About Me My name is Yunke Xiao, I’m 21 years old and I come from Beijing, China. I’m a design student, a business student, a fan of hand-drawing and handcrafting, a fingerstyle guitar performer. Before studying in USA, I used to study in School of Internatioinal Business of SWUFE. While studing business, I discovered the gift and passion which I have in the field of design when runing a student startup and a music club. Then I decided to switch major at the end of my sophomore year, and I did be accepted by School of Visual Arts and became a full-time sophomore student in 2015. By far I’m still learning and exploring in the field of design. In this portfolio I’ll show my interests in different fields of deisgn. I’m now focusing on graphic design, branding and VI design would be the next direction of my exploration in the next semester.
Design Capabilities
Business Capabilities
Learning Capabilities
I have my own design theory and I understand the importance of each process of design. By the same time, I play my sketch book efficiently and can handle simple models, command of several design softwares such as Photoshop, Illustrator and Indesign. I can also edit simple films, do special effects and simple 3D modeling.
When I was in SWUFE,I joined and managed a student startup and one of the biggest music club in school.
As a designer, the capacity of learing is one of he most important ablility. One designer should learn from everything in his or her daily life with an open mind. With learning capabilities, designers can keep pace with the times and keep exploring and innovating.
After I entered SVA, with the great helps from my professors, both my design capability and aesthesic ability have made great progresses under the guidance of the professional. Two years of life in NYC also provided me an oppertunity to get more inspirations by visit famous local galleries and museums.
I worked as vice manager in the design department and after then I worked as manager in the sales department in the startup, which gave me an oppertunity to lead a creative team and a sales team. At the same time, I worked as vice minister of the public relations department in the music club, assumed the obligation of in-house training and external negotiation. The training made me a patient and careful person, the external tasks offered me a chance to be familiar with the process of business negotiation before I step into the workplace.
I love reading. The various design books I've read have influenced my design theory a lot. By far, I'm continuously improving my design system, I'm looking forward to wirte down my theories inthe future and finish my own design book. I love my life and I'm interested in the other deisgn forms beyond the field of my precision, I always love to try new things.
关于我 我叫肖云柯,21岁,来自中国北京。我是设计学院学生,商学院 学生,手工和手绘爱好者以及指弹吉他爱好者。 留学美国前,我曾就读于西南财经大学国际商学院。在学习商科 的同时,我参与了校内创业公司的经营以及学生社团的运作,并 由此发现自己拥有在设计方面的天赋与对其的热情,遂在大二 学年末决定转换专业,并于2015年考入纽约视觉艺术学院设计 系,跳级并成为全日制大二在读学生。 目前我在设计领域中仍处于学习和发现阶段,因此作品集会展示 出我对不同设计领域的涉猎。目前我所精专的领域是平面设计, 品牌设计和企业VI设计将是我下一学期的主要探索方向。
拥有自己的设计理念,懂得设计流程的 意义。同时拥有快速高效的草图绘图能 力和制作简单模型能力,能够熟练使用 Photoshop/ Illustrator/ Indesign等设 计软件。可以制作简单的视频剪辑、特 效,以及简单的3D建模。
在西南财经大学学习期间,我参与管理 了校内学生创业公司以及学生社团。
我认为学习能力是设计师最为重要的能 力,一个设计师应当心怀谦卑地将身边 的一切作为学习的对象。是否拥有学习 能力将决定设计师是否能与时俱进,并 不断开拓创新。
进入纽约视觉艺术学院后,在学校教授 专业的指导下,我的设计能力和审美能 力都获得了很大的提升。 在纽约两年的生活也让我有更多的机会 去参观当地知名的画廊和博物馆,让我 积累到了更多的灵感素材。
我先后在学生设计公司担任市场推广部 副经理和业务部经理,拥有创意团队和 销售团队的带队经验。同时,在学生社 团内我担任学术外联部副部长,承担对 社团内部成员的培训及对校外商家的外 联任务。社团培训训练了我的耐心以及 细心,外联事务则给了我在尚未步入职 场时熟悉商业谈判流程的机会。 在学生公司和社团的工作经历培养了我 的责任意识、组织能力和抗压能力。
我热爱读书,我所读过的各种设计书籍 对我目前的设计理念也有很大的影响。 目前我还在整理并不断完善自己的设计 体系,我期待未来的某一天我也能将自 己的设计理念整理出书。 我热爱生活,对精专领域外的其他设 计形式也有很大兴趣,并乐于尝试新 鲜事物。
Contents 1. Branding Acoustic Cabin The Warm Mug IEGOT
2. Visual Design Series Greeting Cards: Power Poster Design: B Posters Design: Caslon Visual Literacy: Visual Diary Visual Literacy: Sound Problem
3. Typeface & Typography Tech Sans IEGOT David Bowie
4. Advertising MTA HireHeroes Oneway
5. Handcraft Product Design Concrete Light Set: Grit Handmade Paper Lamp: Starlight Plaster Lamp: Josef's Arm Paper Lamp: The Book Lamp Wood Capo: Crude
6. Sculpture The Mask: No.1 The Mask: No.2 The Cracks September
目录 一 . 品牌设计 原声木屋 温暖马克杯 易构视讯
二 . 视觉设计 系列贺卡 : 能源 海报:B 系列海报:Caslon 视觉素养:视觉日记 视觉素养:声音问题
三 . 字体设计与排版设计 易构科技衬线体 大卫·鲍威
四 . 广告 大都会运输署 美国雇佣英雄组织 万向通汇
五 . 手工产品设计 手工水泥灯组 : 砂砾 手工造纸灯具 : 星光 手工石膏灯具 : 乔瑟夫之臂 手工纸质灯具 : 书灯 手工变调夹 : 原木
六 . 雕塑 面具 1 号 面具 2 号 裂痕 九月
品牌设计 Branding
Acoustic Cabin Acoustic Cabin is a made up guitar store located in Soho, NYC. It sells hand-made guitars and ukuleles. The logo was designed in badge logo style, which was chosen from fifty sketches. The final logo is made of five guitar heads that together make the shape of a wood cabin. The high contrast black and white color palette gives the branding a sharp look.
