2023-2024 Annual Report

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2023-2024 ANNUAL REPORT 5784

Dear YULA Family,

As we conclude the 2023-24 school year at YULA, we reflect on a year filled with triumphs, challenges, growth, meaningful learning, and community building. While we focused on living up to the potential of our three pillars, I am especially proud of our students who stepped up to make a difference for Am Yisroel and Medinat Yisrael in so many remarkable ways.

In the post-October 7 world, YULA High School redoubled its commitment to Medinat Yisrael and Am Yisrael as the State of Israel endures war and Jews in the US face a rising tide of anti-Zionism and antisemitism. We focused our efforts on education, connection, advocacy, activism, and support. Please take a look at a sampling of these efforts in the center spread of this Annual Report.

Our Rebbeim and Mechanchot doubled down their efforts in teaching Torah. As we know, Torah study is regarded as the most important of all mitzvot because it opens the door for the observance of all other mitzvot. As the Gemarah teaches, “The study of Torah is equal to the sum total of all other mitzvot” (Shabbat 127a). To learn more, please take a look at the sampling of these efforts in the Primacy and Relevancy of Torah section in this Annual Report.

In General Studies, our achievements have been noteworthy. Between record college acceptances and high AP, SAT, and ACT scores, we have shown significant growth in our academic performance overall. The vision of our general studies program is based on the teaching of Rabbi Lamm zt’’l who famously described Torah Umadda as “unquestioned allegiance to the primacy of Torah, and that the apprehension of all other intellectual disciplines must be rooted and viewed through the prism of Torah.” To learn more about our accomplishments, please see the Uncompromising General Studies section in this Annual Report.

None of this could have been possible without the remarkable efforts of our dedicated and exceptional students and staff. Additionally, we all owe a tremendous Hakarat Hatov to Seth Berkowitz, Alan Gindi, David Nagel, and our Board of Directors for their outstanding commitment and leadership.

As we look toward the future, I am filled with pride and nachat for our students’ leadership, commitment, and love for Medinat Yisrael.

Dear YULA Community,

The tone of this year’s letter is less triumphant than that of the first few years, post-merger. Part of this is by necessity. Radbaz, the 15th century Maimonidean commentator writes, that “we see the Jewish people as if they are one body, and even though bodies are separate, since [our] souls were hewn from the same, one place, [we] are like one body because the soul is paramount” (Commentary on Hilchot Mamrim 2:4). The collective soul of Knesset Yisrael was torn asunder on October 7th, and has yet to heal. Our hearts are in Israel, while we cast a wary eye on the disturbing developments here, implicating our students and our families in violent skirmishes perpetrated by antisemites at our own front door, at the Wiesenthal Center, and in front of Adas Torah. On Pico Boulevard!

YULA can be proud of how it spun into action, through education, advocacy, activism and support. Whether it was the 3-part crash course in the history of Gaza and Hamas in the context of the Arab-Israeli conflict and the history of Zionism, or the Senior Seminar where 12th graders engaged in an intensive one-semester analysis of the history of the conflict with a focus on responding to contemporary anti-Zionist language and claims, or parent classes, or the YIAC Lunch Club, or the makeshift Seminary and Yeshiva at YULA, meaning the daily lineup of classes and shiurim that we offered, gratis, to YULA graduates who returned to LA in the fall semester of 2023, or the way the Girls and Boys Divisions partnered with StandWithUs for a five part Senior Seminar on how to defend Israel on college campus and become familiar with how to report antisemitism to campus officials, and to understand the legal rights students will possess as they transition to college campuses; this is but a small subsection of an incredible year of programming.

Despite the enormous psychological and social challenges detailed above, we have kept building and growing. We opened the new, fresh and engaging Emil & Gail Kestenbaum Beit Midrash at the Boys Division, now in use for over 15 hours nearly every day as the home of the Jack and Gitta Nagel YU Community Kollel, and each Shabbat, as the home of the Westside Shul. We’re continuing our campus improvements this summer with a full on upgrade of the Ambassador Roland Arnall Pavilion. In the Girls Division, we opened the year with the new Levkowitz Family Courtyard and Horowitz Family Plaza, and have spent the summer in a major effort at campus expansion that hopefully will bear fruit – if everything cuts in the right direction.

We’ve grown our enrollment to unprecedented heights, and will be privileged to open our doors to over 500 young men and women for the first time in our history, just next month; “may Hashem, the G-d of their forebears, add to them a thousand fold, and bless them as He has promised” (Deuteronomy 1:11). We’ve done so, while controlling costs in one of the most inflationary environments in U.S. history, staying true to our plan to hold tuition steady for the 4th straight year, thereby returning the savings created by the merger, directly back to the community.

But we’ve also had our own share of local challenges this past year. We’ve learned from them and are already working to make YULA even better. We will be ready for the academic year ahead, bli ayin hara, and we will resume the march to becoming the preeminent Orthodox secondary school in the nation. The sacred trust you’ve placed in YULA has us energized and we will be attentive to, and mindful of, the details that make for an incredible educational experience.

Thank you for your support,


Thank you to all those who have taken leadership roles at YULA in the 2023-2024 school year. Your dedication, efforts, and contributions make a significant impact on the YULA community.


