked interesting, with more private garden and public garden. and then, village stopped.and we were in nature again, and then, . Which was very strange because we were walking at the side walk, but we enter the switzerland, it’s stopped.and we had to walking on the street. We also took some pictures. around the border, overself?? because it was interesting point.and and as soon we came switzerland the road starts going up. so it was more difficult part to walk for the physical for walking. We found there a settlement, but there was nothing. it was like dead. there were no people,all ***were closed, and what I remember was that the they had like public bins?? like for the rubish, next to the house. so not in the public space but it was like in the entrance of the houses there were public bins,and that was strange for me. and but we really didin’t stop there we just walking. and then I took off my jacket again, because it became wormer.the sun was shining and I drunk some water because we saw the roads was going more up up up up. so we wanted to prepare to start doing for the increasing part.and then we started and at the moment, I started to collect leaves I think because we came in the forest again and I think it was interesting to do something with from there, I started to do that, I think it was the part that we were taking less as well maybe because and it was tireing, but we were talking less there. and it was same all the time till we were at the militery settlement.And just before the militery settlement, there were like some old things in the mountain, like *** structures, but we don’t really know what it is. But it looked like practice filled with solders to do something.In the militerly settlement we also because we knew we were at the highest point there more or less. we decided to take a rest again and we wanted go in a bar.but there was nobady there only two solders, but no one that could help us to give drink or something, so we went out again and sitting in the sun, and eating a little bit, like a 10 min I guess, and we were just watching some solder it was funny because they were watching us as well.and then and there were like a little bit more houses, a little bit later. and there were some bottle next to the road, which we really don’t know what they are.but we were curious? and we were talking about bottles.and yuki taking the story about the bottles and cats, that the water in the pett bottles keeps the cats to *** and I didin’t know that so for me it was interested, because I was wondering before why some pett bottles sometimes saw in front of houses. so ok, we came at the point that the road speads, and one part was going to Flasch, and other one is going to somewhere else I guess Mainfeld.and we decided to go to Flasch, because that was where we had to go, and the road was more down down down..and we heard bells in the forests.and we were like “ oh no? there is caws in the forest?” and we starting like looking, and we found out was not cows but danky, and there were also people walking more up there, that we saw them because we were looking for the what was making the sounds of bell. ok, so, and the road starts make more and more like right and left going down a little, to make it easier to go down. and then

there were cows which sounds were differents that the cows we were hearing in liechtenstein, like the bells of the cows.and then we saw some people who was working also there, I think they were doing something with the cows. and and the road became smaller and smaller like in Flasch.there were a lot of small roads, and it was also old roads with stones, not the concrete. and we were walking around there and there were not so many people, but on a moment when I look to the left, I saw some people sitting in the table and trying wine. wine was also everywhere like the grapes I mean, and also a lot of houses lead? like billbords? you can buy wine here or something. that was I think most important things in Flasch, it was the wine and also probably the fact that the old village, and it’s interesting to see the old buildings. we also went looking for the house, the concrete house, in the middle of grape yard, and there was a lot of noise there othere houses next to it, the mans that were working at the old houses, were looking at us, because we were taking the pictures of one of the houses and they were started take pictures again of monkey, and then we found out it was the zoo, the zoo of Bad ragaz, but I didn’t know. but zoo was very small, but they had monkeies. And next to the monkey place, zoo, there was a football field where they were playing match, so you could hear the typical sounds of boys playing football and flute, and things like that, and also there were a lot of children walking around there, I remember, and girls coming and going to the parking place of the football field, and

and there was a big straight road, I remember. It was very formal straight road.and there were more tourists on that moment, we saw more people, there was also a little parking space for the car, so I guess so that was just the main road to come to Flasch.yeah, the road was very long and very straight. I had to go to the toilet againbut I had go in the bush because there was no toilet. and we found an old chair, where we were taking some pictures. And after Flasch, I was really tired suddenly, so it was from that point, more like ok let’s finish the journey and go home. At the end of the straight street, there was a bridge, coming over the rhein river again,

you had a beautiful view at both sides there you could see the mountains, maybe also it was **** afternoon in the right was good, and but it was very short, it was very small, in the shadow for a moment, and then,

