Fantasies in the Nelmos's Valley This is the story of a magical world located after our time. The descendants and new lifestyle. Stories narrated by a Nelma. Among other features, the time is not stable. Every day is a discovery and a journey without end. Novel Written by Yuliet AlĂŠn Chicago IL
The strength of the family is the first step toward a strong community At all times the family begins with a married couple and the constant struggle to keep the respect and consideration of all sides in the unit
Chapter 1: The Magical beginning
nce upon a time, many years ago after the start in technological centuries and periods of social confusion, a wonderful and mystical planet was discovered.I'm talking about the year 2200, and sensitives, magical creatures, but isn’t exactly there where the story begins. The Nelmo’s Valley was sensational.Full of life and magic. An abundance of trees forming colorful vegetation outside that, what is dreamed. A soft and delicious freshness, bamboo and jungle essence, is the typical smell of that future world that in every adventure makes itself known. A mix of fantasy and technologies might accurately deďŹ ne the panoramic view of this place. Even using the power of words is beyond words.The buildings were located under trees. Conveyor tunnels leading up to the gorgeous mansions of the Nelmos. All materials created absolutely harmless to the environment. Extreme protection against threats of any sort and zero diseases.
After all so meticulously kept, probably you wonder, and how can these creatures have some adventure?, When such a perfect world may seem even boring.
n this chapter one you will notice that everything has its origins with the letters written by Afna Shemaní. She was a noble princess in Nelmo’s Valley and as many time travelers, had the ability to reach our years. All her letters were found by one archaeologist during his path on January 15, 2010. Each letter is astonishing and detailed about destiny. The origins. The first encounter with a human, the transformation into two new species. Everything well explained and shown. Is like a diary of adventures and experiences in order to avoid a disastrous end.
Letter 1: Human!
any years away from the world you are knowledgeable about, a powerful technology movement emerged. Then, there were wars, disagreements and the destruction of the habitat. The Earth began to suffer catastrophic atmospheric changes, with increasing frequency. The water was running every day without any options that would remedy. Nuclear effects aggravated the anger of black holes in the Space and Earth. Without drastic measures could be absorbed and you all on Earth will be erase of the Universe. Fortunately, with the union of scientists, technologists and artists was created a branch that led the reconstruction of the damage caused by years of neglect. The ozone hole discovered, weaking the planet, despite all the measures it wasn’t enough to stop the process of evolution that not everyone resisted. It was necessary to act quickly, Dimitry Hundrey was a young doctor, scientist and multifaceted creator that because of his accelerated IQ when he was just five years playing in his father’s laboratory made the first and famous reaction of an integrated bubble with control in actions movements and inteligence. His father, despite spent all his life devoted to science and technology, never had the ablility of create something successful.A bubble. What significance might have a bubble? All kids can blow bubbles, but this was a bubble made with elements, not with soap and water. This bubble took a uniform texture without color, without any human symptom, but hearing a voice, was heading rapidly towards such vibration. It was right in front of that child following his steps. That was nothing significant since back then great discoveries were reached. However Dimitry Hundrey began become a recognized genius, bringing next his father, huge help for Grand Union MTCA (Medicine, Technology, Science and Art). In 2103, with nine years, was an active member of MTCA, with a court and the approval of thereof because this child was key to the fate of Earth’s people. Following protocols, they had to admit that it was impossible to keep him away from that vision. He wasn’t born to be a child. His mission was to discover what was always and no one could ever see. A skilled scientist didn’t have the extent and knowledge as Dimitry Hundrey brought in his genes. A technologist who spent his life studying, researching theories and codes couldn’t create an invention with the speed and naturalness of that small child. His hand’s precisions to shape and beauty everything that he created with his short age was unique. He found cures for diseases that took centuries to be discovered.
y name is Afna Shemaní, princess in " Nelmo’s Valley " . We used to live free and happy, now we are hidden in our own world , because at any moment the space and time’s portal brings a new surprise. Dimétry Hundrey forgot that we were brothers . We gave him power and we never thought that were going to be used against us. Now our struggle and our cause is to survive. Keep our eternal heritage , our clean environment , our magical forest and the life of each of us. We born , we grow up, we have descendants and when we become 30 years old, aging stops. We have lived for over five centuries and since then we can spend every day making sure that everything runs smoothly . I have a beautiful family, my husband Adhay Shemaní and my little girl, Akira, Nono was a gift I received from Dimétry in the early years of our friendship. It is a robot created by him, then, with much love to give . Nono is part of our family , he take care of everyone and is very loyal .The Nelmos, we are well similar to humans physically, but our internal organs have amazing abilities of transformations and adaptations. We breathe underwater and we have embedded wings that give us the freedom of flying. We love to create potions and compounds. When any of our ancestors passes away is due to accidents or something more kind, because in our world there are not many causes of death. Poison or a powerful spell can turn away our loved ones from us, and now our biggest fear is the space and time’s portal.
Good Luck, Love and Happiness