原声木屋 民谣木屋是一家虚构的原声吉他商店,坐 落于纽约市 Soho 区,专售手工制作的吉 他以及尤克里里。木屋的 logo 以徽章形 式 logo 设计,从最初的 50 个设计草稿中 不断甄选,并最终得到了由五把吉他的琴 头组成的木屋形状 LOGO。高对比度的黑 白配色方案则给与了该品牌醒目而锐利的 视觉效果。
The Warm Mug The Warm Mug is a small café located in Queens. I used hands as visual elements to indicate the warmness of the mug. The hands, the coffee mug and the words make up the whole logo. The color palette is taken from coffee and craft paper.
温暖马克杯 温暖马克杯是一家坐落于纽约皇后区的小型咖 啡店。在最终的设计中,我将“手”作为设计 元素,结合马克杯以突出温暖的感觉。在整个 品牌的设计中,手的元素也贯穿始终,并成为 该咖啡店的包装特色。手、马克杯以及店面名 字共同构成了整个 LOGO。品牌配色则取自 于咖啡以及手工牛皮纸。
VI Deisgn for IEGOT IEGOT.Co.,which is a company dedicate to intelligent building design, wireless transmission, intelligent transportation, home automation and etc. The new company logo's main shape was transformed from two piece of 5.8G wireless transmission antenna, the line in the middle represent the connected network. The logo shows that people can build up the network by using only two piece of antenna, it accorded with the core idea of the company's name. After continuing transformed without changing the design concept, the senses of technology have been strenthened . At the same time, the new VI's white and blue color palette gave the company the feeling of freshness.
易构视讯企业 VI 设计 易构视讯网络科技 ( 北京 ) 有限公司,立足于建筑智能化设计、无线传输、智能交通、 智能家居等领域。 企业新 LOGO 的主体图形为两块横向相对的 5.8G 无线传输天线的变形,中间的一 横代表连通的网路。图形寓意仅仅通过两块传输天线完成网路的建立,符合公司名字 的核心理念。之后经过不断地变形,在保持设计理念不变的同时增强了整体的科技感。 企业新 VI 的蓝白配色则给予了公司新鲜感。
视觉设计 Visual Design
Series Greeting Cards: Power 系列贺卡:能量
Poster: B 海报:B
Posters Design: Caslon 系列海报:Caslon
Visual Literacy: Visual Diary 视觉素养:视觉日记
Visual Literacy: Sound Problem 视觉素养:声音问题
字体设计与排版设计 Typeface Design & Typography Design
Tech Sans IEGOT Tech Sans IEGOT is a sans-serif typeface which was designed by IEGOT Network Technology Corporation. as its official English typeface. The shapes of the typeface designs are based on the logo design for IEGOT Corporation. The round and sharp corners are based on grids and geometric shapes. Each letter is structured in a rectangle so that it could be better coordinate with the Chinese letters.
易购科技无衬线体 易购科技无衬线体是一款作为易构视讯公司官方英文字体的无衬 线字体。字体形状的设计参考了公司标识的设计。圆角和尖角的 设计则以网格及几何图形为基准。每个字母的结构都限定在一个 个矩形内,用于更好地和中文字体配合使用。
David Bowie These six pages are designed for David Bowie article for Flash Art magazine. We were asked to arrange the article in six pages and make the editorial design look as if it is a part of the magazine.