and there, we found some gardens, without houses, so it was more gardens people could rent to plants for vegitable or something outside the city. Next to that, we saw cage coming up after the wall like a cage wall behind them cages coming out. so we thought birds cages all people like next to the garden, they also have place to have birds. but at the beginning, we just like ok, birds, but suddenly we saw one of the cages with monkye, and that was really funny,and the water in the pett bottles keeps the cats to *** and I didin’t know that so for me it was interested, because I was wondering before why some pett bottles sometimes saw

in Flasch, I remember there were people in the ** just we arrived in Flasch. and we decided to

and then I was surprising that cars were driving next to the river on the elevater part, but ok.sometimes we had to go to the side because there were because it’s a also tracks which took a lot of little bit elspace on the road.and then, it evater, was really right. it was morning.. and

and we were really tired, that was it.

and after fwe minuites we were both sleeping, we continued sleeping sleeping. And what I only know I wake up a few time like “ah maybe there we already.“ bacause I really don’t know the place so good yet, so I had to look around well like “where are we where are we?”and I could sleep again.and

and there we took something to eat, because we were hungry again, and at that moment we were almost dead, so tired we were, and then

and then we heard at the left of us, that the there was some factory with something hard materials,

and we took the first train we could take, in the train, we could stay awake, but

and then and there were a beautiful trees next to it, I don’t know exactly which tree was it, but I know it was like very fine? tree not very big and old, but more young and fresh. And after that point, because we saw the water and we really satsfied, it was very beautiful place, so we decided to go back to the station.that’s why

as soon as we could so we could see which kind of facbut there were no *** tory it was.and we found the anymore because at the factory of woods.the sounds moment they are not al- was like stone but actually lowed anymore. it was just woods and next to the factory, there was farm with cows I think.

and the houses became bigger and older, or the other side, and also you had more apartment kind of things, maybe hotels, small hotel, guest houses.and then a lot of people sitting on the teracces in bars or cafes, that’s we more or less were there. we knwe that was touristic place, I expected personally more touristic, it was still very quiet, very not too many people, and then the battery of my camera was low, so I took few pictures more with yuki’s camera. and we found like there was elevater road again, which we took,

and there was the railway station as well. after railway station, if you look to righe, is good to see there was a big square, and the entrance of the station, and

, I think it was for the railway, and we start walking , and we saw littele houses and normal family houses, but a little bit bigger. for me, it was something american, because the houses were not so high, like one or two levels height, and you had a beautiful garden around and a wooden fens, that was it. and very big road where the childrencould play with their bike. After the this part of the city, Bad ragaz,

and then, you had a stone factory, so then, you had a lot of different stones in different sizes and different colors and different sizes,

slowly and slowly and we knew we were almost here, so we were happy. on that moment, just after the football field, I decided I only wanted to walk 30 min more, then it was enough for me, so that was a deadline or something like that.

in front of houses. so ok, we came at the point that the road speads, and one part was going to Flasch, and other one is going to somewhere else I guess Mainfeld.and we decided to go to Flasch, because that was where we had to go, and the road was more down down down..and we heard bells in the forests.and we were like “ oh no? there is caws in the forest?” and we starting like looking, and we found out was not cows but danky, and there were also people walking more up there, that we saw them because we were looking for the what was making the sounds of bell. ok, so, lso remember and we got tired. on that more we were ment I think we were walking ing, there about 2 and half hour and we a men with were a little bit tired and og, walking. hungry, so we decided first bench we will sit we will take a sit and eat something a lest of ten minutes, so we did that. and bench was still on the elevater part.and after 10 minutes, it was a little bit more nature, , and at that moment it was getting right. it was more or less right. and there were a lot of cars. I think people work. and then from that point,



because there were houses.and after that,

Ok, in the beginning, it was dark, and on the street it was ok, but I had to follow like the park next to the water, and it got darker, and there we had a lot of wind, it got colder, because I had to take my jacket again, at the beginning I was walking without, and we heard cars

show the time. show the weather. show the things people think and feel. how how people act. show the experiences by skin and body itself. show the experiences by eyes. show the experiences by ear.