Seth Berkowitz, President

Alan Gindi, Co-Chairman

David Nagel, Co-Chairman

Howard Levkowitz, Vice President

Brian Kleinman, Treasurer

Shuli Steinlauf, Secretary

Evan Anziska

Shalom Aynesazan

Shmuel Barak

Yona Elishis

Donny Feldman

David Gershov

Nancy Gofman

Gil Goldschein

Steven Heumann

Yitzy Katz ‘00

Kamyar Mahboubi

Dani Samson ‘86

Omid Shaye

Pamela Talansky ‘02

Daniel Uretsky ‘99

Efrat Zisblatt ‘90


Felice Gottlieb ‘00, Co-President

Rivka Most, Co-President

Jennifer Wintner ‘98, Treasurer


Girls Division

Rabbi Arye Sufrin, Head of School

Racheli Luftglass, Judaic Studies Principal

Yehudis Benhamou, General Studies


Dr. Natalie Williams, Principal

Rachel Shandalov, Assistant Principal & Dean of College Guidance

Rochel Gargir, Chief Operating Officer

Nancy Schiff, Director of Finance

Sy Litwin, Incoming Director of Finance

Samira Miller, Director of Admissions

Alexandra Novak, Athletic Director

Boys Division

Rabbi Arye Sufrin, Head of School

Rabbi Joseph Schreiber, Principal

Rick St. Laurent, General Studies Principal

Rabbi Shimon Abramczik, Dean of Students

Rochel Gargir, Chief Operating Officer

Nancy Schiff, Director of Finance

Sy Litwin, Incoming Director of Finance

Jesse Orenshein ‘14, Director of Admissions

Alexandra Novak, Athletic Director


Brian Kleinman, Chair

Evan Anziska

Shmuel Barak

Gil Goldschein


Yona Elishis, Chair

Shmuel Barak

Shuli Steinlauf


David Nagel, Co-Chair

Joe Coleman, Co-Chair

Michael Bernstein ‘98, Co-Chair

Rula Almquist

Nancy Dunlap

Rochel Gargir

Mike Guardado

Sandra Jones

Saydi Molina

Daniel Nagel ‘02

Zev Nagel ‘00

Corie Schnee

Ara Vartanian


Trustees Event Chairs Emeriti

Susan & Michael Baum

Sheryl Neuman & Mark Hyman

Tina ’85 & Michael Loboda

Elayne & Howard Levkowitz

Event Chairs

Yona & Isser Elishis

Zahava & Daniel ’99 Uretsky

Event Committee

Alison ‘98 & Evan Anziska

Rita & Shalom Aynesazan

Ruth & Seth Berkowitz

Arianna & Michael ‘98 Bernstein

Ellen & Shmuel Deker

Shoshi Bitton & Adam ‘00 Kreitenberg

Shana ‘91 & Donny Feldman

Victoria & Charlie Frankel

Devora & Moishe Frankel

Ruchie & Steve ‘96 Fried

Michal ‘91 & David Gershov

Barbara & Alan Gindi

Nancy & Yasha Gofman

Ilana & Gil Goldschein

Simona & Steven Heumann

The Julis Romo Rabinowitz Family

Ruthie & Hillel Kellerman

Lesley & Brian Kleinman

Steni & Michael Kram

Aviva & Scott Krieger

Jacqueline ’99 & Alain Kuppermann

Dina & Fred Leeds

Lenard Liberman

Seryl & Sy Litwin

Melody & Daniel Mahboubi

Rachel ‘99 & Daniel Margolies

Marnie & David Nagel

Jennifer & Tzvi Niman

Elisheva & Naftali Nunberg

Sarah & Adiv Pachter

Debbie & Allen Remer

Miri & Reuben Robin

Mirriam & Aaron Robin

Shira & Benny Rosenberg

Rivkie & Dani ‘86 Samson

Debbie & Sunny Sassoon

Kelly & Omid Shaye

Avigayil & Akiva ‘07 Schreiber

Barbara Schreiber

Sara & Nathaniel ‘11 Schreiber

Sari & Daniel ‘11 Schreiber

Sherri & Robert Schreiber

Shuli & Avi ‘88 Steinlauf

Naomi & Michael Teicher

Jennifer ‘98 & Phillip ‘95 Wintner

Efrat ‘90 & Uri Zisblatt


Girls Division

Gabriella Most ‘24 & Tamar Scheinfeld ‘24, School Presidents

Avital Ives ‘24, VP of Programming

Eliana Waghalter ‘24, VP of Chessed

Lielle Blinkoff ‘24, VP of Media and Communications

Leah Sasin ‘24 & Geula Shamuilian ‘24, VP of Ruach

Kayla Nourmand ‘24, VP of Fundraising

Neshama Nissim ‘24, Student Store Manager

Ella Katz ‘25 & Dana Kohanteb ‘25, 11th Grade Class Reps

Noa Schwartz ‘26 & Leah Shaye ‘26, 10th Grade Class Reps

Siona Ghanem ‘27 & Morielle Newman ‘27, 9th Grade Class Reps

Boys Division

Joey Eskenazi ‘24, Executive Committee

Jonathan Fried ‘24, Executive Committee

Gavriel Greenspan ‘24, Executive Committee

Noam Steinlauf ‘24, Treasurer

Meir Gabbaye ‘24, Student Store

Isaac Lipskier ‘24, Student Store

Caliev Cohen ‘24, Chessed Committee

Sam Mackler ‘24, Chessed Committee

David Wintner ‘24, Chessed Committee





YULA provides a diverse range of shiurim (Torah study sessions) and Judaic classes tailored to different grade levels and student skill levels. Beyond the standard courses, YULA students have the opportunity to apply for the additional programs listed below:


The Eleanor Goldin z”l Beit Midrash Program offers eligible students in the 9th & 10th Grades an advanced program of daily “Chaburah-style” study taught by outstanding Rebbeim and members of a local Kollel. This is an even more in-depth study of Gemara, in a Beit Midrash setting, with a special emphasis on various Rishonim and Achronim.


The Friedman Family Masmidim Program had a record number of participants this year! The Masmidim participate in the NCSY Bronka Weintraub High School Bekiut Program, a bekiyus program designed to master 50 dapim of Gemara and finish 2 masechtot each year. The students are tested regularly on their knowledge and compete against other yeshivot nationwide.


The L’EILA program continued for its second year, with student participation almost doubling from year 1! This program was created for self motivated freshmen and sophomores who are committed to working on their avodas HaShem. The program was designed to effectively enhance the campus avira as they work together to strengthen their connection to HaShem, religious observance, and development into Jewish leaders. Participants participated in a weekly; early morning Boker Torah learning with Rabbi Sufrin, a semimonthly; shiur at a Mechanechet home or on campus, varied chesed activity, and a monthly; lunch and learn Midrasha chabura. The girls initiated a school-wide monthly Thursday night Mishmar with learning and singing. Several L’eila students gave shiurim at our community wide Leil Iyun as well as shared Divrei Torah at various community and school wide events. This year’s cohort was led by Judaic Studies faculty member and alumni, Mrs. Tali Halpern ‘19.


The Baum Family Advanced Gemara Track is an in-depth exploration of the Talmud and its commentaries, providing participating students with an opportunity to learn Talmud on a deeper and more advanced level. The AGT track offers honors credit, and many of our students go on to study in the most distinguished yeshivot in Israel.

This program was dedicated in honor of Fred (Ephraim Dovid) Baum, a Holocaust survivor and a student of the Talmud his entire life. He was at the Lubavitch Yeshiva in Outwork, Poland until the war started in September 1939 -just a few days before he turned 18-and then was in at least 7 slave labor and concentration camps starting in January 1940 until he was liberated at Bergen Belsen in 1945. As a young man he knew 60 blatt of gemara and commentaries by heart. Over the course of his life, he knew the entire Tehillim, most of Tanach and all of the weekday and Shabbos davening by heart. He was b’all koreh who could be called upon whenever needed without advance notice. He weighed 70 pounds when he was liberated and never pursued formal studies after 1939 as he needed to rebuild his life –which he did with great success -and although he worked 20 hour days for many years until he established himself, he always found time for study and participation in community affairs as well as supporting causes such as the plight of Soviet Jews—years before anyone even knew that was a cause.

His legacy should serve as an inspiration for the YULA students that participate in this program.

Our introductory summer learning initiative resulted in 15

YULA students and 2 Rebbeim making a Summer Siyumt on mesechet makkot ! Thank you to Judy ‘97 and Aryeh Goldberg for sponsoring the siyum.

Mazal tov to our Friedman Masmidim Program on being mesayem masechet Rosh Hashana!

Juniors, Aharon Cooper ‘25 and Moshe Razi ‘25 created a Shnayim Mikra club this year with over 20 participants, who voluntarily study the Parsha with Rashi or Targum each week.

Mazal Tov to Ora Ryzman ‘26 and Eliana Prero ‘25 for competing in the National Chidon HaTanach Finals in NY!

With the addition of our Davening Chaburah on Mondays and Wednesdays, there are now optional learning opportunities during breakfast 4 days a week! Mishnayot Chaburah, Chassidut Chaburah, and Davening Chabura!


Hundreds of new seforim now line the Emil & Gail Kestenbaum Beit Midrash walls, donated by Rhonda and Theodore Roth in memory of their son, Jacob Roth z”l, YULA Class of 2013. May the learning from these seforim be a zechus for Jacob’s neshama.


Mazal Tov to Mrs. Shira Hershoff , who was honored at this year’s Girls Division Torah Celebration. She has inspired over 1,000

students during her 24 years at YULA and we are extremely grateful to her for her commitment and care to each and every student over the years.



amudim of Gemara were chazered this year at the Boys Division!

The Mishnayot Club was me’sayem Seder Nezikin!

By learning


Mishnayot a day, they started the Seder in 2021!


YULA Girls Division hosted an inspiring Yom Iyun open to students, parents and community members this winter. There were various shiurim given by our amazing students and staff. The topic of the day was how our hearts are always with our brothers and sisters in Israel.

Simultaneously, the Boys Division hosted its annual Father Son Learning with over 200 in attendance -standing room only! We learned Torah with Rav Aryeh

Kol Hakavod to Rivky Kaplan ‘26 and Elisheva Mendelowitz ‘26 for initiating Tehillim Tuesdays, where students would delve into the meaning of a new perek of Tehillim every Tuesday!

YULA students, Benjamin Light ‘24 and Baruch Mendelowitz ‘24 placed

1st & 3rd Place

nationally in the YU HS Bekiut Program!


students from the Girls Division participated for the 4th consecutive year, in the YU HS Bekiut Program, above and beyond their talmud curriculum!

Mazal tov Eliana Prero ‘25, Shayna Rose ‘25, Rafi Mark ‘25 and Moshe Uretsky ‘25 on being recognized by YU with the TORAH UMADDA AWARD.

Leibowitz, who joined our campus as a guest of the Nagel YU Kollel. To see such love for Torah from our talmidim is a testament to our positive atmosphere, inspiring Rebbeim, and the Torah study happening day in and day out.

On Shavout night, the Girls Division hosted a Tikun Leil Shavout program for adults and students, with over 80 participants at the Pico program and over 120 participants at the Hancock Park Program. At the Boys Division all night learning program, students and fathers completed Messechet Talmid.

67 student-led clubs combined between the girls and boys divisions.


student participation in academic extracurriculars.


YULA GIRLS pass rate in:

AP Bio

AP Calc BC

AP Chemistry

AP English Language

AP English Literature

AP European History

AP US Govt

AP US History


YULA BOYS pass rate in:

AP English Literature

AP European History

AP Psych



Mazel Tov to Benji Karben ‘24 on being named a National Merit Scholarship winner! Benji scored in the top 1% of all PSAT test-takers in 2022, and went through a multi-round process to win this well-deserved award.

Mazel tov to Nili Torbati ‘24 on being awarded the National Merit Scholarship Letter of Commendation for her outstanding performance on the Preliminary SAT!

Mazal tov to Joey Eskenazi ‘24 for being awarded the National Merit Scholarship Letter of Commendation for his outstanding PSAT score.

