The Wild West - Made of / Made for / The Saxon genitive

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t s e W d l i W The e h T / r o f e d a M / f o e Mad e v t i n e g n o Sax Teacher Yuraimig Rivero 6th grade A

Let`s remember this class at school.

Now, go to page 59 in your book please. Listen, repeat and complete the sentences about you.

We use MADE OF to talk about the material, things are made of; such as, Wood, metal and so on. We use MADE FOR to talk about the purpose or function of any thing or Ă­tem.

Very good job. Now, go to page 60 please.

Listen to the song and write the missing words. Listen and

Let`s listen and say the dialogue. Pretend you are 2 different people with different voices.

Why don`t we practce a Little more? ☺ For example, It is a…..It is made of….and it is made for.

Let`s take a break! See you in the next session!

These are my power point slides or These are the teacher`s PPT slides. No difference in meaning! Look at the sheriff. His badge is made of silver. The sheriff`s badges is made of silver. The Saxon Genitve substtutes the word ‘of’ to show possession. It’s used mainly to refer to things owned by people, but it can also be used with animals, organizatons and even some tme expressions. To create the saxon genitve we add ‘s to a name. For example: This is John’s car. = This is the car of John.

Now, listen and say the sentences.

To practce a little more, do the following exercise please.

Now, go in your workbook to page 58. Let`s do it together please.

You`ve doing everything very well. I`m really ☺, and now let`s do a little more on page 59. Step by step ☺ Please, any queston, just let me know. ☺

That`s all for today my Little kids! See you again very soon!

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