To make topography mountain river wooden bridge

mountain-river small road





go up/houses


Big road--wooden bridge/water/fire place

Big road---

Big road--more down/ closer to river and village/cross the river/bridge



cafe--houses/apartment/village stopped/in the nature again. border houses/apartment/village stopped/in the nature again.

border--go up/settlement


Militery settlement--old building in mountain

Big road Road spread/down down down

Big road--- right and left /uneune michi 



Flasch small road/houses/grape yeard/

Forest Flasch---straight and long road/parking place

River bridge







go up/factory/farm

go down



---River go up

---River Field

Bigger road

end of vaduz





Bad ragaz-sargans

back to station

Under the bridge railway station Under the bridge--bigger houses

Next to the water--beautiful tree

under the bridge houses/big road

Quiet road--road

tball field

Quiet road--factory

ebenholz ------

Topography of memory Triesen






University of Liechtenstein

Sargans Evenholz


Bad Ragaz

Topography & text and road was big again, after the bridge.there was a normal road again.which we follow more down walk because we could had choose go up and down, the was and then on the right suddenly there was camping. the camp- the

which I remember there was something on bridge to make sure it not slippely it was in metal something.

ing was after the forest where we were walking through, was very clean the ground was very clean and I was like a beautiful glass filled with the camping cars where the standing on.and I like the camping cars, because I have never seen before,and also like camping because you have like concentration of like a lot of little houses were like identifyied by the people that the live there, but very personally,almost going to ***. So when we were there I was excited, and we went to the toilet there. we had to go to toilet, and **** in the camping, so we were luckey, so we could go to nomal toilet.

and then, suddenly, the road seem to stop. but there was like very small road we took. the road be*** like more and more *** and I always *** and private.after 3min, walking on the small road, we were suddenly, we were at the river, and it was very beautiful,because it was a surprise, we didn’t expect to see the river at the moment,

our feeling is we were in more nature than before,and then the road even change from concrete road to soil road,and there, there were like a lot of leaves on the ground, I remember, just before we enter the soil road we took the wrong road and we saw the hourses,and the dogs and dogs were very wet, because one tried to jump on my leg and my pants were durty. And ok, we found out we were in wrong way, so


was a little bit hardand that was er, and then certain morment we had to go to triessen, to the right, we were more under the tree, and I remember there were like stones wall next to us,it gave more like *** feeling to me like a fresh feeling.

I think, yeah, Balzers.But just after we went on the big road, we saw something little at the left side, some little wooden bridge, which we wanted to go and see. there was some place with water, and the fire place, and we were walking around there a little and took some pictures. but it was nice it was like cosy? it was good place to maybe go back and have a fire one night. because we couldn’t continue, which stopped at fire place.

and while we were walking down we met an older women, she was with two of her grand children, and she tried to talk to us, on that moment we wanted to cross the river, we were standing on the bridge toghether with her,so we could hear the water and at the same time she was trying to speak german to us, because it was in mother tang to her that we tried to do that we learn the language we were in. but she was very friendly, and we continue and almost imidietly, I think just before Balzers we saw goats. some goats. ok, we were in Balzers, there we were like really tired again, and actually also a little bit cold, so we decided to go into a little bar. a little coffee bar, and there were a lot of older people, drinking coffee. the girl behind the bar was younger, but she was very friendly,and she came to help us and we also ate croassan, and I went to toilet again. It was very short berak, we just only took maybe 10 min I think. I also started deleting some of my pictures that knew that I was not going to use, because I didn’t want my memory to be full. that’s why also did. there were working at central Balzers, so we had to walk like through like traffic works, over a grass sometime.and there was an apple trees in the grass I know. and there was an apple on the floor. And there was a man shouting at us, to let us which way we had to go, but we couldn’t really understand. But we think he was shouting something like maienfeld, we know that was more or less the direction that we had to go, so that was very good that he told us to go there.