Mazal Tov to Gold Key and Silver Key award winners, Gabby Fish ‘25, Ellie Mendelsohn ‘24, Nili Torbati ‘24, Shira Abramson ‘27, Michal Mahler ‘25, and Naya Gozlan ‘26 and to Honorable Mention winners Ayla Abramson ‘25, Eden Azose ‘25, Tamar Scheinfeld ‘24 and

Racheli Hannan ‘24. The Scholastic Art and Writing awards are the nation’s longest-running, most prestigious recognition program for creative teens in art and writing.


With over 80 schools from across the country, and close to 1,700 students competing, YULA took home five awards at this year’s Harvard Model Congress! Mazal tov to Nava Gelb ‘24 , Best Delegate (our first ever!), Cailev Cohen ‘24 , Honorable Mention, Danielle Goldschein ‘24 , Honorable Mention, Noam Barnes ‘25 , Honorable Mention and Sarah Ryzman ‘26 , Honorable Mention. We are so proud of you!


Congratulations to our Mock Trial team on winning their verdict at the Los Angeles Courthouse! Mazal Tov to Eliot Goel ‘25 on receiving the MVP award.

The Jewish Orthodox Women’s Medical Association (JOWMA) is a non-for-profit organization dedicated to supporting a network of Jewish physicians to help students navigate the medical field, anywhere from high school to fellowship, and they have ventured to Los Angeles, to partner with YULA, and further expand their reach to more high school students. The inaugural event, held at YULA in May was a massive success! We had the privilege to learn from renowned healthcare professionals in the community.

YULA students, parents, and faculty members had the opportunity to interact with medical specialized equipment such as orthodontic tools and skeletal bones, and learn about cutting-edge surgical devices. It was a great way for students to get their feet wet and be exposed to different aspects of the medical field. Coming for the next academic year 20242025, the new “YULA JOWMA club” is excited to start its first year of exposing dedicated students to the sciences outside of the school setting.

In an effort to engage with students in direct experience and focused reflection to increase their knowledge, develop skills, and clarify values,the ICY (Inter-Community Youth) Club participated in several unforgettable trips this year. They traveled to Alabama, toured museums that taught them more about the civil rights movement and historical influential figures. They also got to meet the Mayor of Montgomery and the Montgomery Navy. They visited the Equal Justice Museum and Memorial, the Rosa Parks Museum and the Voting Rights Museum in Selma. Throughout the

trip they met fascinating people who shared their stories and the history of these topics with us. They also visited the Civil Rights Exhibit at the Skirball Center. This was a moving and poignant photography exhibit that focused on all aspects of the Civil Rights Movement. The Japanese National Museum was an especially memorable Sunday, as the students got the wonderful opportunity to learn about the Japanese American experience during and after WWII from special guest Richard Takagaki . Thank you to The Nagel Gen3 Fund for making this new program possible.

Out of a total of 50 awards presented to 450 students, the YULA Model UN team walked away with

7 Awards

Earning us the title of

3rd Best Delegation

out of over 50 schools.

Continuing our DECADE-LONG STREAK of placing in the Top 3 .

We are proud not only of the awards won but of the way the whole team represented YULA, and their commitment to becoming future leaders of the Jewish and global world.




Black History Month at YULA was celebrated in English and history classes with readings and discussions centered on the works of Black writers and explorations of the lives and legacies of pivotal figures in Black American history.


Health Week at YULA is a vibrant and educational event dedicated to promoting comprehensive well-being among students. Each day of this week-long celebration is packed with activities and information aimed at enhancing the students’ understanding of nutritional health, mental health, and physical fitness.


Students wore purple in support of the Shalom Task Force and each grade had a presentation and discussion about identifying healthy versus unhealthy relationships and spreading overall awareness about domestic violence.


YULA joined thousands worldwide to raise awareness about breast cancer and ovarian cancer. The students wore pink, the girls made cards for patients in the hospital and the boys had a barbecue to raise money for the organization.


Students celebrated women’s history month with a school-wide assembly and programs highlighting key female figures that fought for women’s rights and influenced the women’s suffrage movement.○




In preparation for the Yomim Noraim this year, our students had the opportunity to participate in a variety of programs designed to focus on the process of teshuvah, forgiveness, and internal change. In addition to our Pre-Selichot Kumzitz and Pre-Yom Kippur Kumzitz, Rabbi Sufrin and Rabbi Bensousan led a Spiritual Boot Camp for the Boys Division and Mrs. Luftglass and Mrs. Rose led a Pre-Selichot Inspiration Event for the Girls Division. Rabbi Sufrin delivered his inspiring annual Pre-Yom Kippur schmooze centered around students’ successes being dependent on the choices they make and emphasized the impact of their choices. This month of programming was an extremely meaningful and motivational way to go into a new year!


The YULA Ethical and Excellence in Leadership Seminar provides our 11th grade students with a greater sense of responsibility, ethics, and commitment, by integrating Torah values into their secular pursuits. Business role models and respected community leaders are invited to participate as guest speakers and present on a variety of topics such as: business ethics, community responsibility, maintaining levels of Jewish observance in the workplace, family values and time management. Students learned from the real experiences of Jonathan Kelly, Fred

Leeds, Lisa Stern, Richard Sandler, Dan Schnur, and Aric Zamel among others.


The juniors and seniors had a special training on Social Media and the Gaza War. Israel educators from ‘Unpacked’ informed students about influences of social media, specifically during this time. Students learned how to respond and combat antisemitic comments on social media.


11th and 12th grade students heard from Moshe Cohen, LCSW about Digital Citizenship and the importance of making responsible decisions when it comes to the digital world.



At YULA’s annual Impact Day each grade was sent to volunteer at a Chesed organization. The students devoted their time to various acts of kindness, visiting Etta Israel, the Iranian Jewish Senior Center, Garden of Palms, Global Kindness, and Love n’ Groceries, as well as packing Shabbat kits and tying tzitzit for IDF soldiers.

A special shout out to the Girls Division 9th grade for raising over

$60,000 for Chai Lifeline!


5,000 Hours

Volunteering in communal chesed organizations this year, including YACHAD, Etta Israel, Chai Lifeline iShine, OBKLA, Shabbat Kits, Love and Groceries and more!

Yashar Koach to our students for arranging the following student led projects:

• Blood Drive

• Israel Soldier Supply Drive

• Chai Lifeline Toy Drive

• Canned Food Drive

This year’s Color Wars were nothing short of extraordinary, not only in terms of its vibrant displays of ruach and competition, but also for the profound sense of achdut and leadership it showcased. From the freshmen class to the graduating seniors, there was a palpable sense of camaraderie and togetherness that transcended individual differences.




Our sold-out, standing-room-only fall musical, The Greatest Showman , was a huge hit! The show featured 34 actresses from all four grades as well as a 10-member backstage crew. Tickets for the iconic musical were sold out in days.

33 girls auditioned and performed in this year’s spring play, I Hate Shakespeare . This doubled participation from previous years in non musical performances!

The Boys Drama Society performance of Turn! Turn! Turn! featured five short plays centered around the theme of Kohelet, exploring the motifs of “a time to laugh” and “a time for peace.”


The YULA Girls band has grown to be a seven-member musical powerhouse, and they performed regularly during the year, being the stars of the school Talent Show in November. Our talented Girls Band and Boys Jazz Ensemble provided a beautiful musical accompaniment at the Trustees Dinner in April.


The YULA Girls Art Department reconfigured last year to accommodate increased classes and activities. Fletcher Crossman took over as Director of Arts, having worked for many years as a visual artist and musician as well as an educator, and we welcomed Simone Greenberg and Edva Sims to the department, increasing the number of 9th/10th Grade classes and reducing the student-teacher ratio. Noam Nizzani’s Photography class and Fletcher Crossman’s Graphic Design class continue to expand student options beyond traditional studio art.

The beginning of April saw the Week of the Arts, which included a whole campus art exhibit, numerous performances, and visiting speakers who told students about their work as professional artists. The energy created was captured in this year’s Art Magazine - the largest we have ever published - and celebrating the scope and volume of art that we have seen cre -

ated this year. This range has perhaps been most noticeable in the 11th and 12th Grade classes where the more traditional disciplines such as painting, etching, pottery, and photography, have been joined by students exploring an exciting range of new approaches. Students have been creating embroidery and knitting projects, digital imagery, several students have started exploring sculpture, one AP portfolio focused on wig-making, while another created a huge, multi-panel self portrait installation.

Students from both divisions contributed to a beautiful “YULA Loves Israel” art exhibit showcased at the Trustee Event. The exhibit featured both group and individual works.




At YULA, we aim to inspire our students with a lifelong love for Torah and Judaism, while also highlighting the importance of sanctifying the mundane. Each year, our students participate in a broad range of activities to build the Rebbe-Talmid/ Mechanecht -Student bond and to cultivate lasting connections among their peers. From trips and Shabbatons to chagigas and fairs, here is a glimpse of some of the activities that took place this year.





