Hard Work Is The Key To Success digitalbloggers.com /business/hard-work-is-the-key-to-success Nov 30, 2017 - 11:44 92 views Written by Sergei VanBellinghen
Author Sergei VanBellinghen
Articles written: 192 Joined: 23 September 2016 Niche: Internet and Businesses Online Reference and Education Self Improvement
Most people often do not know that hard work is the key to success. They come to believe that luck strikes down on a person and creates an overnight sensation. Furthermore, they have no idea on how much effort it takes to be successful until they try on their own. But, how hard must we work?
Let me start by asking you how much are you willing to sacrifice? Do you understand what hard work means? And how long do you have to grind before you can reach some success? No one comes across success by just hoping for it. The key to success is to have the right mindset, the body to overcome constant struggles and work harder than anyone to reach your full potential. You also need the selfdiscipline and the capacity to put your goals before your own needs, and that is hard for most people. 1/4
Yes, some individuals have talent, but one should never sit on a sofa and expect a great result. If you have skills, it does not mean you can just show up and be the star. Hard work always beats talent when talent fails to give enough efforts. When you want to succeed, hard work is more important than talent as talent will only carry you so far.
“Hard work does not necessarily guarantee success, but no success is possible without hard work.” – Dr. T.P.Chia
Hard Work Beats Talent If you have the desire or idea to become a successful person, it is a great thing that you have decided to do. But are you ready for it? Success takes a lot of willpower to accomplish. As you maybe know, most people who do try give up, mostly, after only failing once or twice. Becoming successful or being an entrepreneur is not going to be easy, it is going to be hard as hell. It will take you on a very long journey, but this is your life, and you are the creator of this one life. But again, the one who is hungrier to reach the top will always get there before the talented guy. Maybe not immediately, but in the end, the hungry still succeeds because eventually hard work, heart, courage, and persistence wins. The one who is more dedicated to reaching the top will thrive. Think about it for a second. How can you get to someone who will do whatever it takes? You can’t. Hard work always beats talent. Often, talent can make you think you do not need to work hard as the other person. That is a big mistake because somebody is always hungrier than you and your skills drive him to push harder.
From Hard Work to Success And yes, if you desire success, no one is going to tell you when to wake up, go to bed, read this book or work on your business, only you can. And that is why I believe it to be the toughest job out there. You call the shots, put in the hard work and make your moves, whether they are right or wrong. You might even ask yourself “But what about the rewards?” They will come with time, through much persistence and dedication over all the obstacles and failures you will encounter. Most people, friends, and relatives will never see or believe in what you are doing, but remember: it is your life. So, I have one question for you: Are you ready to put in the hard work and sacrifice it all? If I ask, it is because people see only the tip of the iceberg, not knowing what is under the surface such as the sacrifices, disappointments, endless hours, persistence, consistency, late nights, and early mornings. As well as the loss of friends, the fact of being misunderstood, feeling overwhelmed, then questioning your sanity, and finding out that you are your own cheerleader. Talent is not enough!
Success is to Go 'All in' By wanting to be a successful person, many aspects of your life do and will change forever. Below here are most sacrifices one makes, through hard work to achieve success. It is also what any true entrepreneur does to be successful and what you should be ready for. Visualize, plan, work hard while others rest or party. Believe in yourself when no one else does and go for your dreams by being ‘all in.’ Be ready to sacrifice all of your weekends and work day in and day out for 15–16 hours. 2/4
Be persistent, dedicated and self-disciplined. Nearly go broke, more than once. Get outside the box by going beyond your comfort zone. Work endless hours. Act in spite of fear. Be consistent at all time, even when you do not feel like it. Risk it all for a dream that nobody understands but you. Embrace the unknown. Deal with failure and keep going, doing the hard work no matter what. Lose the ego to get back up again. Have a passion and unbreakable vision to reach success. Read and learn every day. Never stop educating yourself via courses, seminars, and mentors. Learn and focus on mastering your craft.
Hard Work is a Winning Mentality You may be so scared of failing that you literally won’t sleep in the early stages of making your idea into a reality. But success is to be willing to do a lot of hard work. While your head is filled with wealth, freedom and travels, the truth of the matter is that you work even harder than when you are an employee, at least for the first three to five years. To be a success, you need to have a winning mentality and work your butt off. But if you are committed to your goal, patient and passionate about it, you will be rewarded a hundredfold. Yet, you should know some of the struggles you will go through to achieve success.
Struggles of Hard Work and Success You will lose friends and relatives who believe you won’t make it. You will feel pain and discomfort. You will cry before you reach success. You will almost talk yourself out of it hundreds of times. You will doubt yourself thousands of times. You will think you are going crazy. You will change and develop different habits. You will lose money. You will make mistakes. You will fail again and again before you ever succeed. Some people will hate you for no apparent reason. You should know that those who succeed are those who put in the hard work, and persevere after everyone else says “I can’t” or “Enough is enough.” But guess what? It is never too late for you to start your success and story. Do not let anything stop you from writing the rest of it. I know hard work is the key, but if you are hungry for success, you will make it. 3/4
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Sergei VanBellinghen, Founder & CEO of First-Class Lifestyle, currently a Personal Growth & Success Expert, using selfdevelopment techniques to help you succeed and have a better life. Visit my website at sergeivanbellinghen.com