we knew we coming closer to border.I know there were also a lot of older houses just before we left like left the village behind us.oh there was also a little apartment,which was I think new, but it looked interesting, with more private garden and public garden. and then, village stopped.and we were in nature again, and then, . Which was very strange because we were walking at the side walk, but we enter the switzerland, it’s stopped.and we had to walking on the street. We also took some pictures. around the border, overself?? because it was interesting point.and and as soon we came switzerland the road starts going up. so it was more difficult part to walk for the physical for walking. We found there a settlement, but there was nothing. it was like dead. there were no people,all ***were closed, and what I remember was that the they had like public bins?? like for the rubish, next to the house. so not in the public space but it was like in the entrance of the houses there were public bins,and that was strange for me. and but we really didin’t stop there we just walking. and then I took off my jacket again, because it became wormer.the sun was shining and I drunk some water because we saw the roads was going more up up up up. so we wanted to prepare to start doing for the increasing part.and then we started and at the moment, I started to collect leaves I think because we came in the forest again and I think it was interesting to do something with from there, I started to do that, I think it was the part that we were taking less as well maybe because

and it was tireing, but we were talking less there. and it was same all the time till we were at the militery settlement.And just before the militery settlement, there were like some old things in the moun like *** structures, but we don’t really know what it is. But it looked like practice filled with solders to do something.In the militerly settlement we also because we knew we were at the highest point the or less. we decided to take a rest again and we wanted go in a bar.but there was nobady there only two solders, but no one that could help us to give drink or something, so we went out again and sitting in sun, and eating a little bit, like a 10 min I guess, and we were just watching some solder it was funny because they were watching us as well.and then

and there were like a little bit more houses, a little bit later. and there were some bottle next to the road, which we really don’t know what they are.but we were curious? and we were talking about bottles.and yuki taking story about the bottles and cats, that the water in the pett bottles keeps the cats to *** and I didin’t know that so for me it was interested, because I was wondering before why some pett bottles sometimes saw in front o houses. so ok, we came at the point that the road speads, and one part was going to Flasch, and other one is going to somewhere else I guess Mainfeld.and we decided to go to Flasch, because that was where we had to go, and road was more down down down..and we heard bells in the forests.and we were like “ oh no? there is caws in the forest?” and we starting like looking, and we found out was not cows but danky, and there were also people walk more up there, that we saw them because we were looking for the what was making the sounds of bell. ok, so, and the road starts make more and more like right and left going down a little, to make it easier to go down. and then

there were cows which sounds were differents that the cows we were hearing in liechtenstein, like the bells of the cows.and then we saw some people who was working also there, I think they were doing something with the cows. and


and the road became smaller and smaller like in Flasch.there were a lot of small roads, and it was also old roads with stones, not the concrete. and we were walking around there and there were not so many people, but on a moment when I look to the left, I saw some people sitting in the table and trying wine. wine was also everywhere like the grapes I mean, and also a lot of houses lead? like billbords? you can buy wine here or something. that was I think most important things in Flasch, it was the wine and also probably the fact that the old village, and it’s interesting to see the old buildings. we also went looking for the house, the concrete house, in the middle of grape yard, and there was a lot of noise there othere houses next to it, the mans that were working at the old houses, were looking at us, because we were taking the pictures of one of the houses and they were started take pictures again of monkey, and then we found out it was the zoo, the zoo of Bad ragaz, but I didn’t know. but zoo was very small, but they had monkeies. And next to the monkey place, zoo, there was a football field where they were playing match, so you could hear the typical sounds of boys playing football and flute, and things like that, and also there were a lot of children walking around there, I remember, and girls coming and going to the parking place of the football field, and

and there was a big straight road, I remember. It was very formal straight road.and there were more tourists on that moment, we saw more people, there was also a little parking space for the car, so I guess so that was just the main road to come to Flasch.yeah, the road was very long and very straight. I had to go to the toilet againbut I had go in the bush because there was no toilet. and we found an old chair, where we were taking some pictures. And after Flasch, I was really tired suddenly, so it was from that point, more like ok let’s finish the journey and go home. At the end of the straight street, there was a bridge, coming over the rhein river again,

you had a beautiful view at both sides there you could see the mountains, maybe also it was **** afternoon in the right was good, and but it was very short, it was very small, in the shadow for a moment, and then,

and there, we found some gardens, without houses, so it was more gardens people could rent to plants for vegitable or something outside the city. Next to that, we saw cage coming up after the wall like a cage wall behind them cages coming out. so we thought birds cages all people like next to the garden, they also have place to have birds. but at the beginning, we just like ok,

in Flasch, I remember there were people in the ** just we arrived in Flasch. and we decided to

ng the of nd the lking ntain, ere more n the


Bad Ragaz Sargans

and then I was surprising that cars were driving next to the river on the elevater part, but ok.sometimes we had to go to the side because there were because it’s a also tracks which took a lot of little bit elspace on the road.and then, it evater, was really right. it was morning.. and

and we were really tired, that was it.