YULA Athletics consisted of 25

teams this year.

These teams were in this season’s Playoffs:

Boys Basketball

Girls Basketball

Boys Cross Country



Girls Basketball team won making them the Division 4AA Independence League Champions! 1st

Boys Baseball took at the Columbus Torah Academy CBI Tournament in Ohio.

3rd Place

Girls Volleyball

Congratulations to our Panthers for taking home


Place in the YULA National Volleyball Tournament!


1st making them the 2024 Red Sarachek Tournament Champions!



300 alumni and YULA families attended our historic Banner Ceremony that celebrated 40+ years of championships and success.

It was extremely special to induct Coach Ed Gelb into the YULA Hall of Fame celebrating

281 wins as YULA Head Coach over the span of 15 years.


. They are the Division 4AA Regional

Congratulations to Alex Gabbay ‘25 on being named of the 2024 Red Sarachek Tournament and ALL CIF SCIBCA.

Congratulations to Yishai Rosenblatt ‘24 on being named

2nd Team



alumni weddings this year.

YULA mechanchot gave kallah classes to

14 alumni this year



time to teach these classes on top of their already busy teaching schedule.


YULA staff members are Alumni


YULA current parents are Alumni

Post October 7th, YULA created a small program Yeshiva & Seminary at YULA for alumni that couldn’t be in Israel. For the Girls Division, this included davening, three classes tailored to alumni interests, chesed opportunities to help the war effort in Israel, surprise lunches, fruit man, and fresh potato kugel on Erev Shabbot. For the Boys Division, this included davening, morning seder followed by a shiur given by one of the rebbeim on staff and lunch with their peers. Our program grew to over 30 alumni, and we welcomed alumni from other LA high schools who didn’t want to lose the “spiritual momentum” of their Yeshiva year. Thank you Rabbi Abramczik and Mrs. Hershoff for energizing this program, and to all of our rebbeim and teachers who volunteered their



This winter, YULA piloted a new Alumni Shidduch Initiative, to establish a platform that connects YULA alumni around the world for shidduchim. Our alumni community is filled with individuals who have thrived, inspired, and transformed since their time at YULA, and YULA believes in fostering connections that extend beyond our school years. On Rosh Chodesh, our committee reviews the YULA Shidduchim Database and makes recommendations where they see potential. We look forward to seeing hatzlacha with this new initiative!

YULA Rebbeim were Mesader Keddusin at




Benjamin Karben , Boys Division

Sarah Shaye , Girls Division


Baruch Mendelowitz , Boys Division

Nili Torbati , Girls Division



Tamar Scheinfeld & Avital Ives



Joseph Eskenazi , Boys Division


Aharon Topp , Boys Division

Nava Gelb , Girls Division


Eliron Maghen , Boys Division

Nellie Javaherian , Girls Division


Ilan Keet & Calev Cohen , Boys Division

Neshama Nissim & Tali Valensi , Girls Division

Our 44th Annual Commencement Ceremony was dedicated in loving memory of Noah Arnold , Class of 2024. May his neshama have an aliyah.

Our students were admitted to the following institutions:


AISH Gesher





Lev HaTorah



Netiv Aryeh




Toras Moshe

Torat Shraga


Yeshiva Tiferes


Yishrei Lev


Aish Gesher


Ba’er Miryam




Midreshet Eshel

Midreshet Harova



Midreshet Moriah





Tomer Devorah















Ohio State


Penn State







Santa Monica College

U of F

UC Berkeley

UC Davis

UC Irvine

UC San Diego

UC Santa




UMass Amherst


University of Illinois

University of Pennsylvania





YU Honors


This year marks the 10th yahrzeit of Daniella Lee Casper z”l ‘07. Daniella was an extraordinary young woman, whose short life left an indelible impression on those who were fortunate enough to know her. In order to perpetuate their daughter’s memory, and to give others the priceless experience of learning in seminary in Israel for a year, Frank and Kerri Lee, with the help of their friends and community, established the “Daniella Lee Casper Israel Scholarship” for YULA Girls Division graduates. Over the last 10 years, over $250,000 has been awarded to nearly 50 YULA graduates who share the love of Torah learning, strong faith in Hashem, and desire to grow, that Daniella personified. May the Torah the girls learn in Israel, be a z’chut for Daniella’s neshama, as well as for her son Gavriel.



YULA Boys and YULA Girls students in grades 9-12 receive a 3-part crash course in the history of Gaza and Hamas in the context of the Arab-Israeli conflict and the history of Zionism.


12th graders at YULA Boys and YULA Girls engaged in an intensive one-semester analysis of the history of the conflict with a focus on responding to contemporary anti-Zionist language and claims.


A weekly class was offered to YULA parents and community on the history of Zionism and the Arab-Israeli conflict.


A series of student-organized and student-taught sessions on the history of Zionism, Israel, and the Arab-Israeli conflict (ongoing).


Daily lineup of classes and shiurim offered to YULA graduates who returned to LA offered in fall semester 2023, including classes on Zionism, Anti-Zionism, and the Gaza war.


The Girls and Boys Division is partnered with StandWithUs for a five part Senior Seminar on how to defend Israel on college campus and become familiar with

Israel Advocacy at YULA had a unique role this year as we worked hard with the international community to educate, advocate, and support our homeland. Now is the time for our students and faculty to stand as passionate, educated and articulate Zionsts, activists, and advocates. With this in mind, YULA has engaged in a wide range of initiatives this year, aimed at educating, inspiring, and making a difference. A sampling is below.

how to report anti semitism to campus officials. They will also take a crash course on their legal rights as a college campus student.




YULA faculty and students are designed and installed a permanent art installation of the blooming wildflower fields around Gaza in honor of this year’s Yom Hazikaron.


YULA hosted 250+ community members for an Israeli short film festival focused on resilience and strength through trauma.


Students had the opportunity to meet and hear from guest speakers such as: Ruth Wasserman-Lande, a former MK and political consultant, Einav Danino Mother of hostage Ori Danino, Sigal and Meitar Yakobi October 7 survivor from Kibbutz Kfar Aza, Ran Bar Yoshafat Israeli attorney, activist, and reservist, and Nitzana Darshan Leitner the president of Shurat Hadin , the organization suing Hamas and terror organizations in jurisdictions around the world.


YULA students on both the Boys and Girls campus hosted groups of displaced Israel students, learned about their experience living near Gaza- before, on October 7, and in its aftermath, and shared love and support with them.


YULA students participated in a number of Israel unity events- including a kumzitz, tefilla and learning with partnering LA Jewish high schools and a Tehillim rally with students from 25+ Jewish high schools from around the country.



The annual January Israel trip for YULA seniors became an opportunity for YULA students to visit with wounded soldiers, former hostages and families, and to volunteer at multiple locations in the Gaza area and around the country. In addition, a group of YULA upperclassmen self-organized a mission- including fundraising, purchasing supplies and gifts, volunteering, and visiting families.


YULA faculty and students created and sold 100+ olivewood and resin mezuzot with funds supporting Israeli emergency response teams and displaced families.


YULA faculty and students created and sold 100+ Israel-themed kippot with funds supporting Israeli emergency response teams and displaced families.


YULA joined 40+ North American Jewish day schools in an ongoing weekly letter-writing campaign sending thousands of emails a week to elected officials, company leaders, media, and others to combat anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism and to share appreciation for support of Israel.


Several YULA students served as Fellows in the Unpacked High School Fellowship, gaining knowledge and skills as Israel advocates and activists. In addition, YULA hosts all Unpacked high school fellowship events.


Several YULA students served as Fellows in the Stand With Us High School Fellowship, gaining knowledge and skills as Israel advocates and activists and bringing that knowledge back to YULA by planning and leading Israel events on campus.


Several YULA students served as Fellows in the AJC High School Fellowship, gaining knowledge and skills as advocates and activists on behalf of the Jewish people.


YIAC student leaders have planned and executed dozens of special events and programs to support Israel, including traveling to LAX to greet lone soldiers returning to LA from the war; traveling to LAX to pack and ship dozens of cases of supplies for the war effort; a special Kickoff event focused on standing for Israel in the media and arts; ongoing Israel war news updates; ongoing Tehillim campaigns; an ongoing Whatsapp Good News chat; multiple letter writing campaigns for wounded soldiers, active soldiers, and hostage families; packages for Israeli soldiers; creating beaded bracelets for IDF soldiers; distributing shabbat candle kits in honor of IDF soldiers; challah bake in honor of IDF soldiers; selling Shabbat flowers to fundraise for IDF soldiers; penpal program with students in Israel; toy drive for displaced families in Israel.


