Yukun Zhou (周宇坤)'s Landscape & Urban design and planning

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PORTFOLIO 周宇坤 Yukun Zhou

Landscape Architecture Urban Design




Urban Design of Water Front in Göteborg









Landscape Design of Old Harbour in Luleå

Urban Design of Luleå Urban Design of Skarpnäck, Stockholm Landscape Design of Yancheng Lvcheng Project

Group work w/ Kunyu Bai, Lingjia Hao, Yan Ma Gothenburg, Sweden Project Sustainable Urban Design, 2011, KTH

THE LABORATORY OF SUSTAINABLE FUTURE IN GÖTEBORG Flood is always one of the most critical urban management problems for cities nearby rivers or other kinds of water resource. Göteborg is one of such cities as Göta River crosses the city. As analysis shows that the high velocity of the river together with salt-water intrusion causes flood in short and mid terms, a sustainable water front planning and design is carried out in order to deal with such flood. The planning is focused on changing the landform of Göta River’s bank into a natural way and contribute to slow the velocity of the river, which can reduce flood chance dramatically, with methods of expanding water area, changing the channel type of the river, and increasing fitness of the shoulder. With planning of flood friendly buildings for the long term flooding problem, the deign introducing a series of public place and infrastructure system, including a pedestrian and a public transport bridge, to connect both sides of the river, as well as surrounding areas, and that’s one of the objectives of the plan, which is making this waterfront area into a green corridor connecting south and north of Göteborg and promoting social integration.

ISSUES: High Flooding Risk; Lack of Green; Underused & Abandoned Space

Functional Space Network

Green & Blue Network with Flooding Risk


CONCEPTS: Ecological; Infrastructure; and Actors & Agents aspects of design ideas.

Concept 1: Diversify Actors & Agents

Concept 2: Improve Accessibility & Connection

Concept 3: Reduce the flooding risk; Propose Ecological Architecture; 5

Currently the high flooding risk of Gテ傍A River is generally due to salt-water intrusion in the river, while river velocity is becoming a key issue. As water velocity is influenced by channel shape, channel roughness and channel slope, our strategy is to restore waterfront with ecological methods in order to reduce water velocity. At the same time the pedestrian system on the top of waterfront area could make it more attractive.

Take advantage of architecture profession in Chalmers University. The old harbour area on north bank can be redeveloped as an experimental plot integrating sustainable architecture, wetland, and pedestrian system.

Strategy 2: Ecological Integration of River, Architecture and Traffic System 6

STRATEGIES: Treat Flood Pain with Ecological Methods; Ecological Integration of River, Architecture and Traffic System

Strategy 1: Treat Flood Pain with Ecological Methods


PROPOSAL: General Plan

INTERVENTION: Water Flow Analysis; Programme

Blue Network Analysis




INTERVENTION: Adding two new bridges and reorganizing the roads; SEQUENCE: Since there is almost no interconnection within existing functions, new function are supposed to be added to reorganize the functional network.

Implementation & Urban Network Sequence

Phase 3

Phase 2

Phase 1


Road Network

Functional Transition Sequence



Group work w/ Tianchu Duan Luleå, Sweden SLU LA Compitition, 2011


This Luleå project is about how public spaces could be created on the conditions of people using it toward the use value of urban space. As Södra Hamnen is a central located place, we are aiming to propose a public space can meet people’s “wild needs”. Such “wild needs”, in our understanding, is not only and always “need wild nature”. It’s should also including social and urban aspects of view, as people no matter know each other or not can socialize or enjoy themselves “wildly” and freely. Thus, such public places could perform as both site and sight, meeting place and social staging ground. With the consideration of nature conditions, location and surroundings, we defined “wild needs” for this place as “communicate wildly”, “active wildly” and “relax wildly”.

PERSPECTIVES: Flexible ues during summer and winter.

Perspective of Sand/Ice Beach

Perspective of Skating Board Summer and Winter


Design Idea: City for people, not for property Communication Distance and Entrance Flow Master Plan

CONCEPTS: Remove underused building and transform the place for public use.