and after fwe minuites we were both sleeping, we continued sleeping sleeping. And what I only know I wake up a few time like “ah maybe there we already.“ bacause I really don’t know the place so good yet, so I had to look around well like “where are we where are we?”and I could sleep again.and

and there we took something to eat, because we were hungry again, and at that moment we were almost dead, so tired we were, and then

and then we heard at the left of us, that the there was some factory with something hard materials,

and we took the first train we could take, in the train, we could stay awake, but

as soon as we could so we could see which kind of facbut there were no *** tory it was.and we found the anymore because at the factory of woods.the sounds moment they are not al- was like stone but actually lowed anymore. it was just woods and next to the factory, there was farm with cows I think.

and then and there were a beautiful trees next to it, I don’t know exactly which tree was it, but I know it was like very fine? tree not very big and old, but more young and fresh. And after that point, because we saw the water and we really satsfied, it was very beautiful place, so we decided to go back to the station.that’s why

and the houses became bigger and older, or the other side, and also you had more apartment kind of things, maybe hotels, small hotel, guest houses.and then a lot of people sitting on the teracces in bars or cafes, that’s we more or less were there. we knwe that was touristic place, I expected personally more touristic, it was still very quiet, very not too many people, and then the battery of my camera was low, so I took few pictures more with yuki’s camera. and we found like there was elevater road again, which we took,

and there was the railway station as well. after railway station, if you look to righe, is good to see there was a big square, and the entrance of the station, and

, I think it was for the railway, and we start walking , and we saw littele houses and normal family houses, but a little bit bigger. for me, it was something american, because the houses were not so high, like one or two levels height, and you had a beautiful garden around and a wooden fens, that was it. and very big road where the childrencould play with their bike. After the this part of the city, Bad ragaz,

and then, you had a stone factory, so then, you had a lot of different stones in different sizes and different colors and different sizes,

slowly and slowly and we knew we were almost here, so we were happy. on that moment, just after the football field, I decided I only wanted to walk 30 min more, then it was enough for me, so that was a deadline or something like that.

birds, but suddenly we saw one of the cages with monkye, and that was really funny,and the water in the pett bottles keeps the cats to *** and I didin’t know that so for me it was interested, because I was wondering before why some pett bottles sometimes saw in front of houses. so ok, we came at the point that the road speads, and one part was going to Flasch, and other one is going to somewhere else I guess Mainfeld.and we decided to go to Flasch, because that was where we had to go, and the road was more down down down..and we heard bells in the forests.and we were like “ oh no? there is caws in the forest?” and we starting like looking, and we found out was not cows but danky, and there were also people walking more up there, that we saw them because we were looking for the what was making the sounds of bell. ok, so, in I also remember and we got tired. on that mowhere we were ment I think we were walking eating, there about 2 and half hour and we was a men with were a little bit tired and a dog, walking. hungry, so we decided first bench we will sit we will ok, take a sit and eat something a lest of ten minutes, so we did that. and bench was still on the elevater part.and after 10 minutes,


it was a little bit more nature, , and at that moment it was getting right. it was more or less right. and there were a lot of cars. I think peo ple work. and then from that point,



Vaduz because there were houses.and after that,

Ok, in the beginning, it was dark, and on the street it was ok, but I had to follow like the park next to the water, and it got darker, and there we had a lot of wind, it got colder, because I had to take my jacket again, at the beginning I was walking without, and we heard cars

dormitory University of Liechtenstein


T r a n s l a t e l e t t e r s t o d ot s Triesen





dormitory University of Liechtenstein

Sargans Evenholz


Bad Ragaz

show the experiences by eyes. show the experiences by ears and nose show the positive feeling show the experiences by skin and body show the negative feeling show the fact and action