YULA students joined the pro-Israel community to rally for Israel on multiple occasions. This includes locally and traveling to Washington, DC.


YULA students have had the opportunity to meet with multiple elected officials to urge continued strong American support of Israel’s right and responsibility to defend itself. Noted meetings include Rep. Josh Gottheimer, Senator Jon Tester, Rep. Shri Thanedar, and Rep. Joe Wilson


Shacharit and Mincha at YULA continued to add Avinu Malkeinu and extra Tehillim each day.

We are so proud of Gad Ohayon ‘24, Eli Chriki ‘25 , and Isaac Amouyal ‘25 who went to Israel over Thanksgiving, on their own, where they accomplished incredible things helping in Israel. They were featured on the Israeli news. They raised thousands of dollars and delivered toys, visited hospitals, worked farms, BBQ’d and prepared meals/equipment for over 1,000 soldiers and the list goes on. Yasher koach for their incredible efforts!


We are incredibly proud of our alumni that have chosen to protect Klal Yisroel and ask that you keep them and all of the soldiers in your tefilot

Liam Abucasis ‘21

Rivkah Abrams ‘18

Samuel Azair ‘12

Daniel Blumenstrach ‘18

Simi Broner ‘21

Ava Chernicoff ‘22

Nathan Dahan ‘21

Daniel Dahan ‘19

Louria Chriki ‘18

Meir Dunner ‘20

Ethan Frankel ‘22

Elliot ‘21

Danny Glass ‘02

Yossi Etshalom ‘14

Yehuda Oles ‘12

Yoni Merkin ‘21

Ezri Menachem ‘17

Rochie Newman ‘21

Menachem Nissim ‘22

Anat Rimmon ‘21

Oren Rimmon ‘19

Aaron Reiss ‘18

Rabbi Eli Skaist

Ariel Safaradi ‘12



Felice Gottlieb ‘00 and Rivka Most , Co-Presidents

Jennifer Wintner ‘98 , Treasurer

We have tremendous hakaras hakarat to the Parent Council for their invaluable contributions to our school community. Their dedication and selflessness in volunteering their time play a vital role in enhancing the educational experience for our students. Through initiatives such as monthly Rosh Chodesh breakfasts for teachers, appreciation days for security and maintenance, and parent

gatherings, the Parent Council fosters a sense of unity and support among parents, faculty, and staff. Their efforts not only demonstrate their commitment to our school’s success but also create meaningful opportunities for parents to actively engage with and contribute to our vibrant school community. We are truly grateful for their tireless efforts and unwavering support.


Parent social Cooking Class

Appreciation days

Rosh Chodesh Brunch for Staff Book Club

Security Appreciation Thanksgiving



Hebrew Department Chair Ziva Plattner led an Ulpan Ivrit class for moms every Monday at the girls campus. Mrs. Plattner gives back to the community by teaching beginner level Ivrit to moms. We thank Morah Plattner for this amazing program!


Rabbi Dr. Menachem Hecht held a weekly class offered to YULA parents & community on the history of Zionism and the ArabIsraeli conflict.


Guiding Good Choices (GGC) is a distinctive program aimed at preventing drug and alcohol misuse. It comprises a series of

workshops designed for parents to reduce family conflict, strengthen bonds, and clearly communicate their values to their children. These aspects are linked to better short- and long-term outcomes for teenagers. Parents attended weekly sessions over a five-week period. Thank you to Dr. Shuli Steinlauf and Rabbi Maslow for facilitating this new program.


In the Boys Division, Dor L’dor Sunday learning for fathers and sons continued to take place weekly. Both the Father-Son and Mother-Son Learning Programs saw strong attendance. In the Girls Division, Yom Iyun, Pre-Pesach Leil Iyun, weekly Midrasha, and shiurim offered valuable opportunities for parents to learn alongside their children. Shavuos learning programs in both divisions were uplifting and inspiring.


Rabbi Dov Rosenbluth , Boys Division Rebbe, performed the ultimate kindness, and donated one of his kidneys to a complete stranger. This heroic act is not only an expression of compassion and empathy but also a reflection of Rabbi Rosenbluth’s commitment to the principles of pikuach nefesh, the obligation to save human life. As the Gemorah in Sanhedrin says, “Saving even one life is akin to saving an entire world.’’ Rabbi Rosenbluth’s decision to donate his kidney leaves us speechless and embodies this profound principle in action.

As part of The OU Women’s Initiative, Mrs. Shira Hershoff joined a national fellowship for Rebbetzins, Kallah Teachers, Kiruv and Chinuch Professionals, focused on the foundations of support for counseling and referral skills for women in communal roles.

Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom served as Scholar-in-Residence at various shuls in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Florida and California. His book on Amos, published by Koren, is due out in early summer.

As part of the OU Women’s Initiative: Mrs. Bruria Seigel ran a national Virtual Lunch and Learn Rosh Chodesh Series and Mrs. Racheli Luftglass delivered a ten part Sefer Ezra Nach Yomi series, a program offered to members of the OU nationwide.

Mrs. Elimor Ryzman is a Puah Cares team member, giving emotional support to women through their infertility journeys. She also handpicked new mashgichot to expand the LA Mashgichot team who will be trained this summer. Mrs. Ryzman hosted and founded what is known in LA as the “Matriarch Event”, a luncheon for the senior woman of the community. This magnificent event, under the auspices of Bikur Cholim of Los Angeles, took place bi-monthly and before the Yomim Tovim. Mrs. Ryzman, is also captain of the Sister2Sister team, and helped organize events for divorced women in the LA community.

Our Athletic Director, Ms. Alexandra Novack was recognized by National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association (NIAAA) as a Certified Master Athletic Administrator. Alexandra Novak is one of a very elite group of interscholastic athletic administrators nationwide to attain this level of professionalism.

Congratulations to Ms. Pam Felcher on being published in the current issue of California Riding Magazine!

Congratulations to Ms. Candice Kelsey on publishing another manuscript, Postcards From The Masthead, published by “boats against the current”.

Our Boys Division Director of Admis -

sions and Marketing, Mr. Jesse Orenshein , competed for the 4th time on American Ninja Warrior and published another children’s book, pandering to the Ninja Warrior community called Our Little Ninja.

We are deeply grateful for your many years of dedication and the positive impact you’ve had on countless YULA students. As you retire, we wish you all the best in your future endeavors and hope you enjoy this new chapter. The indelible mark you have left on YULA will forever be part of the YULA nation.


Rabbi Nachum Sauer



Dr. Paul Soifer

History Department Chair


Rabbi Joseph Schreiber



Mrs. Nancy Schiff

Director of Finance

We wish to express our hakarat hatov to our Lay Leaders Seth Berkowitz, David Nagel, Alan Gindi and the Board of Directors for their steadfast and unwavering commitment to the fiscal success of the school. Your involvement is instrumental in driving our mission forward and ensuring the success of YULA for future generations to come.

Thank you to Yona Elishis , Chair of the Development Committee. Your ongoing involvement and insight play a pivotal role in our continued success.



777 Pledges/Gifts

160 First time donors

113 Alumni supporters

$400k in new capital pledges Over


A big Yasher Koach to David Nagel and to Decron on another successful Golf Tournament!

The 14th Annual Golf Tournament raised over toward financial aid due to the generosity of all our corporate sponsors and supporters.



Over was raised at the tournament for United Hatzolah. This number is incredibly meaningful as it primarily came from the non Jewish community.

As you may be aware, the Decron Golf Tournament is comprised of non Jewish participants, and having their support and showing their solidarity with Israel was a true kiddush Hashem.



YULA High School held its Annual Trustee Event, raising over


which are critical funds to ensure that the high quality YULA education are accessible to all of our students. Mazal tov to Rabbi Joseph and Mrs. Robin Schreiber , the Trustee Honorees. The Schreiber’s unwavering dedication, compassionate guidance and profound wisdom have left an indelible mark on generations of learners. Your legacy of excellence and devotion will forever be a part of the YULA nation. Mazal tov to Mindy ‘99 and Betzalel ‘99 Hellman , the Alumni Award recipients!

Our Night of Achdut and Comedy was record breaking with over NIGHT OF ACHDUT AND COMEDY

500 attendees!

Thank you to the YULA community for helping us raise over

$260k for scholarships. A big mazal tov to Nancy and Mark Schiff , who were honored and recognized for their community impact.



Since the merger, YULA has successfully frozen tuition for the fourth consecutive year, which is no small feat. This achievement is due to our focus on sharing resources, reducing expenses, and increasing fundraising. These factors have enabled us to maintain financial stability without compromising the quality of education and student experience.




This year, we completed the renovation of the Emil & Gail Kestenbaum Beit Midrash and installed the Etz Chaim Wall in the Sassoon Beit Midrash, dedicated by Mehnaz & Asher Esagoff.