Evaluation Design

Parking Lots

Skating Board Water Front Square

Sand Beach (Summer)/ Ice Beach (Winter)


DESIGN IDEAS: Take care of the difference of the climate of different seasons, with suitable activities in different time of the year


Four Functional Areas

Water Boundary in Summer and Winter

Bird’s View Section Plan



Group work w/ Ida-Maria Classon Patrick Steudle. Rossana Valdivia Luleå, Sweden Contemporary Trends in Urban Planning and Design II, 2011, KTH


The task was initially to investigate Luleå through the topic ‘Open Space’ and how this concept could be defined, both general and in the context of Luleå. To find out what ‘Open Space’ in Luleå could be, three categories were made; designed green (e.g. parks), non-designed green (e.g. green areas, shorelines etc.) and nondesigned areas (e.g. brown fields etc.). But even though ‘Open Space’ is a lot about the physical structure it is also about population density, movement, perception, feelings and social structure. What shall we use To fill the empty spaces Where we used to talk? How shall I fill The final places? How should I complete the wall...

Drop bombs in the streets? Do tours of the east? Contract disease? Bury bones? Break up homes? Send flowers by phone? Take to drink? Go to shrinks? Give up meat? Rarely sleep? Keep people as pets? Train dogs? Raise rats? Fill the attic with cash? Bury treasure? Store up leisure? But never relax at all With our backs to the wall Backs to the Wall

The project is about how public spaces could be created on the conditions of the people using it, and how this spaces could be flexible to what these conditionsClaes are,Holmström both according to weather and the inhabitants’ needs. Empty Spaces What shall we use to fill the empty spaces Where waves of hunger roar? Shall we set out across this sea of faces In search of more and on applause? What Shall we do Now? Shall we buy a new guitar? Shall we drive a more powerful car? Shall we work straight through the night? Shall we get into fights? Leave the lights on at night?


“Don’t you get scared of the people now who look - you in the eye and smile at you now Yes, they condemn you, but they won’t tell! and that’s how it goes, my love. And the wind in the trees are like: sch-ooo, sch-ooo And the trains that pass by are like: sch-du-dung, sch-du-dung And you and me are like: take your coat on, let’s go out for a walk And the- tears in our eyes when we ski fast in the forrest, but the choir in my chest is always stuck on the chorus, And I know it’s in me to get away from this. Though I like this the best, I always liked this the best. The obstacles we build for ourselves, my love The time we spend making decisions, my love There’s a longing in me for things that yet haven’t occured I’ll return to you, city, again and again”

”Så tar jag en ny lov och passerar några kvarter med typiska fyravåningshus innan jag med ens finner mig i ett mardrömslikt industriområde. Först känns det som att röra sig i en labyrint, jag bara går och går, förbi ändlösa, spöklika tomter omgärdade av galler och grindar, vad finns det där inne, vapen? traktordelar?[…] Jag kollar åt ett annat håll, ett håll jag aldrig gått åt e ersom det inte tycks finnas några riktiga hus där, bara… industritomter.”




http://www.wanas.se/press/pressbilder -samling/lang/en/

Nimis, Lars Vilks

“Arjeplog” by Hello Saferide

林尽水源,便得一山,山有小口,仿佛若有光。便 舍船,从口入。初极狭,才通人。复行数十步,豁 然开朗。土地平旷,屋舍俨然,有良田美池桑竹之 属。阡陌交通,鸡犬相闻。其中往来种作,男女衣 着,悉如外人。黄发垂髫,并怡然自乐。

Definition: In landscape design terminology, transition is the gradual change achieved by the manipulation of the basic design elements of color, scale, line, form and texture. Unless striving to achieve a particular effect, avoid abrupt transitions.


Tredje stenen från solen,1994“So I stroll around and pass a few blocks of typical four stories buildings before I find myself in a nightmarish industrial area. At first it feels like moving around in a labyrinth, I just walk and walk, passing endlessly, spooky plots surrounded by fences and gates, what’s in there, weapons? Tractor-parts? I look the other way around, as I have never done that before when it doesn’t seem like there are any real houses there, just… industry plots.“

There was a small hole seemingly glittering in front of the mountain. And he le his boat, entering the hole as an open door being so narrow that only one man could press himself to penetrate into it. Continuing for over tens-of-feet distance, he found the view instantly clearing up. The land being spacious, houses set out in neat order. On the rich land with a beautiful pool, growing were bamboo, mulberry and the like. Everywhere was in good connections with crisscross footpaths between fields where cocks’ crying and dogs’ barking could be faintly heard, and all the farmers were plowing, sowing or weeding back and forth. The clothing of men or women was similar to the people outside. The people, old and young, felt happy and pleased with themselves.