Adjust the place of dots Triesen





dormitory University of Liechtenstein

Sargans Evenholz


Bad Ragaz

Finished map Triesen





dormitory University of Liechtenstein

Sargans Evenholz


Bad Ragaz

Step2 Vi s u a l i z e s u b j e c t i v e " S e q u e n c e "


Journey - Drawing test - Words/Dots = Map






se Hou





se Hou



Wine yard

Small path

Green Field



R oa d

Vi s u a l i z e s u b j e c t i v e " S e q u e n c e "

1.Visualize unforgettable objects in each place. a . D r a w i n g a v i e w s o f j o u r n ey w i t h o u t s e e i n g a n y t h i n g . "Drawed ofjects" = Unforgettable

b.Translate drawed objects to words -Ⅰ By abstructing as words, unforgettable stuff will be clalify.

2.Visualize impression for each objects. -Ⅱ I classify the color according to the impression for each objects and show them as dots. "The place that has many colors" =Unforgettable

By seeingⅠ andⅡat the same time, you can understand unforgettable objects and the impression for them.

Drawing test

1 . Draw views without seeing anything.

2 . Put comments for each objects

3 . Classify the comments. Positive : Red Negative : Blue Newtral : Yellow

4 . a : beautiful b : impressive c : happy/funny d : wired e : mysteruous f : fresh

T r a n s l a t e t o ...

Translate drawed objects to words.






s Hou


se Hou

se Hou

se Hou



Wine yard

Small path

Green Field



R oa d

Translate drawed objects to colored dots.

Newtral : Yellow a : Pink b : Red c : Orange d: Blue e : Purple f : Green







ng i rk

ce a sp


Mountain Mountain




Si de

Old house

Snow mountain

wa lk

Old house


wa lk







Tree pond



Flag Flag



Wooden board


Flag Flag




Forests Side






Green Field



Sheep Sheep

ad o R


ca r

Ca r

Green Field




Public building car















Co n

te cre

g din l i bu


w a lk


i d e



Army car



Concrete building

e d Si

l a w


Green Field




green ďŹ eld


d a Ro



r Ca


Sign board



Tree Bottle




Side walk

As a folding map

By turning over the pages, y o u c a n e x p e r i e n c e s a b s t r u c t s e q u e n c e s.

By compairing the views of dots and views of words, you can know subjective sequences.

Step3 Visualize "the way space is perceived" over time


Journey - Two interview - Drawing/Artical = Map Map of memory <Second interview / Vaduz-Triesen> We could see..

In the dark

still dark

impressive Continued walking

We saw..

Sometimes talk

I imagine..


Found out there are some people in Liechtenstein.

Visualize "the way space is perceived" over time

1. V i s u a l i z e u n f o r g e t t a b l e o n j e c t s. Pick up objects that I spoke during the interview and visualize as dr a w i n g s ." S p o k e n o b j e c t s " = u n f o r g e t t a b l e

2.Visualize various episode r elate to objects. Pick up "for what object", "how I understood" or "how I felt" from the interview and visualize as texts. objects with a lot of episode ďź? Unforgettable

3. Link 1 to 2 4. A s a n o t h e r p u r p o s e , I t r y t o m a k e m a p s t h a t r e a d e r c a n e x p er i e n c e s m y m e m o r y o f t h e j o u r n e y . a.Forcus on the action "turn over" the paper b . M a k e i t t o g e t i nf o r m a t i o n s t e p b y s t e p . B y t u r ni n g o v e r b y y o u r s e l f a n d g e t i n f o r ma t i o n s t e p b y step, reader experiences maps.

We decided to..

On the way

Think about yukke

I checked..

We saw..


We found

Tuen right

talk about movie


We saw..


We saw..

wanted to have a break

On the way I imagine..

talk about vaduz

We could see.. we continued walking..

in the dark


Finished Map

Before open By opening every paper following the red line, You can experiences my memory.

After open The shape after open every pages s h o w t h a t t h e u nf o r g e t t a b l e p l a c e .

F i n

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