The wildflower wall was created by YULA students and faculty to remember the 1,200+ victims of October 7. The klanit (crown anemone) wildflowers bloom red in the fields around Gaza each spring, symbols of fragility and resilience of tragedy and beauty of death and rebirth.

May Hashem bring comfort and peace to the victims’ families and to all of Am Yisrael.

The capital donor wall, dedicated by Ilana and Gil Goldschein, will be installed this coming fall.

Thank you to Taylor and Jeremy Kahn for dedicating the Kahn Stairwell in the Ambassador Roland Arnall Pavillion! The Taylor and Jeremy Kahn stairwell was dedicated in honor of Rabbi Joseph Schreiber, in appreciation of his nearly 50 years in Jewish Education in Los Angeles.

Plans are in motion to upgrade hallways and classrooms in the Ambassador Roland Arnall Pavillion this summer.


Thanks to the federal security grant we received at the Boys Division, we implemented significant security enhancements. As part of target hardening measures, new locking hardware was installed on classroom doors, blast resistant film was applied on perimeter windows and doors of the campus, and bollards were installed at the walking entrance to the campus on Castello.

Thank you to the The Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles and Jewish Federation Los Angeles for awarding YULA with an Emergency Security Grant. We are deeply appreciative of The Foundation and JFEDLA’s unwavering support and commitment to our community’s safety. Their guidance, consistent communication, and expertise are invaluable in helping us implement security best practices and navigate the current climate.




Sanford and Beverly Deutsch were instrumental in laying the foundation for the Modern Orthodox community that has flourished in the greater Los Angeles Area. Their philanthropic leadership includes starting Rambam High School, the Simon Wiesenthal Center, Yeshivat Yavneh and serving as President of Sharei Tefillah and of the Orthodox Union. Eleven of their grandchildren have attended YULA.

We are indeed grateful for our donors who have had the vision to ensure YULA’s vibrancy well into the future through the establishment of our endowment fund. We are looking forward to continued growth of this important fund, which will continue to have an impact on our school for generations to come.


Ruth and Seth Berkowitz

Lynda and Arie Buchman

Gregory Cortese

Robin and Meir Gelman

Elaine and Mark Gershenson

Rachel and Jack E. z”l Gindi

Barbara and Alan Gindi

Naomi and Gregg Gittler

Nancy and Yasha Gofman

Harwitt Foundation

Lauren and Ezra Kest

Kestenbaum Family Foundation

Lesley and Brian Kleinman

Aviva and Scott Krieger

Elayne and Howard Levkowitz

Tina ‘85 and Michael Loboda

Vivian and Jordan Lurie

Rick Macaya

Melody and Kamyar Mahboubi

Debi and Harry Peled

Gitel z”l and David Rubin and Family

Joanne Saks

Sheri and Arnold Schlesinger

Irine and Victor Schweitzer

Sara and Ronald Solomon

Jeff Stern

Ann and William Warnick

Fay z”l and Irwin Weiss

Geri and Isaac Wiener


Susan and Michael Baum

Lynda and Arie Buchman

Class of 2012

Tabitha and Brian ‘89 Dror

Robin and Meir Gelman

Felice Gottlieb ‘00 and Shmuel Barak

Ann and Avi Hier

Sheryl Neuman and Mark Hyman

Hedy and Ted Orden z”l

Scholarship Fund (Helen and Moshe Sassover)

Amy and Mark Kestenbaum

Trudy and Louis Kestenbaum z”l

Lesley and Brian Kleinman

Rosina z”l and Robert Korda

Elayne and Howard Levkowitz

Tina ‘85 and Michael Loboda

Cheryl and Ronnie Nagel

Gitta and Jack z”l Nagel

Marnie and David Nagel

Judy Posner

Sassoon Family Foundation

Sheri and Arnold Schlesinger

Stephen Sigoloff

Sam Small

Tamar and R’ Arye Sufrin

Kity Wallace

Fay z”l and Irwin Weiss

Geri and Isaac Wiener



Amy & Mark Kestenbaum


Taylor & Jeremy Kahn

Sigal & Jonathan Kelly

Marnie & David Nagel , B Trust X


Ruth & Seth Berkowitz , B

Cushman & Wakefield

Decron Properties

Douglas Design Build GRUNDCO

Manhattan Equity

PS2 Inc

Lee Samson

Murielle & Steve Uretsky

Laura ‘99 & Danny Abergel

Allbright Painting

Cassi & Ken Alter

American Power Solutions

Alison ‘98 & Evan Anziska, B

Lisa & Geoffrey Aranoff

Armon Investments

Rita & Shalom Aynesazan, B

Banc of California

Michelle Barak

Barak, Richter & Dror

Susan & Michael Baum

Esther & Jacob Blaich

Robin & Elliot Broidy

Jenny & Moshe ‘00 Buchman

Builders of Jewish Education


Thank you for including YULA in your charitable giving this year. Please note: This issue of the Annual Report deals solely with the 2023-2024 fiscal year which ended June 30, 2024. B Board Member S Staff Member


Chicago Title

Edward Czuker

Yona & Isser Elishis, B

Barbara & Alan Gindi, B

Rachel Gindi

Ann & Mark Goldin

The J. Samuel Harwit z”l & Harwit-Aviv Charitable Trust

Steven Alevy

All Valley Washer

Donald Alter

AM House

Arthur J. Gallagher & Co.

Sandra & Avy Azeroual

Yoli & Guy Bachar

Burns Environmental

Century Heritage Builders

Citi Private Bank

Commercial Roof Management

Compass Realty

Daffy Charitable Fund

Chava & Avi Dayan

Driver SPG

Chargie, LLC


City National Rochdale


Ilana & Bobby Daftari

Design & Develop

Earth & Sun Construction Inc

Elite Elevator Service

Euro Design Electric

Esthie & Walter Feinblum

Sharon ‘98 & Jeremy ‘92 Fine

Jenny & Emil Fish

Rena ‘82 & Jamie Frankel, S

Naomi & Ben Fried

Rachel & Steven ‘96 Fried

Chana ‘92 & Rabbi Paul Gelb

Alex Hendeles ‘99

Dena & Chaim ‘07 Katz

Magda & Harold Katz

Gila & Yitzy ‘00 Katz, S, B

The Kenneth Leventhal


Lauren & Ezra Kest

Kerri & Frank Lee


Tabitha & Brian ‘89 Dror

Empire Waterproofing INC

Mahnaz & Asher Eshaghpour

Shana ‘91 & Donny Feldman, B

Aliza & Jeffrey ‘88 Fish

Michal ‘91 & David Gershov, B

Ilana & Gil Goldschein, B

Greenberg Glusker LLP

Rachel ‘00 & Akiva Greenfield

Hedy z”l & Ted z”l Orden

Endowment Fund

Simona & Steven Heumann

Naomi & Jeremy ‘92 Ives

Joleen & Mitchell Julis

Aviva & Scott Krieger


Robin & Meir Gelman

Gibson Dunn & Crutcher

Judith ‘97 & Aryeh Goldberg

Tracey & Joey ‘86 Goldstein

Grace Helen Spearman

Charitable Foundation

Sarah & Yanki Greenspan

HD Supply Facilities Maintenance

Angie & Moise Hendeles

Leeba & Zev Hertz

Chaya & Mark Horowitz

Rina & Sherwin Isenberg

Miriam & Jonathan Istrin

JLL Capital Markets

Marlene ‘86 & Mark ‘87 Kahan

Eva & Abe Kaplan

Phyllis & David Katzin

Elayne & Howard Levkowitz, S, B

Gitta Nagel

Sherri & Babak Rashididoust

Rhonda & Ted Roth

Seamless Flooring

Leslie & Geoffrey Sitbon

Sotheby’s International Realty

Shuli & Avi ‘88 Steinlauf, B

Melody & Daniel Mahboubi, B

Mark Meadows

Meridian Capital

Lauren & Mark Mintz

Carol & Larry Mizel

Annie & Daniel ‘02 Nagel

Cheryl & Ronald Nagel

Rinat & Nathan Newman

One Call Renovations, Inc.

Ziva & Dov Plattner, S

RealPage, Inc.

Mirriam & Aaron Robin

Rachel & Omid Shaye, B

Elizabeth & Peter Steinlauf Effie ‘90 & Uri Zisblatt, B

Elisa & Meir Keller

Kimball, Tirey & St. John

Arlene & Robert Korda

Mark Kruspodin

Dina & Fred Leeds

Tina ‘85 & Michael Loboda

Aviva & Roy Mansano

Marquee Funding Group, Inc.

