How to deal with stress in life

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How To Deal With Stress In Life /business/how-to-deal-with-stress-in-life Aug 10, 2017 47 views Written by Sergei VanBellinghen

Author Sergei VanBellinghen

Articles written: 161 Joined: 23 September 2016 Niche: Internet and Businesses Online Reference and Education Self Improvement

Since our world is filled with it, learning to deal with stress in life is quite a necessary asset. From natural tragedies to challenging people, you are faced with it each day. What you are stressing about is here today but may be gone tomorrow. And a year from now, it might no longer matter, so why bother?

Do you ask yourself how much attention you give stress every day? Are you always thinking you just have a million things going on right now? Do you blame your stress on outside events or other people? When is the last time you 1/5

took a break and relaxed? Stress is an inevitable part of everyday life. So, until you admit to being responsible for the role you play, you will not be able to control your level of stress. It is when you begin to learn how to deal with stress properly that it can go a long way. If you do not pay attention, worrying too much or working too hard can lead to exhaustion. Finances, work, relatives and unknown circumstances all create stress. You can also take into account larger issues on the news like political affairs, violence, terrorism, drama and other negativity which contribute to building even more stress. Wherever you look, it seems like there is nothing you can do to prevent stress. True, but living a better and more stress-free life is possible and conceivable. It takes some work on your part, but if you approach it the right way, it won’t rule your life as much. Of course, the bills will keep coming. There will always be only twenty-four hours in a day. And your job, as well as your responsibilities, will still be there. What I am trying to say though is that you might get a lot more control over your life if you learn how to cope with stress. You are stronger than you might think.

The Importance of Dealing with Stress in Life Coping with stress is quite important as it deals with taking responsibility for your reactions, emotions, lifestyle, thoughts, feelings and the way you manage circumstances. You should know that there are always methods you can use to get rid of the pressure, no matter how stressful your life may seem. Know that any stress level restricts your capacity to think in a clear way, function efficiently, and even enjoy life the way you should. So, if you have high levels of stress in your life, you are putting your whole health in danger. Therefore, you need to learn stress management strategies to get rid of the hold it has in your life. Even if easier said than done, your final and definitive goal has to be a more balanced life, with time separation between work, recreation, relations, social gatherings and fun times. Managing stress is not an easy task at times. But what is important is to try and experiment to find out what works best for you because we are all coping differently with pressure. Yes, life can be very stressful! Often, stress has a variety of sources, and it is important to identify the reasons.

The Wrong Ways to Cope with Pressure Make sure to not overlook your reactions, feelings, thoughts, habits, and behaviors as they contribute to your daily stress because it is an easy thing to do. Of course, you may be frequently worried about bills to pay, deadlines at work, or someone you care about who is sick. But it does not mean that you have to over-stress these matters because it will cause you to be unhealthy. There are some harmful habits to deal with stress that most people use as a substitute, such as: Smoking each time a situation arises. Drinking more than needed. Eat junk food to feel better. Taking out stress on others at work, at home or in life. Consuming pills or drugs to be more relaxed. Playing video games to avoid reality. 2/5

Staying away from friends, relatives, activities or fun. Postponing or procrastinating on a task at hand. Spending too much time looking at a phone. Avoiding the need to face problems. Hiding away under the covers and sleeping too much. Some stressful moments in life are also some of your ordinary and expectable habits. They would be routines such as your daily commuting to work, social gatherings, a meeting or a consultation with someone. Stress is often an involuntary response from your nervous system, but there are times when you can change the ways you react or adjust to the situation you are in.

The First Ways to Relieve Stress First of all, to deal with stress, you have to recognize what are the positive things in your life. Then realize that not all is as bad as you may think so that you can bring back some balance in your situation. Stop looking for only the bad things that happened, but reflect on the good as well. In second, you have to say positive things to yourself as soon as you open or close your eyes each day. It will keep you focused on positive thinking. Give thanks for every day that you have because you never know if it could be your last. In third, visualize positive things happening to you. It will help you get centered again. You can think about your success, or how to be a successful person. To manage stress, know that you deserve to be as happy as anyone else out there. Finally, start counting your blessings by realizing even the simplest things that you have and enjoy them. You should recognize that not everyone has things such as a roof over their head, a bed to sleep in, water, food, warmth, health, clothing, friends or even relatives.

The Methods to a Healthier Balance There are great things you can do to achieve a healthier work-life balance. You can set aside leisure time which includes rest, meditation or relaxation in your day-to-day agenda. Remember that it is your time to take a breather from all responsibilities you have and recharge your batteries. When dealing with stress, try to keep your sense of humor which consists of the capacity to laugh at yourself. You won’t believe in how many ways the act of laughing can help your body fight stress. Find some healthy techniques to relax and rejuvenate. Regrettably, when you do not manage your time, it can cause a lot of stress. When time is running out, and you are behind on schedule, it becomes hard to stay positive, calm and focused. You have to keep your stress in check and get enough sleep. Below are further tips to deal with stress and lessen its damage. You can even learn how to use your stress to make you more resilient.

Tips to Manage and Deal with Stress Stop worrying about the things you cannot change and accept them as they are. Exercise 30 minutes to relieve stress. 3/5

Know your limits and stick to them. Trying to handle more than you can take is a recipe for stress. Spend quality time with someone who makes you feel safe and understood. Avoid people who stress you out. Turn off the TV if the news or other makes you anxious. Consider relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation, and deep breathing. Drop tasks that are not necessary if you feel like you have too much on your plate. Express your feelings instead of bottling them up. Create a balanced schedule. All work and no play is a recipe for burnout. Change your expectations and attitude to cope with stress. Look at the big picture by trying to view stressful circumstances from a more positive standpoint. Reflect on all the things you appreciate in your life, including your positive qualities and gifts. Focus on the things you can control such as the way you choose to react to difficulties. Try to look at significant challenges as opportunities for personal growth. Accept the fact that we live in an imperfect world and that people make mistakes. Let go of anger and resentments if you want to deal with stress. One more thing you can do to eliminate the stress from your life is to ask what you can learn from this experience. Or what it is trying to teach you. Get as much information so that in the future, you can avoid this kind of strain. When you look at any circumstances in life and examine the lesson in your most challenging experiences, you always learn something. The ways to free yourself and deal with stress are numerous, but you have to decide on healthy ones. You have only one life! Related articles How To Increase Self-Discipline How To Overcome Being Unmotivated And Uninspired Being Alone And Lonely Are Two Different Things Your Thoughts Determine Your Life

Sergei VanBellinghen, Founder & CEO of First-Class Lifestyle, currently a Self-Improvement & Success Expert Consultant, using selfdevelopment techniques to help you succeed and have a better life. Visit my website at



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