November newsletter

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THE KRAKEN Volume 4, Issue 8

TABLE OF CONTENTS : Letter from your Lt.G - 01 Officer reports - 02 PNW | D33 - 03 Division 33 schools - 05 Charities - 09 Kiwanis Family - 11 District Board - 12 District Exec Board - 14 District Snapchat - 16 Division 33 Exec Board - 17 Seattle Area DTC - 19 Tacoma Area STC - 20 Running for Higher Office - 21 Division 33 Membership Goal! - 22 Kiwanis-Family November Update - 23

LETTER FROM YOUR LT.G Hello everyone! I hope everyone is having a great start to November! With all the leaves changing colors and the weather getting colder, it is time for service projects! Currently I am working with several people to have a few service events throughout this month and December. Our main focus this month will be giving back to our communities, since it is Thanksgiving it is a perfect way to express our gratitudes to the ones who need/deserve it most! As the new year approaches, DCON approaches as well, make sure to keep in mind the costs of the event. Do a lot of fundraisers to help your members attend! Wit that in mind, the position of being a Lieutenant Governor will also be announced at the November DCM, please encourage passionate members to run! I will be get more into detail as the date comes closer. In the meanwhile, enjoy your weekends! In love and service, Yuri Yi Lieutenant Governor of Division 33


Due every 5th of the month!!!! -

Fill out the Google form report (email me if you do not have one saved, I will send you one)

Vice Presidents

Due every 3rd of the month!!!!!! -

Email your LT.G and the Divisional Editor with two pictures from the previous month with captions


Pictures can be from DCMs, club meetings, etc

Bulletin Editors

Due every 7th of the month!!! Fill out the secretary report that can be found on the PNW Secretary Facebook. If you cannot find it I will send you a link!



President : Taylor Huss Co Vice President : Marissa Salas Co Vice President : Lauren Blow Secretary/Treasurer : Najma Abdi Editor : Andrew Ho

Auburn President :Issac Harris Co Vice president : Mady Shirley Secretary : Wendy Mordo Treasurer : Genevieve Tipton Editor : N/A

Auburn Mountainview President : Hailey Blum Vice president : Cheyenne Gaines Secretary : Brooklyn McCall Treasurer : Aliyah Horne Editor : Kaylee Dickson

Auburn Riverside

Decatur Thomas Todd Beamer Jefferson Federal Way


President : Andy Ros Co Vice president : Christian Diangco Co Vice president : Andrew Secretary : Vy Nguyen Treasurer : Jamie Jang Editor : Lianna Potac

President : Kyoko Hall Vice president : Jasmine Choe Secretary : Ellen Kwon Treasurer : Elizabeth Park Editor : Hannah Kim President : Vivian Nguyen Vice president : Alyssa Tran Secretary : Tiffany Xayavong Treasurer : Hannah Lalaine Santiago Editor : Cathy Tran President : Jacob Rivera Vice president : Yubin Yi Secretary : Justin Kwon Treasurer : Haeah Jang Editor : Hannah Kim


AYS : Andrew Lear 9 : Cody Hawley 13/15/17 : Lily Du 18 : Sophie Choi 19/36 : Maileca Gontinas 21i : Michael Lym 20m : Kevin Bui

21 : Andrew Baek 22/24 : Ryan Sun 26 : Nhu Nguyen 27 : Abbey Kim 28 : Heliqiong Sun 30 : Crystal Choi 32 : Tera Chea 33 : Yuri Yi

34 : Kevin Tran 35 : Casey Braaten 38 : Ingrid Redford 42c : Nicolas Schaelling 42v : Alina Miroorodskava 44 : Ishu Poudyal 45 : Jinhee Kwak


48 : Ryan Sorensson 50 : Phebe Mendez 52 : Aryana Villafuerte 54 : Mackenzie Dotta 56 : Jane Tang 58 : Mikena Loutherback 62 : Erica Lu 64 : Ava EuckeR

65e : Julia Dayton 65w : Deepak Vijay 66 : Reanna Le 70 : Brandon Orick 74 : Maisey Schering 80 : Yulisa Cardenas 82 : Molly Bloom

District Executive Board District Governor Email: Phone: (509) 715-7475

Dmitri Saberi

District Secretary Email : Phone : 253-347-6676

Ashley Villanueva

Contact Information District Treasurer Email : Phone: (503) 954-5855

Brian Nguyen

District Editor Email : Phone : (425) 221-7269

Kaho Otake

PNW District Division 33

Thank-you for reading! Instagram : @d33pnwkeyclub Facebook : Division 33 of the Pacific Northwest District

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