DESIGN PORTFOLIO YURONG PENG “I certify that the work included in this portfolio is my own original work. Work included which was conducted as a part of a team or other group is indicated and attributed as such the other team members are named and a true description of my role in the project is included.”
Precedent Study Tectonic Order “Finnish Pavilion” “The concept behind the project, as Aalto once said, is something in between a Sámi tent, the transportable Altar of private Swejk and the Chapel Pazzi.” Reading the tectonic order of this building, the structure truly embraces the nature of a tent. The tension trusses on top act like ties for the tent poles. The prefabricated panels feel like the skin that wrap around the beautiful structures. The slot on the ground enables the building sits firmly as if without it, the building will float away. As building expands, the logic of truss system follows and aligns with the order of panel structure. The unity and purity of its tectonic order is implemented to the peak. In this project, the intention is not to build a model exact alike to the actual Finnish Pavilion, instead the goal is to express the abstract intangible forces with drama and mood. (I teamed with two other members. My role was to research and make the truss system and paper panels, also helped pouring the plaster)
The transparency of paper embodies the lightness of module panels, and the heaviness of plaster shows the mass of ground. Thus, the tension and compression between structural forces is expressed by the contrast between lightness and heavyness as a whole. The exterior triangular trusses are not shown due to its simple graphite expression.
Study Abroad “From Mattatorio to Food Expo� In the district of Testaccio, Rome, a historical slaughterhouse called Mattatoio is being transformed and renovated into a master plan for the Food Expo. Sharing and recreating the space with other young architects, we all select one food that respond to the sophiscated site and the welcoming food culture of Italy in respect of its universal impact. What intrigued me the most about food is the memory that embedded within each experience. In many culture, this wrapping nature of making food has its vital influence. The humbleness and hospitality of integrating many ingredients create rich flavors and texture. In this project, the food I choose is the Chinese Crepe, which is very similar to French Crepe and Mexican Tortilla. Architecturally, by keeping the order of remaining infrastructures inside whiling expanding the structural columns by replacing with a different material, wood makes the environment and mood of the space more harmonious and humble.
Additionally, another screen like light canvas roll through beams within each bay further enhance the rhythm of the existing slaughterhouse. The dynamic movement of wrapping gesture also corresponds with the logic of making crepe. Spatially, the space is designed to be open and connected enabling people to gather and rest. You can buy and enjoy delicious crepe from professional chefs or you can make your own by their sides. This space is aimed to bring back memories about crepe, friendship, childhood and family.
Wrapping & Rhythme
Taking from the same perspective, the space is transformed to be lighter and more open by removing existing roof panels with rolling canvas. Intimacy is triggered by expansion and compression.
Body Architecture “Wind of Desire” Jacques Lacan’s essay The Mirror Stage discusses the formation of the ‘I’ in the human psyche. From the primordial form of the Ideal-I during the early mirror stage, to the formation of coming-into-being or gestalt driven by desires, the formation of the ‘I’ is a process of heteromorphic identification driven by alienation. The mirror stage points the development of the ego in a “fictional direction”, in other words, to the fictional “I” who will play the protagonist in the subject’s life story, forming a link between the subject’s psyche and the world outside.
The inevitable desire of searching, the ongoing struggling against the unconscious desire of an alienating identity expresses itself in the playing out of a relationship.
As Freud has said “every sexual act as a process involving four individuals”, your seek for your identification through your idealization of your partner. Your projection of him or her discloses ‘who you are’ and what you desire.
Median: Canon EOS-5D3 24-70mm “Dusk till Dawn”
Median: Canon EOS-5D3 24-70mm “Horizon”
Median: Blue Ball Pen Travel Journal of trips in Italy
Median: Watercolor Brion Tomb and Sanctuary by Carlo Scarpa
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