Morgan Stanley Private Wealth Management

Elizabeth ‘05 & Marc Neiman

Shelly & Shmueli Newman


Omnia Pacific

Sarah & Adiv Pachter

Pacific Computer Supply

Sasha & Michael Parker

Honey & Marvin Pietruszka


Naomi ‘00 & Dovi Prero

TRG Fire System

Stephanie ‘99 & Tzvi ‘95


Denise & Weston Richter

Miri & Reuben Robin

Rachel & Stephen Ross

The Ruderman Group—Morgan


Dana & David ‘97 Abramson


AM Building Company

Nely & Pirooz Amona

Shawni Modrel-Astrof & Jeffrey Astrof

Vanessa & Mike Azeroual

Felice ‘00 Gottlieb & Shmuel

Barak , B

Sara ‘97 & Jonathan ‘98 Barzideh

Bryndie & Moshe Benarroch


Lynda & Arie Buchman

Capital One Commercial Real


Cedars Sinai

City Service Contracting, Inc.

Darvish Capital

Moshe Darvish ‘22

Batya & Joey ‘10 Dayan

Farnaz & Mehrdad Dayani

Maureen & Larry Eisenberg

Enviroworx Pest Control

AB Classic Restoration

Allied Universal Security Services

Michelle & Benjamin Andron

B.M. Plumbing & Construction, Inc

Florette & Laurent Benhamou

Bonnie & Robert Blitzstein

Rosalee & Chesky Braunstein

Callidus General Contracting

Cruz Construction

DePasquale, Kelley & Company

E Galindo Cleaning Services

Englanoff Family Foundation

Cindy ‘01 & Leeran ‘01 Factor

Shirin & Howie Fialkov

Na’ama Aviv Gabay & Rabbi

Ishay Gabay

Jenny & Billie Gelb

Geo’s Painting, Inc

Glynis & Selwyn Gerber

Elimor & Rafi ‘02 Ryzman, B

Helen & Moshe Sassover

Debbie & Eric Schames

Brigitte & Jonathan Schoen

Sherwin Williams

Neil Solarz —Weinstock Manion

Superior Roofing

Nan & Marc Taubman

Total Access Elevator

Zahavah & Daniel ‘99 Uretsky, B

Walker & Dunlop

Weinstock Manion Reisman

Shore & Neumann

Wells Fargo Corporate & Investment Banking

WestRock Restoration

Jennifer ‘98 & Philip ‘95 Wintner

Wolf, Rifkin, Shapiro, Schulman & Rabkin

Sabrina & Aric Zamel

Batia & Salomon Zirdok


Ilanit & Michael Fallas

Jessica & Anton Feingold

Estee & Eben Feinstein


Maggie & Zachary ‘10 Finder

Victoria & Charlie Frankel

Devora & Moishe Frankel

Deborah & Mark Goldenberg

Gorman Roofing Services, Inc.

Tami & Asher Gottesman

Jenny Lewkowicz & Emanuel Gottlieb

Moran & Shalom Gozlan

Cecile & Edwin Gromis

Mazal & Victor Hadad

Harvest LLP

The Holdsworth Group, LLC

Alan Kaye

Ruthie & Hillel Kellerman

Lesley & Brian Kleinman

Afrooz & Mehran Kohanbash

Sara & Benny Kohanteb

Jacqueline ‘99 & Alain


Lawrence Schacht Memorial Foundation, Inc.