大卫·鲍威 这六页排版是为 Flash Art 杂志的大卫·鲍威专题所设计的。我 们被要求将该专题设计在六页页面内,并使版式设计看起来就像 是原杂志的一部分一样。
广告 Advertising
MTA TRUE NY (a made up not for profit organization) and MTA have partnered to promote NYC tourism. The goal of this campaign is to let people, who already live in NYC, know about the great places to visit. The best way to get there is the MTA. The given title is “NYC: There’s So Much More”. We were asked to focus on some less known places in NYC. There’s so much more to NYC than the famous tourist sites.
大都会运输署 真实纽约(一个虚构的非营利组织)和大都会运输署联合推动纽约 旅游业发展。这则广告的目标是让已经在纽约居住的人们了解到城 市中的好去处, 而最佳的室内旅行途径就是乘坐大都会运输署提供 的交通服务。广告已给定的标题是“纽约:这里有更多精彩”。我 们被要求专注于那些在纽约并不十分出名的地方。对纽约而言,这 里总有比旅游名胜更多的精彩 !
Insert this way / This side facing you
I focused on ethnic neighborhoods in NYC. Ethnic neighborhhods are relatively independent from the other places. Each neighborhoods has its unique culture. Walking in these places make people feel like traveling abroad. Imagine how exciteing would it be if you can experience Chinese, Korean, Italian or some other foreign cultures in just one city!
我选择将注意力集中在纽约的少数种族聚集区。少数种族聚集区 相对其他地域相对独立。每一个聚集区域都有其独特的文化。在 这些地方漫步常常会给人一种在异国旅行的感觉。试想一下,仅 仅在一座城市中就能体验到中国、韩国、意大利或其他异国文化 将是多么令人兴奋!
Hire Heroes USA This advertisement campaign was designed for Hire Heroes USA. The goal of Hire Heroes USA is to transform military service into civilian success. A team of former military and business professionals effectively train veterans in the skills of selfmarketing, then support their career search until they find satisfying works in great companies. The goal of the advertisement campaign is to let more people know about the services offered by Hire Heroes USA.
美国雇用英雄组织 这一广告是为美国雇用英雄组织设计的。美国雇用英雄组织的目标是成功 地为军人向普通市民的转变服务。一队由退伍军人和商业专家们组成的团 队将培训退伍军人的“自我推销”能力,而后在他们的职业生涯中帮助他 们在优秀的公司和企业中找到满意的工作。这则广告的目标是让更多人了 解美国雇用英雄组织提供的服务。
OneWay Beijing Oneway Investment Ltd. is a foreign currency investment company. My middle school classmate who takes his internship at Oneway decided to open a new path and bring Oneway’s foreign exchange business into Beijing colleges’ campuses, raising both the base number of students and acceptance rates while reduce recruitment costs, which can let Oneway take the first chance to win the market in Beijing’s campuses. The graphic deisgn for the Ad campaign on the right page is the cover of the poster foldout. The idea was fishing: an one US dollar bill origami and an onehundred yaun bill origami constitute the scene of fishing, meet the topic of the free campus lecture: It is always better to teach a person who are hungry to fish than to give him some fish. At the same time, it also shows the high mercantile rate of return in foreign exchange investment industry, and in one interesting way. After the propaganda, more than forty new students from campus has increased in the foreign exchange training course, which reached the standards of performance in the human resource department. However, the cost is only 60% compared to the cost from the HR department. By far, this campus campaign is still in implementation.
万向通汇 北京万向通汇投资有限公司是一家外汇投资公司。我实习于万向通汇 的初中同学决定另辟蹊径,将万向通汇的外汇业务引入北京的大学校 园,在减少招聘成本的同时提高学员招收基数和招收率,使万向通汇 投资有限公司在校园里占得商业战略先机。 页面右侧的广告平面展现是公司宣传折页的封面,其灵感来源于钓鱼, 一张由 1 美元纸币折纸和一张 100 元人民币折纸构成了一副钓鱼的 画面,契合万向通汇校园行免费知识讲座主题“授人以鱼不如授人以 渔”,同时也以相对有趣的形式向学生展现出外汇投资行业高回报率 的特点。 校园宣传施行后,公司外汇培训班学员人数在一周内上涨了约 40 人, 达到了公司人力资源部每周的招生标准,而成本仅为人力资源部花费 的 60%。目前该校园项目仍在实施中。
手工产品设计 Hand Craft Design
Concrete Light Set: Grit 手工水泥灯组:砂砾
Handmade Paper Lamp: Starlight 手工造纸灯具:星光
Plaster Lamp: Josef's Arm 手工石膏灯具:乔瑟夫之臂
Paper Lamp: The Book Lamp 手工纸质灯具:书灯
Wood Capo: Crude 手工变调夹:原木
6 雕塑 Sculpture
The Mask: No.1 面具 1 号
The Mask: No.2 面具 2 号
The Cracks 裂痕
September 九月