“And all you see Is where else you could be When you're at home Out on the street Are so many possibilities To not be alone” “Your heart is an empty room” by Death Cab for Cutie http://www.insideathletics.com.au/



Marc Augé Non-Places: Introduction to an Anthropology of Supermodernity (1995)




Västra Varvsgatan, Luleå http://www.explorechicago.org/

PERSPECTIVES: Multifunction in different seasons.



ANALYSIS: Some open spaces in the city are underused. 17

Analysis of Luleå City Centre

Master Plan of Chosen Areas

Transport Flow and Open Spaces

“Gömstället”: -Workshops under the bridge; Ice sculptures; Exhibition Area

Culture Institutes and Open Spaces

“Södra Efemären”: Markets; Museum (icebraker, ships); Sports; Circus, fairs, exhibitions

Three Chosen Design Areas

“Luleå torg”: Square; Performance and cultural events; Traditional events


“Gömstället”: Link the city and University

“Gömstället”: Section

“Södra Efemären”: Multifunction for different seasons

“Södra Efemären”: Section

DESIGN IDEAS: Flexible ues in different circumstances.


+5.80 +4.5 +1.00

“Luleå torg”: Meeting space and Landmark in city centre

“Luleå torg”: Section


Group work w/ Kunyu Bai, Yan Ma Skarpnäck, Stockholm, Sweden Contemporary Trends in Urban Planning and Design I, 2011, KTH

ACTIVE SKARPNÄCK The new plan for northern Skarpnäck, a suburban area in South Stockholm shows that buildings could provide not only a place to stay, but also a place to play, as the plan introduces and designs infrastructures and facilities for more than five activities with totally new feelings. The design wants to create a feeling that sport and other recreation activities are never far away from people. At the same time, the new development, introduced by this plan in the north of Skarpnäck, is like a gateway for Skarpnäckers.

DESIGN: Master plan

Master Plan

Green Trail (Bridge) into Woods Urban Farming

Residential Housing

Slope: Snow/Grass Skiing

Residential Housing Tower


Current Green Area as a Barrier

CONCEPTS: Link two communities with designed green and integrate two communities with urbanism transformation..

Strategy: Link Two Communities with Designed Green Infrastructure Network


First Floor Lever

Ground Lever


PERSPECTIVES:: Ecological urbanism

Perspectives and Bird’s View


Group work w/ Boen LA Group Yancheng, Jiangsu, China Landscape Design of Yancheng Huaxia Lvcheng Residential Area, 2008

LVCHENG NEIGHBOURHOOD “ Green and healthy life” is the soul of the design. The Design makes the Landscape Plants as the main part of the whole Design. The water system design is the heart of the plan, designed as water system with natural water features, combined with Rainwater collection system. The landscape structure of Lvcheng residential area can be concluded as: “one park, two axes and three squares; three cycles, four groups and eight sites.” The park is the centre of whole area. The two axes are the two main entrances. The three squares are in the three main road cycles which cut the plan into four groups. The eight sites are also beside the central roads.

DESIGN: Master plan Rain Water Collection System

Water Park Water Platform

Residential Landscape

Chinese Classic Pavilion


Pedestrian Road Play Ground

Master Plan

Community Centre

Design Strategyâ…

healthy life� as the soul, makes the Landscape Plants as the main part of the whole planning. 24 the heart of the plan, designed as water system with natural water features, and combined

Riverfront Park

Public Green Space

Riverfront Park

Residential Landscape

Residential Landscape



Detailed DesignⅠ


Detailed DesignⅡ Detailed DesignⅠ



Yukun Zhou, Application No.: 2620257, Personal No.: 198612161250

Detailed DesignⅡ

1:30 Detail Design

cation No.: 2620257, Personal No.: 198612161250


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Effect Drawing 1


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3 Yukun Zhou, Application No.: 2620257, Personal No.: 198612161250

Public Green Space

Riverfront Park

Residential Landscape


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