Lieder’s Pico

Vivian & Jordan Lurie

Gabrielle & Rabbi David Mahler

Deborah & Avi Marciano

Nathalie & Glenn Marshak

Tracy & Sidney Mathalon

Don McMillan

Debra & Scott Mund

National Trade Contractors

Maytal ‘00 & Marc Noah

Careena & Drew Parker

Adena Silberstein & Levi Pinsky

Platinum Security

Susan & Sam Porgess

Hindi ‘96 & Rabbi Adir Posy, S

Elham & Shawn Rabbani

Michael & Nancy Rabbanian

Mona & Hamid Rashidi doust

Carol & Adam Reich

Karl Reinecker


Jacob Gottesman ‘18

Reuven Gradon

Eve & John Halwani

Cari ‘82 & Jonas Hanelin

Elaina & Nachum Hascalovici

Jennifer & Rabbi Menachem

Hecht, S

Mindy ‘99 & Betzalel ‘99 Hellman

Hinojoza Plumbing Inc & HVAC

Karen & Darrin Holender

Julie & David Iskowitz

Israel Discount Bank

KHR Design

Arlene & Moshe Kupietzky

Nurit & Adam Lerer

Esther & Paul Lerer

Esther ‘84 & Craig Levine

Hudy & Menny Lipskier

Evvy & David Mankowitz

Marcie Meier

Chavee Lerer & Victor Mellon

Samira & Ari Miller, S

Ronak & Koorosh Myers

Na’amit & Zev ‘00 Nagel

National Econ Corporation

Wendy & Larry Platt

R & R Electric Co

Refinishers Choice

Adina & Don Rochel

Royal Lands LLC

Marla & Jeff Schechter

Nancy & Mark Schiff, S

Shira & Benjamin Rosenberg

David Rubin

RVW Wealth LLC

Zahava & Avi Ryzman

Rivkie & Dani ‘86 Samson, B

Debbie & Sunny Sassoon

Sharona & Hooman Sazegar ‘04

Lauren ‘10 & Nathan Sazegar ‘10

Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP

Gabriel Simha ‘13

Melina Spadone

Rita ‘04 & Jonathan ‘02 Statman

Mary & Aric Streit

Miriam & David Striks

The Teichman Family Charitable Foundation

Dorit & Alan Teichman

Sarah & Yossi Wachtel

Soshea & Jance Weberman

Annette & Michael ‘99 Wiener

Natalie & Chaim Williams, S

Lisa & Yoni ‘99 Wintner, B

Thomas Schiff

Catherine & Eric Schneider

Robin & Rabbi Joseph Schreiber, S

Joy & Ron Sentchuk

Klara & Martin Shandling

Shaw Contract

Sunrise Pool

Lori Pietruszka & Ronny Sussman

Tyler Development Corp

Unlimited Climate Control

UPI Waterproofing

Valet Living

Geri & Isaac Wiener


Lauren & Asher Abehsera

Yisca & Rabbi Michael Abraham, S

Ronit & Rabbi Nissan Ahoobim

ALD Marketing

American Carpet

Jessy & Abraham Amouyal

Aqua Creations

Margo & Joey ‘09 Baum

Ariana & Michael ‘98 Bernstein

Rachelle & Avi Bitton

Sarah & Avi ‘01 Blumenstein

Michal & Jeremie Braun

Karen & Meir Brunelle

Bunny Constructions

Shira ‘96 & Joshua Cooper

Eden & David ‘98 Dayan

Laurie Cooper & Donald Emerson

Environmental Testing Associates

ETA Testing

Huvi & Rabbi Shimon Abramczik, S

Shlomit & Larry Abrams, S

Agi & Bob Adler

Shiri Nitka Adry & Nissim Adry

Archon Protection

Lisa & Scott Arnold

Pinchas Ashen

Orly & Elan Atias

Oded Azariya

Sipporah & Rabbi Dror

Baalhaness, S

Carli & Rabbi Ahron Becker, S

Elisheva & Moisce Belinow

Alissa Rimmon & Kenny Bendik

Yehudis Benhamou, S

Naomi & Rabbi Ari Bensoussan, S

Ilana & Ari Berenson

Rachelle & Mark Berger

Shiri & Judah Bernstein

Ronnie Bernstein

Debra & Steven ‘94 Bernstein

Amy Bitton

Alexa Block

Andrew Block



Deena & David Brandes

Brothers in Arms Security

Erika & Avi ‘07 Buchman


Aviva & Daniel Fersht

Rochel & Shachar Gargir, S

Atara & Dael ‘96 Geft

Sheina & Jack J. Gindi

Rachel & Rabbi Yoel Gold

Daniel Gottesman

Itta ‘08 & Meir ‘08 Graff

Diane & Julien Haggiag

Victoria Hanlon, S

Lori Fogel-Hess & Ron Hess

Natalie & Abraham Hirschel

Meitlis-Hofer & Ira Hofer

Sheryl Neuman & Mark Hyman

Nelly & Henri Kahn

Sanaz & Ilan Kashanian

Ilana & Edward ‘98 Klein

Lili & Ben Kohanteb

Ahuva & Rabbi Daniel Korda

Shoshi Bitton & Adam ‘00 Kreitenberg

Mettia & Shimon Cagan

Elizabeth & Jack Cate

Severine Chriki

Steve Cohn

Aliza Katz & Ariel Cooper

Debbi Cooper

Ellin & Jeremy Cooper

Aileen & Pace Cooper

Ramesh & Shaun Daneshrad

Shaindel & Shimon Leanse

Rachel & Lenard Liberman

Stacey & Jonah Light

Seryl & Sy Litwin, S

Yasmine & Shervin Louie

Rachel & Michael Malk

Allison & Abie ‘97 Mendelsohn

Rivkah & Michael Most

Lena & Mehrdad Naim

Dorit & Harry Nelson

Sheryl & Chaim Nunberg

Eliza & Jesse ‘14 Orenshein, S

Parcel Pending

Perea Landscape Services Co

Loren & Jacob ‘12 Rabbanian

Jonathan Rabbanian ‘13

Beth ‘12 & Avi Rabinovitch, S

BenZion Radinsky

Hailey & Ariel ‘99 Remer

Ariella & Matt Rosenblatt


Esther & Yitzy Frankel

Pamela & Moshe ‘87 Friedman

Betsy & Benjamin Garber

Michal & Reuven Garrett

Natalie ‘01 & Jonathan ‘99 Gerber

Awog Ggem

Sharon & Avida Giloh

Lisa & Kourosh Goel

Mojgan Rafaeloff & Wiseman Dawoody

Jasmine & Avraham Dayan

Miri ‘02 & Shlomo Dayan, S

Hamutal Sheetrit & Jonathan Dekel

Ellen & Shmuel Deker

Mark Deutsch

Nathan Donohoe

Jared Dubin

Monica & Craig Edelman

Cindy Ehrenkranz

Rachel & Shlomo Elspas

Stephanie & Rabbi Yitzchak

Etshalom, S

Meg & Peter Feitleberg

Pam Felcher, S

Jennifer ‘01 & Alex Feldman

Rivka & Tzvi Ferszt

Payam Firouztala

Daniel Fishman

Shterny & Tully Fishman, S

Samuel Goldberg

Sara & Rabbi Yonason Goldson

Avi Goldstein, S

Chavi & Baruch Gorman, S

Mike Gottesman

Lara & Hershel Goulson

Margot & Ezra Grabie

Miriam & Leland Green, S

Anne & Bruce Greenfield

Dena Lerner & Shimon Greenspan

Orly & Tomer Grimberg

Jamie & Gershie ‘08 Gruen

Ariella & Ben Hakakian, S

Mindy & Ron Hami

Heidi & Jacob Hartman

Evelyn & James Hartman

Naomi Hartman

Jonathan Hay

David Herrera

Shoshana & David Homami

Alanna ‘04

Apfel & Bruce Horowitz

Miriam & Rabbi Dov Rosenbluth, S

Melanie & Rafael Rosenkranz

Maria & Bahram Samouha

Sassoon Family Foundation

June & Joseph Schames

Rivka & Moshe Scheinfeld

Sheri & Arnold Schlesinger

Sherri & Robert Schreiber

Pegah & Ryan Seleh

Rachel Shandalov, S

Debra Fields & Jonathan Silberman, S

Tamar & Rabbi Arye Sufrin, S

Helen & Howard Szabo

Titan Restoration

Tony’s Service

Travis Junge Pool Service

Rachelle & Alan Tsarovsky

Sarah & Yitzchak Yasahrpour

Shirley Hyman

Cheryl Ibgui ‘84

Batsheva & Natanel Isaac

Aaron James

Daniella & Dan ‘99 Kahen

David Kahn ‘92

Elana & Moshe Katyal

Molly & Aaron ‘02 Katz

Michal & Yoni ‘99 Katzir

Noble Plumbing

Lisa Kirschenbaum ‘84

Nillie & Benjamin Kiss

Diane Kolatch

Steni & Michael Kram

Michal Krupnik

Michelle ‘11 & Daniel Lapson

Metuka Lawrence

Miranda Legaspi

Daphna ‘06 & Dovid ‘02 Levine

Jennifer & Jeremy Levine

Sabina & Joshua Levine

Chaya & Jack ‘17 Levkowitz

Robyn & Craig Lewis

Aviva & Richard Lewis

Esther Lifshitz

Jeanne Litvin

Lauren & David Lunzer

Mindy ‘03 & Ben Lyons

Sandra & Ari Mackler

Esther & Jack Maghen

Denise & Judd Magilnick

Eliana & Jeff Marcus

Rachel ‘99 & Daniel Margolies, S

David Martell

Shira & Rabbi Josh Maslow, S

Dalya & Motti Meisels

Darren Melamed

Anat & Yair Mergi

Alexandra & Dan Miller

Jason Mollis

Ruchama & Rabbi Elazar Muskin

Orly & Afshin Nassir

McKenzie Nelson, S

Marcia & David Nimmer

Shera & Robert Nusbaum

Keren & Jeremy Nussbaum

Daphne ‘86 & Jonathan Orenshein

Lauren & Daniel Packer

David Peskin

Katie & Yuval ‘10 Plattner

Precise Sign Co

David Pulitzer, S

Ruth Raviv

Esther & Daniel Rbibo

Deborah & Allen Remer

Rose Paving

Rachel & Rabbi Shua Rose, S

Yael & Rabbi Asher Rosen

Dana & Dovid Rosen

Suellen & A. J. Rosmarin

Leah & David Ross

Esther & Zalman Roth

Jennifer Ainhorn & Justin Roysman

Joshua Rub ‘13

Fay & Martin Rudoy

Basya & Rabbi Moshe Samuels

Stefanie ‘07 & Jeremy Sandel

Michael Scheer, S

Benjamin Schoen

Elisa & Alan Schoenfeld

Avigayil & Akiva ‘07 Schreiber

Barbara Schreiber

Lolly & Rabbi Shlomo Seidenfeld

Chaya & Daniel Serbin

Fay & Neal Shapiro

Xianna & Michael Shiffman

Bruria & Rabbi Yaakov Siegel, S

Naomi Silbermintz

Katherine & Brian Simon

Benjamin Sloves

Dana & Joey ‘00 Small

Smart Pest Solutions

Susan & Robert Smith

Marilyn & Jaime Sohacheski

Elianna & Shimon ‘98 Solomon, S

Jason Sorger

Nora & Behrouz Soroudi

Dina & Michael Spivak

Adam Sprung

Mindy & Brian Sroka, S

Marcia & Richard St. Laurent, S

Karen & Doron Stephen

Sara & Allan Sternberg

Roz & Steve Strauss

Naomi & Michael Teicher

Sara Teicher

Jordana & Rabbi Kalman Topp

Rebecca Radbod-Torbati & Arian Torbati

Steve Udell

Ephraim Vilenski

Kasinee Karnsomport & William Walton, S

Karen & Steve ‘83 Wasserman

Sara & Hillel Well

Devorah Lipkind & Justin Weprin

Rachael & Jonathan ‘85 Wernick

Jordana Wertheimer

Michelle & Alan Willner

Koren ‘03 & Aaron ‘02 Wizenfeld

Chris Worrell

Sarah & Giorgio Yashar, S

Sara & Farzad Yasharpour

Michael Yoon

Anousheh & Behnoush Zarrini

Zbra Studios

Ziva & Sharon Zeharya, S

Roberta & Morice Zelkha

Rivkah Afriat, S

Deana & Marshall Altman

Moran & Guy Amzaleg

Shelly & Bernard Baseri, S

Yoni Cagan

Marcos Cohen, S

Adrian Engel

Erica Engel

Sade Cooper & Jonathan Etra

Orit ‘04 & Nick Faguet, S

Batsheva & Yossie Frankel

Hanni & Oren Goldfarb

Jordana & Joshua Goodman

Simone & Paul Greenberg, S

Robin & Avrohom Greenspan

Bracha Halevy

Travis Hangen

Shira & Rabbi Gavriel Hershoff, S

Sharona & Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan, S

Candice Kelsey, S

Sharona ‘89 & Ramin Khorramian

Chanie & Rabbi Willy Kluger, S

Kian Kohanteb

Avi Kreitenberg ‘02

Ben Larson

Jared Lazzell

Menucha Belkin & Manasseh Levy

Yelena & Avraham Lichaa

Brenna Miller & Alex Mellott, S

Ella Mishulovin

Levi Mishulovin

Penina & Rabbi Eli Morell, S

Shira & Ari Neuman

Sara & Jonathan ‘96 Nissim

Alexandra Novak, S

Miriam & Ethan Piliavin, S

Diana Robinson, S

Sylvia Pormorady & Nader


Chaya & R’ Nachum Sauer, S

Sari & Doni ‘11 Schreiber

Ariel Schwartz

Judith Schwartz ‘89

Ariel Shadrooz

Sepideh & Mehrshad Shelyan

Shane Shoemaker

Stuart Smith

Maya Steinborn, S

Nana & Philip Streich, S

Jacqueline Turk

Lisa Utrata & Mark Irwin, S

Aaron Victor

Beverly & Howard Weitzman

Orly Zarur, S

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